Politics and Religion

so what else happened in 1492 between the
NCJimbo3434 reads

For every loser, there must be a winner.

Some people say we are losing the war or the war is lost. If that is the case, then who is winning or who won?

It's relative.  The US "loses" by virtue of not being able to attain any goal other than the elimination of Saddam -- no WMDs unearthed, no stable/democratic/pro-Western Iraqi go't. no "transformative effect" on other ME unpleaants, etc...

There isn't necessarily a "winner" in any sense except for those ME political forces who thrive and fatten on continued instability, chaos and quasi-anarchy  -- some of whose identities are not always readily apparent, nor politic even to mention.

Yes, you did.  Is that like the submission behavior in wolfpacks when they establish thier social hierarchy?

It's all good [Higher Power, how I hate phrase!].

I remember, back in the day, before people starting using it.

MartinBlank2936 reads

Winners:  George Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld - The price of oil going up, and Halliburton's continued succes benefit them all greatly.

Al Quaeda



Indirectly though, there are three winners so far: al Qaeda and other hostile organizations, the Kurds, and Iran.

Tusyan2329 reads

The Kurds are a hostile organization? To who? The Iraq war has definitely been a win for Halliburton/KBR.

The Kurds are pretty solid allies now.  Though if we have to trade them for Turkey, we've lost ground.

""Indirectly though, there are three winners so far: al Qaeda and other hostile organizations, the Kurds, and Iran.""

And the democrat plan is to solidify those gains.

US Democratic presidential hopeful Dennis Kucinich, on a Mideast visit that included a stop in Syria, said the country lambasted by the Bush administration deserves credit for taking in more than a million Iraqi refugees.

Kucinich, a strong anti-war opponent who trails far in the US presidential polls, also said he won’t visit Iraq on his trip to the region because he considers the US military deployment there illegal.

“I feel the United States is engaging in an illegal occupation … I don’t want to bless that occupation with my presence,” he said in an interview in Lebanon, after visiting Syria. “I will not do it.”

Kucinich, who accused the Bush administration of policies that have destabilized the Mideast, met with Syrian President Bashar Assad during his visit to Damascus. He said Assad was receptive to his ideas of “strength through peace.”

He also praised Syria for taking in Iraqi refugees.

“What most people are not aware of is that Syria has taken in more than 1.5 million Iraqi refugees,” Kucinich said. “The Syrian government has actually shown a lot of compassion in keeping its doors open, and being a host for so many refugees.”

Kucinich said he would ask UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to follow up on the “dire conditions” in southern Lebanon, especially Israeli cluster bombs leftover from the war that have killed more than 30 and injured at least 200 since the fighting’s end.

“There has to be a commitment to cleaning up these cluster bombs,” Kucinich said.

How is this not “giving aid and comfort to the enemy in time of war”?

-- Modified on 9/15/2007 9:42:57 PM

Who exactly do we have a declaration of war against?     Is there any specific nation or person we have declared war against?

And who's helping them how?

Just asking.

Yes, I know we have troops on the ground dying-- which just underscores the tragedy of an illegal and arrogant action.

War is declared by Congress. I'm not talking a legal nicety here. I know Congress passed a resolution, but a real, legal, war defined under our Constitution has to be declared as such. Period. I hate to say there's no doubt under our Constitution and by international law that the Iraqi War is illegal.

BTW, in that way, it's a bit different than the Vietnam War (also, an ad hoc kind of war, though).  There IMO, we were at least bound to support South Vietnam by treaty, even if legally Congress didn't declare a war, we still had to do something.

Kucinich is well within his rights. If he's put on trial as a traitor because of it, there's no way there will be a conviction.  

Really, one of the worst things that has been done in this country is all of these metaphorical or moral equivalents of war. We need to define war very tightly.  

Strangely enough, after we took Iraq, that euphemism "police action" applies better in Iraq than it did in Korea.

calling something doesn't make it so.

A "war" is a conventional or even nuclear attack on the military force or economy of an established state or population, AFTER a legal declaration.

None of that is going on here.

Most military actions throughout history do not involve legal declarations of war.  That is the exception, not the rule.

BUT most military operations do target specific forces or installations, in the belief that neutralizing that target accomplishes the goal, ie elimination of a conventional threat.

None of that is going on.

