Politics and Religion

Sounds like you do have a candidate, Doc.
ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 86 reads

Google "disingenuous".

This post was spurred on by numerous racist comments by Trump supporters here. Which you failed to condemn. Fair amount of anti-semites support Trump as shown by several links here. Something to think about, Dr.
Posted By: DoctorGonzo
... no, there's no gotcha photo of Bernie or Hillary supporters.  
 I think its low brow, and really quite callous.  
 When do you post the photos of the drunken fat man wearing a Trump hat and drinking a Big Gulp?  
 You can all be as obnoxious as you want about who is supporting which candidate. but it won't change the facts on the ground.  
 I hate not having a viable candidate I can really believe in.  

... no, there's no gotcha photo of Bernie or Hillary supporters.
I think its low brow, and really quite callous.
When do you post the photos of the drunken fat man wearing a Trump hat and drinking a Big Gulp?

You can all be as obnoxious as you want about who is supporting which candidate. but it won't change the facts on the ground.

I hate not having a viable candidate I can really believe in.

Google "disingenuous".

This post was spurred on by numerous racist comments by Trump supporters here. Which you failed to condemn. Fair amount of anti-semites support Trump as shown by several links here. Something to think about, Dr.

Posted By: DoctorGonzo
... no, there's no gotcha photo of Bernie or Hillary supporters.  
 I think its low brow, and really quite callous.  
 When do you post the photos of the drunken fat man wearing a Trump hat and drinking a Big Gulp?  
 You can all be as obnoxious as you want about who is supporting which candidate. but it won't change the facts on the ground.  
 I hate not having a viable candidate I can really believe in.  

... or every thread, so if I missed a comment or two that stinks of anti-Semitism, so be it.There's plenty of it to go around and I don't need to hold the monopoly on calling out the haters for what they are.

I was not singling you out CC. I've seen plenty of egregious venom spewed from all sides of the equation, left, right, independent and Planet Stupid especially.

Not all anti-Semites wear a Keffiyeh or a white pointed hood. Many of them wear suits, and some of them are working in the White House as we speak.

There are equal pecentages of stupid Democrats as stupid Republicans, and when they are shopping at Wal-Mart they all look equally bizarre.

No CC, I do not have a candidate. I think Trump is a hoot who has turned everything political on its head, and that is badly needed. But he is the wrong person for the job of President. Hillary has the inroads the chops and the information all at her fingertips, but she's the least trustworthy candidate the Democrats have presented for POTUS since records were kept. Bernie was a mentsch until he let things go too far with his supporters in Nevada and it not only cost him credibility, it indicates that now he's caught up in believing his own hype and is fracturing the Democratic party in the process.

Give me Jerry Brown or Joe Biden, at least we would return some INTEGRITY to the picture.

-- Modified on 5/22/2016 11:06:13 AM

& yes, Doc, plenty of anti-semitism on the loony left, which I've personally encountered, as I'm sure you have.

GaGambler114 reads

While they are both longshots with Bernie at 20-1 and Biden at 33-1, those odds pale in comparison to the only other GOP members getting any play at all, Ryan at 100-1 and Romney at 150-1

I guess I am not the only one who hasn't ruled out a house falling on the head of Hillary

Not so much Biden at this stage, as he has made it clear his heart is no longer in it. But Jerry Brown as an option is one I would actively support. He has his flaws sure, but from my standpoint the biggest thing the haters can throw at him is his former home in Laurel Canyon and his relationship with Linda Ronstadt in the 60's and 70's.

He was a good and caring governor and got a great deal accomplished despite some nasty obstructionism coming from a fellow named Howard Jarvis and the Orange County Republicants. California was trashed by Deukmejian and Wilson and damn near dried up and blew away during the recent drought, and might have if not for their current governor, Jerry Brown.

The USA could do much much worse than President Brown, and in six months, will.

