Politics and Religion

Re: You need to quit thinking that repeating bullshit often enough makes it true
Skanky-Annie-Coulter 2076 reads
2 / 53
KeithOlberjerkoff 1880 reads
3 / 53

Typical Hillary FEMALE MANIAC supporter. Thay all feel she was entitled to the Job and how dare Obama take it from her. Good bye Senator thunder thighs and have a great summer....AHAHAHAHAHHH

holeydiver 113 Reviews 3063 reads
4 / 53

...it is possible, as I am a white man.

Tucker Max 2654 reads
5 / 53

Using the words like "female" & "maniac" together with "Hillary" are redundant. Same with thing as with "thunder tights" and "Hillary."  Just like the terms "Bill Clinton" and "horny pudgy dude who likes to fuck ugly women." ;)

RightwingUnderground 4431 reads
6 / 53

BHO is an "Inadequate Black Male" and John McCain is going to be the next President.

Is he inadequate because he has absolutley NO idea what he believes in? I wonder whoose decision it was to finally quit his church this week after the latest guest pastor/fillin for Rev. Wrong made a fool of The Clintons.

-- Modified on 6/1/2008 11:03:19 AM

GaGambler 2368 reads
7 / 53

I think some of us have been predicting this for months. I know I have, and I am loving it.

Skanky-Annie-Coulter 1885 reads
8 / 53
SinsOfTheFlesh See my TER Reviews 2070 reads
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Devils-advocate 2009 reads
10 / 53

and most of them are either in or running for some religious or political office.    Just look at the White House.

Next to those idiots, $15 for a movie is cheap entertainment.  We could elect that crazy bitch, and she'd melt down and do less damage than the current Republicans - the bureaucracy has 20 years of unguided momentum in it.

SimpleCountryLawyer 2652 reads
11 / 53
kerrakles 1930 reads
12 / 53

Obambi will get any rational and normal persons vote. There are more rational people than any other group, men and women!

St. Croix 1757 reads
13 / 53

inadequate black male. He would be crucified in the press. Not to say that woman reminds me of my liberal mother, or liberal sisters, but they just seem so angry all the time. Yeah some if it is related to Bush, but most of the time they are just angry with little or no logic.

RightwingUnderground 1974 reads
14 / 53
Chuck Darwin 2218 reads
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You must have forgotten about Limbaugh labelling Obama "The Magic Negro".

One of the things that baffles the hell right out of me is  that the biggest flaming screamers are the ones most sensitive about other people doing the same thing.  Go figure.

RightwingUnderground 2320 reads
16 / 53

It was the liberal LA Times that invented the label, but I know it won't matter to you.  That would require you to think.

-- Modified on 6/1/2008 10:54:18 PM

Chuck Darwin 2551 reads
17 / 53

and you can forget calling papers liberal - any literacy is liberal.

Groovy2 13 Reviews 2754 reads
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BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 2209 reads
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Bushit-eater 1977 reads
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RightwingUnderground 2201 reads
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Obama the 'Magic Negro'
The Illinois senator lends himself to white America's idealized, less-than-real black man.
By David Ehrenstein, L.A.-based DAVID EHRENSTEIN writes about Hollywood and politics.
March 19, 2007
AS EVERY CARBON-BASED life form on this planet surely knows, Barack Obama, the junior Democratic senator from Illinois, is running for president. Since making his announcement, there has been no end of commentary about him in all quarters — musing over his charisma and the prospect he offers of being the first African American to be elected to the White House.

But it's clear that Obama also is running for an equally important unelected office, in the province of the popular imagination — the "Magic Negro."


And even one of your mast heads agrees with me. . .

Latching onto L.A. Times op-ed, Limbaugh sings "Barack, The Magic Negro"

On the March 19 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, host Rush Limbaugh highlighted a March 19 Los Angeles Times op-ed that described Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) as "running for an equally important unelected office, in the province of the popular imagination -- the 'Magic Negro'" -- a term used by critics of pop culture to describe certain benevolent African-American characters. Limbaugh stated: "The term 'Magic Negro' has been thrown into the political presidential race in the mix for 2008. And the term 'Magic Negro,' as applied to Barack Obama has been done by an L.A. Times columnist, David Ehrenstein."


