Politics and Religion

So just curious, why was only the Russia media there...
Hpygolky 207 Reviews 187 reads

and not a American outlet? Of course McMaster may be covering trump's ass. Deny, deny, deny from a lying administration that has no credibility. Now McMaster has to clean trump's ass. Soon McMaster will loose his credibility....then what?

bigguy30199 reads

It's only a matter of time.
They kick his fake Russian puppet ass out of the White House.
If they don't it will be the end of the GOP party too!

JakeFromStateFarm281 reads

Say "Hi!" to President Pence.

Timbow299 reads

“The president and the foreign minister reviewed common threats from terrorist organizations to include threats to aviation,” said H.R. McMaster, the national security adviser, who participated in the meeting. “At no time were any intelligence sources or methods discussed, and no military operations were disclosed that were not already known publicly.”

and not a American outlet? Of course McMaster may be covering trump's ass. Deny, deny, deny from a lying administration that has no credibility. Now McMaster has to clean trump's ass. Soon McMaster will loose his credibility....then what?

another fucking Benedict Arnold..

Posted By: mattradd

Of the trump pay back to Putin. trump is just following orders, he has a bill that has to be paid back. Putin says meet my Prime Mister and tell him classified information or I'll expose you and trump does what he's told......SAD.
And he bitch about Clinton email and the classified information that "may" have been hack...And trump gives Putin what he wanted on a silver plate.
How can republicans look themselves in the mirror...

...Blood sucking vampires don't cast a reflection...and they don't reflect on anything they do either.

Rush to believe the WaPo without any questions right? There were three people in the room and none of them were quoted only "anonymous sources." And one of them HR McMaster comes out and basically says nothing was discussed that hadn't already been made public.

But of course you couldn't wait for one of the participants, a highly respected one at that, to comment before you shot your bold in your drawers could you? Of course not.

You're such a partisan hack its embarrassing.................

There is 4 of em here and they all believe anything that come from any anti-Trump outlet.

WAPO, NY TIMES, CNN, MSNBC, HUFFINGTON.......it's a shame that they rely on hack outlets for their enjoyment.  

I really think that a quick shot of pussy will make them wake up and stop believing everything they read.

Posted By: USGrantlover
Re: So of course geniuses like you..........
Rush to believe the WaPo without any questions right? There were three people in the room and none of them were quoted only "anonymous sources." And one of them HR McMaster comes out and basically says nothing was discussed that hadn't already been made public.  
 But of course you couldn't wait for one of the participants, a highly respected one at that, to comment before you shot your bold in your drawers could you? Of course not.  
 You're such a partisan hack its embarrassing.................

nuguy46237 reads

3 people in the room say it didn't happen. One anonymous 'source' said it did. Yup, Fake News again. Got the snowflakes anxious again.

Just like when he threw his team under the buss, regarding firing Comey!

Keep up your valiant attempt to defend Trump you Trumpets! ;)

nuguy46193 reads

the man formerly trying to be Prez leans over to the RUSSIAN and says, 'Tell Vlad I'll be in a better position after i'm re-elected"....why do the snowflakes let this go by w/o any show of outrage?  no better example of collusion w/ RUSSIA, than this BHO utterance!

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