Well except against Bernie and possibly against Hillary, but I could easily support Jerry Brown. Most likely if it were Brown against Trump, I'd go with Brown, especially if it looked like the GOP was going to keep control of Congress.

I agree with most of your post, however the thought of the Democrat party fracturing into oblivion gives me confidence for the future of our United States.  
   I'm also hoping President Trump will show  GOP thugs they can't win when he's in charge, and the GOP party  will disappear down the road of nowhere with the Democrat party.  

  I would rather see Government officials do more work for the people and none for their team.

Extreme Partisanship has gotten us where we are.
  Some live for their mob,  others don't.    
  In other words, IMO, if the Partisan dynasty clan keeps winning, our  country as a whole,  loses.  


Posted By: DoctorGonzo
... or every thread, so if I missed a comment or two that stinks of anti-Semitism, so be it.There's plenty of it to go around and I don't need to hold the monopoly on calling out the haters for what they are.  
 I was not singling you out CC. I've seen plenty of egregious venom spewed from all sides of the equation, left, right, independent and Planet Stupid especially.  
 Not all anti-Semites wear a Keffiyeh or a white pointed hood. Many of them wear suits, and some of them are working in the White House as we speak.  
 There are equal pecentages of stupid Democrats as stupid Republicans, and when they are shopping at Wal-Mart they all look equally bizarre.  
 No CC, I do not have a candidate. I think Trump is a hoot who has turned everything political on its head, and that is badly needed. But he is the wrong person for the job of President. Hillary has the inroads the chops and the information all at her fingertips, but she's the least trustworthy candidate the Democrats have presented for POTUS since records were kept. Bernie was a mentsch until he let things go too far with his supporters in Nevada and it not only cost him credibility, it indicates that now he's caught up in believing his own hype and is fracturing the Democratic party in the process.  
 Give me Jerry Brown or Joe Biden, at least we would return some INTEGRITY to the picture.

-- Modified on 5/22/2016 11:06:13 AM

... not to sound like a Game of Thrones copycat, but in truth gangs are nothing new.

Do I like the idea of organized clans working together with other clans for the betterment of society as a whole. yes i do

GaGambler111 reads

I can't remember ever being 100% behind a candidate, Perhaps Reagan in '80, but even then I had reservations about Reagan himself as I still self identified as a liberal in most respects back then, but Jimmy Carter was so fucking bad it kind of seemed like a no brainer to vote for Reagan.

As for the name calling, Dems do this EVERY election cycle, in Trump the GOP finally has someone who does it better than they do.

... and maybe I was a bit too sensitive about the name calling and shit, but honestly, I am so fed up with everyone assuming its all the have nots that are behind the Trump phenomenon

GaGambler108 reads

I don't think any of us would be confused with being "have nots"

Not to mention the biggest "have not" on the board is Trump's biggest detractor.

and don't you find it highly ironic that with your voting record, Planet Stupid still calls you a Righty?

I will also confess, I had very few reservations in voting for Clinton in 96, although I saw very little difference between Clinton and Dole. What a difference 20 years makes.

I think its just impossible for Planet Stupid to comprehend that I am not a partisan player, and never have been. I can appreciate the positives a Trump or Sanders brings to the table without necessarily supporting their bid.

As a life long wrestling fan, I know it is OK to cheer for the heel character even when you want him to lose.

Your effeminate nature standing alone, qualifies you as a clueless HRC supporter.

  Add your demographic in the equation, she's your babe.

brooks586 reads

"the reason there are stereotypes is because they are true" ;)

if someone chooses to reinforce a negative stereotype it's on them

bigguy3093 reads

We all can see, what you are about and yes your own insecurities too.

Posted By: brooks5
"the reason there are stereotypes is because they are true" ;)  
 if someone chooses to reinforce a negative stereotype it's on them

brooks555 reads

I am proudly white

you see RACISTS everywhere

so BFG, based on your writing skills my guess is that Ebonics is your first language?

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