Politics and Religion

Remember, St. Croix, I only pass
THESPORTCAPITAL 143 Reviews 6070 reads
1 / 40

Interesting threats to our rights, enterpreneurship, amazing there is no more a threat of communism, opening a businessvnow more regulation, insurance issues, correct licensing.just look at how govt is going after coca cola, now salt attempting to be banned in restaurant,  please trans fat issues in restaurant,  and now health dept violations to be posted in restaurant, by grade, okay go to restaurant u see a letter c, why will patron go back, economy is bad , what a joke this govt ,Willie wonka enlightened me with one of your idiotic comments you do so well or so WW ww means without wit,

Priapus53 2104 reads
2 / 40

with whom your share your "language" skills.

Jesus---posters on the left & right MUST think this guy is a joke !

THESPORTCAPITAL 143 Reviews 3442 reads
4 / 40

Maybe since you know more than any one else on this board you should run for president.

-- Modified on 7/17/2010 7:30:51 PM

dncphil 16 Reviews 779 reads
5 / 40

Peron managed to shut down all opposition newspapers by neutral regulations.

A newspaper ran an article that was not favorable, and the next day they were cited by inspectors because the bathrooms did not meet municipal standards.  They paid the fine and the next day the were fined for not giving proper over time to delivery drivers.

Peron did not close one newspaper using force or censorship laws.  He was able to crush the opposition with little regs.

Likewise, Evita ran her charity purely by "donation."   Anyone who wanted to do business donated to her foundation. In fact, she did distribute large amounts to worthy causes.  All raised "voluntarily."

I had a friend who opened a dance studio. It was one room, with a door facing the street.  She had to spend $2,000 to put a hot wired "exit" sign above the only door, so people would no where to go in case of emergency.  

She had to put in handicapp access bathrooms, which took up so much space she could not have showers.  She also had to put in two handicap parking spaces FOR A DANCE STUDIO, which meant that she lost the use of those spaces because no one used them.  In 15 years of running the studio, no one the parking spaces or the bathrooms.

Finally, although she was the only "employee," OSHA fined her for not posting notices for her other employees.

She has no idea which party passes more regulations.

St. Croix 1054 reads
6 / 40

I'm trying to understand the connection, if there is one. You might suggest to your friend to open a dance studio or tango club in Buenos Aires. I don't dance or speak Spanish, but had a blast when I was there.  

I do want a "no-holds barred" debate between Boxer/Fiorna and Brown/Whitman, and I want the topics of jobs, taxes, regulations, unions/pension, companies fleeing California and deficit to be the only topics. These are the only topics that need to be discussed. Keep the social issues off the table. At the end of the day, the economy trumps all other issues.

Makwa 18 Reviews 625 reads
9 / 40

I've watched Stossel and he does not allow a fair exchange of opinions on his show.  You get his opinion and anyone who has an opposing view is shut down quickly.  (Typical of Fox).

In programs I enjoy you get a good exchange of opinions from all sides.

THESPORTCAPITAL 143 Reviews 841 reads
10 / 40

what does keith offer to the table or all obama employees who appear on msnbc, if fox is so 1 sided it's funny how they have best ratings and most famous analysts. I am not  attacking you I am just asking you a view point of network news.  

-- Modified on 7/18/2010 11:27:26 AM

Makwa 18 Reviews 1537 reads
12 / 40

MSNBC does have Oberman and Maddow, but in the entire NBC Networks they are very balanced.  They have a number of conservatives on CNBC, and the NBC News itself has no bias.  

Can you name a liberal on Fox?  I didn't think so!  Maybe Homer Simpson!  

Does NBC do a better job?  HELL YES!

Timbow 778 reads
13 / 40
GaGambler 796 reads
14 / 40

Most "right wingers" will admit to a certain amount of bias from Fox News, where it's a very rare liberal indeed that will admit bias from ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC etal.

The only conclusion I can draw is that conservatives must be more objective, and/or honest than libs. It's obvious to anyone with half a brain that their isn't a single objective network news source out there. Every one of thme is biased, it's just a matter of whether you share their bias or not.

Priapus53 2055 reads
15 / 40

I feel all those news sources are biased. As for right-wingers thinking Fox is biased, a rare admission from them indeed.Tell ya what----ask  the P&R board conservatives if Fox is biased-----you're not gonna get the objective answer you're searching for.

-- Modified on 7/18/2010 11:24:22 AM

THESPORTCAPITAL 143 Reviews 1691 reads
16 / 40
Timbow 1157 reads
17 / 40

Sure Fox is biased but I am an independent ;)

ed2000 31 Reviews 829 reads
18 / 40

BTW Scarborough's no conservative. MSNBC does have Pat Buchanan.

Of course the majority of FOX commentary is right of center. Even the news is slightly right. But in total, it is far more balanced than any of it's competitors.

GaGambler 1142 reads
19 / 40

You are considered even more conservative than me, even though I am pro choice, anti religious right, don't give a fuck about gay marriage, think the Patriot Act was a horrible piece of legislation.....

No, If I am considered a conservative around here, so are you. Don't get all confused by the fact thay you and I by any objective standard, are independents. the libs think that any one to the right of Castro is a "rabid right winger"

GaGambler 1459 reads
20 / 40

There are a lot of conservatives that think that Fox is "fair", but it is a lot lower percentage than liberals who will admit the MSM leans left.

Yes there are some "mouth breathers" like SouthernJezebel and others who are the "typical" right wingers you speak of, but over all the "righties" that you constantly are at odds with, are a more objective group than the lefties that inhabit this board.

For every SouthernJezebel on this board, there are three or four like AnonymousFun, WillyWonka, Makwa, Tusayan etal to prove my point.

