Politics and Religion

oh my god. did anyone happen to catch this one?
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 6021 reads

I didn't realize that Michele Bachmann was treated for HPV. :)

horrible mental disease, I guarantee you would not treat it so flippantly and put smiley faces after your remarks about it.

Mental retardation is not a joke. Except to sick bastards like you.

And, no, I am not endorsing Rep. Bachmann by making this statement. I am merely (again) pointing out your lack of class and decency.

Making fun of life-changing diseases is not a matter of semantics.

Don't you have any decency or sense of humanity at all?

I know I am wasting my time with you but your attitude is so disgusting that it is really intolerable.

Are you so hyper sensitive about this that you think that your family ever crossed my mind when I was using that word which cannot be used? I often help people who have mental illnesses. Do I get my panties in a bunch when someone uses the word "crazy"?

What do you call it when a religious lunatic who has zero medical training, collects tax payer dollars to traumatize homosexuals with what they call "therapy", and then use her position of power to tell people that vaccines that prevent ovarian cancer are responsible for making people "mentally challenged", all with zero evidence?

You know what is indecent and inhumane? Bachmann is doing this for the sole reason that she thinks dying of ovarian cancer is "God's punishment" for not being celibate. And if she had her drothers, she would use her position of power to impose her delusional and idoitic religious ideas onto others and FORCE young women to die of ovarian cancer.

So you know what I call people like Michelle Bachmann? Fucking retarded.

All I said was I don't give a shit about the word you are using because you've already proven that you will never stop using it.

My comment was directed toward your disgusting and inhuman practice of making fun of people who were born with serious and irreversible mental illness.

Did you ever learn how to fucking read??????

Try to follow the bouncing ball here PW. If I APPLY the word to Michelle Bachmann, then how am I making fun of people born with disabilities, mental or otherwise? Was Michelle Bachmann born with this disability?

It's one thing to attack someone for something when they didn't have a choice in it. It's quite another when someone chooses to be an idiot. You know what I call that? Retarded.

I am not making ANY reference to Michelle Bachmann or your junior high attempts at humor at her expense.

I was taking exception -- as any human being with any kind of compassion would -- with your continued efforts (i.e., smiley faces after your posts) to make fun of and disparage people that are born with irreversible mental illness.

That's it. I'm done wasting my time waiting for you to learn how to comprehend simple sentences.

PW, why in the blue hell are you griping about something I didn't say? Did I say that PW has a retard in the family, or did I say that Michele Bachmann was retarded? You've gone from PC whining to PC lying. And now it's the smiley faces that bug you? I guess no more Wal-Mart shoppin' for you!

It's not the fucking word (because I have learned to ignore the flippant way in which it is used) and it is not a simple smiley face.

It's your fucking constant attempts to make humor out of severe mental illness.  You refuse to stop. And, by doing so, you continue to show just how big of an asshole you can be.

It has nothing to do with Michele Bachmann. It has nothing to do with being "politically correct" and it has nothing the fuck to do with WalMart.

And, I never said that I had any members of my personal family that were afflicted with mental illness.  I merely stated that if you did, you wouldn't be so quick to make jokes about their condition.

See if you can decifer the difference in the meaning of the following sentences.

PW is a fucking moron.
PW is a fucking dipshit.
PW is a fucking idiot.
PW is a fucking bonehead.
PW is a fucking ignoramus.
PW is a fucking numskull.
PW is a fucking imbecile.
PW is a fucking retard.

Here, the word "retard" is being used to mean that someone is stupid. It has not a single fucking thing to do with Down's syndrome, or any other disease or disorder. I did not make a joke about Down's syndrome or any other disease or disorder. I made a joke about Michele Bachmann, who, if you hadn't noticed, is a fucking retard. So again, why is your PC whining ass lying about what I said?

can be very insulting to some people, even though the majority would hardly notice it.

     One time I kidded Quad about being appointed National Spokesman for the Blind in the course of a debate. He found that offensive even though it clearly was a joking comment. So I decided to purge my posts of that kind of humor without arguing that he was overly sensitive.

I believe God didn't intervene because he could make something good come from my disability(albeit temporary). I also believe God wants me to put a CAST on my arm to help it heal properly. I'm sure you'll find a way to discount my mention of God here but that isn't a concern for me. Bachmann has no clue about how God works OR Biblical teachings on lifes happen-chances. She is WAY out of line for ANY declaration of HOW God works.

Michelle Bachmann isn't retarded. You're walking a thin line of being declared just that IMO though for insisting to call people names. Who are you?.....Jack_Schitt? LOL

but i understand your concerns. I'm not so pc that i don't use the term Retardation. Whats important here is that MAYBE Willy had ulterior motives for bringing this story to our attention. Did he, IDK. If he did shame on him yes. I haven't witnessed any attempt on his part to express otherwise other than the smiley face you make note of.

