Politics and Religion

So I did get your life story right....
Snowman39 1528 reads

as sad as it may be.

No why don;t you go eat some cheap chinese and play fantasy football on your XBox and let the adults worry about the politics.

maybe I should have said that conservatives are stupid.

I remember them from sometime back describing how they, or their "kin" were abducted and "probed" by space aliens

Who knows how many interviews this guy conducted with protesters who gave coherent and reasoned arguments. Any interviews like that would have been edited out. He's deliberately choosing statements that show conservatives in a poor light. Meanwhile, the irony is that at 5:30 he screws up and shows his own ignorance. In the exchange with the woman, he says "Well he's talking about an army of voluneers, like a volunteer army right?" Actually NO fella, Obama's words were "a citizen army that is just as well armed as, just as well funded as, our military" Just as well ARMED....right from Obama's mouth.

Furthermore, actually the "czars" date back at least as far back as FDR. I'd have to go look it up to see if presidents before FDR appointed czars. So he got that wrong. Then he got it wrong when he said that czars are largely advisory in scope. Actually czars genearlly have far more authority than merely advisory.

So basically this kid isn't half as informed as he would like to think he is. He edited out the smart ones and kept the dumb ones, but apparently doesn't realize he showed his own ignorance repeatedly. Gotta love irony :o)

...coherent and reasoned arguments. Any interviews like that would have been edited out. He's deliberately choosing statements that show conservatives in a poor light."


Conservatives show conservatives in a poor light....they have no message, no leaders & are lost. Hopefully they wake up in a few years, we need real intelligent debate & leaders from both parties. I vote both ways (I’m Bi-Political, BP) but not lately. ;-)

Yes, I'm sure he edited out the smart ones...must have been so hard to do with all those big brains in that crowd.

Right out of Obama's mouth, or Glenn Beck's? Obama's encouraging volunteer work, something Bush encouraged at well. NONE of them will be armed. Beck even suggested that 500 billion dollars would be used to arm these people. I guess he doesn't bother to fact check a damn thing.

FDR had czars? For what? As far as I know the first person to appoint a Czar was Nixon. Bush tried to appoint a "War Czar" for Iraq so he could blame someone other than himself for screwing things up. I guess he forget he was the Commander in Chief.

Bareback_Mountaineer2123 reads

I think the first time any US prez appointed someone to be a czar, and used that term, was that noted liberal [and well-know anti-communist, of all the irony] Richard Nixon, when he appointed William Simon Energy Czar back in late 1973.

FDR had brain trusters, one of his favorite terms, but can you provide us with a citation as to who was a czar and what of back in the FDR era, and if FDR actually used that term in public?

Actually, the Obama czars will indeed be advisory -- they appear to be   coordinating and overseeing positions, but in the absence of a specific institutional base [such a a Cabinet department secretaryship or director of an executive branch agency] with regularly budgeted federal $$$$ to support their activities, Obama's czars are more akin to toothless lions prowling through Potemkin villages in an esstentially empty PR move meant to reassure, if not befuddle, the hoi polloi.  I wouldn't worry too much, apart from yet another layer of federal buraucracy being larded onto the executive branch.

Would you feel better in Obama appoints tsars instead.? Next up : we'll worry that they are issuing diktats and and ukases in an arbitraty manner.

fasteddie512082 reads

I'm trying to figure out what freedoms they're afraid of losing, and where were theese people when the Patriot Act actually DID curtail some of our personal rights in the name of security.

kerrakles913 reads

Stupidity cannot be understood. It just exists. Leave at that.

RightwingUnderground1151 reads

Looks like BHO has got you right where he wants you.

Snowman39991 reads

Here you for. Your average liberal....

Snowman391726 reads

Because cowards who are afraid to debate based on facts try to use it as a tool win they can not win a debate.

Your post proves my point. This lady says she will not have to worry about paying her mortgage or putting gas in her car. That is a STUPID statement no matter what race you are. The fact that she is black did not even matter to me. But of course since you have no substance to bring to the debate, you have to try to pull the race card.

NICE TRY, BUT THE MAJORITY OF AMERICANS FIGURED OUT PEOPLE LIKE YOU A LONG TIME AGO. So keep doing your name calling with no real substance and show this board your true ignorance.

BTW, I do not care what race you are personally, its your posts I am judging, which seem to be WEAK, VERY WEAK.

...while you type & press 'post message'! Tis your numerous post I judge!

Slainte Mhath O'Grand Wizard Frostie! ;-)

Snowman391677 reads

to sounding stupid.

Just because you are white doesn't stop you from being a race warlord.

You should change you handle the Rev JJ or Big Al. You now have as little credibility as they do.

-- Modified on 10/7/2009 11:42:17 AM

....When in the world have ye ever been informed and had any credibility on any issue ye have posted on? The more I allow you to post lad, the higher that wee white pillow case on top of ye pee brain head keeps a’rising (The only way a lady really knows your aroused BTW).

