Politics and Religion

Re: yup, Obama would give a shit if he WASN'T an American
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Biggest racist to ever grace the White House and shit on Americans at the same time.

Posted By: balller
Re: yup, Obama would give a shit if he WASN'T an American
Talk about a traitor

No, not of the country but President of the prestigious Harvard University in Cambridge, MA.    That would be a great honor for the former President.     He is now new to Harvard, graduated Magna cum Laude and was the first African American President of the Harvard Law Review.

HappyChanges98 reads

I agree with you.  It has been a lot better since he left. At least try to make a little sense. You give us so much ammunition with your ridiculous post, snowflake.  

Mr.M.Johnson87 reads

Mexico paid for the wall
Muslims are banned
China trade deal ripped-n-replaced
Taxes cut on businesses
Taxes cut on individules
Obamacare Repealed and Replaced
Iran deal ripped-n-replaced
N.Korea is in check

oops, my bad, NONE of these have happened, so, Happy, please tell us all how things are better

HappyChanges90 reads

Here is my response to "Mexico paid for the wall". Perhaps I'll respond to you're other one liners.

An RFP for the Mexican wall went out nearly a month after Trump took office.  Bids and proposals were due in April. Usually it takes months to level the bids of a project of this scale. In any major construction project, sending an RFP, receiving proposals and leveling the bids is a major step. This is a really good start.

Trump has also increased the deportation of violent illegal immigrants who have no place in our society. He has given law enforcement the support and tools they need to enforce our immigration laws.

Keep in mind, Trump has only been  president  for 5 months.  His response to the growing illegal immigrants problem is no small feet and I am happy with the progress at this point.

balller68 reads

On the altar of the lib religion

Let's coddle our enemies and diss our friends

Barry did that a lot

Lost for the sake of trump's ego. Work that in your narrative.
And while we lost our standing with our allies in Europe while we "cuddle" Russia,Qatar and the Arabs. Yup, this is looking good so far.

Know what, President Obama cares a fuck about this guy.    Get over it.    

Biggest racist to ever grace the White House and shit on Americans at the same time.

Posted By: balller
Re: yup, Obama would give a shit if he WASN'T an American
Talk about a traitor

balller86 reads

Kinda like his preemptive Nobel Peace prize

He earned nothing, it was given to him!

Obama would be picking up trash is it wasn't for AA.

Without a teleprompter the man is an ummmmm machine

President of Community Organizers is more likely

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