Politics and Religion

Righties like to quote Jack Posobiec so I will too...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 443 reads

At the first day of CPAC Wednesday:
"Welcome to the end of democracy.  We are here to overthrow it completely.  We didn’t get all the way there on Jan. 6, but we will endeavor to get rid of it.  All glory is not to government.  All glory to God!"

CDL: "Biden is a bigger threat to Democracy . . . .than Trump."

Do any of you dumbass righties have links to prominent Dems calling for the end of democracy and/or planning to overthrow democracy?

-- Modified on 2/23/2024 6:58:36 PM

"the best advice I would give to white people is to get the hell away from black people; just get the fuck away."

Afterwards, Adams tried to cover his ass by claiming his remarks were "hyperbole."  No one bought his lame excuse.

Adams said it in response to blacks saying integration had been harmful to blacks and blacks would be better off with their own segregated societies. But you couldn’t be bothered with that context could you, Big Moron? Too busy not staying away from those taco trucks.

And Lester had to spoon feed it to icky’s fav Circle jerk partner. 🤣🙄

I wasn't even on this thread but he just HAD to mention me. I might even be flattered if it was done be someone remotely intelligent.

But now you are and............................who's following who exactly? You're following HIM, ya freakin' dingle berry.

He's got you so triggered that you've just been posting without thinking, nick. For about 2 days now. Grow a pair and toughen up a little bit, it's not nearly as much fun smacking you around when you look so weak and emotional.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: Ummmm....try reading the thread first before making another dim-witted comment.
You're just embarrassing yourself now, Stooge.
He didn't even get that I was referring to his understairs TDS circle jerk buddy Big P. I love how you two used to hate each other but have become so close and bonded soooo tightly over your shared hatred of Trump.  

BTW for the record? What has Trump personally done to you ICKY? That you have this burning purple passion hatred for the man? You can't claim "Trump is destroying the nation" because under Trump this nation flourished and under Biden it has fallen off a cliff.  

Also, your little failure of courage in the late 60s called dodging the draft and avoiding service in Vietnam (Which you did with your Bullshit Deferment) removed your right to claim that you "care about the United States"  cause ya don't. Not really anyway.

Your so-called courage is as fake as your record.
PS: EVERYBODY in New York hates Trump
PPS: If you hate draft dodgers why do you love Trump? Unlike me, who actually did a job as a LE officer, Trump faked bone spurs. But you give him a pass. Hypocrite.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: Keep on lying about your fake military career, Looooser.
Your so-called courage is as fake as your record.  
 PS: EVERYBODY in New York hates Trump  
 PPS: If you hate draft dodgers why do you love Trump? Unlike me, who actually did a job as a LE officer, Trump faked bone spurs. But you give him a pass. Hypocrite.
Everybody in New York does not hate Trump. I know three former Marines living there that all love trump. Two are NYPD (real cops unlike what you did) SOOOO as you love to scream “ that’s a lie!”  In addition yet another attempt by you to try and seek legitimacy by again invoking “other people also think this way so it has to be true” which is BS

As for me hating draft dodgers? Yep I do, Trump for not serving, BIDEN for not serving! George Bush for his bullshit national guard stint. All of them come up short. But ya wanna know what? They all made it to be president. Now here’s the difference, Trump DID NOT FUCK UP THIS COUNTRY LIKE BIDEN HAS!!!  

Anyway, You icky? you are a special case. You have actively bragged about being a draft dodger meaning you think you are somehow special for wiggling out of the draft. It’s all part of the delusional narcissist personality disorder you refuse to get help for.  

PS You're the only one that thinks I didn’t serve and say it because I’ve called you out for not serving and you have bristled at that fact. Meaning, you know what you did was wrong.

Trump's BIG LIE and everything related to it has fucked up this country BIGLY.

Posted By: LostSon
It might take years, but once the MAGA Cult is deprogrammed they will realize what Trump hath wrought.