Priapus531245 reads

in the video clip.

I'm not crazy about the word "retard" & see how it can offend some , but there have been a pair of board trolls ( no, not you, PW,or even mr.nt ) who fit that description to a "T".

-- Modified on 9/15/2011 3:54:53 PM

St. Croix1492 reads

Everybody would have laughed with a little "buckwheat" humor, but I think most will be running to the urban dictionary on "ofay".

Hey pri.. eat the peanuts out of my shit you stalker. Lol!

PS:  I know I"m a bit slow, but it's getting hard to tell who the stalkers are around here.  I will admit I have just ignored the Priapus/mr.nt fued, so maybe I missed something.  Going back to sleep now.

Yeah, he can have the corn too. It'll make him fell he's at a buffet!

get yourself a stalker and lead him around by the nose!!!
I know it's kinda juvenile but it's turning out to be fun as well.

Between starting a new thread specifically calling out Pri, and then admitting you were trying to bait him and playing 'gotcha' when he dared to respond, and now calling him a stalker (when replying to even the wrong person) when he hasn't even said anything to, or about you, in this thread.

You've gone off the rails at this point. I'm not saying Pri is innocent in all this, but its time to look in the mirror.

ok, you're right. when you're right, you're right.

point taken.

For reasons that are totally beyond me, Priapus started attacking Mr. NT first by confusing him with Mr. NG and then over and over again whenever he posted. Then he went beyond the usual "idiot" and "moron" insults and conjured up the notion that Mr NT was a racist.

     Not surprisingly, Mr. NT got really pissed off and started responding in kind. If you are going to say he has taken it too far, at least acknowledge the full context before you start giving advice.

Even mr.nt agrees with me that he went too far, in the post right above yours. He's the actual author, and I'm sure is more aware of his actions and/or motivations than you are. And being reasonable (unlike yourself) can see that is not helping his cause.

Go back to reading TJ's old posts. Perhaps that is more on your level.

Actually zisk, I agree with both of you.

Ever since i began posting here pri has been nipping at my heels as some sort of board monitor of worthiness. It has been highly personalized ever since with pri constantly trying to prove his case. He chose to ignore everyone, including yourself when you disagreed with his racist smear campaign. And yet his childish attacks were unrelenting with direct stalking and "talking about me" to others and grouping me with people he figured the concensus here would agree were extreme. I think Mari was simply providing a greater context. He has watched pri's punkish conduct from the beginning and perhaps understands better where i am coming from.

That said, I can't excuse poor conduct with others poor conduct and you appropriately called me out on it. Thank you. I enjoy reading mostly everyone's post, even those considered "trolls" and I have learned a great deal by challenging others assertions while defending some of my own. For example I learned a great deal thru our exchange about the Fed. That is how someone truly gets wise.

While I'll not allow myself to be driven out, I should'nt have allowed myself to behave in a manner even I don't find becoming.

-- Modified on 9/16/2011 10:39:59 AM

-- Modified on 9/16/2011 10:41:23 AM

Priapus531709 reads

As witnessed by longtime "feuds" between GaG-WW,
Marikod-Zisk & you myself. Much of it to do with philospohical differences, "debating tactics" & "personality clashes". None of this has anything to do with "stalking" or acting as a "board monitor". This is a politically incorrect, unmoderated board that is a microcosm
for the intense U.S. polarization that exists. Nothing more,nothing less.

I thought your "Mea culpa" was quite commendable & on behalf of the board, I accept being part of your "group apology" or "atonement".

Now instead of offering me "peanuts" collected at your proctologist's office , I'll accept the following "peace offering" below from you; be a good day for it since the buffet is closed------;)---------LMFAO !

-- Modified on 9/16/2011 11:20:27 AM

Rodney_King1627 reads

Can't we all just get along?"  OMG!  I had no idea!  I get along with everybody.  I especially love Officer Cartman and Meinarsche.  I just have an unusual way of showing it.

not with this, "I can learn from others and even my own mistakes" attitude of yours.

Where do you think you are?

Seriously though, kudos on taking the high road here.

then acknowledge the context in which he made his remarks.

    No, saying Priapus is not entirely innocent doesn't do it- that's like saying the Titanic is a poor choice for a cruise. Another way of looking at it is - has Mr. NT ever insulted anyone else on the Board? Correct me if I am wrong, but I do not think so.

       So he strikes me as an odd choice for you to target as not meeting your posting standards. Regardless, if you are going to say that the posts of XIA, TJ, Mein, and Mr. NT are bad, surely you have no problem with me saying "No, you are wrong."

Snowman391249 reads

grasping for anything as her campaign drowns.

Have not made my final selection yet, but she was NEVER a possibility for me.

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