Politics and Religion

Something to think about........SCARY!confused_smile
salonpas 1462 reads

The Last Time the Dow was at this level was October 11th 2007:

*Then GDP Growth: +2.5%;  Now +1.6%

*Regular Gas Price: Then $2.75;  Now $3.73

*Americans Unemployed (in Labor Force): Then 6.7 million;  Now 13.2 million

*Americans On Food Stamps: Then 26.9 million;  Now 47.69 million

*Size of Fed's Balance Sheet: Then $0.89 trillion;  Now $3.01 trillion

*US Debt as a Percentage of GDP: Then ~38%;   Now 74.2%

*US Deficit (LTM): Then $97 billion;  Now $975.6 billion

*Total US Debt Oustanding: Then $9.008 trillion;  Now $16.43 trillion

Oh yea this is really going to end well!

Time to buy some more gold!   ;)

salonpas149 reads

Gold in itself is useless: You can’t trade it as currency, eat it, drink it, drive it or build with it. Gold, being utterly useless, has but one use: it cannot be counterfeited. Put another way, Gold's sole use is to keep men/Countries honest.

tonightoutcall125 reads

Wait until we start paying our politicians with gold.

Snowman39147 reads

and your savings will be WORTHLESS!!

Diversify!! Personally, with interest rates so low, long term investment properties are the route I am going. Buy it and let someone else pay it off. if inflation hits, the values of the properties will rise as well. OPM is the way to go!!!

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