Posted By: impposter
Re: Icky has to pull a double “BUTTTT TRUMP!” Out of his ass!.
Trump's BIG LIE and everything related to it has fucked up this country BIGLY.
Posted By: LostSon
It might take years, but once the MAGA Cult is deprogrammed they will realize what Trump hath wrought.

Doooo tell, what has Trump hath wrought? A Raging economy that was only derailed by COVID?  

followme16 reads

He pulls everything  out of his ass, that is his main storage facility.

As for his LE career, he was a school crossing guard ,until his ill character was exposed.

Swallow is a fudge-packer. Oh, I forgot! A LYING fudge-packer, constantly asserting things he doesn't know. He has no shame. No honesty. No character. No honor. None.

Over 3 million New Yorkers voted for Trump in the last election, and his support increased in New York City.

And no need to lie about Lost’s service record, everyone knows you’re full of shit.

How do YOU know Looooser is telling you the truth about his "service" The answer is, you DON'T. Any more than you know if I'm really in the middle of the Tasman Sea. This is an anonymous fuck board in case you forgot. None of us have any ability to know the truth of what others assert.
So get off your high horse, you partisan hack,
You also fucked up your vote totals. 3 million New Yorkers did vote FOR Trump. 3 million New Yorkers in total VOTED in the election. Less than 700,000 voted for Trump.
Read it and weep, Chickie. From NY1 News:
"About 307,000 more New Yorkers cast ballots in last month’s general election than in 2016. That’s nearly 3,067,000 people in total.
About 2.3 million people voted for Biden and Kamala Harris versus about 690,000 for Trump and Mike Pence."
You owe the board an apology for your carelessness and stupidity.

control himself.  He has to white knight to try to make lefties look bad.  Whether it’s posting about Lost’s military service or marikod’s lack of legal knowledge, it doesn’t matter.  ChicKieS a Johnny-on-the-spot to white knight even if he doesn’t know what he’s white knighting about.  What a pathetic putz!

PS: Correction: I should have written "3 million New Yorkers did NOT VOTE for Trump."

Talk about a lack of self awareness, given BigP’s main presence here seems to be dedicated to finding different ways to get his tongue up Nicky’s ass.

And Nicky, Nicky, Nicky
*pats old Nicky on the head*
Your poor reading comprehension once again fails you.

Over 3 million New Yorkers voted for Trump in the last election, AND his support increased in New York City.
You didn’t notice “and” in that sentence? To anyone else except a fool slowly fading into senility, it’s clear that the 3 million votes for Trump refers to his statewide total AND his increase in support from 2016 to 2020 referred to his city total.

Nicky: “but, but, but “New Yorker” means New York City.

Nice try, Nicky. But it’s another fail. Because by that standard, you’re not a New Yorker.

Posted By: cks175
Re: The Irony Of BigPapasan Complaining About White Knighting
Talk about a lack of self awareness, given BigP’s main presence here seems to be dedicated to finding different ways to get his tongue up Nicky’s ass.  
 And Nicky, Nicky, Nicky  
 *pats old Nicky on the head*  
 Your poor reading comprehension once again fails you.
Over 3 million New Yorkers voted for Trump in the last election, AND his support increased in New York City.  
You didn’t notice “and” in that sentence? To anyone else except a fool slowly fading into senility, it’s clear that the 3 million votes for Trump refers to his statewide total AND his increase in support from 2016 to 2020 referred to his city total.  
 Nicky: “but, but, but “New Yorker” means New York City.  
 Nice try, Nicky. But it’s another fail. Because by that standard, you’re not a New Yorker.

Well, they have become the TDS twins. TDS1 and TDS2, I'll let them nuzzle it out as to which will be called which. Frankly the Nose Nuzzling and whispering "BUT - T R U M P" in each other's ears makes me throw up in my mouth a little bit.

