Politics and Religion

she is more qualified than Obama
AliquippaJones 12 Reviews 598 reads

She ran a state.
  on the other side RUN JOE RUN!

...Palin says she's interested in running in 2016.  She will speak at Steve "Cantaloupe Calf" King's Iowa Freedom Summit along with all the other clowns.


pot/kettle509 reads

It seems that almost every post you make is about one of those two subjects.  Hell, even Sean Hannity talks about sports or other topics once in a while.  You, though, clearly have no life.

Posted By: BigPapasan
...Palin says she's interested in running in 2016.  She will speak at Steve "Cantaloupe Calf" King's Iowa Freedom Summit along with all the other clowns.


GaGambler590 reads

and why not have a Palin vs Hildabeast election in '16? I am most likely going to be voting Dem any how, so having Palin on the ballot would make that decision an easy one for me.

and yes, your eyes are not deceiving you. I very likely will/would vote for the detested Hildabeast in '2016, despite my personal dislike for her.

GaGambler572 reads

My main reason is that it appears that the GOP will control Congress, and I don't trust the GOP to control both Congress and the White House any more than I trust the Dems.

As you know I am a sort of a social lib and a fiscal conservative. Socialized medicine is already here, and putting the toothpaste back into the tube seems like wishful thinking at this late date, which is one of the reasons I always opposed Hillary.(idiot lefties think we only hate Obama care because he is black)

On the international front I think the Hildabeast will be a huge improvement over what we have right now, and I suspect as good as anything the GOP has to offer, and if the GOP controls the purse strings, I don't see her doing a lot of damage. IMO she will do less damage than if a guy like lets say Romney gets elected with a Republican Congress.

PLUS it's unlikely that she will open up federal lands to drilling any more than Obama did.  The Dems are my best shot for us to return to $100 oil. If Obama had opened up federal land, we would most likely be energy independent by now and oil prices would most likely be even lower than they are now. You dems are the best bet for my economic survival. lol

Though I would be more open to opening up federal lands to drilling, if I was assured that the oil stayed in our country, making us more energy independent vs. exporting it.

I do suspect your reasoning may change if it begins to look like one or both of the chambers in congress start to shift toward the Democrats. ;)

GaGambler480 reads

and of course opening up federal lands to drilling would be a good thing for this country, but I am voting in self interest. I WANT $100 oil, remember? lol

I most likely am going to vote for gridlock, UNLESS one of the candidates is so great (very unlikely) or so bad (very likely) that I either have to or can't vote for that particular candidate.

I can't think of a single person that good, but I can think of several that bad, most of which happen to be on the right side of the aisle believe it or not. Santorum, Huckabee, Palin, are just a few that come to mind on the right although there are many more that I would not vote for under any circumstances, with only Biden and Warren on the left that immediately come to mind from the left.

both chambers of congress plus the presidency. It would be a bitter pill to swallow if it was a choice Biden or Warren to stop that from happening. I don't think Biden is not seen as presidential, and I have to take Warren at her word that she's not running. If Hilary has the health problems that have been rumored, I think the dems best chances are with a democrat governor who is relatively unknown, which rules out Cuomo, which has some stink attached to him with the last dem in his state being charged with corruption:  http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/preet-bharara-warning-sends-chill-state-capitol-article-1.2090219

Governors who look somewhat promising are O'Malley, Sweitzer and Patrick.

If they were to choose a Senator to run, I'd look to someone like Mark Warner.

GaGambler534 reads

but if the Dems are dumb enough to nominate him, it's almost a certainty the GOP will nominate someone equally as bad from their side.

I don't know much about Warner, but from a cursory look, he doesn't leap out at me as a "no fucking way would I ever vote for him" type of candidate. He does seem to have some strengths and doesn't appear to be a kook. As for your list of Governors only Sweitzer looks like anyone I would even consider voting for, and admittedly I don't know much about him.

GaGambler595 reads

but he doesn't jump out as one of those Dems that I could NEVER vote for, but I think I said once upon a time that I could never vote for the Hildabeast.