What's happening is that we're lashing out in frustration at an elusive target that is probably best described as ideologically motivated criminal rings.  They have no territory or population to defend, and their appeal is limited to people who have the energy to be pissed off enough to go looking for trouble.  

We should not be playing into their hands by treating them as warriors.  I think we should treat them as pirates, and run them down wherever they go, instead of using them as an excuse to try to manipulate the mideast in hopes that we can control the oil market.

If neocons really think they can start an American revolution by seizing Iraq & its oil, they need to pull their head out of their ass.  You cannot run a commercially profitable operation at the point of a gun unless you also run it as a concentration camp, and that's not spreading American values, nor giving people any incentive to be like Americans.   It's just going to make people think Republicans are dickheads, and that's too bad, because of the memory of people like Eisenhower, TR & Lincoln.  We can forget Harding & Coolidge & Nixon & Reagan.

Of course, you will find some way to disagree with it. Tell me, have there not been 1.5 M refugees? Did Syria not take them in? Perhaps Syria had nefarious motives for what might appear a humanitarian act?
And my god, how dare he disparage Israeli cluster bombs? We gave those bombs to Israel so they must be beneficial, and those ungrateful Lebanese need to man up and learn to appreciate them.

Really, Bill - just what is your problem with the substance of his statements?

-- Modified on 9/16/2007 2:57:07 PM

"America..all politicians before me have dodged the real issue - the one and only issue that will unite the truly free world - We are in a religious war.  Terrotists? Insurgents? Freedom Fighters?  NO!  These are mid-evil mad-men.   To all of the peacenik women I say this....YOU will be the first to be killed, you insolent bitches!  And to the Liberal Jews...how can you vote for people who would let these fanatics finish the work that Hitler started?!  Amazing?"

Folks..the United States did NOT start some fanatical tirade by invading Iraq.  Nor did us being in Saudia Arabia during the original rescue of Kuwait (full of Muslims!).  Remember 1979?  The Iraq Hostage Crisis?  That was the re-emergence of radical Islam and they fired a warning shot across the bow of Jimmy Carter...and Carter "blinked."  A swift and mighty retaliation then would have sent a message.  But he/ we failed.

These wacko radical Islamic nutcases want all women to be wearing Burkas (sp?)and walking 10 steps behind their masters.  And any man who doesn't give up his HD TV (what?!) his sports car, golf clubs and TER subscription (that should do it!) will be stoned to death.

Hey! Anybody remember the Crusades?  I know.  I know.  The invading white men went to Islamic countries to raid and pillage.  NO!  They went to stop the radicals from a well planned effort to destroy Christianity..and the Jews.

Oh, that reminds me to one more time ask "Liberal Jews...WTF are you thinking?"

Oh, by the way.  Been over there, seen all this..a lot and I know a lot about it.

This was just a high-level message.  Go to the library and read up.  This is a threat to any civilized country.

over and out.

would have no voice under a muslim rule...

As for my history question... 1492 - the significance of the year... has to do with the monarchy of Spain...

Answer, Ferdinand drove the Muslims from Spain, thereby halting their invasion of Europe... until now.  Ask the French.  if you can find them.

for you to pre-empt them, and shut up anybody you think is left-wing media.   I guess that means you like the muslim ideology as you allege it.

Are you really that fuckin stupid, or did you just cut a massive brain fart?

Exactly what the fuck do yoou mean claiming that "the liberal press" would be exterminated under the muslims?

Ya wanna EXPLAIN THAT??!!!

Do you mean that anybody who opposes your veiw of religious war is a fucking traitor who should be whacked out?   Because I sure don't see any other sense in it.

Explain it please.

philosophy of the current govenmental majority, has the right to express their dissent.  It you do that under a Muslim Theocracy, you will be jailed or worse, killed as many are in Iran.  

Do you really think that in Saudi Arabia there is freedom?  One of the reasons I truly hate the double standard of the right, is that no matter which way we turn... we are in bed with some pretty nasty dudes... and yes, I support the press's discussion of that, but what I cannot see is why they cannot discuss the fact that the fundamentalist Muslim community is totally opposed to our western way of life.  And, that their way to deal with that is to declare a Jihad against us.  Now, whether that declaration of Jihad means an outright war, or a more fundamental individual struggle, is another issue, but to most, it means that to commit violence against Westerners is sanctioned and under Muslim law, would not be viewed as a transgression.  That sum it up for ya!?