1) Start with a diversion about BigP.
2) Default to ChicKie'S standard ageist crack, which won't stop him from accusing me of sexist and racism. Hypocrite.
3) Worst of all, he REPEATS his block-headed claim the "Over 3 million New Yorkers voted for Trump in the last election." NO, they DID'NOT. In FACT 3 million New Yorkers voted for Trump AND BIDEN in the last election, less than 700,000 of them for Trump. The "AND" has ZERO to do with that. Retroactively, ChicKie tries to claim he was talking about NY STATE not NY CITY. But it was obvious from the context of his OP (and mine) we were talking about the city. Trump is from Queens.
4) ChicKie is too gutless to take the L he so richly deserves. What a wimp.
PS: I was born in Manhattan and live just north of the city, so I'm a New Yorker by any measurement. Just as ChicKie is gutless by any measurement.

Could be, because he’s really losing it…

1) Start with a diversion about BigP.
The old man is having trouble following a basic thread. If he looks back he’ll see my post was a response to BigP.
2) Default to ChicKie'S standard ageist crack, which won't stop him from accusing me of sexist and racism. Hypocrite
*pats old Nicky on the head*
The old man is still salty he got called out for sexism and hypocrisy. OK, so he got rhetorically bitch slapped, and now he can’t let it go.
"Over 3 million New Yorkers voted for Trump in the last election." NO, they DID'NOT.
LOL. The old man can hit caps lock all he wants, it’s not going to change the fact that in New York, Donald Trump received 3,251,997 votes .
The "AND" has ZERO to do with that.
*pats old Nicky on the head*
The “and” has everything to do with it, and you’re apparently the only one dense enough to be unable to properly parse a sentence.
“and election results show support for Trump grew in Deep Blue New York City”.
A quick summary: Trump received 22.6% of NYC ballots in 2020, compared to 17.9% in 2016. He saw his biggest increase in the Bronx, where he went from 9.4% to 15.7%.  
 In NYC, About 2.3 million people voted for Biden and Kamala Harris versus about 690,000 for Trump and Mike Pence.
For more info on NYC specific voting, see the link below:
too gutless to take the L
*pats old Nicky on the head*
Now Nicky’s basically standing in his front yard, probably in his boxers, yelling “Get Off My Lawn!!!” LOL

Not sure if it’s true that he’s too gutless to take the L on this one. More likely he’s just unaware he took the L. As Nicky’s fade becomes more pronounced, expect to see more of this type of behavior until he quits this board for good.

He is now reduced to repeating his baseless cover-ups in order not to take another L.
He is now reduced to tripling down on his ageist and repetitive slurs while name-calling.
I'd say he was fading but he never was anything but faded.
Poor ChicKie can only vainly wish I'd quit "this board for good," so my mockery of him would cease.
Sorry, ChicKie. It ain't gonna happen. I was here before you got here and I'll be here after you're long gone.
Your humiliation will continue. Much of it self-inflicted.
*rubs ChicKie on his tummy*

I don't think the rest of us see it that way. I can't speak for all of us of course, but I'm in total agreement with cks that you are absolutely losing it. As the Trump train gains steam it's driving you out of your tiny little mind and you reactionary posts are making no sense at all now. Seriously. You should take a little break and group your poop.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: I am officially DEEP under ChicKie'S oh-so-thin skin.
He is now reduced to repeating his baseless cover-ups in order not to take another L.  
 He is now reduced to tripling down on his ageist and repetitive slurs while name-calling.  
 I'd say he was fading but he never was anything but faded.  
 Poor ChicKie can only vainly wish I'd quit "this board for good," so my mockery of him would cease.  
 Sorry, ChicKie. It ain't gonna happen. I was here before you got here and I'll be here after you're long gone.  
 Your humiliation will continue. Much of it self-inflicted.  
 *rubs ChicKie on his tummy*
Point by Point CKS took you apart with your OWN source...  THAT YOU MISQUOTED!  You ain't under his skin icky, if and it's a gigantic IF, you are actually on some Cruise... and you're responding to us on here?  

I've said it before and I'll say it again.  

We don't live rent-free in your head, WE OWN THAT MOTHER FUCKER LOCK, STOCK, AND BARREL!!!

