Politics and Religion

Re: You asked the wrong question.
LostSon 43 Reviews 980 reads
1 / 49

"The threat to democracy in the US is from right-wing fascism not communism."  

Ok let's break this down?

What JTP do you see as right-wing fascism? I can't wait for this answer.

"The left does not support communism."  

Ok so the left's backing of BLM isn't supporting a Marxist group?  (which btw Marxism is absolutely the beginning of communism)  


Now BLM has shown us the evils of communism in fast forward. The leaders at the top stole MILLIONS in donations that were meant to help the poorest of the movement.  

"The very progressive fringe of Democrats does prefer democratic socialism. However, democratic socialism and communism are very, very different ideologies despite the efforts of the right to try to equate the two."


Ok so commies and socialists (even Democratic socialists)  still reject capitalism. Capitalism is the basis of the animated contest we know as freedom.  

Soooooooooooooooooooo do you identify as a democratic socialist, i.e. commie light?

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 28 reads
2 / 49

DEI initiatives have been pushed everywhere, from how we hire air traffic controllers (God help us) to how we hire medical staff. DEI is a communist concept. The idea is to replace meritocracy with a system of hiring that promotes equality of outcomes. The idea is that we can sacrifice institutional competency in order to make sure the dumb and untalented have equal incomes with the smart and talented. This is just one of the many ways that the left is trying to institute, piece by piece, a communist society.

cks175 44 Reviews 26 reads
3 / 49

"The threat to democracy in the US is from right-wing fascism not communism.
The far left is much more of a threat to our democratic republic than the far right is.

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 25 reads
4 / 49

I think all you need is another cultist or two to join in to get this MAGA, right-wing extremist circle jerk going.

LostSon 43 Reviews 29 reads
5 / 49

Posted By: jazzman121847
Re: Let me know when you have a quorum.  
I think all you need is another cultist or two to join in to get this MAGA, right-wing extremist circle jerk going.
Sooooo, charts, circles, arrows, time, what are your beliefs that "right-wing extremism" actually is?

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 26 reads
6 / 49

When was the last time right wing violence was a real thing in this country? When Tim McVeigh blew up that building in Oklahoma City? BLM burned down cities from sea to shining sea for an entire year. Police departments all around the country are still short staffed over that one.

cks175 44 Reviews 28 reads
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You’ve sunken to debating the meaning of “sap”. Now I know it’s probably a bridge too far to ask you to drop the ad hominems and stay on topic, but how about this?

In addition to your ad hominem barbs, try to include an actually substantive, on topic point. Could you at least try that? There certainly would be no harm to anyone if you attempted that.

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 32 reads
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You haven't been paying attention because, if you had, you'd see I've been on topic - with the occasional sidetrack to reply to a personal insult or attack. But thanks for the advice as gratuitous as it is. Feel free to ask your MAGA buddies to comport too.

inicky46 61 Reviews 27 reads
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just had the chutzpah to lecture you about using ad hominems. The irony is rich with this one.
He wins the Hypocrite Award.

cks175 44 Reviews 30 reads
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I’ve been paying attention, and your posts are rarely on topic.

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 26 reads
11 / 49

Now crawl back under your rock.

LostSon 43 Reviews 24 reads
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That your belief that white supremacy is the greatest threat to democracy?

Charts circles arrows and NO I'm not going to go google anything. I'm asking you directly.

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 27 reads
13 / 49

Asked and answered. I've recently answered that question irrefutably in several posts. However, the far-right fascists on this board went berserk and consequently all those posts were removed by admin.    I am not going down that path again. If you are truly interested, which I know you are not, the facts are readily available on-line.

LostSon 43 Reviews 31 reads
14 / 49

Posted By: jazzman121847
Re: JTP, why do you think?
Asked and answered. I've recently answered that question irrefutably in several posts.
NOOO, no you didn’t you said google it. Right wing Fascists? 🙄

So now your all shy about being a DEI affecianado?

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 28 reads
15 / 49

Yes, I did. You weren't keeping up - not my problem. The posts that detailed the many incidents of far-right domestic terrorism have been deleted, however the information is available to you online. And yes you, and your MAGA buddies, are fascists in every sense of the word. By definition fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, and forcible suppression of opposition. That definition aptly describes today's MAGA movement, doesn't it? Embrace your fascism. Don't deny who you are.

-- Modified on 5/5/2024 1:00:22 AM

followme 24 reads
16 / 49

Jizzy the pinko does not think, in fact he is totally incapable of critical thinking. JTP just does and says what his masters tell him to do and say. He and his lefty pals are all just submissive beta soy boys.