Dude, you are so limited in your thinking... that anything I write is wrong... that you can't even see other points of view... and that my friend is why you MIGHT be book smart, but street smart?  you ain't

except as a veiled threat to the "liberal media"?

And why is the media always liberal?  Is it that reality has a well-known liberal bias?  Or is it that  any disagreement is liberal treason?

So if Saudi Arabia doesn't have a free press, and is really sort of medieval in most ways, WTF are we doing propping them up for the last half-century, and defending them against other assholes?

Why don't we just let the assholes beat the shit out of each other, and then step in to kill the last one standing?  Because that would be smart, and the Republicans have foresworn the use of brains?

totally fucked up, because you couldn't make heads or tails of them if they were correct anyway.

The high point of the moors in Europe came in 732 at Tours, when the French Charles Martel kicked their ass.  They never made any more progress in Europe, and the various Spanish feudal lords chipped away at them for SEVEN FUCKING CENTURIES until Ferd & Isabella kicked them - and also the Jews - out in 1492.

Although the kingdom of Granada had fucking nothing to do with the Ottomans, it was in fact the Ottomans who accepted many Spanish Jews as refugees.

The argument that the Crusades were a response to Muslim aggression is pretty fucking thin, depending on the poetic license that the European church - notably not a nation-state per se, even if the pope held lots of land and influence - had a territorial right in Jerusalem.

But don't let my facts get in the way of your feelings.  Gut feelings are what works for this administration.   You can see how well they work in Iraq - and with any luck, we can expend most of that nucular ordnance we have left over from the Cold War.  Best of all, it doesn;t seem likely that anybody will be nuking back!!

Don't say Republicans don't care about the environment!!  They're doing everything they can to control the world population, and obviously clusterbombs are incredibly more efficient that condoms!!  Jesus would use a clusterbomb, not a condom.


that Dubya should NOT have used that word... that was insanely stoopid...

as for clusterbombs... seems that you only wish to halt the use of a manufactured bomb... but when a homemade IED is used by a Muslim Fanatic to kill kids at a pizza parlor its ok.... or when a Muslim fanatic hijacks a plane and rams it into a building killing thousands - that too is ok...

yea Jack, you make a lot of consistant sense.... I am for none of this.  But you?  you support it all.  Thanks

and HATE condoms.   What, you don't read the English language?

And what is the matter with Dubya saying "crusade"?  Eisenhower said "Crusade" and it worked for him.  I don't know why it doesn't work for Dubya.  Maybe he's just stupid.

this moron on the back, not a dozen lines above, for endorsing religious war??


Jeez, Bizarro, you've always been the ADD Man, but this is ridiculous!  You're getting so stupid, you should get a job in the White House!!

Oh, let me guess, it's all a joke.  You got caught, so it's a joke.  Just no sense of humor about religious war, or most other perversions.

It switched the theater from Spain to the Balkans and Eastern Europe.

next you'll be informing the board that Columbus sailed the ocean blue.....

I guess I took you too literally, which seems to be quite an error to you.

The moors were in a 7 century retreat before 1492.

A Frog named Charles Martel kicked their ass at Tours in 732.  

A FROG, as in French, stopped the moorish invasion, and did it against the odds.

So who else did Ferdy kick out of Spain?  The Yids!  And who took them in?  The Ottomans!!

Man, life gets complicated when you read books.

dude.... that is like saying that Eisenhower did not lead the D-Day invasion... but I suppose you will say that too.... Bwahahahaha

What is your point about the jews.... remember the inquisition was about this same time period...  so - what was your point?  it gets lost in all the irrelevant factoids you spew....  could you just stick to the topic????  that would help oh so much.

remember just because a population is in retreat does not mean they cannot stage a forward movement.....

You said Ferd stopped the Moorish invasion of Europe.

There was no Moorish invasion of Europe.   The Moors had fucking been in Spain for 7 fucking centuries, longer than the USA has held land from Mexico.

The man that stopped the moors was a FRENCHMAN, Charles Martel, 7 fucking hundred years earlier.  

What's inaccurate is that Ferd DID NOT STOP THE MOORISH INVASION.  IOW, you WERE WRONG.  

How many times do you need to hear it?!

as far as Martell is concerned, he halted the advance, but did not drive them from the occupancy, hence they were still invaders... ie. not where they were originally from...  

