Politics and Religion

Russian hacking and the DNCred_smile
CENZO1 162 Reviews 2478 reads

So let me get this straight. Both Hillary and the DNC are complaining that the Russians hacked the DNC's emails and by releasing their contents to the press, it cost Hillary the election. Perhaps the Democrats should be more concerned about what was being said, rather than the fact that they were caught. Boy, this reminds me of Nixon and Watergate. And to top it off our President tells the press that back in September he told Putin to "knock it off". Hummm - I think this may give new meaning to the term "Putin's Pussy".

Some people insist on calling this "hacking the election". Nothing about the election was hacked. The balloting was not hacked. The counting of the ballots was not hacked.

Some people's opinions were most likely altered because certain facts in DNC emails were made public. If it could be or had been shown that a DNC employee, disgruntled because he was a Bernie supporter, had turned over the emails to a U.S. newspaper (instead of Wikileaks) there would be journalism awards in the works, most likely a Pulitzer. A version of this scenario is actually possible.

The reports are Obama kept his warning to Putin secret at the time because he thought HRC was going to win, but that decision isn't supposed to be considered a political one.

NBC played the same card with the Trump tape that whoever played with the leaked Hillary emails.

86H13LTP254 reads

Huma and her pervert husband , Putin ...... Comey , Wikileaks , Putin  

She's delusional and can't deal with the fact that everyone hates her . I Hope she keeps pushsing it and pisses off President Trump when he's official . Sessions will enjoy nailing her ass

-- Modified on 12/17/2016 8:12:09 AM

JakeFromStateFarm381 reads

Yes, the Russians are guilty of hacking into the DNC computers and it's hilarious to watch hypocritical Republicans twist themselves into pretzels to keep from blaming Putin.
BUT, did it amount to "hacking the election?"  NO.  Did it throw the election to Trump?  I seriously doubt it.  Trump won because he tapped into a powerful anger among many voters about the direction of the country and our economy.  Many Blacks who voted for Obama last time didn't feel comfortable with Clinton and stayed home.  And blue-collar voters who'd been traditionally Democrat switched sides. Clinton herself, as I've said many times, was a seriously flawed candidate.
NONE of the above has anything to do with Putin's hacking.
Now let's see how Trump handles the Russians.  Personally, I expect he'll become known as "Putin's Poodle," but time will tell.

When I was actively campaigning for a Trump presidency I found no shortage of ammo supplied by Hillary to ensure her inevitable landslide electoral  loss.  


  Hillary's ignorance, lack of stamina, her war mongering persona  and sense of entitlement were the greatest contributors to her loss.  

"Don’t email HRC anything sensitive,” aide Huma Abedin messaged Clinton chief of staff Cheryl D. Mills and deputy chief Jake Sullivan at 1:31 a.m. on Jan. 10, 2011"  


  I don't expect President Trump to be anyone's lap dog when USA interests are in focus.



Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
Yes, the Russians are guilty of hacking into the DNC computers and it's hilarious to watch hypocritical Republicans twist themselves into pretzels to keep from blaming Putin.  
 BUT, did it amount to "hacking the election?"  NO.  Did it throw the election to Trump?  I seriously doubt it.  Trump won because he tapped into a powerful anger among many voters about the direction of the country and our economy.  Many Blacks who voted for Obama last time didn't feel comfortable with Clinton and stayed home.  And blue-collar voters who'd been traditionally Democrat switched sides. Clinton herself, as I've said many times, was a seriously flawed candidate.  
 NONE of the above has anything to do with Putin's hacking.  
 Now let's see how Trump handles the Russians.  Personally, I expect he'll become known as "Putin's Poodle," but time will tell.

But again, we don't know for sure who "the Russians" are in this case and we don't know if Putin was involved. My educated guess says you are correct however.

That being said, Assange is telling anyone who listen the Russians were NOT the source, and since his leaked material has been undisputed by the DNC, he does have credibility here that others lack.  

I believe Trump is cozying up to the Russians/Putin for two reasons:

1) to help us eradicate ISIS
2) so he can go hard against the Chinese re: currency manipulation, jobs and proprietary theft.

He cant fight both battles and he thinks China, from an economic standpoint, is more of a threat than Russia and off course he is right about that.

JakeFromStateFarm371 reads

Just like Faux News is really "Fair and Balanced," LOL.
The rest of your post is sheer speculation.  Of COURSE, Assange "is telling anyone who (sic) listen the Russians were NOT the source." It's in his own best interest. Not to mention his total lack of credibility.  And the fact that the DNC has not disputed the accuracy of the material has ZERO to do with your point.
As for why Trump is "cozying up to the Russians," ISIS is already on the ropes.  They are about to lose Mosul and Raqqa will fall soon after that, so they'll be stateless again albeit still dangerous.  But the Turks have sealed the border and ISIS is cut off from getting more than a trickle of recruits.  They are also starting to look like losers so fewer will want to join up anyway.  They have cut salaries and their sources of "sex slaves" have dried up.  So things are hardly looking like we need Trump and Putin to save the day.
And please don't tell us about how Putin has kicked ISIS's ass already.  He's done nearly nothing against them and has focused on the more moderate rebel elements we support (weakly, it's true).  But his purpose has always been to prop up Assad, hence his heavy involvement in Aleppo.  Nice to see Trump wants to cozy up to The Butcher of Aleppo, eh?
As for the Chinks, Trump will have his hands full.  Just look what they're doing now to send him a message after his ill-conceived embrace of Taiwan.  Putin's Poodle is about to get schooled.  I just hope we all survive it.

