Politics and Religion

Sounds like to me that Kellyanne got groped. eom
mattradd 40 Reviews 172 reads
3 / 8

giving that she's been relatively quiet the last several days. Not many appearances on TV.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 155 reads
4 / 8

Kellyanne naturally had to sign a non-disclosure agreement like everyone who signs on with Trump.
She then has to put up with his madness--aside from groping or whatever--like sticking with him through thick or thin whatever dirt comes up for her to spin.

Steve Schmidt said that even Texas was now a close race, Clinton trailing only a few points.

Indiana and Arizona are very much in play.
Iowa's already blue. [YAY!!!]

Of course Florida probably won't bother to count the votes...
Nebraska and the Dakotas have too many problems of their own, so they'll stay red.
Utah is weird because the Mormons don't like Trump. Or Clinton. Or Johnson. Or anybody.
And Mississippi GOD DAMN!!

So Kellyanne ain't got much to shout about, but she has to keep shouting.
If she doesn't do a good job she won't get paid. You know how he is about that.
And the few bright spots on the map aren't the places you'd want to hold up as examples of how things could be.

So what is she going to do? Just continue to brag on a fallen cake?
Continue to make herself look stupid and ridiculous every time she trots out to defend this sick buffoon?
That's a tough row to hoe.
A degrading one.
But, like I said, she can't quit.

I really feel like the media ought to make a statement about how everyone understands what kind of a fix she's in and ask the viewers to take it all into account, play along for three more weeks while she fulfills her contract, and not judge her for doing what she's trapped into doing.

But nobody listens to me. [BIG SOB OF SELF PITY HERE]

Timbow 171 reads
5 / 8

Quote :  
 It worries me more that she doesn't seem to know what planet we are all living in at the moment.

-- Modified on 10/19/2016 10:10:30 AM

mattradd 40 Reviews 91 reads
6 / 8

reminded myself that she, previously, was a well respected pollster, and had, I think three daughters at home. She made a deal with the devil, for whatever reason, and she should have known better. Regarding getting paid, I read she's getting paid by Trump, and one of his PACs. Probably, she made that arrangement knowing how he flakes on payment if he doesn't like the results. So, she's no dummy. Just gambled and lost.

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 137 reads
7 / 8

You sound just as misogynistic as Trump.

Posted By: Laffy
No one put a gun to that bitch's head making her spew Trump's propoganda.  
 And she could/should have quit a million times in protest......instead, she went on TV with that fake smile and smarmy bullshit defending everything he did/said.  
 She's about the last person to feel sorry for.
-- Modified on 10/19/2016 8:52:35 PM

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