Politics and Religion

So I guess this means you are officially done with Ferguson?
JackDunphy 690 reads

You used that up and tossed that away because it no longer fits your needs I see and now, like Sharpton, it's onto Cleveland, right?

How about an acknowledgement that you were wrong? That you have put out bogus info on that case? That you leaped to conclusions without having all the facts?

How about we start there DA before you go on to your next big case of police brutality that never seems to materialize?

Can we get a little introspection from you here, or are you the conspiracy theorist type, i.e. that the facts in any given case are absolutely meaningless

DA_Flex2865 reads

I know I've been a one trick pony lately regarding the issue of policing in this country, but it bears highlighting that despite all the protestations of LE, whether justified or not, we have a policing problem in this country, specifically when it comes to deadly force.  The Salt Lake Tribune analyzed shootings and found that aside from domestic shootings, citizens are more likely to be shot and killed by police than any other category.

In New York City, police shot and killed a citizen while performing a stairwell check.  The police claimed accidental shooting on their part but it highlights why the officer had even unholstered his weapon in the forest place.

In Cleveland, police shot and killed a minor who had a air soft gun in his possession.  Police claimed that the chil reached for perceived weapon in waist.  The 911 call to the police highlighted twice that the weapon was probably fake, but the cops came guns blazing regardless.

When are we going to start holding our officers accountable for the decisions they make.  Currently, the standard is set way too low for any officer to be held responsible.  Today's standard, unfortunately upheld by the Supreme Court, allows the standard to be held through the eyes of the officer.  This is a has proven to be a dangerous standard that allows officers to ignore good judgement and allows them to basically shot first and ask questions later. We have to stop this insanity

86H13LTP695 reads

He ran up and stuck that hatchet in a rookie cop's head .  

When are we going to control radical fucking Muslims, cracked out freaks and Xbox wanna be homos like the douche bag in PA who shot the troopers because he wanted to play a reality game.

DA_Flex506 reads

What do they say about ignorance is bliss.  You have plenty of it in spades...dumbass

Posted By: 86H13LTP
He ran up and stuck that hatchet in a rookie cop's head .  
 When are we going to control radical fucking Muslims, cracked out freaks and Xbox wanna be homos like the douche bag in PA who shot the troopers because he wanted to play a reality game.

86H13LTP788 reads

Clean Shooting by the Ferguson cop are dumbass Uncle Toms right ?

Go get your free turkey you punk coward desk jockey !

-- Modified on 11/24/2014 10:56:59 PM

Yes, you stop your insanity of pointing out that the police, whom police Democratic cities. Which are under the control of Democratic policy. Have more police involved shootings due to the Democratic, anti-gun laws which the police are attempting to enforce.

DA_Flex591 reads

I can expect a response like this from tweedle-dee And tweedle-dumbass.

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Yes, you stop your insanity of pointing out that the police, whom police Democratic cities. Which are under the control of Democratic policy. Have more police involved shootings due to the Democratic, anti-gun laws which the police are attempting to enforce.

I'm only stating the facts, that the places where the majority of police shootings occur have the most stringent anti gun laws. Police officers are not going to enforce policy which does not exist.

There is a reason that police act in the fashion they do, Democratic anti-gun hysteria is the motivating factor behind the majority of fatal police shootings which occur in the U.S.

GaGambler774 reads

Which means his argument should be VERY easy to refute. Ok, lets see someone refute it. DA, tear him a new asshole, and show us all just how wrong he is.

DA_Flex752 reads

Unfortunately, Official government statistics at the federal level on this subject is spoty at best.  The official stat of 410 justified shootings last year by police is widely criticized as under-reported.  However there are a few blogs that have compiled such information and there are a few organizations like deadspin are trying to collect more accurate statistics.  Deadly and excessive force shooting happen everywhere.

