Politics and Religion

Re: You don't SHOW a cop a fake gun, yes buy this is a KID who might not know that
earthshined 736 reads

the police would react that way.

Posted By: JackDunphy
According to media reports, the police told the kid to put his hands up multiple times and he reached for the gun. Problem is he was a kid and made a huge mistake. The cops were told it was a "guy" and I am sure they assumed it to be an adult by that description.  
 This appears to be a tragic accident. I say appears because we need an investigation. Let's see what that unfolds. My guess is this officer will not be found guilty of a crime due to all the extenuating circumstances.

DA_Flex2893 reads

This video perfectly illustrates what I have been trying to say for months on this board.  These police came up on this child and shot him as soon as one of the cops got out of the car.  In the video, they appear not to make any effort at all to determine if this child actually had a weapon.  Didn't give this child an opportunity to raise his hands.  They just shot him!  The complete video is over 7 minutes long and the actually shooting at the 7:09 mark.  You tell me this was justified or even acceptable behavior by the police.

I couldn't see anything that happened, as the patrol vehicle was blocking the view.  

What I did see was a young man acting like an idiot prior to the police arriving. Apparently the young man continued to act like an idiot once the officers confronted him.

What I said the other day in my response to you still rings true. The young man would not have behaved in the fashion he did, if the law permitted the citizens of Cleveland the right to open carry.

Note to Curly: This happened during the day.

Correction - Apparently Ohio is an open carry state, I was wrong. Which makes brandishing a firearm in public, a stupid thing to do.

-- Modified on 11/26/2014 10:59:03 AM

DA_Flex752 reads

Jack and Johnny are the chief apologists for inept police actions.  Regardless whether this kid was waving around a real or fake weapon, the police rolled up on this kid and 2 seconds later shot him dead. These assholes made no attempt to determine if there was a real threat. Didn't bother to secure the area, before charging in like a bat out of hell with guns drawn, in a freaking open carry state where police should be more careful.  

You assholes seem to think it's perfectly fine for cops to shoot first and ask questions later..o do you think it's perfectly acceptable action as long as the suspect happens to be black or brown?  No one in their freaking right mind would think this was acceptable behavior.

Posted By: DA_Flex
Jack and Johnny are the chief apologists for inept police actions.  Regardless whether this kid was waving around a real or fake weapon, the police rolled up on this kid and 2 seconds later shot him dead. These assholes made no attempt to determine if there was a real threat. Didn't bother to secure the area, before charging in like a bat out of hell with guns drawn, in a freaking open carry state where police should be more careful.    
 You assholes seem to think it's perfectly fine for cops to shoot first and ask questions later..o do you think it's perfectly acceptable action as long as the suspect happens to be black or brown?  No one in their freaking right mind would think this was acceptable behavior.
How were the police going to secure the area?

Perhaps every one involved was wrong - including the young man, the police, and the people who called the police. Perhaps if no one did what they did that day this wouldn't have happened.  

Again, this all boils down to liberal hysteria over firearms. Coupled with children making poor choices. I'd propose sending all children to military school, once they reach their 5th birthday until they turn 18. They should have to attend military school, they will receive three week long breaks a year. One in the spring, another during the summer, and the third during the fall.  

Once they turn 18, they must enlist in the U.S. armed forces for 4 years. This will prevent this nonsense from ever happening again.

JackDunphy945 reads

The article states the cop didn't know that, only that someone called in with a "guy holding a gun pointing it at people." According to the police the orange tip that signifies it was a toy was removed prior to the cops getting there so they have to assume it is real.

According to the officers per media reports I have read, he was given a warning to drop the gun and the kid reached for it anyway, giving the police at that point less than a second to make a life or death decision where they could have been killed.

How about we try something new since you were wrong about Officer Wilson? How about we have an investigation and see where the facts go before we decide innocence or guilt?  

You jumped to conclusions yet again and that hasn't been working out too well for you in the recent past.

-- Modified on 11/26/2014 6:19:55 PM

DA_Flex874 reads

I made a posting earlier with a link to an article referencing this case.  The person who called 911 sated twice that the gun was probably fake.  And the supposed magical warning you reference  happened as soon as the asshole cop step out of the car and 1 second later the kid was shot.  So unless you're one of those that believe that negroes are magical and posses superhuman capabilities....the kid had no time to react.  