Begorrah Frosty! Now ye just can’t help ye'self, playing that race card yet again w/ye post. Now that's the definition of stu...., well, not so bright laddie. You should be appointed  “The Racist Czar” by ye beloved T-baggers, represent!  It’s vogue to be a racist again w/the Rusher’s & Becker’s crowd…Speak it loud & clear!!!!!!  Here ye roar laddie!! ;-)

Snowman391467 reads

guess that let's us know the company you keep.

Care to share the ranks and titles you use in the SS??

..company ye bring, & titles ye give & ye's history ye've giv'n! Ye've shared w/all. No guess's here by ye on the board Frosty, ye have driven it home to the board loud & clear laddie...

....TS reviews to go up laddie. O, that's right, ye got no reviews, ye're not even a hobbyist, just another cranky old T-Bagger on this board. Me guess viagra & the lot doesn't work for ye laddie, I was right about that pillow case is the only thing that rises on ye ;-)

Slainte Mhath O'Grand Wizard Frostie!

Snowman391101 reads

based on the fact you seem to have a pirate fantasy, have linked the following for your viewing pleasure. Remember to be careful or your keyboard keys will stick ;-)

-- Modified on 10/8/2009 7:43:21 AM

...ye're white pillow case over ye're head must be blocking ye're vision. Very comfortable in my hetro-skin, as ye have shown ye're not, swinging ye're gay blade all around the board! Now Saints & Begorrah Frosty, don't be shy laddie about posting ye're TS reviews, you get free VIP to research more of ye she-males that ye're craving. And aye lad, ‘tis me Irish accent that ye make fun of……and again, ye're 1 egg short of a dozen! Ye're missing 1 leaf of Shamrock, & light in ye're pants to boot!

BTW, is that pirate pic you posted from ye’re spank bank? Do ye wear ye’re pirate scarf under ye’re white pillow case? Make since, ye can use the pillow case for clean up! ;-)

Slainte mhath O'Grandmaster Pirate Frosty ;-)

Snowman391375 reads

You act like your post deamnds a better response...

It does not.

...how the racist trannie pirate plays the woesome victim here. Post those TS reviews of ye'rs, and remember laddie, Free VIP :-)

and may God bless ye're little mensa soul Frosty!

Slainte ;-)

Snowman391060 reads

there are plenty of TS out there for you, knock yourself out!! ;-)

...recieving T-Bags from ye're Trainy friends. Now quit swinging ye're gay blade around here, it's not wanted.

...pointed ye in the direction of the men's park bathroom.  Me hears ye're quite the foottapper! No, she never mentioned ye having any interst in her, but begorrah, she did mention ye were quite a bit older than her 73 years.

Snowman394772 reads

her mouth was full ;-)

Looks : 3
Performance : 9

1. Obviously a Racist
2. Obviously not a Hobbyist, just a wanna be.
3. Obviously not a Mensa member (Menstruater perhaps, or liking Men) as demonstrated by ye posts.
4 Obviously extremely Gay (in big time denial laddie), as demonstrated by ye posts, not that there is anything wrong for that, TER is just not for ye other than the TS board.
5. Obviously extremely afraid to talk, encounter & have intimacy with woman, again demonstrated by ye posts.
6. Obviously oedipus issues with ye mommy, which is why….see #5.
7. Obviously extremely old, 70, or 70+, and even if ye could get it to rise (that pillow case ye wear over ye head doesn't count) for another laddie (of course not lady), tis only a wet noodle. Aye, but ye still can take mouthfuls of man yogurt, & breaks for tea time t-bagging & sometime helmet wearing.

Thank ye Frosty for sharing ye obvious interest w/the board. We know ye better for it.

Slainte mhath ;-)

Snowman391147 reads

Such detailed personal attacks (all wrong by the way). Sounds like someones trying to get thir fustration out (guess spanking yoursoelf with the Jack sparrow photo didn't work).

Now let me see what I can figure out about you...

You sit around your little crappy apartment in Orlando ordering up take out Chinese from Empire Szechuan saving your pennies so you can occasionally date. When you do you think you are friggin Tolstoy because your reviews are so long winded it is just amazing.

You are a frugal guy (my guess is hotwire). Do a fair amount of traveling (New York, although I think Giraffe is a weird name for a HOTEL).  
Despite this you have no real friends. You are trying to make friends on the Social networks but to no avail (see link). Man, I just feel bad for you....

-- Modified on 10/9/2009 5:37:16 PM

...wanking on ye're hands, posting links & pix for ye feeble attempts to make a point. Bejusus Frosty! Ye can't rely on ye own Mensa mentality (because there's nil!), LMAO! Ye post all ye own Bio.....

'Tanks, cheers ;-)

Slainte mhath O'Grandmaster McOedipus Pirate Frosty ;-)

Snowman391529 reads

as sad as it may be.

No why don;t you go eat some cheap chinese and play fantasy football on your XBox and let the adults worry about the politics.

