Politics and Religion

Cynicalman 41768 reads

This is a food fight that has the potential of becoming a bloodbath. The SAme big money is going to profit no matter who is at the wheel. Republican or Democrat; It's you and I who will have to pay all the bills and lose some sons, some daughters and some more freedoms while were at it.

 Now where's this "moderator sign up" board??


I agree with your point that big money will always be big money.  However, it seems to me that when it comes to taking away freedoms the Reps are a gun-ho bunch - always catering to the religious right (being right handed and all).  Generally, they are anti- Gay this anti-abortion that.  Well, if you don't want to marry your gay lover than don't.  Such pettiness is so unattractive.

Perhaps someday it will be possible for the powers that be to actually consist of honorable individuals.  Sadly, I don't think mankind is capable - at least its current version.

The real culprit is that idiot that invented the wheel.  If it wasnt for that SOB/DOB we could still be hanging out in the sun ``wondering what makes the rocks so hot, eat and get laid''.  Just imagine, no religion either.

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