Everything below is from the blog...
Where People Were Shot

     Most Deadly States

     California 183 total (102 fatal)
     Florida 96 (49)
     Illinois 64 (26)
     Texas 58 (26)
     New York 49 (23)
     Pennsylvania 49 (23)
     Ohio 45 (28)
     Arizona 45 (27)
     Maryland 41 (16)
     Washington 39 (29)

     Least Deadly States

     Delaware 0
     Vermont 0
     North Dakota 1
     Wyoming 2 (1)
     Alaska 2 (2)
     Montana 3 (2)
     South Dakota 3 (3)
     Hawai 4 (3)
     Conneticut 6 (1)
     West Virginia 6 (5)
     New Hampshire 6 (5)
     Idaho 7 (2)
     Kansas 7 (5)

Posted By: GaGambler
Which means his argument should be VERY easy to refute. Ok, lets see someone refute it. DA, tear him a new asshole, and show us all just how wrong he is.

GaGambler647 reads

The big states have more instances than the small states. I am sure that is relevant somehow, but just how it's relevant is beyond me.

I guess it should be some kind of huge surprise that a state that is thirty times bigger than another is going to have more deaths, but it's NOT. It's simple common sense, your bottom 13 states have a combined population less than either the "cities" of LA or NYC, Please don't tell me this is the best you've got, I would hate to think one of our leading SPOTY candidates is about to make you look dumb.

JackDunphy809 reads

When I asked him what evidence he had that excessive force was used in the Ferguson case, you can see his dumbass reply attached.

You see GaG, DA can determine the guilt or innocence of a cop merely based on how far away he is from the perp when he shot him, whether or not the info is accurate! lol  

Now when pressed what cop hating website or "blog" (lol) he got his info from, he ran away like a scared turtle.  

And as we found out last night, Brown was killed from a distance of 8-10 feet away while being charged at, meaning the officer had approx. one second to shoot or the thug would have been on top of him and could have possibly killed the officer.

Facts don't matter to DA or Obama or Holder or Sharpton or any of these nuts. Its all race based and cop hatred based

DA_Flex651 reads

The question your favorite SPOTY I ploed was that police killings occur more in Democratically run states and cities.  And if you bothered to even read my response throughly, there are no reliable statistics collected on this issue at the federal level.  The conspiracy theorist in me would state that the govt doesn't want its citizens to know how many citizens are killed by police.  There have been efforts by private organizations one good source is on Facebook, where I have provided a link.  This effort is run by private citizens that have determined that there have been almost 1000 citizens killed by police thus since 2014.  

Posted By: GaGambler
The big states have more instances than the small states. I am sure that is relevant somehow, but just how it's relevant is beyond me.

I guess it should be some kind of huge surprise that a state that is thirty times bigger than another is going to have more deaths, but it's NOT. It's simple common sense, your bottom 13 states have a combined population less than either the "cities" of LA or NYC, Please don't tell me this is the best you've got, I would hate to think one of our leading SPOTY candidates is about to make you look dumb.

JackDunphy691 reads

You used that up and tossed that away because it no longer fits your needs I see and now, like Sharpton, it's onto Cleveland, right?

How about an acknowledgement that you were wrong? That you have put out bogus info on that case? That you leaped to conclusions without having all the facts?

How about we start there DA before you go on to your next big case of police brutality that never seems to materialize?

Can we get a little introspection from you here, or are you the conspiracy theorist type, i.e. that the facts in any given case are absolutely meaningless

DA_Flex900 reads

My opinion has not changed one iota....I believe that excessive force was used.  And I also correctly predicted that the officer would not be indicted.

Posted By: JackDunphy
You used that up and tossed that away because it no longer fits your needs I see and now, like Sharpton, it's onto Cleveland, right?  
 How about an acknowledgement that you were wrong? That you have put out bogus info on that case? That you leaped to conclusions without having all the facts?  
 How about we start there DA before you go on to your next big case of police brutality that never seems to materialize?  
 Can we get a little introspection from you here, or are you the conspiracy theorist type, i.e. that the facts in any given case are absolutely meaningless?  