Hasn't everything he has released been factual? If it hasn't, I have not seen the Dems contest ANY of it so I take that as their capitulation to the facts so of course it matters, and strengthens, my point.

Seems to me the party of Debbie Loserman Schulz and Donna Brazile are the ones that lack credibility. Start there Jake then talk about Assange.

Re: ISIS, what the fuck are they even doing controlling Mosul and Raqqa in the first place? How did this happen? It started off as a 5,000 rag tag fugitive fleet from Al Qaida and due to Obama being the feckless wonder of the world, the "JV" ahem, became strong and managed to take over large swaths of land, kill thousands and create hundreds of thousands of refugees.

ISIS is "on the ropes." Great Jake. I hope that allows you to sleep at night.

The reality is they should never have been allowed to be in the ring to begin with

JakeFromStateFarm496 reads

Jack-O, this may be your most disingenuous effort in quite some time.
1) You have totally evaded my first and main point: Assange, credible or not, has no upside in admitting he got anything from the Russians.  That should be obvious to anyone with a brain.  No one has accused him of being stupid, and if he said, "Yep! Boris spilled the beans to me!" then the Russians would deny it, disown him and probably figure out a way to have him killed.  They've done that in London before, you know.  So, no, his denial has no credibility.  And the fact that the documents were for real has zero to do with that.  Or are you now unable or unwilling to deal with two aspects of a situation at the same time?
And, while you're at it, tell me what Schulz and Brazile have to with whether we should believe Assange?  Total red herring.
2) I said ZERO about the mistakes that led to ISIS's rise to control Raqqa and Mosul.  It should have been clear to any fair-minded person I was talking about the situation TODAY and responding to your point about Trump getting Putin to help destroy ISIS.  So if I rebut your point you simply respond by dredging up something outside the topic.  Again: red herring.
3) Thanks for your gross over-simplification of the rise of ISIS.  I'm not going to go into details on how it actually happened but simply refer you to numerous reports pointing out that ISIS formed during Bush's term and spread because of the inept and corrupt "leadership" not of Obama but of al-Maliki.
4) The truth would "help me to sleep at night," were it not for our feckless and inept PEOTUS. The guy isn't even Prez yet but he's already blundering around like a bull in a China shop.

You said this: "Not to mention his total lack of credibility."  

I then asked you how does Assange lack credibility and you countered with "Assange, credible or not,..."  

Well which the fuck is it? You took a shot at his cred then backed off that and I am calling you out on it.

As far as we know he does NOT lack credibility and that is important as the intel agencies aren't all in agreement.

Is it proof positive the Russian weren't involved? No. But it is a piece of evidence to suggest they are not and Assange's credibility is key in determining if that is the case or not.

Take your  nap. This will all make sense around 6 pm when they come with your liquified peas and carrots.

JakeFromStateFarm353 reads

And just to be clear, Assange is NOT credible in general even though I was talking about his denial of Russian complicity in particular.  So you can chop logic all you want but you have utterly failed to address the question you yourself raised:
Is Assange's denial of Russian complicity in the leak of DNC documents credible or not? You raised the issue.  Now answer it.
I re-assert it's not credible for the reasons I cited.
We are waiting for you to finally respond to that.
PS: No, I don't find Assange himself to be generally credible either.  He does occasionally get some useful documents.  But I assume you would not find credible his denial of the Swedish rape charges.  Or do you?  So is he credible?  It depends.  Not much of a track record for credibility.
PPS: I rarely use Ambien.  I prefer alcohol.

Yes, Jake for the umpteenth time, I find Assange credible re: Russian involvement.  

That doesn't mean he is incapable of lying, but his track record, and you haven't shown me any evidence to the contrary (nor has the DNC, btw) has been perfect in regards to his leaked emails of Dems.

Now stop using "PS." That went out with written letters which my grandfather said stopped in the late '70's.

Same goes with PPS, whatever the fuck that means. Go get your bib. It's oatmeal time.

JakeFromStateFarm336 reads

So you were only off by 54.  For you that's an improvement, so congrats.
But I am glad you find a fugitive alleged rapist credible, though it proves you're pretty naive.  And since when is  
"evidence" required in Jack's Court of Law?  It's blatantly obvious to anyone with half a brain that Assange would never, ever admit to having gotten anything from the Russians.  Do you also believe in the Tooth Fairy?  He does seem like your type

brooks5224 reads

a female one making Barack Putin's bitch

I may have mentioned that before

FatVern278 reads

Ok the Russians hacked H, and the DNC emails, and that in of it self cost her the election? WTF, that does not add up.

I thought these people were low info voters?

I love when the MSM, uses fancy digital graphics, and other nonsense to sell a BS story.

Luv-Kit2277 reads

I want some white meat that's finger licking good. :)  
Some long time vet told us that in the good old days, Rgirls dominated the scene exactly as Kgirls do today. We've got to get back some East-West balance.

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