-- Modified on 6/2/2008 10:42:38 AM

GaGambler 2744 reads
31 / 53

Facts? We don't need no stinkin facts.

JackO's mind is already made up. Stop trying to confuse him. As you already know, he confuses easily.

Chuck Darwin 2618 reads
32 / 53

Did you actually read the article where Ehrenstein cited the origin of the term (Wikifuckingpedia) or did you just assume Limblob's assertion of irresponsibility, like everything else he does?

Chuck Darwin 3911 reads
33 / 53
RightwingUnderground 2329 reads
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Better phrased as, "Is the LA Times, Ehrenstein?"

The newspaper approves, signs off and is responsible for everything it prints (somewhat to a lessor degree in OPED pieces, but none the less, Op Eds don't get printed without LA Times management's "say so".

It was in the LA Times that the old old term "Magic Negro" was FIRST attributed to BHO.

If you had stated that Limbaugh PROMOTED BHO as the Magic Nego, I would have totally agreed, but YOU DIDN'T.

You often times, do not choose your words very carefully. Odd behavior for a lawyer.

-- Modified on 6/2/2008 1:57:05 PM

RightwingUnderground 2264 reads
35 / 53
NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 2178 reads
36 / 53

i think his channeling of Anne_skankyassed_Cuntler is odder behaviour than his slipshod word selection

GaGambler 4990 reads
37 / 53

You have to admit, JackO is a very odd lawyer. rofl

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 1881 reads
38 / 53

it's okay to have 15 personalities, just don't try billing for each....

that's something John Edwards would do


-- Modified on 6/2/2008 3:35:23 PM

GaGambler 1855 reads
39 / 53

Make John Edwards look like a conservative in comparison.

GaGambler 2186 reads
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where you just end up with a very fat pig. Feeding JackO is more like feeding a tribble where you end up with dozens of tribbles instead of one very fat one. lol

Jack0sAgent 3047 reads
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GaGambler 2381 reads
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Arthur Anderson & Co couldn't keep up with your aliases, even with Enron paying the bill.

Jack0sAgent 3107 reads
43 / 53

Ie, accountants who couldn't count, paid by bankrupts, are a metaphor for ability?

GaGambler 2406 reads
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Jack0sAgent 2208 reads
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started imagining my client everywhere.  

Since you KNOW you're nuts, we can run for President.

Che G. 2553 reads
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GaGambler 1458 reads
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What I don't understand is some asshole running around pretending to be fifteen other dumb mother fuckers thinking it makes him look clever instead of the pathetic loser he really is.

Comprende cabron?

TontotheInjun 2196 reads
48 / 53
GaGambler 2615 reads
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If you want to act like an asshole, I'll treat you like an asshole. I don't care what fucking language you say it in. Talk civil to me and I'll return the favor. Talk like an asshole, in Spanish, German, or whatever and you can go fuck yourself. Clear enough for you?

RightwingUnderground 2890 reads
50 / 53

Ugh, You smell like rotten fish, masked man.

-- Modified on 6/3/2008 8:08:55 PM

HelplessLittleGirl 2055 reads
51 / 53

Pick fights at every turn, then you get all pissed when people fight back.

They're not supposed to do that!  They're supposed to bend over so you righties can fuck them, then mock them!

Grow the fuck up.  You'll have to lose your one-way right-wing RepubliCon righteousness 1st.

GaGambler 2292 reads
52 / 53

You're the one who started with the invectives, it doesn't matter what language you used, now you're crying like the helpless little girl you are. Don't start fights if you don't like the consquences.

I told you before, speak to me in a civil tone and I'll return the favor, act like an asshole and I'll treat you the same.

TontotheInjun 2280 reads
53 / 53

Red man sick & fuckin tired listen to RepubliConMan speak with forked tongue.   He say, Shit yourself & eat it.

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