Politics and Religion

So, what has that post turtle Obama ever done?regular_smile
9Man 3148 reads


his touting the "fact" that he opposed the war WITHOUT having seen the intelligence AND declared the surge would not work when in fact it has, tells anyone with their thinking unit on the outer portion of their own anus that he'd make a fucking miserable CIC.

Thanks for playing though....

PS, and the 64th anniversary of D-Day it is appropriate to say that hius spoiled rotten wife should STFU, go back to school, and learn some history.

No one, No ONE how knows anything about the history of this country would NEVER say they have, for the first time, been proud of their country.

The ingrate bitch spits on the graves of the millions who gave this country, and much of the rest of this world some fucking breathing room.

Timbow1478 reads

Is Obama an enlightened being
Get a load of this crap and onlty in San Frn would they think he is not one of us :)

I find I'm having this discussion, this weird little debate, more and more, with colleagues, with readers, with liberals and moderates and miserable, deeply depressed Republicans and spiritually amped persons of all shapes and stripes and I'm having it in particular with those who seem confused, angry, unsure, thoroughly nonplussed, as they all ask me the same thing: What the hell's the big deal about Obama?

I, of course, have an answer. Sort of.

Warning: If you are a rigid pragmatist/literalist, itchingly evangelical, a scowler, a doubter, a burned-out former '60s radical with no hope left, or are otherwise unable or unwilling to parse alternative New Age speak, click away right now, because you ain't gonna like this one little bit.

Ready? It goes likes this:

Barack Obama isn't really one of us. Not in the normal way :)

-- Modified on 6/7/2008 5:31:38 AM

Chuck Darwin1624 reads

and the Hagees and Westboro Baptist churches and other crazy religious shit that got GW elected for announcing Jesus Day!

The big difference is that the lefties want to meditate, and the righties want to go out and pick fights.

So you guys couldn't finish one war against Osama, so you decided to start another one, and sumbitch if you can't finish that one either!  What are you, deranged, incompetent, or both?!

He was in the US Senate for one year before he started running for the big job. How much experience do you need, right? What's he sposed to, hang around in the fuckin senate forever?  

He proposed a couple of bills, BFD. Maybe you're excited because those bills weren't incontrovertible proof positive he's a radical leftist. ("Comrades, I move we change the word dollar to ruble!) It was interesting to see one was about detailing earmarks. Was that before or after he got The Screaming Priest $250K, and another $100K?

I would say his major feat so far is getting the nomination. But when you look at what has become of my former party, I guess that is a dubious achievement.

Plus, he grabbed it away from a girl!What kind of bastard steals from a girl?

GaGambler2076 reads

and after reading his list of "accomplishments" I am even less impressed with him if that is even possible.

WillieTheBarTender2160 reads

accomplished even half the fuckups of hate-spewing rednex!

numbnuts111697 reads

What has Obama achieved?

He hasn't gained status with the bilderburg group before he will be prez.

He doesn't owe the religious right any Supreme court seats.

He hasn't worked for any oil, defense, financial companies.

He isn't on record as an AIPAC apologist.

He is arms length from known lobbyists.

He doesn't have millions from PAC's.

Basically he has no experience(baggage) to account for,so the scary part is he can vote his conscience on principle with no impediment.

-- Modified on 6/7/2008 12:37:41 PM

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