-- Modified on 9/18/2007 6:59:31 AM

Ask the Mexicans.   We only moved them aside 150 years ago.   Are we "still invaders"?

For that matter, Europeans only came to the New World 500 years ago.  Are we "still invaders"?

I can understand why you call yourself Bizarro.  You should get a job writing for the White House.

go to the Balkans.  Sure, there were other wars there, but guess what?  That predated the Spanish kicking the Moors out.  

The Spanish were too busy duking it out with the other Xtians, and there was no real consistent connection between the Ottomans and the Moors.   While you could argue sympathy among the various tribes with common religions, that would have to ignore the fact that they usually spent more time and effort cutting the throats of their compadres than the heathen infidel.

because he's so totally outrageous.  There's a very fine line between parody and reality, but CG is just too subtle here.  If he's joking, he's lost the punch line to subtlety.   He's way too close to what serious assholes are advocating for even black humor.

Now we know BSD much better.  He's about as subtle as and predictable as a semi coming down a 10% grade on ice, and if this is his attempt at a joke, he needs to go back to clown school.

nuclear zone fires!

Now, what was the target?

So these towelheads have been after us ever since the Crusades!!   Really dangerous mo-fos, too, considering the progress they've made - like the Turks don't seem to have made much progress since say 1453, and wait!!  Aren't they part of NATO?  How could muslims be our ALLIES?

That's what I mean - we should be gassing them all.  Never mind that we're so fucking stupid that we gas as many of our own.  Think of it as Republican population control.   God must not have a lot of interest in brains, look at how many roaches there are, compared to humans - but then, the roaches might be smarter...

Hey, bud, why don't ya take your own advice, and trot on down to the library, and fucking READ for a change??

Entirely apart from whatever you think I MAY mean, the text says, "...we should be gassing them all.  Never mind that we're so fucking stupid that we gas as many of our own."

We SHOULD BE.   The obvious complaint is that we're not.

And if you knew shit about gas, you'd know why we don't, and it ain't PR.

Every Jesus Person Has to Kill Every Mohammed Person!!!

Especially get those burka babes, because they're easy shots and you know they don't cover them up because they want ta look at them!!

Wait!!  Where ARE the Jesus people?  They're all home in the 700 club, focusing on their families, and sending redneck and beaner schlubs out to do the killing & dying.

No thanks.  I think I'll sit this one out, ya lily-livered money-scamming brain-dead Republican.

and if they have their way, you'll be dead... or worse.  Get over yourself man....

for our country.  Just watch Hannity and Dum Dum some evening.  My Godson just returned after 4 years over there and he's a good young man.

And somebody posted that "we're gassing our own."  Huh?  You can't be serious!?

Look, I'm not a Republican....I'm a Conservative.  Big difference.  But I know this.  If Hillary or any of the current group of Democrats get elected we're in trouble.

Before you start posting about the US is evil this and evil that.  Answer these questions:

1)  Here in Silicon Valley, where I live, why does every Indian, Muslim, Asian, Mexican and Martian want to come here?
2)  Why are we the richest and also the most giving and benevolent country in the world?
3)  What other country offers what we have?  Cuba?

well no shit.  But since I didn't buy the Republico-conservative joke book, you'lll have to explain the jokes.   I only speak English, not the idiot dialect of Republican, so ya gotta keep that in mind.

Yeah, there's a difference between Republican and Conservatives.  Conservatives are committed assholes, while Republicans are committed politicians.  But that discussion only comes up in chest-thumping contests, when right-wingers get together and thump their chests in contests to see how fucking brainless they can be.

SO, you start out bitching about Muslims, then yoou get to youor real beef, that every Indian, Muslim, Asian, Mexican and Martian wants to go there.  So I assume they are hurting you somehow, perhaps your home value hasn't exploded like all the rest, or maybe even you're renting.  Exactly what could you be doing for work in Silicon Valley that you would be sucking hind tit?

I'm guessing though that the swathy funny talking people piss you off, and that probably includes the French, and all those Russian bitches too, to say nothing of the shiftless drunken Irish, and the stuckup English, and the liberal dutch, and the greasy wops, and the albino Swedes.  YOUR grandpap came here 100 years ago, so youo have squatters' rights.

Now with all those people there in Silicon Valley, do yoou think that might have antyhing to do with being the richest and most benevolenbt country in the world?  That is just a really shitty idea, in my opinion - I think it's obvious that we should be like all the rest of the world, chiseling poverty stricken misers because we can't figure out that in any economy, what goes around, comes around.

