Politics and Religion

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Maybe Pelosi's butt boy Schumer can shed some more tears, parade out some Lottery Winning family and claim how much they bring to this country.  

Better yet...maybe this time while taking it up the ass from Pelosi he can scream Allahu Akbar while pathetic Jake Tapper tells us all it can be said under the most beautiful of circumstances.
Posted By: BigPapasan

...not the Diversity Visa Lottery Program.  Well, I wanted a merit-based President but I didn't get one of those either.

...not the Diversity Visa Lottery Program.  Well, I wanted a merit-based President but I didn't get one of those either.

HappyChanges34 reads

Trump. "Immigration is a privilege, not a right". The diversity visa lottery program must go. For to many years America has laxed it's immigration laws. I support tough immigration laws similar to Australia.


Hey, you got a vote for president. Democracy means somebody ALWAYS loses their choice.
Illegal Aliens by definition are totally illegitimate, like a President placed by a coup.
Diversity Lottery means randomly letting in any slob.  You may not like the President America chose, but he wasn't a random lottery result.
If you want a vote and only let in Immigration Candidates who win the vote, like for President, I'd be happy with that, even if that meant some I didn't want.  
Right now, under the Liberal "Illegal = Sacred" immigration lawlessness regime, everyone in the world gets to decide American Immigration policy, except actual Americans.
I vote for rule of law, democracy, and American immigration law in the interest of Americans... what do you support?

bigguy3040 reads

Putin would laugh at this response.
Since Trump's people are linked to the Russian goverment.
So seeing this response from a Trump support.
Just has to be a joke and does not make sense.

-- Modified on 11/2/2017 12:24:45 PM

whatever your deepest fever dream version of Russian involvement in the Oppo research of Hillary and Trump (of which we only have proof about Hillary's collusion) that is different than Americans not having a vote.  Nobody is claiming Russia performed a coup and placed the President without a vote.  Nobody is claiming a vote didn't happen and Trump didn't win it.

So, the point stands un-rebutted.  You may dislike and think the winner of the vote is not sufficiently meritorious, but that is categorically different than Illegal acquisition of a status, president or immigrant, or acquiring it via a random lottery.
Again, this isn't rocket science, but seems over Bigly heads?

bigguy3034 reads

I guess Robert Mueller and his  federal grand jury are wasting their time?
It must be really hard for you and other cult members.  

We don't believe Trump or his supporters lies.
The real leader you voted for is Putin not Trump!

You should enjoy the link and the White House is very worried. Lol

-- Modified on 11/2/2017 2:56:51 PM

Really......Trump is linked to Russia?

So why hasn't Mueller indicted Trump yet?

Months and months and months and all Mueller can do is spend millions and millions of our tax dollars and all he can come up with is shit that happened years ago.

Wait till he is forced to investigate Crooked Hillary, Obammy and his clan.  

Posted By: bigguy30
Re: America voted for President, Not Illegals???
Putin would laugh at this response.  
 Since Trump's people are linked to the Russian goverment.  
 So seeing this response from a Trump support.  
 Just has to be a joke and does not make sense.

-- Modified on 11/2/2017 12:24:45 PM

HappyChanges21 reads

the question "Who/what do you support?" because they don't know the answer. The Democratic party is in shambles.  They support illegal immigration, violent protest, resistance and socialism. A recipe for disaster in the current political climate. They're still shellshocked, hanging onto Obama's legacy and won't let go. They failed to listen to the silent vote and to produce any solutions/results that help Americans. More and more folks are leaning conservative and there's no signs of it letting up.

bigguy3031 reads

Trump has a 38% approval rating.
So not only will the GOP be in trouble next year.
They will also have a rough time in 2020.
He is by far, the worst President in modern history.

The GOP Congress will also have their issues,
When they pass this tax bill for the rich, along with other things.

HappyChanges38 reads

The sample size is too small to take them seriously. Clearly folks have been voting conservative since 2010. People were tired of a stagnate economy and miserable outlook. The economy is performing excellent right now.

bigguy3049 reads

I know you are blinded by Trump's lies.

Some people like Madsion were fooled by Putin puppet in the past.
It's not happening in the future and we call that buyers remorse. Lol
Trump lies are not working beyond his cult members.