If she does not have a populist message then the calls for a Elizabeth Warren will grow much louder from Democrats. I really think the  U.S. economy will be in recession before the next election and Obama's popularity will be in the cellar just like Bush II was in 2008. Biden in that scenario will not stand a prayer chance in hell of becoming the next POTUS. The road to the White House IMHO will be determined by whichever party can secure the Hispanic vote.

GaGambler639 reads

Most of your posts sound like they are straight out of the DNC handbook. lol

Kudos for a more even handed post. Maybe there is hope for this place after all. Well except for posters like Pimples, Hadji, and fatgirl. There is zero hope for any of them.

As for a recession, Who can really tell how the economic winds will shift in the next two years. If you are right, then yes Obama's popularity will rival Bush's as an all time low. His luster is already pretty much worn off. He has done nothing to change the minds of those who never liked him, and many of his former supporters are leaving him. A big economic downturn would send the rest of the rats scurrying off the ship.

I don't think any of that will matter for Biden. Biden's biggest problem is Biden. I just don't see him becoming POTUS or even the Democratic nominee under any circumstances.

As for Warren, although she one of my last choices for POTUS and one that I could NEVER vote for, no matter who she ran against, I too would not count her out from running. I don't care what she says, she ACTS like she is running for POTUS everytime she opens her mouth, I think she is only waiting for an opportunity to be "forced into running"

Regarding the economy. Regarding Clinton, I can't see where she wouldn't have a populist message. Even Romney is try to fly one. Good luck on that. If he's truly a good Mormon, he knows his scriptures, particularly the one's about wolves in sheeps clothing, which most politicians are. Seems like Jeb Bush is trying the same thing. If she's going to stay to the left of them, it seems like she'll have to have a populist message.

It's looking more and more like HRC vs WMR - but everyone thought Hillary had it locked in 2008 as well.

I don't think either one will be in the running by November 2016.

HRC will not be the nominee - her health age and polarizing nature are working against her. But she will be the Kingmaker, at the least a dominant influence over the D's final choice.

WMR won't be the 2016 nominee for the R's either. He had his chance, blew it, and has all the baggage he had in 2012.

Whoever the nominees will be, they will not garner the nomination unless they present a much more forceful and strong image to the world stage. Someone who will command the respect of world leaders, regardless of their philosophy.

And looking at the current crop of potential candidates, ratings on the tube will be awesome. But we the people are fucked.

-- Modified on 1/24/2015 11:00:55 AM

magicsam708 reads

If she runs along with Herman Cain, Mike Huckabee and Marco Rubio it will be a real Ringling Brothers clown show and posse!!

She ran a state.
  on the other side RUN JOE RUN!

GaGambler647 reads

but honestly from Palin's POV, why shouldn't she run?

Let's face it, name recognition and legions of mouth breathing fans are her major assets to keeping her 15 minutes of fame rolling for another decade or so. What could be better PR for her, but to suffer the slings and arrows from the MSM to make in into a living martyr for her "cause". Her cause of course being self promotion.

That's some endorsement, isn't it?!?   ;)

GaGambler598 reads

Or at least that's how the election 2008 was framed, as Palin vs Obama, I think there was some mention of some old fuck named McCain, but the media seemed to put all their focus on Palin.

Funny though, that old man McCain is still alive and kicking, although I think many of us, on both sides of the aisle, just wish that he would pack it in and go to the nursing home where he belongs.

GaGambler450 reads

and number two, he's not funny enough to be a clown.

As for Palin, she is only good for comic relief IMO, but she is getting rich in the process, so who's the dumb one?

86H13LTP683 reads

and ride her home like Turcotte did Big Red.  

To add even more spice I want to go blackface like Al Jolson and sing MAMMY the entire time .  

Mammy , Mammy , Mammy

GaGambler497 reads

"Only a loser with no life would keep track of threads..."

and I really am quite sure they don't make Clown Cars in your size. Not to mention clowns can be amusing at times, you are too predictable to be amusing. Or at least not amusing enough to risk getting moderated or banned. For a guy who loves to dish it out, you are quite the sensitive type when the tables are turned, and here I thought fat people were supposed to be jolly.

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