....Mensa, Man and Hobbyist. The only Adultness by ye presentations on this board are the diapers that ye wear. And thanx for leaving the adult ladies for US Hobbyist to play with. That leaves plenty of trainnes for ye to share ye Chinese grub whilst ye play ye XBox. Frosty, as sad as he may be :-(

Slainte Mhath O'Grand Master Frosty, & put ye Gay Blade back into it's sheath!

Snowman39621 reads

On top of seeking a male experience, not you want some diaper action too!!!

My guess is you are enjoying your favorite Chinese food right now, the Cream of Sum Yung Guy

I'm sure this lady isn't the brightest bulb in the pack, but she's expressing what many Americans already know. She had to worry about paying her mortgage and putting gas in her car because the Bush family and their friends made a killing off of deliberately pushing gas prices sky high and destroying the housing market. Did anyone forget the Bush family's involvement in the 80's savings and loan scandal? Did anyone forget that the Bush family are oil men?

Obama isn't the best President we've ever had, that's for damn sure, but at least he's not making a killing by screwing people over.

doesn't work so well anymore.  You'll have to find something else to blame for all the world's problems.  Don't hurt yourself, because it might require some actual thinking.

Snowman391523 reads

how you skipped over the mortgage part all together. Oh yeah, beacuse it's Barney Frank who f**ked so many people on that. I wouldn't expect any real balance to your arguments.

BTW, been to a pump lately? Gas still costs a crapload, so I guess according to you Obama is now the man profiteering off of the price of gas?

Well one thing is for sure, Obama has been consistent across the board addressing oil prices as well as many other issues


St. Croix1217 reads

where he is totally clueless, and commodity pricing is one of them. All of sudden he is an expert, and puts the blame on Bush. I guess that means little willywonka knows more about oil than T. Boone Pickens, Goldman Sachs, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and even that wack job Chavez in Venezuela. They all projected oil at $200 a bbl. How did that work for them?

I need to take a cue from PitchingWedge's moniker, and take my Taylor Made R7 Driver and use his head as a tee.

Barney Frank? Really?

Looks like someone has never heard of Phil Gramm. Pssst. Guess what? He's a Republican.



Gas prices are high? Really? Here's a snapshot of the prices where I live.

Today 2.280
One Week Ago 2.286
One Month Ago 2.425
One Year Ago 3.369

Not bad compared to the high of nearly 5 bucks a gallon I was paying. The gas companies don't DARE rise prices that high, because with a Dem in the White House, Obama might do something about it (like enforce the Sherman Anti-Trust Act and break these oil companies up). They didn't have to worry about that with Bush since Bush was making a PROFIT from the high gas prices.

Snowman391476 reads

Obama, the DO NOTHING President....

GaGambler931 reads

Did you know that Americas largest oil co Exxon, is only the 14th largest in the world. How do you propose that Obama break up the largest oil cos when they are not even American companies?

Sheesh, you make Kerrakles look smart in comparison.

I'm saying that Obama should break up ALL the oil companies. He should do the same to the health insurance companies, and telecommunication, and insurance companies.

Topics on this board always denigrate into "racism" accusations. Time to start being on the offensive instead of the defensive. But like you said, its all they have.

...wouldn't cover it. Excuse me, I stand corrected, the T-baggers websites say over a trillion attended, & that must BE true! lol...

Fossil fuel = not natural gas?  gimme a break, you think conservatism - or for that matter, America - has a monopoly on Stupid?  the  referenced article calls so much into question on Ms. Pelosi, from knowing what a fossil fuel is to knowing what conflict of interest is...

so, please, ya gotta pick a better argument.... but I will give ya this, going there and doing the "Ambush" journalism, is about as bad as Hannity doing the "man on the street" interviews, where he finds that those with a liberal bent are just as ignorant....

I never said that conservatives or Americans have a MONOPOLY on stupid. That would be soooo convenient if it were. However, I think the words of the 19th century British politican and philospher John Stewart Mill had something enlightening to say on the subject.

"While it is true that not all conservatives are stupid, it IS true that most stupid people are conservative."

More proof that conservatives spend more time drooling on their feet then using their brain.

The top 10 brainest states:

Washington, D.C. (not a state, but whatever)
Washington state
New Jersey
New Hampshire

The top 10 least brainy states:

North Dakota
South Carolina

Funny thing....the smart states lean blue and the dumb states lean red. Coincedence? I think not.



And just how smart is it to waste your time digging up this nonsense.

Time for a new alias for you because this one is branding you in a not-so-positive way.

Pissing off conservatives is what I like to do. Guess what? It's REALLY not that hard.

Oh, you don't piss me off.  Your comments bore the hell out of me and unless they follow one of mine, I probably won't read any of them anymore.

No, I'm not pissed. I'm glad that you're on the other side of the political fence.  The libs need your tired old act more than the common sense conservatives.

-- Modified on 10/7/2009 8:20:28 PM

-- Modified on 10/7/2009 8:21:56 PM

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