Politics and Religion

STOP ! You are not welcome here anymore jihadist scum because we have a
86H13LTP 64 reads

real POTUS now who says so and all the liberal lower court activist  judges can GO FUCK Themselves .

nuguy461879 reads

with one exception pertaining to relatives in USA, Trump's order is in effect. Snowflakes beginning to melt??

What the SC actually did was STAY parts of the lower court ruling and agree to rule on the entire case in the next session. They permitted parts of the order to go into effect. The SC will hear the case in October but said it might be moot by then because the order was only to remain in place temporarily while a review of immigration vetting procedures was done, and that could well be complete by October.  
It is so comforting to have as many stupid righties around like you to balance the embarrassment of stupid lefties like FG.

balller51 reads

LTFM alone is worth several on the right.

-- Modified on 6/26/2017 2:39:33 PM

Most of the terror attacks in England are committed by people who have gone there from Pakistan.   The guy who committed mass shootings in San Bernardino was of Pakistani origin, his family came here from Pakistan, his wife was from Pakistan.     Not too long ago, if you guys remember a Pakistani left a SUV loaded with explosives in Times Square, NYC.    An alert shopkeeper called the police and they traced the SUV to a rental company in NY, got the guy's details and he was arrested while waiting to get out of the country on a flight about to leave JFK.     It was the Pakistani terror group. LET that abducted American Daniel Pearl, tortured and killed him in Pakistan.

I mean what is special about Pakistan.?   They have the largest number of "madrassas"    the terrorist training schools.

That's about as predictable as a Turk hating Albanians, or a Palestinian hating Israel.

Come on Hadji, tell us why you REALLY hate Pakistan.

...But don't correct yourself just yet.  First you have to consult JakeFromTheFunnyFarm.  He has thousands of excuses in a file cabinet (he's old school, VERY old school).  I'm sure he'll let you use one of his.

but yes, I did "mean" to say "Armenians" not Albanians.  If that's the worst thing I do all week, I'll be a happy man, unlike Jake, I can own a minor mistake when I make one and I don't feel the need to spend an entire day defending a fuckup that takes all of five seconds to admit and correct.

 I think my larger point was missed about why Hadji REALLY hates Pakis.  Oh well, every other thread on this board seems to get hijacked, why should this one be any different?

Now lets see if my little mistake will end up in a "branch" that runs off the page without me even being part of it.  

What's even more ironic is that if it were Jake who had noticed my error, he would have spent even more time "proving" I was wrong than he is trying to "prove" I was correct. lol

If you check, you'll see I never said you MEANT to say Albanians, not Armenians.  Only that the Albanians legitimately suffered for centuries under the Turks.  Then the HumanShar-Pei blundered in, in his usual heavy-handed way to point out it wasn't Turkey but the Ottoman Empire that ruled, conveniently ignoring the fact that the Ottoman Empire was run by TURKS.  So, yes, obviously you meant to say Armenians. And I was NOT trying to "prove" you were correct, but only that Shar-Pei was wrong.  Get it? But don't worry, I'm sure BigHumanShar-Pei will be by directly to wash your balls.

In fact, I'll take the blame for his hatred of Paki's. I bet I had a few ancestors who worked for the old British East Indian Trading company. Of course, then they had to go draw some arbitrary line to separate feuding Indians based on religion, or whatever. If Hadji is pissed off, he needs to direct his anger at the first WASP he sees, no some Paki that might be his long lost brother, sister, aunt or uncle. You try and teach these savages some culture, and this is what you get.

...Northern Pakistan is also the base for the Taliban the people that are killing so many in Afghanistan.

86H13LTP65 reads

real POTUS now who says so and all the liberal lower court activist  judges can GO FUCK Themselves .

Centrist courts knocked it down, embarrassing this administration for the millionth time. I am quite sorry to hear today that is appears justice Kennedy is staying on the supreme court as of now so your party re: that matter will have to wait for another day.

Students are allowed ..god forbid they get radicalized from the internet...
If you have a job waiting, you're allowed.
And I think, if you're church sponsored, you're in..
So what's the big change?

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