You won't get a word out of anyone of them that admits the right side of the aisle has ever done anything positive.

-- Modified on 7/18/2010 11:54:08 AM

Priapus53 955 reads
21 / 40

GOP Fla. Congressman for 8 years; your "appraisal" must be news to him.

I'm a steady MSNBC watcher, but I admit they're biased;as someone said earlier, it's "my bias".

To quote you : [ Fox News ] "is far more balanced than its competitors".

I rest my case.

Makwa 18 Reviews 623 reads
22 / 40
ed2000 31 Reviews 1052 reads
23 / 40

Of course Joe is a self proclaimed conservative. He likes his job. He's as conservative as is Scott Brown, Olympia Snowe or Arlen Spectre.

Makwa 18 Reviews 1888 reads
24 / 40

Not Conservative?  

Your ignorance is showing!

Florida's 1st District is one of the most Conservative in the country, and Scarborough was very popular there.

Timbow 1073 reads
25 / 40
Priapus53 1219 reads
26 / 40

which some of my left-leaning compatriots on the board will not. As I said when I first got here,
you represent the board's ( or perhaps the country-----who the fuck knows ) center; fiscally conservative & socially-culturally libertarian left
( correct me If I'm wrong on the latter ).

I readily admit my politics are center left,which puts me at odds with the rest of the country & probably the board.

As for those more "objective" conservatives, I haven't seen evidence of that---just "mouthbreathers" like NCJimbo
& the like. Name some if you'd like,but most of them engage in the same demagoguery you accuse
the far left of perpertrating.

ed2000 31 Reviews 808 reads
27 / 40

MSNBC must have beat it out of him (or he was pretending before). They pay him enough to provide the illusion for folks like you.

GaGambler 1309 reads
28 / 40

St Croix, dncPhil, Breaker, JohnGalt, Ed, Tim, and that's just a few off the top ten list and the last couple of threads.

You may object to a couple of them, like ED, but he just admitted that Fox was biased, he only claims that the others are more biased. I don't necessarily agree with him, but his is a much larger concession than you will ever get out of the mouth breathers of the left like Makwa, Anonymousfun or Tusayan, just to name a few.

and I don't necessarily disagree with your charactarization of my views.  I might even come down on the liberal side of some issues like freedom of choice, 1st ammendment issues, etc., but fiscally, yes I am a conservative. I believe in personal responibility and that includes paying your own way, with exceptions of course for the handicapped, infirmed, etc. I believe in helping those who are incapable of helping themselves, but not those who are too fucking lazy and expect the rest of us to take care of them.

THESPORTCAPITAL 143 Reviews 1117 reads
29 / 40

Hannity for a long duration. So when he was on fox news you had 2 different viewpoints. I did in fact meet him and his wife this past year.

Priapus53 1311 reads
30 / 40

particularly phil ( who I disgree with a great deal of the time ) & John Galt ( helluva nice guy
& very bright-------now if only he can work on his "bloviating"----LOL ! ). It's just the "mouthbreathers" I have no patience for : on the right, Southern Jezebel & NCJimbo; on the left,
"Father Coughlin" &, the lowest of all, "Iago".
( if these alluded names don't sound familiar to some folks, Google them ).

If I ever meet a "particular party" at a M&G I will-------ahhhh, fuck it---nevermind----he's not worth the powder to blow up--------LOL ! )

-- Modified on 7/18/2010 1:07:06 PM

GaGambler 905 reads
31 / 40

Your reasons for the former are obvious, the latter seems to be a more personal issue between the two of you that I will be more than happy to just stay out of. TYVM

IMO there are too many to name on the left, between Trannyboy, AF, WW, etal the list of blithering idiots just goes on and on. It seems like a much longer list than those of the "mouthbreathers" on the right, not that I will dispute your mentioned nominees. lol

St. Croix 1670 reads
32 / 40

You, me, Breaker, Timbow, dncPhil, John, and I'll even add marikod to our team. I kinda like his views on money, most of the time.

On the other side, Priapus, Willy, AnonymousFun, Makwa, Tusayan, and don't forget wormword. Pick a sport guys, any sport. To the libs, dancing is not sport. Acting in a Broadway musical is not a sport. Cooking is not a sport. I'll even give you guys odds. GaG, you got a bookie that can handle the action?

Priapus53 1539 reads
33 / 40

I'll beat you hands down------LMAO !

GaGambler 688 reads
34 / 40

And unless the sport is "stupid posting" I bet we can beat them at anything.

Priapus53 786 reads
35 / 40

Sounds like your team has more than a couple of "lightweights' there-----------:)

marikod 1 Reviews 705 reads
36 / 40
St. Croix 1018 reads
37 / 40

We can have 2 bets. One for the game, and one following the game.

Just like I said earlier about dancing, cooking, interior design and Broadway musicals not being sports, a drinking game including cosmopolitans and similar drinks doesn't count.

St. Croix 971 reads
38 / 40

I don't forget shit like that. That's good enough for me for any sport we play. Shit, we can beat them at jacks if we have to, and I know you'll get called for a flagrant 1.

Priapus53 1740 reads
39 / 40

which I doubt you could handle. Btw, the "activites" you mention fall into the "purviews" of manginas-------& there are numerous conservative manginas out there----just check the boards--------:)

-- Modified on 7/18/2010 3:19:13 PM

jerseyflyer 20 Reviews 772 reads
40 / 40

wrongo, makwa. Alan Colmes still has a talk show on Fox Radio. Check it out, I do. But I personally can't stand Imus for more than 30 seconds.

-- Modified on 7/18/2010 8:40:53 PM

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