Politics and Religion

The board dedicates the following to "Dr" Jeffy-pooteeth_smile
Priapus53 3020 reads


Great call on  Akin  Prissypisspussy.  And you're  really getting into the weeds on  issues.  Good girl.

You don't speak for everyone on this board, so just say your piece and own it yourself! I know it doesn't sound as substantive that way, but at least it's more honest!

GaGambler195 reads

He doesn't have the balls to say what he thinks in person, but get a keyboard in front of him and all of a sudden he grows great big fucking balls.

No alias, no hiding behind "the board" just a flat out calling out "JeffyPoo as a liar and a coward"

Is that plain enough for you Mattgina? I own every word I say on this board, or in person, I'll say it on the board, or I'll say it face to face, unlike a certain internet tough guy who only has "big balls" from behind the safety of a keyboard.

JeffyPoo doesn't even have the courage to call me a liar outright, even from the safety of his keyboard. instead he chooses to use terms like "work of fiction" or "if he is what he claims". At least when I call someone out as a liar, I leave no doubt as to what I am accusing them of. I guess even from behind a keyboard, JeffyPoo has no balls

and just for the record Mattyboy, I am speaking strictly for myself, I don't need a soul to back me up. I am willing to bet however that many on this board will agree with me, but I don't pretend to speak for them, only myself.

issues. You've lost it, as you have for years. I'm  getting PMs on you from people I never heard of.

They say you're a "sick fuck" their words and they're right.  You've soaked this board in your Borderline pathology sitting here all night making personal attacks.

Go out in the street and make them.  See what happens to you there.

Google Heinz Kohut, and Jon Gunderson; they've written books on you.

And venturing into medical  terminology lol doesn't work  out well  for you.  

You are such a fucking phony. Your  party and it is your party embraces Akin's no exception for rape on abortion.  Akin and Ryan co-wrote 38 bills.  You pompously attacked Akin yet you're voting for a party with a no exception plank.  It's on their website.  

You bring lying too a new disingenous level.  And you could have read some of a newspaper from  your little iPad but you are obsessed with venomous focus on people here instead of political issues.

You're  a quintissential loser. I can't find one post from you since I saw your  name on this board where you have focuses on an issue or any political detail. It's all about YOU--how great you think YOU are.  You take the word "I" to a new Borderline level of narcissism, and pose as some "friend" only to make stupid and unfounded personal attacks.  Why aren't you sucking up to TER with your pathetic ass and getting the name changed to PA board for "personal attack."

You aren't here to discuss politics. You never were.  You have a pathological need to attack people.  And you're so unglued I can't imagine you in the oil business or any business.

And you're making these attacks for your perceived benefit of what? Ten fucking people.

You are a supporter of a no exception for rape "forced rape" party.  Ryan has 38 bills with that pathetic fuck Akin and you support them both. Ryan =Akin and the  world is beginning to get that point.

And people are going  to say "fuck taking my health care" so rich fuckers can have 250 grand in tax breaks.  Ryan and Romney are so pathetic they are embarassing themselves and deteriorating in real time.

LOL your pathetic idiot Coulter wants a write-in. Your boy Limbaugh is giving political advice and the asshole couldn't get elected dog catcher. Limbaugh wants republicans to stop talking about  abortion. Your party let the bottom drop out in the deficit arguing over an abortion bill.

Your party is taking losing extreme social issues where they put their asses in the bedroom and bringing it to the forefront while pretending to have budget plans that have become a national target for ridicule.

-- Modified on 8/23/2012 1:50:53 AM

Priapus53216 reads

Below pic sums it ALL up about you.

Boy, VERY tough ad hominem attacks from you. Would you level these same attacks against someone in person ? Talk about a rhetorical question.

Lastly, spelled "quintessential".

GaGambler180 reads

and what the hell, I'll even pick you up since you are either too broke or too cheap to own a car (true story btw, JeffyPoo, doesn't even own a car), and he did excuse himself to the men's room when the check came.

Then we can sit down, nice and relaxed, and you can tell me what a liar I am, right to my face. Then we can see just how tough you are, You game?  

and to address just one of Jeffypoo's many lies about me, has anyone ever heard me address myself as being a member of the GOP?, I have a dozen posts right here on the first page criticizing the GOP, I have challenged Jeffypoo to show me a single instance of him breaking with the Democratic Party and he can't do it, He is the ultimate partisan hack, and  liar to boot.

I never asked you to pay for anything. I  had planned to pick up the tab.  For a fantasy millionaire you sure are a cheap fucker aren't you.  I'll bet your  tax returns are more sensational  than the ones Romney hides. How many off shore accounts where you hide your  money Gambly?

Are you nervous that your ass may be picked up as the Swiss banks reveal names now that the immunity offer has passed?

GaGambler206 reads

That would give you all the time in the world to tell me what a liar I am, right to my face.

What's the matter internet tough guy? you afraid?

interests in seeing you ever, and your threats enhance your image as a bantam rooster joke.  You have an insipid egotism and you've become a comic character here trying to hurd people on this board into your bullying personal attack trainwreck mentality as a substitute for honest substantive political discussion.

And you lose sight of the fact that this is one of the smallest forums in the world with only a few people even here (many avoid it because of you and they've flooded my inbox to tell me) at a time.

You don't know  anything  about politics, so you substitute all your delusional drama  about who you are  and what you think of other people and your personal vendettas against them that you waste your time jerking off here with.

I would  suspect that most of your life you walk down the street talking out loud to yourself, and the many women who reject you find out quickly what an arrogant mysogynic narcissist and Borderline personality you are.

