Politics and Religion

Rick Perry: The Great "Job Creator".sad_smile
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 4692 reads

Recently, I've heard some new talking points coming out of the right wing about Perry's supposedly excellent record on creating jobs in the state of Texas.

Anyone with a decent bullshit detector would ask, "Is that really true?"

The record really does speak for itself. Texas has had an increase in population in recent years, and some jobs have been created, due largely to the increased cost of petrol these days.

But how well does Perry's jobs record really stack up?

Perry took office after Dubya resigned, in Dec. 2000. He's been Governor of Texas ever since. How has the unemployment rate been in Texas during that time?

It's gone from about 4% to just over 8%. In other words, Perry's history as the great job creator has seen a doubling of Texas' unemployment rate.


How does this look in terms of real individual human beings? When Perry took office just over 400,000 Texans were unemployed. Today over a million are.


At an 8.2% state wide unemployment rate, Texas ranks 26th in the nation in unemployment, losing out to states like Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Montana, Oklahoma, Utah, and Wyoming.

Priapus531609 reads

just what the country needs----another crazed, theocratic Tx boob as POTUS.

but Rick Perry certainly is, I am about as likely to vote for him as I am Sarah Palin or Mike Huckabee. lol

Priapus531495 reads

I came across this while googling for pics of Perry. It shows why morons like him & GWB are "POTUS" material. I find it sad & disturbing.

And I would vote for Huckabee. I am, however, oppossed to imposing my views on others. As Christians our command is simply to share Gods word not shove it down throats.

Only the damn republican party could fuck up a wet dream to the extent that they are now engaged.  Here we have the worst potus in history, someone who probably can't defend one single action he has taken since his election, a pathetic liar at every turn.  And look at the lame ass choices the repubs have come up with.  IMO, the couple who actually seem to be the right medicine are the very same ones that all the news groups degrade.  Such a dismal situation.

The Dems managed to elect a community organizor to the nations highest office because the nation was so disenchanted with GWB. Maybe the GOP will get someone as equally unqualified as Obama to replace him in 2012.

Yeah that will show them, won't it? I'd lol, but it would only be funny if it weren't so sad.

Is Obama worse than Adams who signed the alien and sedition acts, effectly making criticism of the President illegal? Is he worse than James Buchanan, who failed to prevent the United States from going into a Civil War? Is he worse than Ulysses S. Grant, who had the most corrupt Presidency in US history? Is he worse than Herbert Hoover, who sat around with his thumb up his ass while the country sank into the 35% unemployment rates of the Great Depression? Pwilley, you're more retarded than Sarah Palin's kid at a spelling bee.

OK, take a deep breath, calm your heart, maybe sip something cool... LOL   I don't have any first hand knowledge of any of those folks you mention but I think they're pretty old coggers aren't they.  And what we know about them is most likely what some pundant/historian who wrote what he/she thought was relevant?  Now if you want to go back only as far as Kennedy forward, that will work.  But I will grant you one positive as a result of Obama... For the first time in their existence, FOX and CNN commentators all now say he sucks...that ought to tell you something... LOL

Obama is the "worse president in history" because you don't know jack shit about history.

I rest my case.

CommonSensePrevails1351 reads

.... my own ports and my own fuel resources I might consider succession AGAIN too. If you've ever read the articles of succession from the seven states who left last time you would find some striking similarities to what's going on today.    

"If you voted for Obama in 2008 to prove you're not a racist,
then you'll have to vote for someone else in 2012...to prove
"you're not an idiot".

Priapus "It's spelled "secession", Quad-

 or psychoneurosis for those that don't have spelling issues.
 Get off the spelling corrections you big dope.
You are making yourself look as dumb as you are.
 And quit looking for me . I don't want to hang out with you.


-- Modified on 8/13/2011 10:50:20 AM

Priapus531784 reads

Btw, Quad, did you violate the "alias" rule on this thead ? We don't wanna get moderated, do we ?!------;)

-- Modified on 8/13/2011 9:21:21 AM

CommonSensePrevails1339 reads

Last I looked this is a quick post message board not a literary classic in the works. At least I now know, since you've already done it twice today to two different people, that I was right about your 7th grade knowledge of History. You're a 7TH GRADE English teacher !!!!!!!  :)

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