Politics and Religion

So, if I were Republican, who would I pick? Carson or Trump......
HONDA 153 Reviews 930 reads

Exhibit #1
Carson: As a surgeon helped prolong and save lives. He also played a big role in the medical monopoly abusing the crap out of our health care system. Now, according to politico it appears he's a Liar.

Exhibit #2
Trump: He has negotiated with crooks(banks) and Liars(politicians) for a long time and has apparently won many times.

 I think we need someone who can shove a 2x4 up the crooks and liars asses and win every time,  so I'll take Trump.😀

GaGambler195 reads

Tech companies routinely hire ex hackers to head up their internet security departments, who better than a guy who is campaigning on his record of dealing with crooks and liars and continually coming out on top to deal with the crooks and liars in Washington.

I have no idea if he would actually be any good at the job, but the bar has been set so low, how could he possibly do any worse?

Carson is without a doubt a Liar.  
Trump has also taken some liberties with the truth, but it's what I would call more of a bullshiter.  Not really the truth, but not quit a complete lie either.

Democrats give BJ's to the crooks (bankers) at night under the cover darkness, while Republicans give BJ's to the crooks (bankers) in plain sight, both day and night. Regardless of which party is in control we are all screwed.  

On Thursday, 354 members of the House of Representatives voted to give banks $17 billion, basically just to thank them for being banks.

All but two Republicans voted for the measure, including all but one member of the hyper-conservative Freedom Caucus, which frequently lambasts the grip of "crony capitalism" in Washington. Only 70 Democrats voted against the measure, mostly members of the Progressive Caucus.

-- Modified on 11/6/2015 10:54:25 PM

Politico got several facts wrong and have now softened their stance on their reporting.

I am glad to see the lib media vetting the candidates properly.  

If it weren't for them, we would never have found out that Mitt Romney gave a kid a haircut as a teen or that he gave a dog a ride on the roof. LOL

Woof, woof!

Objectively: Carson is smart as well as clever; but he just ain't got the "chops" needed IMO.  

Subjectively: His overtly stoic, cerebral approach gives cause to pause.

Objectively: Trump has beaten the best at their own game(s)

Subjectively: He is the living caricature and bastion of brash braggadocio and salesmanship.

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