So it's obvious that we should deport all those fuckers, and then see what happens to the economy of Silicon Valley.   Why, you could get a job in a call center answering computer questions!!  You do know how computers work, don't you?


and then we find that your beef is really with the Indians, Mexicans and Martians.   And Asians.  

Did you forget anybody?  What about all those blonde Russian bitches that you're not getting any from?

So what's all teh talk about muslims invading Europe in 1492?

Just sharing?

you were slapping some fellow on the back for declaring religious war.

What?  You change your mind now?  Forget what you said?  Or were you joking?

man, one of these days I gotta buy the Republican jokebook.  I just think $2 is a lotta money to pay for pitchers of the Prez & all hia Secretaries.

EXACTLY what do you support... cause no one on this board can decipher that except the sychophant Z..... help the rest of us....  we are clueless as to what you believe except anarchy...  That sum it up?

when I give you the fucking link, and you can't read,  you got a problem.

What do you espouse...  ???   I think anarchy... am I correct....?

By logical elimination, I think you must be espousing dissociative identity disorder as a foreign policy.

that the Fundamentalist Muslim community (no matter what nationality) has decided that they wish to live under a religious theorcracy and that that theocracy shall have as a stated goal the elimination of Western society.  I oppose that! What do you oppose - if anything...?

only muslims, which he does not distinguish among.

The FUCKING TURKS are Muslim!!  Pull your head out of your ass.

We have American theocrats who celebrate 9/11 telling us that judges are more dangerous than terrorists.

2nd, he says the crusades were "to stop the radicals (mislims) from a well planned effort to destroy Christianity..and the Jews."

What the fuck do you think he said??!!

Whose side are you on, anyway??!!

-- Modified on 9/17/2007 8:29:53 AM

little man.  

I really take offense at someone wishing to kill me JUST BECAUSE my religion happens to be christianity.... or wicca or Budhist.... or whatever.  JUST because I am christian or whatever (or for that matter athiest), is of no concern to anyone but me... Have you heard Osama's latest pronouncement?  Want to end the violence... convert to the muslim faith (actually to be precise HIS form of fundamental muslim faith).  so jack- what the fuck do you think osama said?  and whose side are YOU on....  

If you read (and I do mean actually read) you will find that folks who wish us harm are actually a bit more psychotic than even you appear to be... and they will tell you their plans to do you harm... Make no mistake about it, history does repeat itself...  and all that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing.  Sadly, in this country we have no leadership that is able to plot a path that would ensure our liberty and freedom.  Even more sad is that we do not even begin to recognize what we have.... When we do, it will be because we have surrendered what we have.  

my fear.... we will get so far down the path to loosing our sovereignty that we will have to undergo a great loss of our individual freedom... and then all will be lost... it has happened in other places in other times... we are not immune.

and tell me if you weren't endorsing religious war.

You're too fucking stupid to understand when you're being mocked.

contending we are in a religious war with Islam, and the 1st would be to claim he's joking.  No sale.  Not even close.

The 2nd would be to turn the overall thrust of his argument upside down.  Since you're arguing in support of a guy who presents himself as conservative, that's my guess.   You know, Orwell's "War is peace" schtick.

Now I thought I could make it simple by citing specifics, but you still try to squirm away, even if not very convincingly - ie, the best you can do is say, 'if that's all you have, you're sad'.

Guess what, pal:  I don't need anything more.  He's advocating religious war on the theory that "they started it", and you're endorsing it.  Pretty cut & dried.

If you believe that, and are not just thumping your chest, why don't you go blow up some mosques?   The sheer stupidity of it shouldn't stop you.

a declaration of war?

And why are you not killing Turks and bombing mosques?

Because you know you're talking thru your ass, because it feels so good to you.

Jesus!!  Do you have any concept how your stupid brand politics can fuck people up?!  Dubya probably has a couple orders of intelligence on ya, and look what HE's done!!

allowing a child rapist out of jail.  there are other examples - but even hard core libs thought that this guy went way too far...  

but I guess you support protection of the guilty, but no protection of the innocent.  but you like to watch Clint Eastwood shoot-em-ups...  Wow, what a guy.

than terrorists?    Pretty handy, too, since they're easier to find.  Still not as easy to find as the beaners at Home Depot.

