Politics and Religion

Remember Exxon Valdez anyone?
stucaboy 3347 reads
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was funny.  It was the one about Exxon Mobil and how they are concerned about the environment. Those lefties  on SNL really are funny at times.

hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 281 reads
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The NJ Turnpike between Exits 12 thru 16 is nicknamed "Cancer Stretch" where all the oil refineries are located.   Oh well wait for the Papa Trumpanazee and his warriors over regulations dismantle the EPA and inspections of Chemical plants.

It will be Carbide Chemicals environmental disaster all over as it happened in India three decades ago.    People's faces got disfigured, thousands died of poisonous chemicals that escaped in an accident and thousands lost their eye sight.   Problem:  There were no regulations and there were no inspections.

ROMMEL 54 Reviews 310 reads
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You are the King of hyperbolic BS.  The sky isn't falling and we're going to be ok.  

EuroModelsShown 300 reads
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Aren't there regulations(laws) in regard to opiate sales and gun violence? Where are the environmentalists, when there are people actually being killed right in front of their face? People are a component of the environment.

hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 287 reads
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Exxon Valdez oil spill  in Alaska was no BS.  You are the master of evasive one liners that make you a jackass with a meat head!

ROMMEL 54 Reviews 268 reads
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Jeez.  The hyperbolic BS is your alluding to two real disasters and implying Trump's going to make it happen tomorrow.

TwoMints 271 reads
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When you put people with actual management experience into these agencies you will see a lot of structural changes to the management.  When companies restructure, they rarely cut the bottom level people. Those are the people actually working. They restructure management, reduce redundancies and streamline the entire system. Of course all these middle to upper management types are shitting their pants. Many may well be looking for new jobs.  All levels of government needs these reforms.  

With 70% of our funds locked into non-discretionary spending savings have to come from somewhere. If we can save 20% across the board from these agencies, we could save many billions of dollars.
Posted By: hwy2heaven
The NJ Turnpike between Exits 12 thru 16 is nicknamed "Cancer Stretch" where all the oil refineries are located.   Oh well wait for the Papa Trumpanazee and his warriors over regulations dismantle the EPA and inspections of Chemical plants.  
 It will be Carbide Chemicals environmental disaster all over as it happened in India three decades ago.    People's faces got disfigured, thousands died of poisonous chemicals that escaped in an accident and thousands lost their eye sight.   Problem:  There were no regulations and there were no inspections.

JakeFromStateFarm 206 reads
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Consists solely of being the managing general partner of an Oklahoma AAA minor league baseball team.
Yeah, that's the ticket! LMAO!

TwoMints 186 reads
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Pruitt represented Tulsa and Wagoner Counties in the Oklahoma Senate from 1998 until 2006. In 2006, Pruitt narrowly lost to Oklahoma Speaker of the House Todd Hiett in a bid for the Republican nomination for Lieutenant Governor of Oklahoma. In 2010, Pruitt was elected Attorney General of Oklahoma. In that role, he was viewed as a proponent of federalism, supporting religious freedom laws and fought against abortion rights, same-sex marriage, the Affordable Care Act, and environmental regulations as a self-described "leading advocate against the EPA's activist agenda".[2] In 2012, Pruitt was elected as chairman of the Republican Attorneys General Association, and re-elected for a second term in February 2013.[3][4]

It's like google doesn't exist in your weird little world.
Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
Consists solely of being the managing general partner of an Oklahoma AAA minor league baseball team.  
 Yeah, that's the ticket! LMAO!

JakeFromStateFarm 389 reads
10 / 29

It is quite clear the "actual management experience" you were talking about was in the private sector.  And everything you just cited was in the government.
Trump does have people in his government with business management experience but Pruitt ain't one of them.

GaGambler 292 reads
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By comparison Pruitt is grossly OVER qualified.  

but that is as much support as I can offer for him. Being better qualified than our previous POTUS doesn't change the fact that I wouldn't vote for him for dog catcher. He is a thumpers thumper, thank god he's not in charge of anything to do with social issues, but even as an oil man I can't get behind him as head of the EPA.  

Personally, I doubt he is going to have even the slightest direct impact on me. I have been in the oil business for decades and I have had maybe two direct interactions with the EPA. Most oil extraction regulation is done at the state level, not the federal level.

JakeFromStateFarm 219 reads
12 / 29

I was NOT making the case that such experience was necessary, TwoMints was.  Here's what he said:
"When you put people with actual management experience into these agencies you will see a lot of structural changes to the management.  When companies restructure, they rarely cut the bottom level people. Those are the people actually working. They restructure management, reduce redundancies and streamline the entire system. Of course all these middle to upper management types are shitting their pants. Many may well be looking for new jobs.  All levels of government needs these reforms."
My reply simply pointed out in response that Pruitt had very little business management experience, which TwoMints comment above clearly referred to.
So you either didn't read the thread when you decided to weigh in OR you are just doing one of your deceptive deflections.  Which is it?

mattradd 40 Reviews 110 reads
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ed2000 31 Reviews 252 reads
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If it was anyone else but you I would totally agree with you Jake. But then you've already decreed you have no use for what I think.

Karma's a bitch eh?

GaGambler 158 reads
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and he will chase you right off the right edge of the page telling you exactly that. Or until you get sick of debating the subject, whichever comes first. lol

ed2000 31 Reviews 175 reads
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He doesn't give a fuck what anyone thinks but himself. But it IS easy to see when he's at a loss for words.

JakeFromStateFarm 293 reads
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In fact, the one who provided no rebuttal is the one up whose ass you have your tongue -- GaGa.  Here is your assignment: go back and read the branch again and report back to your class of Remedial English Comprehension 101.  
PS: It is not true that I don't "give a fuck what anyone thinks but himself."  I just don't give a fuck what YOU think.

GaGambler 183 reads
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Just as predicted, Jake you are so predictable and easy it almost takes the fun out of being right

JakeFromStateFarm 224 reads
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I take that as abject capitulation on your part.  Don't be embarrassed.  It really was your only option.  Especially with dolts like ed trying to help you.  It's as if Fancy jumped to your defense.

ed2000 31 Reviews 267 reads
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someone you can't stop thinking about and and can't stop criticizing even when they totally agree with you.

Let's see. There must be a word that describes someone that won't accept simple agreement and instead assumes he was so dominate, the other side capitulated to his mighty forces. I'll have to get back to you on that. Or maybe you can help?

JakeFromStateFarm 203 reads
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As in "Jake dominates ed because ed is an intellectual midget."  
You meant to say "dominant."  As in "Jake is dominant in any discussion with ed because Jake is wise and ed is a dolt."
Stick with me, ed. You might learn something.  Like how to communicate more intelligently.
Or not.

ed2000 31 Reviews 196 reads
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ed2000 31 Reviews 193 reads
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The potential for BOTH matt AND jake falling off the margin IN THE SAME BRANCH of a thread. You've both been, there just not together. Unlike jake, I know matt can recognize what that abyss looks like but I wonder if he and jake will join hands and skip over the cliff together. . . à la Thelma and Louise.

JakeFromStateFarm 206 reads
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ed2000 31 Reviews 258 reads
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mattradd 40 Reviews 205 reads
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ed2000 31 Reviews 140 reads
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