I'm freaking tired of cops shooting citizens without justification and even more tired of them shooting black men because it's ok to do so.  Yes, I'm pissed off. This was a death that didn't have to happen of the officers took the time to evaluate the situation properly.

Posted By: JackDunphy
The article states the cop didn't know that, only that someone called in with a "guy holding a gun pointing it at people." According to the police the orange tip that signifies it was a toy was removed prior to the cops getting there so they have to assume it is real.  
 According to the officers per media reports I have read, he was given a warning to drop the gun and the kid reached for it anyway, giving the police at that point less than a second to make a life or death decision where they could have been killed.  
 How about we try something new since you were wrong about Officer Wilson? How about we have an investigation and see where the facts go before we decide innocence or guilt?  
 You jumped to conclusions yet again and that hasn't been working out too well for you in the recent past.

-- Modified on 11/26/2014 6:19:55 PM

JackDunphy1052 reads

You just don't get it. Cops, not too dissimilar to military, get thrust into "kill or be "killed" situations. They have seconds, sometimes less, to make a decision. Rational people give them the benefit of the doubt knowing this.

Sure, Monday morning quarterbacks like you would always make the right call. It doesn't work that way in the real world. You are now doing exactly what you accuse the cops of doing i.e. making hasty judgements. The problem for you is you don't have to. You choose to

DA_Flex938 reads

You have been indoctrinated into this bullshit line that cops have been spewing for years.  I've made countless posting with links proving cops did not have to utilize deadly force.  Countless of examples of how police in other westernized nations handle potentially dangerous situations without the use of deadly force, examples that the entire German police force fired a grand total of 84 rounds in 2012. Cases where've government convened a task for to investigate why their police killed 11 citizens over an 11 year period.  Only in this country to we allow the life of a policeman to be worth more than a citizen. I freaking demand that those who have the ability to exercise deadly force, use it as the last option rather than the first.  I demand that they exercise good judgment, and if they don't have that ability, then they shouldn't be cops period. The fact of the matter is that policing has never been safer.  It's only gotten more dangerous for the citizen who encounter the police.  Since when do we, as a nation, ever blame a 12 year old for the actions of an adult policeman? It's freaking disgusting and you need to wake up and fight this bullshit that happens every day in this country before it happens to someone you care for.

Posted By: JackDunphy
You just don't get it. Cops, not too dissimilar to military, get thrust into "kill or be "killed" situations. They have seconds, sometimes less, to make a decision. Rational people give them the benefit of the doubt knowing this.  
 Sure, Monday morning quarterbacks like you would always make the right call. It doesn't work that way in the real world. You are now doing exactly what you accuse the cops of doing i.e. making hasty judgements. The problem for you is you don't have to. You choose to.  

he wasnt taking the gun out to show them it was fake? not every kid has the same awareness of another. maybe he didnt think they would shoot him so quickly

JackDunphy801 reads

According to media reports, the police told the kid to put his hands up multiple times and he reached for the gun. Problem is he was a kid and made a huge mistake. The cops were told it was a "guy" and I am sure they assumed it to be an adult by that description.  

This appears to be a tragic accident. I say appears because we need an investigation. Let's see what that unfolds. My guess is this officer will not be found guilty of a crime due to all the extenuating circumstances.

the police would react that way.

Posted By: JackDunphy
According to media reports, the police told the kid to put his hands up multiple times and he reached for the gun. Problem is he was a kid and made a huge mistake. The cops were told it was a "guy" and I am sure they assumed it to be an adult by that description.  
 This appears to be a tragic accident. I say appears because we need an investigation. Let's see what that unfolds. My guess is this officer will not be found guilty of a crime due to all the extenuating circumstances.

Plenty of children are aware of the dangers that possessing a replica fire arm can bring.

When I was in school every year the school would provide students with a handbook, and every year there would be a discussion about possessing weapons on school property. Every year the school administrators would emphasize on the dangers of bringing a toy, or replica gun on to school property. Every year SA would mention the fact that bringing a toy gun to school could result in being shot by the police.

What does the Cleveland version of that book say?

– Any object which closely resembles a weapon and could put persons in fear for
their safety is included in this category

All students who attend public school are aware of these consequences. Which transcend beyond the classroom

its a shame it's not normal practice in EVERY jurisdiction.

look you old shriveled up raisin. go trim the fro in your ears so you can hear this If you can read this out loud to yourself without slobbering all over your self.

you are an old decrepit geezer who cant think straight anymore. this is not acceptable SOP nit wit.

when this happens to YOUR family i'm sure you will be ok with it.  