In his little NY state "mansion". He's at sea where ever he happens to be.

followme19 reads

He is a cabin boy on a Greek freighter.

with the usual, predictably weak head-bobbing agreement with their righty pal.
What's even more fun is I can get their panties in a twist just be telling them where I actually am. They have no way of disproving it except their typical blind denials.
But tomorrow I'll still be arriving in Melbourne, Australia. And Swallow will still be sitting in his own soiled Depends in the Happy Home. No wonder he's upset.
Then there are Stooge and Loooooser, two simpletons who are too dumb to know how stupid they are.
And, of course, ChicKie. Who notwithstanding the Three Stooge's failed attempt at rebuttal, stands humiliated.

followme21 reads

Constantly telling us you have this or that you have done this or that etc.

Always trying to impress everyone here you are better have the best this or that,  have more of something  than everyone else and you have no way of proving any of it.

This describes you perfectly

Can you prove you are where you say you are?

2024 = 28

I love to constantly tell you things like this because you ALWAYS respond in your usual pissy way. Every time that happens I win, having proved what a well-trained little tool you are. So thanks for doing it AGAIN. LOL.
And in fact, while I'm not actually trying to impress anyone, I actually AM "better" than you. Not that it's hard to be better off than a nursing home octogenarian who hides his old reviews in an effort not to appear as old as he really is.
The only thing you got right is I can't PROVE it. Or truer to say I could easily do it but I won't give out PI here.
But in fact, ALL the things I've said about myself are true and several of my TER friends actually know it, having been to my house.
You will never know, because you are a nasty, unhappy, untrustworthy, miserable excuse for a human and I prefer you live where you currently exist. In ignorance.
Wallow in it, Swallow.
Your anger invigorates me. Your tears give me pleasure.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: I love how when I tell Swallow to jump, he says, "How high?" LMAO!
I love to constantly tell you things like this because you ALWAYS respond in your usual pissy way. Every time that happens I win, having proved what a well-trained little tool you are. So thanks for doing it AGAIN. LOL.  
 And in fact, while I'm not actually trying to impress anyone, I actually AM "better" than you. Not that it's hard to be better off than a nursing home octogenarian who hides his old reviews in an effort not to appear as old as he really is.  
 The only thing you got right is I can't PROVE it. Or truer to say I could easily do it but I won't give out PI here.  
 But in fact, ALL the things I've said about myself are true and several of my TER friends actually know it, having been to my house.  
 You will never know, because you are a nasty, unhappy, untrustworthy, miserable excuse for a human and I prefer you live where you currently exist. In ignorance.  
 Wallow in it, Swallow.  
 Your anger invigorates me. Your tears give me pleasure.  
Seriously you are. No one buys your BS. You don’t have any TER friends anymore. You burned these bridges down to the waterline a very long time ago. Your rants are starting to sound more like laffy on a daily basis. You don’t win , you don’t command anyone. All of these erroneous beliefs are in your head alone. How do I know?  


Btw new rule, lights out at 21:30 NO MORE Nuzzeling noses with that fat fuck you put up with but secretly hate. Oh yeah big P he only uses you for your TDS.

Go back with your GED and learn to write in real English. Also, stop White Knighting for that old fool who BP has just PROVEN is a lying hypocrite. You're only upset because I just so thoroughly humiliated him AGAIN. Just like I continually thrash your lame ass around this board.
Face it; you're an incompetent, a dullard and a fool. You don't even own YOUR OWN LAME ASS.
I own it.

followme18 reads

That’s funny you say jump…..
You icky are the one who posted 10 minutes after me so it  
would seem you are the one jumping and wiggling and squirming when you land
a pathetically desperate attempt to save face.

Those rears are from laughing at you because

At backstabbing post puller we laugh

2024 = 28

Second, his use of hackneyed catch phrases like his ancient "we laugh" sign off.
What a loser.
Greetings from Melbourne to your FL assisted living facility. Better call for your wipers now!

Break down for me what the fuck are you talking about.

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