So I guess you support general mayhem.  Wow, what a putz.

instead of answering the central idea of a post, you look for some way that you could be right, even if it's a tangent or out of context.

It's a common pattern that puts ego ahead of intellectual honesty.  

So you get embarrassed when you make a stupid statement and get mocked.  You'll live.   You might even be more careful in your thinking, god forbid.

You and many others go to crazy extremes, inferring for example that if a person doesn't support one extreme, they must support the other.  Complete and total bullshit, and you should know it.

I don't know how to get thru to a person with such a fucking thick skull except to mock them until it sinks in.

-- Modified on 9/17/2007 10:22:22 AM

don't believe the way you do, and going to war to prevent people from killing you because you have a specific belief... heck, I don't want Osama or Mohammed or Fatima or whoever, to believe as I do... I am not trying to "convert or kill them"!  That would be a religious war.  I just want them to not kill me or any of my fellow citizens.... again, listen to what the madman in the cave is telling you... "convert to the muslim religion and I will stop killin you."  that is his command.

So Jack, you facing East?!  It is you who side tracks.... you fail to realize that you've been answered - you just don't like the answers... too bad.  

Crazy extreme?  there are plenty of crazy extremes... The one person on this board who screams kill, kill, kill - disobey the law - is you!  your posts over the months (years?) are always filled with this type of tripe sadistic ranting.  I look at the scores of you meetings with ladies... does no one make you happy?  man, you are sad.  Me embarrassed?  about what?  that I recognize when people don't like me and want to kill me?  what is that to be embarassed about.... and in case you are wondering if the ignorant masses win... will they make an exception for you?  nope.... they won't - again, history provides examples of those who make deals.... they tend to not survive because they cannot be trusted.... and that jack -- would be you.

so rant against this - as I know you will, knock yourself out... spew more hatred... cause that is about all you know.

because they want to kill you first.

Well, it'd make a little more sense if there were more than 1% of muslims who gave a shit about you.


they did.  I did not hold americans hostage in Iran... they did.  I did not kill sailors aboard the USS Cole.... they did.  I did not carry out the August 98 bombings of the U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania....  they did.

you seem to not understand, they kill us... they have come here with the express intent of killing us.  I have heard few of the 99% of Muslims who don't give a shit about the US to say, "hey, those are bad dudes and they should not kill folks..." but they don't do they.

you're saying this is a religious war - despite your earlier denial.

So you must think we should hold all muslims POW, including the ones who've been translating for us.  Or maybe you'd be satisfied with a conversion.

How do you think that would play with the Turks?  You want to write them off?

Do you have any qualms about just willy-nilly jumping into a war with about a quarter of the world's population?   Or do you figure we have enough nukes to go around?

Exactly why would you trust Osama bin Laden's interpretation?

muslims that are a problem... and one that is a problem... your interpretation of my words is a problem, because you just want to be a board bully.... but know what- you're really not that good at it.  Where did I say ALL MUslims?  I was specific in stating fundamentalists.... but I guess that distinction is totally lost on you.....   and I've never mentioned Turkey (mostly Sunni with less than 1% christian & jewsish).  Why do you bring it up? perhaps to sidetrack us?  what purpose does that serve.

and I do not think that jumping willy nilly into a war is a good idea... but remember, we did not start the war... our city was attacked.  our military and embassys were attacked.  and I have repeatedly stated - I do not wish anyone to convert from one religion to another, but I expect the same from them.

As far as CGs original post, he is making a distiction between a country declaring war on us, and a religious group declaring war on us.  No one is promoting a "war to convert" except for bin laden.  

Why would you twist words?  and where have I EVER advocated the use of Nukes... or for that matter gas...

You are the one who goes to that - every single time....   everyone on this board knows that you misrepresent the words of others....   kinda a joke actually.

-- Modified on 9/17/2007 3:41:19 PM

claiming we were in religious war, like crusades; and that muslims wouldn't permit a free press, so "liberals" should just STFU.

DUDE!!  TURKS ARE MUSLIMS!  BOSNIANS ARE MUSLIMS!!  There are probably muslims in your hometown!!  


Aw fuck it.  Just fuck it.  It's not like you're able to figure it out.

you should do the same.   Your mindless support for brainless Republicans has gotten the US into a world of shit, and god knows how long it's going to take to get out.

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