Politics and Religion

So now… Biden is sooooo desperate
LostSon 43 Reviews 76 reads

He’s willing to “forgive” 1.2 Billion dollars in student debt to buy votes with this Bullshit 🙄🙄🙄

Ok lefties explain how this benefits the nation as a whole?


Biden tried and failed in court to forgive many loans more than a year ago. Since then he's been finding administrative ways to forgive smaller loan categories. Call it craven vote-buying if you want but Biden ran on this promise and he's simply trying to fulfill it. If Trump did the same you'd be cheering.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: Where have you been, Loooooser?
Biden tried and failed in court to forgive many loans more than a year ago. Since then he's been finding administrative ways to forgive smaller loan categories. Call it craven vote-buying if you want but Biden ran on this promise and he's simply trying to fulfill it. If Trump did the same you'd be cheering.
Wow icky is actual right about something… it IS craven vote-buying  and  BTW Trump didn’t do IT!  

Love how your side endorses it 👍 more nails in the coffin of this country.  

I realize your not long for this ole world but I’ve got roughly 50ish more years to go and I would like it if the United States was still the land of the free and the home of the brave when I kick off.

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