DA_Flex750 reads

Here's some stats for you...from a conservative rag you might believe regarding the number of officers actually charged with criminal offenses in shootings.  I spout facts while you ignoramuses shoot off your mouths with empty thoughts and rhetoric.

Posted By: JackDunphy
You used that up and tossed that away because it no longer fits your needs I see and now, like Sharpton, it's onto Cleveland, right?  
 How about an acknowledgement that you were wrong? That you have put out bogus info on that case? That you leaped to conclusions without having all the facts?  
 How about we start there DA before you go on to your next big case of police brutality that never seems to materialize?  
 Can we get a little introspection from you here, or are you the conspiracy theorist type, i.e. that the facts in any given case are absolutely meaningless?  

JackDunphy770 reads

How'd that turn out? Your hatred won't let you see the facts.

Now Ferguson is on fire due to dopes like you Sharpton and Barry dumbass.  


bigguy30607 reads

The one sided things that are coming out of your mouth is beyond stupid.

So did you hear them backing the family call for peaceful protest tonight?

They also said it's no excuse for what is going on right now.

You just want to fuel your one sided stupidity!


Posted By: JackDunphy
How'd that turn out? Your hatred won't let you see the facts.  
 Now Ferguson is on fire due to dopes like you Sharpton and Barry dumbass.  

DA_Flex970 reads

if Ferguson is on fire it's because the police has been systematically abusing its minority citizens for years and they are frankly tired of the abuse.  

Posted By: JackDunphy
How'd that turn out? Your hatred won't let you see the facts.  
 Now Ferguson is on fire due to dopes like you Sharpton and Barry dumbass.  

JackDunphy635 reads

Sharpton is hiring. Ask RR for a job application. He goes into the office every day.

bigguy30642 reads

Posted By: JackDunphy
Sharpton is hiring. Ask RR for a job application. He goes into the office every day.

Yet, he was acquitted. I don't know what the evidence is against Wilson, or how it was resented, nor can I say what was in his mind when he shot Brown; was he in fear of his life, was he just pissed, would he have shot a white man or woman under the same circumstances, I can't say. So, I'm just saying that just because a jury or grand jury does not hold someone liable for a crime does not mean they didn't do it. I would not be surprised if Wilson's legal and occupational problems are far from over.

JackDunphy794 reads

This wasn't a trial where the threshold is reasonable doubt. There burden is "preponderance of the evidence", i.e. only 51% sure he committed a crime to send it to a jury for trial.

With far, far less confidence of guilt needed, they STILL didn't think it was probable that the cop committed ANY crime. Remember, there were 5 different crimes the GJ could have brought him up on charges from murder one all the way down to involuntary manslaughter and they chose nada.

His criminal legal problems are all but over. People will huff and puff about civil rights violations but that is a very high hurdle for the Feds as they have to prove that Wilson killed him BECAUSE he was black. How will they do that with numerous African Americans saying that Brown charged the officer? Classic self defense and police are given more latitude under the law to kill as they should.

He will face a civil wrongful death suit but I am not sure that he will even lose that as Browns actions were so incredibly provocative and threatening and the lack of even an indictment will certainly not help.  

I see no reason he cant be a cop again, if he wants. It seems like he followed procedure to a "T" but there will be an investigation into that as well. Now it wont be in Ferguson, or maybe nearby, but there will be another force that would certainly take him as he had a pristine record before all this happened.

A grand jury process is different than a jury process. However, they both rely on evidence, how it's presented and how it's interpreted. My point is just because there is no evidence to convict, or for a grand jury to conclude that a case should go to trial, doesn't guarantee that the person is innocent. I've seen cases where there was a high probability that the person was guilty, but because the evidence was sufficiently gotten rid of, tainted or misconstrued, the case never went to trial. Again, I'm not say I know anything about whether Wilson's shooting Brown was justified. The fact that the grand jury did not send it to trial increases, in my mind, the probability that he's innocent of wrong doing, but again, in my mind, does not guarantee it.