Posted By: NeedleDicktheBugFucker

Yep, at the rate the cops are carrying on their jobs, it won’t too long to get to what you describe ass hole. One day, all of the gun worshippers will kill each other off and waiting for that day.

The expectation is for a trained professional is to make difficult calls every time, every day, every moment. The biggest flaw in your rather stupid myopic argument, even in military, you are not allowed to shoot an unarmed civilian. Soldiers don’t go into an area and discriminately shoot the entire population because enemy soldiers were firing at them from there.

Your stupidity is superseded only by absolute ignorance.

No Guns for Cops.

can do responding to this type of call god help us if everyone gets to carry a firearm

You must be the brother of of the idiot St. Luis DA.

Cops should not be allowed to fire gun at all for any reason. Police force across the country are abusing citizens. Any police firing gun, should be investigated by an independent committee at the federal level. Laws must be changed immediately.

DA_Flex834 reads

I can post bullshit like this all day long...another cop pulls and discharges a weapon during a police stop.  Actually fires into the car where a six year old was also in the vehicle. of course the driver was unarmed.  

Look, I don't have a problem when an officer discharges a weapon when there is an actual threat...but bullshit that happen in Cleveland and in Fla happens far too often.  We need to change the standard in which we hold officers accountable for their behaviors.  In both cases, the officers acted recklessly and thoughtlessly and both should do jail time.  We don't need cops like these on the streets

Why do Americans do stupid things, which put themselves in the position to be confronted by police?  

... if people wouldn't do stupid things to start with, they could avoid having to interact with the police. Therefore lowering their chances of being shot at by the police. Let the people do their part, then change the laws.

Hope the cop who shot the child is convicted of first degree murder.

MrRate644 reads

Right. Certainly murder 1. Cop woke up that day and said "I think I'll go to the park and kill a 12 year old black kid.  


dont give me the bullshit " it wouldnt happen to me..." as a parent there is no way you would accept that from law enforcement

MrRate671 reads

Shockingly you missed my point. First degree murder is premeditated. This wasn't.

The brain dead, the stupid, the scumbags support everyone in authority blindly. Why? They do not have brain capacity to ask intelligent questions.  

Long term consequences of these type’s of action is, people are going to shoot cops before they get out of their car or coming out with bigger guns at cops.  

Let’s have gun fights on our streets between cops and ordinary people.

this police dept.'s training needs serious work to be acceptable

Every single one of them have GOD COMPLEX. They think they are the Gods lording over the public. This is exactly what happens when you give power without accountability. Politicians have given law enforcement too much power, they can shoot, spy and take private property without accountability.  

To stop this, we have go to change these laws giving them these to press and subdue public as they wish.

Perhaps you should stop depicting yourself as a complicit person.

86H13LTP707 reads

wastes of oxygen criminals like one in St.Louis , Skittles boy , 3/4 of the west side of Chicago and these two future pillars of society .  

Overseas 14-17 yo with weapons are a good size portion of our enemies forces . Here they're " innocent babies " . Yeah , okay never been anywhere lib clown

bigguy30797 reads

Posted By: 86H13LTP
wastes of oxygen criminals like one in St.Louis , Skittles boy , 3/4 of the west side of Chicago and these two future pillars of society .  
 Overseas 14-17 yo with weapons are a good size portion of our enemies forces . Here they're " innocent babies " . Yeah , okay never been anywhere lib clown .  
-- Modified on 11/27/2014 1:20:24 PM

86H13LTP1160 reads

breath and didn't want to see him lose his job during the holidays . I told him I would take care of the damage to my vehicle and that he needed to get before the cops showed up. He was AA by the way.  You , Mr. Everybody is a racist , would have called the cops and your insurance company because you are a pussy ! That's what my Blasian says about you .  


Annie must have stayed in the tanning bed too long . What's next , Popeye !

bigguy30856 reads

Posted By: 86H13LTP
breath and didn't want to see him lose his job during the holidays . I told him I would take care of the damage to my vehicle and that he needed to get before the cops showed up. He was AA by the way.  You , Mr. Everybody is a racist , would have called the cops and your insurance company because you are a pussy ! That's what my Blasian says about you .  
 Annie must have stayed in the tanning bed too long . What's next , Popeye !
-- Modified on 11/27/2014 6:36:21 PM

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