Politics and Religion

Right Zimmerman cut himself . What an idiotic suppostion :D EOM
Timbow 553 reads


ex4917 reads

So from the evidence photo of the
back of his head, it appears that
Trayvon did indeed bash his head
against the concrete.  
Here are some excerpts from
the article (in quotes)  ---

" ...Crump, the Martin family attorney, is skeptical.

"How bad could it have been if they didn't take him to the hospital [and] didn't stitch him up," he said in a statement to ABC News in response to the image. "The special prosecutor has seen all the evidence and still believes George Zimmerman murdered Trayvon Martin."..."

Well of course they decided to
prosecute him,  They have to
appease the racist community
mob.  Thats the only reason he
was arrested...!  If they didn't
arrest him the angry racist mob
would have to be appeased
some other way....

" Testifying today, Zimmerman's father, Robert, a former magistrate, told the court that the day after Martin was killed he saw injuries his son suffered.
"His face was swollen quite a bit," Robert Zimmerman said. "There was a protective cover over his nose, his lip was cut and there were two vertical gashes on the back of his head."

"...Zimmerman's parents and wife Shellie testified at the hearing by phone because they did not want to make a public appearance out of fear for their safety.
In a dramatic moment during the hearing, a detective, under questioning from O'Mara, admitted that it has no clear evidence that Zimmerman attacked Trayvon Martin first. ..."

Of course the family should be
in fear,  There is a violent racist
community that wants revenge for
what appears to be a justified
shooting of an attacker, who is
of their race.  They don't like that..!

If Zimmerman goes to trial,
It won't be about justice....
It will be about avoiding the
racist political fallout from
not prosecuting him....

Priapus53796 reads

& it being demagogued from left & right , black & white. Let a jury decide Zimmerman's fate & whatever the decision, the public has to abide by it.

However ex''s racebaiting & staunch support of Zimmerman is curious. What's his motive behind this ? Racial bias, or was he or a relative a victim of black on white crime ?

-- Modified on 4/21/2012 7:33:46 AM

-- Modified on 4/21/2012 10:10:53 AM

followme459 reads

If you were tired of it you would not reply and post to all the threads/posts and commenting, as much as you do. You have posted to most if not all the threads on this matter.

If you really were tired of it you would just ignore threads/posts on the topic, guess you are not smart enough to do that.

You are just tooo stupid to realize you are stupid.

You're Welcome

followme795 reads

However I see him as the north end of a south bound horse.

Thank you
2012 = GOP

...thinking that a blunt implact of your skull against asphalt can cause a blade-like cut.

I didn't suggest that Zimmerman cut himself, BTW.

Timbow792 reads

So why did you even mention blading ?

-- Modified on 4/21/2012 8:43:19 AM

I imagine it would be difficult to do yourself to the back of the head.

But don't ignore the evidence. When you can explain how a cut like that could happen by a blunt impact on asphalt, then I would be more than happy to discard my theory.

KissMyAuraDora444 reads

...he slipped on the asphalt in pursuit while "blading", the gun when off accidentally & Z-man hit his head on the asphalt.


case close...thanks Willy for solving it!

Zimmerman went after travon martin and he Zimmerman had NO! life threating injuries

Posted By: ex
So from the evidence photo of the
back of his head, it appears that
Trayvon did indeed bash his head
against the concrete.  
Here are some excerpts from
the article (in quotes)  ---

" ...Crump, the Martin family attorney, is skeptical.

"How bad could it have been if they didn't take him to the hospital [and] didn't stitch him up," he said in a statement to ABC News in response to the image. "The special prosecutor has seen all the evidence and still believes George Zimmerman murdered Trayvon Martin."..."

Well of course they decided to
prosecute him,  They have to
appease the racist community
mob.  Thats the only reason he
was arrested...!  If they didn't
arrest him the angry racist mob
would have to be appeased
some other way....