There was apparently no cross examination by the ADA of Wilson’s grand jury testimony. He was just allowed to tell his version of the story – and much of what I have heard sounded carefully rehearsed to meet the no culpability standard – “I considered all my options when Brown  reached into the car.”

       And apparently there was little or no prosecutorial advocacy at all – “we want you to return a indictment.” Very unusual.

      So I don’t know how much credibility I can give to the no bill. In the wrongful death lawsuit, Wilson will be cross examined by the Plaintiff’s attorney and the jury may  
well have a very different view of his credibility than did the grand jury.

     Without cross- ex, Wilson’s testimony can’t be given much weight. I suspect he knows this and probably explains whey he got married. He is going to be shifting assets to his wife and converting  real property in tenancy  by entirety property as far as is permitted by state law.

     He is not going to be a cop again or have any job for a long time bc he knows the wrongful death verdict will wipe him out anyway. If he goes asset poor, maybe they will not sue him. His employer will not be liable if intentionally killed Brown

GaGambler667 reads

with one hell of a defense team on his side. The threshold of guilt required to be proven in a murder trial is many times what is needed to get a grand jury to indict.

The grand jury was not there to pass judgment on his guilt or innocence, only to contemplate if there is/was enough evidence to bring it to trial.

Also keep in mind that OJ was "convicted" in civil court where the threshold is only a "preponderance of the evidence" not "beyond a reasonable doubt" A grand jury doesn't even need a "preponderance of the evidence" to indict. The threshold is even lower than that and there was not enough evidence to indict. I think it's pretty plain that the cop did not commit a criminal act.

BTW I am not really a "law and order" kind of guy like Jack, I grew up with criminals as a youth, not cops, and I fully believe that cops abuse their authority on a regular basis, but this case isn't/wasn't about "all cops" this was one cop and one thug. I think Tini summed it up best, this kid "lived stupid and died stupid"

that he was convicted in civil court. And, I'm quite aware of how grand juries, and criminal vs civil courts operate. My main point is that, which ever process you're in, what evidence is available, what evidence is entered in to the case, what evidence that is withheld, how the evidence is presented, and how it is interpreted influences the outcome of the case. And, that process can be perverted. I have no emotional investment in whether Wilson is guilty of not. I have not been following the story. And, in my mind, the fact that the grand jury decided not to send the case up to be prosecuted in criminal court increase the probability that Wilson did not do anything worth prosecuting, but does not make it an absolute. Just like in many car accidents, there is usually one person deemed 'at fault', when in reality both people may have done something different to prevented it. Inattentiveness, speed, etc. is difficult to factor in as proof of culpability. However, if the other person deemed 'not at fault' is going the appropriate speed, is obeying traffic laws and rules of the road, and is fully attentive to his or her driving, that accident can often be avoided. Yep! It seems Brown was an accident ready to happen. We don't know why, and we don't absolutely know if Wilson could have done anything different to avoid the outcome.

I thought you liked watching L&O, most of been SOE.

bigguy30848 reads

When Darren Wilson defense attorney spoke tonight.

He made it clear from the beginning.

What the decision was going to be tonight.

I mean the guy came from a family of cops.

So no one should be surprised at all.

This country has a problem with police.

If you disagree then you are not a target.

Posted By: JackDunphy
You used that up and tossed that away because it no longer fits your needs I see and now, like Sharpton, it's onto Cleveland, right?  
 How about an acknowledgement that you were wrong? That you have put out bogus info on that case? That you leaped to conclusions without having all the facts?  
 How about we start there DA before you go on to your next big case of police brutality that never seems to materialize?  
 Can we get a little introspection from you here, or are you the conspiracy theorist type, i.e. that the facts in any given case are absolutely meaningless?  

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