So here is the Liar-In-Chief latest approval numbers numbers.
It's also not helping the GOP candidates either.
The ship is sinking and the so called captain is a disaster below 40%. Lol

-- Modified on 11/2/2017 7:24:46 PM

It's a shame that someone like you believes in poles. But then again you most likely believe that these POLES are actually polish people asking questions.  

Did you get an e-mail, a phone call or a smoke signal asking for your vote on Trump's approval rating?  

Trump's approval rating could be in the single digits and it would not hurt the GOP, it's Hillary's pending indictment that is fueling it along with her constant playing of the blame game.

Posted By: bigguy30
Re: Happy Haven't you learned your lesson from the last ten months??
I know you are blinded by Trump's lies.  
 Some people like Madsion were fooled by Putin puppet in the past.  
 It's not happening in the future and we call that buyers remorse. Lol  
 Trump lies are not working beyond his cult members.  
 So here is the Liar-In-Chief latest approval numbers numbers.  
 It's also not helping the GOP candidates either.  
 The ship is sinking and the so called captain is a disaster below 40%. Lol

-- Modified on 11/2/2017 7:24:46 PM

bigguy3037 reads

So even when you try to be a smart ass.
You still come off as a fool and in denial about Trump.
I guess you keep getting confused with the word polls and not poles according to you.

It's like you have a kick me sign on your back clown.

-- Modified on 11/5/2017 12:21:38 AM

I'm pretty liberal -- I think we can agree on that.  So how come I don't support illegal immigration?  How come I don't support violent protest?  How is it I don't desire socialism?  Why do I think the Republicans' tax plan -- while far from perfect -- is at least a decent start?

HappyChanges37 reads

conservative and you don't even know it. Check out the Dems latest party platform and asked yourself. "How the fuck are we going to pay for all that shit". The whole website screams government programs and government dependency.

HappyChanges17 reads

I have funny feeling you agree more with republican platform instead of the democrat platform. The PDFs of the D & R platforms are easier to read IMO.

...As a liberal I will only speak for myself, at this point the current regime in office has given us such moronic dishonest soul less players that admittedly most of my thoughts toward government officials have been totally negative to the players in power (Trump's new swamp). And I have a much better idea about what I support than who will best support my ideas. First healthcare for all Americans, a primary single payer system with partial supplemental insurance back-up, much like our current Medicare system. Secondly a responsible tax code that relieves the tax burden on families earning less than $ 100 thousand dollars a year & shifts that burden to people earning more than 1 million dollars a year & restricts some of the high end tax deductions. Third a series of laws to guide currently illegal immigrants on a path to eventual American citizenship, most of them are here because they want to work & lead the life of American citizens & deportation should be reserved for the real criminals. So far the Trump administration has offered nothing but the opposite on all of these concerns & done nothing except cause a further split in the American public with all the lies & disrespectful name calling, I sure Hope Mueller nails him.

-- Modified on 11/2/2017 1:49:36 PM

You need to do more than 2 reviews to get what you want.

Maybe Pelosi's butt boy Schumer can shed some more tears, parade out some Lottery Winning family and claim how much they bring to this country.  

Better yet...maybe this time while taking it up the ass from Pelosi he can scream Allahu Akbar while pathetic Jake Tapper tells us all it can be said under the most beautiful of circumstances.

Posted By: BigPapasan

...not the Diversity Visa Lottery Program.  Well, I wanted a merit-based President but I didn't get one of those either.

People like the Las Vegas shooter are terrorist too and need to be rounded up and shipped out of this country as well.Do we only call them terrorist when they are non white.

A- don't think anyone is standing up for the Las Vegas guy...but words have meaning, and terrorist has to do with specifically POLITICAL violence.  Since we have no idea what this guy's thing was, Mass Murderer is the better term for now. Why do we automatically call Muslim guys who shout Allahu Akbar terrorists?  because they are declaring themselves allied to a global religious / political terrorism regime following a set pattern.  Could we make a mistake by assuming the rare to non-existant guy who has a mental illness and his murder has nothing to do with his being moslem? yes, but it hasn't happened yet.  These are not difficult distinctions to draw.
B- You can't deport Americans sillyy.  You put them in prison, or if you're a good conservative and they deserve it, you execute them, but not deport them.  Foreigners however you can, because they don't belong here, they are another country's problem.  Again, this isn't hard.

That whole concept flew out the window with the election of 0bama.

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