Ryan Romney budget to Gambly:  Message to brain to bully, threaten, make personal attacks, and set self up as Board Mod/Arbiter of whose posts are worthy of Gambly who actually can't post on politics because he doesn't know anything about  it.

Gambly analyzing Ryan  Romney's positions: Never happening

Gambly analyzing Obama; never happening outside of some outrageous epithet that Obama is costing gambly his fake play money millions. Gambly talks about employees but he couldn't  keep one  for an hour. They wouldn't put up with his shit.

-- Modified on 8/23/2012 12:06:19 PM

GaGambler211 reads

I can't say that I blame you, or that I am surprised. Internet tough guys are always pussies in real life.



Priapus53210 reads

-- Modified on 8/23/2012 5:40:52 AM

you're not a troll, now are you?

c'mon now. I'm getting tired of talking about each other. Can't we talk about P&R on the P&R?

Priapus53191 reads

Trolls like Daffy & jeffy-poo dragging down board discourse & I'll state my opinion on that, whether you like it or not.

I DID do pieces on White Christian conservatives being uneducated & a Texas judge talking about 2nd civil war if BHO got 2nd term; why didn't you comment on those OP's ?

Willy, you & I have much in common politically, but on this matter, kindly fuck off.

Oh, yah, lastly, your music tastes suck----:)

GaGambler207 reads

and maybe he has a  point. but Willy you do have to admit that Jeffypoo has gone a bit over the top, he really has morphed into a true "internet tough guy". I guess maybe I can start treating him the same as Daffy, but since they dominate the boards, expect for blabbermouths like you and me, Jeffy and Daffy account for 75% of the posts on this board. Real conversation, while rare in the past, is now nonexistent.

Pri might be "trollish" at times, but at least he puts an effort into sparking a real conversation at times,  Daffy and Jeffypoo don't want to have a conversation, they simply want to yell out their point of view as if it's  fact, and claim that EVERYBODY who disagrees with them is either stupid or evil, or both. At least I don't call entire groups of people stupid in every post I make, I reserve my judgment for individuals, not groups or classes of people.

WW and I don't always agree but I'll give him credit for at least trying to make a sensible argument.  As for the obvious trolls.... ignore is a wonderful thing... LOL

fictional roll as an oil tycoon and your grandiose self-appointed roll as the arbiter of the "worth" of the posts of others and your  own warped idea that you're actually educated or know anything about  politics.

You avoid issues to primp as some kind of Supreme  Moderator and you feel the need to comment incessantly on the worth of  others' posts instead of spending time reading a newspaper to get minimally educated on current events.

And you try to cheerleed the board into participating into your vendettas and constantly try to compare who in your warped estimation as Board Mod and  Arbiter in Chief is worthy as a poster and who isn't.  This is supposed to be about politics and the candidates, not your fucked up self important views of whose posts you like.

Before you can judge posts on politics you have to get a basic high school grasp of them. And you've shown you lack that.  You're going to your grave at that level of ignorance.

GaGambler215 reads

and I noticed you ducked me challenge for a race, you couldn't finish a 10K in a fucking taxi cab. You are a fat ass tub of lard, I could give you a ten minute head start, drink a six pack and still beat you with ease.

Oh yeah, I am also a lot fucking smarter than you too, but anyone with sense already knows that.

We agree on most things politically. And your piss poor taste in music aside, you're a good guy.

But there's something else we have in common. Neither one of us have the ability to ignore board trolls.

This is just who I am as a person. I see an idiot saying idiotic things, and I feel like I HAVE TO respond. I pretty sure you're the same way.

That's not a personal failing, it's just how we're both wired.

So, I'm tellin ya, man, just put 'em on ignore. Once you don't see their posts, this place goes from being a shit hole, to a wonderful place again. I swear, it's fucking magical.

If all of us can't stand Laffy, then all of us can put Laffy on ignore. You won't see a single fucking word he writes. You won't see a reason to respond, and eventually he'll get bored and go away. This is the solution to this board troll. Just put him on ignore. You, me, everyone. No more Laffy, no more irritation.

In regards to Jeff, I think the "internet tough guy" label might apply, but hell, there's no sense in repeating ourselves ad nauseum. Jeff got caught copying and pasting, let him learn from his mistake, and let's move on. I think Jeff can contribute plenty to this board, he's certainly shown he has that ability, so there's no sense in just making fun of the guy for one simple fuck up.

And if you don't feel like being as forgiving as I, then just put him on ignore. Problem solved.

The ignore feature really works, folks. Use it.

followme171 reads

You, pripussy the attempted welsh are calling others internet tought guys, really.

You pripussy the attempted welsh are the on ewho told me to stop posting.

You are the one making all sorts of threats

You are the one who told me to take your advice -------otherwise-------

You are the one who has  said you are making me a special project.

you are the one who wishes/wants me dead ...........and you pripussy the attempted welsh are calling others internet tough guys REALLY

pripussy you may be of the male gender but you are NOT A MAN.

You're Welcome
2012 = Drug FRee GOP

I'm still posting and laughung at you.

-- Modified on 8/23/2012 1:48:45 PM

I never said anything about not stating your opinions, just don't hide behind the board to have your post appear more substantive that what it is! Willy didn't say to not state you opinion either, just why call people names. I don't call people names, and I don't tell people what they should or should not say, yet you and Gag felt the need to call me names. So fuck you and Gag! If you open those doors, then you have nothing to complain about regarding Laffy and JeffEng16. When you open those doors you best be ready to shovel it faster and better than they. If you and Gag can't, quit your bitchin and whinning! They've called you on your shit, and they have shoveled it back at you better than you can give!

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