Politics and Religion

sort of like a weather forecast in Seattle
GaGambler 11507 reads

If you don't like the forecast, just wait twenty minutes. It will change

-- Modified on 10/5/2007 8:18:49 AM

MartinBlank3285 reads

Will jobs be up or down in September?  I guess it doesn't really matter, the dow was up over 14,000.  We're all safe now!

MartinBlank1316 reads

Jobs are up!  I did it.  My post somehow caused the job market to go up immediately!

A. Einstein1869 reads

Just say No! or Yes!  or Sieg Heil!  Whatever they tell you to say!



GaGambler11508 reads

If you don't like the forecast, just wait twenty minutes. It will change

-- Modified on 10/5/2007 8:18:49 AM

They think the unemployment figures might persuade him. More helium to come!  "We're in the money!"

GaGambler1018 reads

I hope that you remember that Bill Clinton was elected largely to the effect that Greenspan's repeated interest tightenings had on the economy in the early 90's. George H looked unbeatable before the econmy went into the shitter.

Remember the mantra "It's the economy, Stupid"?

In late 1991, Bush was so high in the polls, he was considered unbeatable. The most likely challengers sat out the race.

You might say that Greenspan's tightened fist totally made Clinton, from nomination to presidential election.

If there weren't other things in meltdown at the time, I think it was analogous to what happened to Carter against Reagan.  When Volcker "blew the living shit out of inflation" with 21 percent interest rates and a strangulation of the money supply. I think Carter lost maybe seven whole states in the Electoral College due to it.  

It made Reagan years seem prosperous by comparison.        

because ross perot sliced off 19% of the popular vote. most of which came from GHW

-- Modified on 10/5/2007 10:53:48 PM

That being the sobriquet 'crime family'. Pray tell, what were the crimes you refer to and just how do they stack up against warrantless wiretapping (admitted by GWB), the deaths of over 100,000 Iraqi civilians in the illegal occupation of their country based on an invasion fueled by lies (the lies part admitted to by Colin Powell and others, the rest follows), the funnelling of money to friends of the family (Dicks way of saying 'thank you' for the $32M exit bonus from Halliburton) and on and on and on - please, enlighten me, but do try to avoid the ones that remain fantasies like Vince Foster and the BS abotu Mina.

FLeeBailey1729 reads

of the Republican Party.

We therefore demand you immediately cease and desist use of this and all related terminology, or we will fuck you up.

GaGambler1404 reads

Not to discount the effect that Ross Perot had(which was considerable) Georg H would have won in a landslide if the econmy hadn't tanked, and Greenspan's heavy handedness, was the main culprit.

DipChit1299 reads

if pigs had wings, they'd fly.

GaGambler2283 reads

Is that your dipchit way of disputing what I just said? Or does your post have some other type of meaning?

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