Politics and Religion

General election poll : BHO vs Romney
Priapus53 6601 reads

Ok, I'll give usual polling caveats; things can drastically change in 14 months, polls are "snapshots in time", ad nauseum, etc.

However, the "dead heat results" show that Romney would be formidable in the general, with good chance of beating BHO. Perry polls further back, trailing BHO by 5 % in an aggregate averaging of the polls.

Will the GOP primary voters shoot themselves in the foot by giving the nomination to Perry ?

Time will tell.

that do not want four more years of President Obama.

Unless, of couse, Gov. Christie suddenly has a change of heart and enters the race.

Long term, though, the Republican Party has some very credible and bright names that, should the individuals choose to run, will be factors in future Presidential elections. Perhaps the most future stars the Party has had in a long, long time.

Gov. Christie is the most widely recognized of the group.  

Sen. Rubio from Florida will almost certainly be a popular candidate for either the top spot or the No. 2 spot on a Presidential ticket down the road. Shoot, he may be the Veep half of the Republican ticket in 2012.

Rep. Paul Ryan is another strong leader from the House.  And, while not as young, Gov. Daniels from Indiana may have his name crop us again come 2016.

Priapus531078 reads

that is, if Romney gets the nomination & Rubio decides to accept the # 2 slot.

GOP has had problems with Latino demographic of late & having Rubio on the ticket could cinch a victory.

I really haven't seen too much of him yet, but at first glance he has Presidential talent written all over him.

And being Latino and from the critical state of Florida makes him the brightest of the future stars from either party.

Bored-Board-Bully1809 reads

and his french fry eating hog of a wife.

Not that I am much of a Romney fan either, but at least Romney can get the economy going and give our country back some credibility around the world that Obama had squandered.

next to President Obama, Romney looks like the next Washington/Lincoln/Teddy Roosevelt/FDR/JFK/Reagan combination.  lol

Bored-Board-Bully1823 reads

and sees what a mess Obama has made and how incompetent he really is. Unfortunately, there will be plenty of morons who will vote for him again.

I wish I still had that youtube video with the black girl saying she won't have to worry about paying her rent or making car payments after Obama "is" elected. Somehow I think some of the brainwashed sheep are going to forget to vote in 2012.

but you won't agree because you are not going to agree.

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