Politics and Religion

Stand,kneel, take a shit who cares?? Really..
Hpygolky 208 Reviews 55 reads

I'm getting a kick how people are shitting on their pant over all this "Fake" patriotic bullshit. If you're a season ticket holder, then watch the game, fuck all this preliminary before bullshit. If you're home, make a sandwich and catch the opening kickoff. Brush it off and get over the fact that there's athletes making more in one game then most would make in their lifetime, that's the real bug up their ass. I know the "How dare they" ass hurting that some have...hey they hit the DNA lottery don't hate.
There's more important issues then what happens BEFORE a football game to get bugged about.

-- Modified on 10/12/2017 9:41:19 PM

HappyChanges2110 reads

Folks like to watch sports to get away from life and enjoy themselves and I love football and have fond memories. Football somehow got political, no wonder why folks are tuning out.

Roger Goodell is in the hot seat calculating the NFL's next move. Somebody should tell him, "Don't bite the hand that feeds you and don't fuck with our flag"!!!!!!

bigguy3066 reads

The NFL is not the problem and you hiding behind the flag.
Just continues to show you refuse to listen.
So I will let Buffalo Bills Hall of Famer Thurman Thomas explain it.

Trump and his cult are the real problem, not the NFL.

-- Modified on 10/12/2017 7:32:22 PM

... I pray the SOB and his family rot in hell.    He is a disgrace for a human being.

I'm getting a kick how people are shitting on their pant over all this "Fake" patriotic bullshit. If you're a season ticket holder, then watch the game, fuck all this preliminary before bullshit. If you're home, make a sandwich and catch the opening kickoff. Brush it off and get over the fact that there's athletes making more in one game then most would make in their lifetime, that's the real bug up their ass. I know the "How dare they" ass hurting that some have...hey they hit the DNA lottery don't hate.
There's more important issues then what happens BEFORE a football game to get bugged about.

-- Modified on 10/12/2017 9:41:19 PM

The game isn't fun anymore, it became too political... boo wooo.....How the first two minutes before a game could turn your millennial ass around and make you wish for the "Good ol days", well guess what, there isn't a Santa Claus, the tooth fairy never slipped that bill under your pillow. Watch or don't....Most could filter through this and enjoy the game. Some are just so butt hurt, they can't think straight.

Houston Astros Josh Reddick celebrates after team wins ALDS.  But everyone cared more about players taking a respectful knee to protest racism. Hypocrites.

HappyChanges35 reads

Clearly he is not protesting. In fact, he was being patriotic in his own way. Lol.

bigguy3036 reads

He is a white man and so it's no issue for him.

-- Modified on 10/14/2017 12:52:29 PM

So it's OK for Riddick to use the flag as undies to coddle his nut sack.  Then I guess it's OK for Kid Rock to wear it as a poncho.
What a joke.

When customers/fans leave, companies looking for profit don't  increase pay for employees causing losses.  
 In defense of football players they're not regarded as the wisest businessman in town.  

  I suspect the costs of next years TV ads during NFL games will be much lower than expected by Goodell and company.

Fuck your anthem.    Fans go to watch football games.     Don't play the damn thing, who the fuck cares.

I am not much of a flag waver anyhow. I find most flag waving is "faux patriotism" and more "jingoism" than real patriotism in the first place.

What I object to is being lectured about politics, religion or anything else for that matter when I am PAYING to be entertained. Would any of you allow a hooker that you are paying to make political statements during your paid time with her? Well once I buy my ticket and I enter the stadium I am a paying customer and I don't take kindly to being lectured to on "My time"

So yeah, I would be fine with "fuck the anthem". I really don't see why a ball game, except for when is an American national team playing another country of course, warrants playing the national anthem to begin with.

Having been in the Viet Nam war, with people burning flags, throwing things and us, spitting at use while we were in uniform, this BS issue Trump is using to once again divide us doesn't raise my adrenal level on iota. You really need to get a grip! Stop being a Putin stooge like Trump. Putin just loves it when we are at each other's throats!

that Trump is intentionally going after sports, entertainment, music and everything that unites us.  Good for you bringing up how sorry our military were treated not that long ago.  Drafted against their own will to service.  Just kids thrown in to front lines of battle and seeing their brothers die.  Were treated the most horrible returning home.  Our country is crazy and influenced by whatever propaganda is spinning their heads today.  We are generations of dumb downed.

If you like football go, if you like Nascar go, if you like Braves go.  If you like Pink go, I you like Eminem go, if you like Kat Williams go.  Our entertainers are demonized if they don't follow our governments plans.


The Dixie Chicks! Terrible how they were treated for speaking truth to power. I'm glad they're making a comeback!