" Testifying today, Zimmerman's father, Robert, a former magistrate, told the court that the day after Martin was killed he saw injuries his son suffered.
"His face was swollen quite a bit," Robert Zimmerman said. "There was a protective cover over his nose, his lip was cut and there were two vertical gashes on the back of his head."

"...Zimmerman's parents and wife Shellie testified at the hearing by phone because they did not want to make a public appearance out of fear for their safety.
In a dramatic moment during the hearing, a detective, under questioning from O'Mara, admitted that it has no clear evidence that Zimmerman attacked Trayvon Martin first. ..."

Of course the family should be
in fear,  There is a violent racist
community that wants revenge for
what appears to be a justified
shooting of an attacker, who is
of their race.  They don't like that..!

If Zimmerman goes to trial,
It won't be about justice....
It will be about avoiding the
racist political fallout from
not prosecuting him....
-- Modified on 4/22/2012 9:02:01 PM

The man in your video Xfean says
it must be a violent forcible felony.
That appears to be the case.

"A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony."

The key word here that you are
missing is PREVENT.   No where
does the law state that you have
to have life threatening injuries...

Zimmerman is justified by the law.

He was only arrested to appease
certain loudmouth racists in society.

obviously you did not read the affidavit

Neighborhood Watch volunteer George Zimmerman profiled Trayvon Martin, pursued him, frightened him, confronted him then shot him during a struggle, prosecutors alleged Thursday.

That's what the probable-cause affidavit filed Thursday by Special Prosecutor Angela Corey reveals. It is the first look at the criminal case that prosecutors plan to mount against Zimmerman.

The account is strikingly similar to the story that Trayvon's parents, the family's attorneys and civil-rights leaders have told for weeks — that Trayvon was an innocent victim hunted down and killed because he was black.

Herr found the affidavit legally sufficient to establish probable cause and ordered Zimmerman to appear for arraignment — when defendants formally enter a plea — on May 29 before Circuit Judge Jessica Recksiedler.

But the probable-cause affidavit, prepared by two investigators in her office, spelled out the bare bones of her case.

To Trayvon, it says, Zimmerman was a scary man, following him for some unknown reason. To Zimmerman, Trayvon was someone who was about to commit a crime, "a f------ punk," the affidavit said.

The affidavit offered evidence the state's position on three key points:

•"Zimmerman confronted Martin," it says, an apparent contradiction of Zimmerman's version of events.

•The state will argue that the voice heard crying for help in the background of one 911 call is Trayvon's. According to the affidavit, Trayvon's mother listened to the recording and identified the voice as her son's.

•State investigators will rely on the testimony of a friend of Trayvon's who told them she talked to the teenager on the phone in the lead-up to the shooting and heard the confrontation.

Based on the description, she appears to be the girl described by Martin family attorneys as his girlfriend.

When interviewed by state investigators, "The witness advised that Martin was scared because he was being followed through the complex by an unknown male and didn't know why," the affidavit said.

Trayvon tried to run home, the affidavit says, but Zimmerman ignored the advice of a police dispatcher and continued pursuing him on foot.


-- Modified on 4/24/2012 9:16:40 AM

Criminally Negligent Homicide

(or "depraved indifference") in the language of the indictment for second degree murder.


What this means is that the state is not attempting to prove that Zimmerman willfully murdered Trayvon Martin.

Instead they will set out to prove that -- by going after Trayvon with a loaded gun:

-- even after he had been reminded not to by the 911 operator

-- despite the proper protocals for any neighborhood watch program

-- despite zimmerman's own training in law enforcement

Zimmerman recklessly endangered Trayvon's life.

He WILLFULLY CREATED the circumstances where the gun was used.

In the absence of any eyewitness who had a clear view of the start of the fight,

or the firing of the gun.

Florida authorities wisely avoided the pitfalls of attempting to prove that Zimmerman willfully shot Trayvon in a situation where he had other options.

If the Jury believes that Zimmerman's actions willfully created a situation where he might well use his gun...

then he's guilty under the law.

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