Politics and Religion

Straining at gnats again, heh?
mattradd 40 Reviews 235 reads

How do you get mislabeled? You are some pompous ass!   ;)

"The study, authored by Bruce Bartlett, who worked in the Treasury Department under George H. W. Bush and was also a domestic policy adviser to Ronald Reagan, found that Fox viewers tended to be less informed about current affairs than people who watch mainstream news -- and even people who don't watch the news at all."

And, this from a Republican operative.  ;)

pot/kettle270 reads

is getting borderline scary.

I guess your candidate -- and presumed next President -- must not be worth talking or posting about.  All you seem to care to do is show your extreme jealousy over the fact that Fox News dominates the cable landscape.

Don't worry.  Hillary will do something to fuck things up and make it an interesting race and then you can finally have something else to talk about.

...in the article.  Are they obsessed with Fox News or didn't you bother to read the article?

It looks like Lindsey won't be getting Fox's endorsement.  I guess he'll have to make do with The Advocate's endorsement.

"Dominates the cable landscape" - Fox averages a little over 1.5 million viewers in primetime.  That's in a country of 320 million people!  ESPN has 2.159 million viewers in the same time period.  More people know who Tom Brady is than any of the 2016 GOP candidates.  "Dominates" -  BWAHAHAHAHA!


By contrast, for the week ending May 17, CBS, NBC and ABC had a combined total of 20 million viewers for their news programs while Fox had just under 3.5 million. "CBS won the week with total viewers, with 7.330 million viewers, ahead of second place ABC with 7.269 million. NBC took third with 5.528 million viewers, followed by FOX with 3.488 million viewers."


The average age of Fox viewers is 68.8 years old.  O'Reilly's average viewer is just over 72.  But he sells a lot of Hurrycanes, Life Alerts, stair lifts, walk-in tubs and catheters.  I'm sure you have yours already.


Do you know what Fox viewers say even more than: "Obama's a Muslim?"  It's: "Help, I've fallen and I can't get up!"  You better hope that you, "followme" and your fellow geezers live long enough to vote in the 2016 election.

-- Modified on 5/20/2015 12:48:35 AM

pot/kettle239 reads

Who gives a shit about the "linked" article from HuffPo.  My comment had nothing to do with your liberal rag article.  I merely pointed out the obvious obsession that you liberal posters on this board have with Fox News. Of course I didn't waste my time reading the article.

You can throw around all the fucking numbers you want.  I couldn't care less.  When I referred to dominating the cable landscape, I was obviously talking about the cable news and political arena.  But, like most lefties, you only want to see things in your own preconceived vision.

Nice work in digging up all the ratings numbers, though.  Man, I really envy your life and all the spare time you have on your hands . . . .

because you won't listen to, even Republican's, criticize it as being hurtful to the Republican party! Talk about closed minded!   ;)

sure let's have an honest discussion about Fox, as well as CNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC........all of them are biased - if you watch the "news" on them you will be presented with different events, or different versions of the same event.

my Opinion below

Bottom line if you want to see bad news about the right, watch anything but Fox, and if you want to see bad news about  the left, watch Fox and only Fox.

But other than Hannity, I think there is more balance on Fox than on most of the others, though O'Reilly is a blow hard and is often just wrong on the issue.  And I refuse to watch Hannity.

I agree 100% with your post.
 IMO O'Reilly and Hannity define obnoxious blow hard propaganda journalism  similar to Huff&Puff  propaganda from the opposite perspective

     Anyone believing some people watching {"NO NEWS"} tend to be  more informed than  
Fox viewers, define stupidity to the max.  
       How can someone watching NO NEWS have any news awareness at all ?  
  I hope matt is OK, he sounds nutty defending  Bartlett's  malarkey.  


Posted By: DUANE
sure let's have an honest discussion about Fox, as well as CNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC........all of them are biased - if you watch the "news" on them you will be presented with different events, or different versions of the same event.  
 my Opinion below  
 Bottom line if you want to see bad news about the right, watch anything but Fox, and if you want to see bad news about  the left, watch Fox and only Fox.  
 But other than Hannity, I think there is more balance on Fox than on most of the others, though O'Reilly is a blow hard and is often just wrong on the issue.  And I refuse to watch Hannity.

That's being somewhat generous.

Interesting but no surprise how the Left mislabels Bartlett as a Republican or a conservative and then expects the incorrect label to nullify criticisms of his latest collection of one-sided trash based on biased polls. Just because he worked for Reagan or Bush senior does not make him a Republican "operative". At one point he appeared to hold some conservative economic ideas but now he now thinks Paul Krugman is the smartest economist on the planet. He does hold some valid opinions/criticisms of recent Progressive Republicans and the often mislabeled "neocons" but to use whatever exhausted standing he had 20 to 30 years ago as credentials or bona fides today is misguided.

The best thing (for the country) that could happen in order to fix any problems with FOX would be for a second, similar network to be formed that would compete

How do you get mislabeled? You are some pompous ass!   ;)

refutes the one and only point you made.

I suggest you actually read the links you post. I did, both this one and the 18 pages of the original Bartlett hit piece, including many of the 64 foot notes. I know HuffPo has trained you otherwise but you should quit relying on only headlines.

-- Modified on 5/21/2015 10:55:17 PM

......... a demographic group whose days are clearly numbered!

The Republican Party voter is old—and getting older, and as the adage goes, there are two certainties in life: Death and taxes. Right now, both are enemies of the GOP and they might want to worry more about the former than the latter.

The GOP party’s core is dying off by the day.

Since the average Republican is significantly older than the average Democrat, far more Republicans than Democrats have died since the 2012 elections. To make matters worse, the GOP is attracting fewer first-time voters. Unless the party is able to make inroads with new voters, or discover a fountain of youth, the GOP’s slow demographic slide will continue election to election....


did a real life study and found a big chunk of the Dem voting bloc watches Maury Povich and judge shows all day,along with commercials from slip and fall lawyers showing them they can get rich by suing.
 Politics aside who would  you rather----Kim Guilfoyle or Martha the Milf McCallum

Fox News. If you had read the article, you'd know that it's some Republicans crying about Fox News!   ;)

Bartlett's research proves so true with you and pot/kettle!   ;)

pot/kettle245 reads

My point had zero to do with a discussion of the pros/cons of Fox News relative to other news organizations or opinion channels.

I was simply -- I know, simple is tough for you guys to understand -- pointing out the obvious obsession you have with the success of Fox News and the talk it generates.

It was nothing more than that.  But, you've always got to find a way to make things bigger than they really are.  And, thanks to your obsession with Fox News Channel, you're making their ratings even bigger than they already are.  Roger Ailes is eternally grateful for your support . . . . .

you've still not addressed the main issue in the article I posted. Why is that?   ;)

...........but this does not mean the people watching these shows are the brightest bulbs on our planet. Several studies have shown Fox News viewers to be the most mis/un-informed viewers of all news viewers.


Posted By: pot/kettle
My point had zero to do with a discussion of the pros/cons of Fox News relative to other news organizations or opinion channels.  
 I was simply -- I know, simple is tough for you guys to understand -- pointing out the obvious obsession you have with the success of Fox News and the talk it generates.  
 It was nothing more than that.  But, you've always got to find a way to make things bigger than they really are.  And, thanks to your obsession with Fox News Channel, you're making their ratings even bigger than they already are.  Roger Ailes is eternally grateful for your support . . . . .

does it really look like I'm crying. Noooooo! I'm celebrating, and hoping Fox News keeps up the good work of torpedoing the Republican's hopes in 2016.  ;)

Your response does not show any signs you read it, nor the article. Why bother to respond at all?   ;)

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