That's the problem with our country; intolerance, which leads to unwillingness to listen to each other, just stomping our feet and walking out the the door, figuratively spreaking, when someone says something we don't agree with. Or, telling them to leave the country they love, if they're not in agreement with us.

of Dixie Chicks, and most artists that write their own music.  Much love Natalie and all the bullying and scapegoating our country music did to her.

-- Modified on 10/15/2017 5:48:42 PM

Who the fuck cares about the national anthem, there is a time and place for it.    Fans go to watch a football game.   I am glad NFL and the owners have decided not to take any disciplinary action on players who do  not stand.  

Play the damn thing whenever the Clown tweets!  LOL.    He can stand, kneel or lie down who the fuck cares.

When it comes to this country and respect for it and the National Anthem

And since you are an illegal alien, you support terrorists and sympathize with iran I’m not surprised you do not care. However you should realize what they do to your kind there. Should we say who the fuck cares about that?

You go ahead and don’t fucking care because I do not fucking care that you do not fucking care

You’re Welcome
In HersheyHwy We Distrust

BTW you do realize that when the NFL guys take a knee they are not getting on their knees for the same reason you do.

bigguy3031 reads

So when did Trump or any of you love this country?
Also Trump and his supporters don't understand or respect the United States Constitution.

This is about white nationalism and power.
FM like other stupid followers of the scumbag and chief, have proven that point.

Just STFU with, I respect this country more than you bullshit.
This is a lie and most of you clowns could care less!

-- Modified on 10/16/2017 9:43:00 AM

Fake News WP headline claims "Jaguars apologize to local military for anthem demonstration"    
     Twisted truth in News is nothing but lies in disguise.    
   How many slow readers read past the Headlines of their favorite propaganda rag ?    
 The team did not apologize to  men and women in our Military,  Jaguars President was the one apologizing  for the Jaguars disgraceful,  anti USA antics in London.  
He realizes  his teams disrespectful message will cost their organization  millions.    
Does anyone remember how British officers treated the poor when our country was young ?  
Not literally remember, you message twisting buffoons, do you recall your History lessons of the British Empire in America  and abroad ?     
Would our pampered, well paid NFL players  prefer England had won both wars against us or just one?    
  I know that's a trick question for some of you.    
  England never won a war against us,  I am happy about that.  
 I certainly wouldn't sit  for our National Anthem and stand for "God Save the Queen" but I would stand for both in London even if I had a broken leg, out of respect if I could find no other reason.  

  One of the major problems we have in America that's spreading like wild fire is a total lack of respect for authority.
  I was taught at a very young age to show respect toward my family, my friends, my country , myself and the police. .
  In Elementary school we recited the pledge of Allegiance  and  sang the National Anthem  every day.  
   What kind of fool from the USA would sit for our National Anthem and stand for "God Save the Queen"    
    I do understand why a drunk or lazy man would not stand for our  National Anthem while attending an NFL game.
    I don't suspect NFL players are drunk or lazy before  kick off.  

   My answer, only a foolish tool with no clue how lucky they are to be born in America, a disrespectful citizen  who refuses to look inward for his own failures, a moron who doesn't realize the USA is not a dictatorship or a police state.  
The Federal Government does not make every day 24/7  policy  or split second decisions  within local LE communities.    

Blaming the USA as a whole for a very small percentage of bad police is just as idiotic  as blaming law abiding, honest, caring parents when they have  murderous criminal offspring .    
OK you got me...If not for parents their criminal descendants  would never be born.    
 " Jaguars President Mark Lamping sent a letter to the director of military affairs and veterans in Jacksonville saying the team was “remiss in not fully comprehending the effect of the national anthem demonstration on foreign soil has had on the men and women who have or continue to serve our country.”    

   I believe a  majority of citizens in favor of sitting/ kneeling /dissing our National Anthem are cut from the same  slop that found no fault with, or joined  the creeps spitting on soldiers returning from Nam.  

I always try to find  the  positive in negative surroundings.    

  I already mentioned the extra free time I have now that I don't partake in the NFL.  
TYVM Kraperneck  for starting your National Anthem kneeling protest  nonsense last year.  

 I pity the fools who blame MAGA President Trump for your idiotic disrespectful kneeling during the National Anthem, started when President Obama was the man in charge of your Police State  Imagination.    

  My World is not all about me though I always try to stay in the top five.  
Without respect for myself and those around me I wouldn't  know when to stand or sit, or care if I  
shit in my own pants.    
    The bright side for football fans in  Jacksonville who enjoy watching their team lose on more than one level,  they certainly won't be faced with escalating ticket prices  in the near future.  


Will an NFL team give an exceptional  soldier another chance ?  

   I don't doubt if  Main Stream Fake News   try to justify  how Patriotism is a bad thing.  
          Dumb ass fools !

bigguy3050 reads

You continue to push fake news yourself.
Plus race baiting is  now a Russian art form too.
Well until you understand the United States Constitution  yourself.
Then your responses will continue to be lies and garbage.

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