Perhaps the question is, how or why are they so weak minded and fall in lock step with the radical far left socialist and or commies?  But I doubt they can answer that question, other than lie and tell us what they are told to tell us, by their masters, in response to that.

We just have to defeat them at the ballot box in November.

2024 = GOP

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 29 reads
17 / 49

That's delusional. In fact, paranoid delusional. You are the one with the orange master cult master aka criminal defendant. So, in addition to you being a fascist you are a paranoid delusional cultist.

followme 26 reads
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The “rubber glue” reply. It is, in one form or another, one of your go to replies.  
It really is 3rd grade stuff, which is also pretty standard for you.

And another thing…….well never mind you are not savvy enough to understand.

Let's Go brandon

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 30 reads
19 / 49

Deny, deflect, project. That's what you do when you are not insulting and attacking gratuitously. The evidence shows conclusively that you are a fascist and a cultist with paranoid and grandiose delusions. Now go get your MAGA fix by reading about MAGA governor Noem shooting a puppy in the face.

inicky46 61 Reviews 26 reads
20 / 49

He actually wrote a post without any of his continual buzz words like "soy boy," "scupper trout," "felching," and "amusing ne'er do well."
This proves that my years of instruction and correction may have finally gotten through his thick skull and that Swallow is trainable. Who'd have thunk it?
Progress is a wonderful thing!

followme 28 reads
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which words trigger and annoy you the most I'll be  
using them more often.

See you are so well trained you tell me things without me having to ask.

At backstabbing post pulling ickypus we laugh

followme 34 reads
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3rd grade  rubber glue reply twice in a row.

I know the elderly often revert to childhood, now we know you are old but  
I didn’t think you were that old.

Also your fairy godmother, ickypus is looking for a reach around for his post….or you could just tongue punch him in the fart box…..(yeah that will trigger ickypus with one of his meaningless outcry’s of same old line or some such infantile nonsense.

inicky46 61 Reviews 28 reads
23 / 49

I tell jazz I've trained him, so he uses the same word. Just like a parrot.
Good girl, SwallowMeat!

LostSon 43 Reviews 27 reads
24 / 49

DEI advocate over meritocracy? In other words, would you hire someone because of race, creed, or color OVER ability?

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 27 reads
25 / 49

In addition to being a paranoid delusional MAGA cultist, you are a bigoted ageist. Being hostile to a group that you will be a member of someday [if you aren't already] shows the stupidity of your truculence and bigotry.

followme 31 reads
26 / 49

Little soy boy ickypus wets self when I use a word he used that he stole from me to begin with.

Ickypus has stolen too many to count phrases and lines of mine, including the training lines.    

At backstabbing post pulling ickypus we laugh


BTW greetings from Tuvalu

followme 32 reads
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The shit twins dumb and dip aka ickypus and jizzlvr the pinko trying to and failing to insult me.  

Jizzy is rolling over and playing the victim looking for undeserved sympathy.
You really need to get help for your persecution complex.

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 29 reads
28 / 49

That's not me with the persecution complex. That would be the one-term, twice impeached, four time indicted former president who plays the consumate victim for his fellow MAGA fools like you.

inicky46 61 Reviews 23 reads
29 / 49

At SwallowMeat We Laugh.
2024 = 0

followme 28 reads
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You and your radical far left militant progressive commie pinko pals use MAGA
(Make America Great Again) as though Making America Great is a bad thing. Only Freedom hating America hating low life’s like you and your ilk would think that, say that or even imply that as you and your ilk do all the time.

Let’s go Brandon

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 26 reads
31 / 49

The MAGA movement is an extremist, anti-democracy, fascist, cult of personality that will destroy the country and take away freedoms. So yes, the MAGA movement is a horrible malignancy and must be soundly rejected by the voters.

followme 19 reads
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The radical far left progressive militants have brain washed you  and  being a weak submissive beta I’m sure it was easy to do.

And you just repeat what your masters tell you.

2024 = 28

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 22 reads
33 / 49

Your willfully radicalized brain has atrophied due to repeated indoctrination by far-right extremism. You are an anti-democratic, anti-rule of law, anti-personal freedom fascist. Meanwhile, your scowling, impotent lord and master sits in a Manhattan courtroom being held accountable for election interference in 2016. Payback is a bitch. Get used to it.

followme 25 reads
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You really are easy to control and manipulate.

Do you not realize that what your masters are telling you to say is paraphrasing what I am saying they just substitute right for left.

BTW A reliable source tells me that the other day a very nice little old lady (83) had to help you cross the street.


2024 = GOP

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 28 reads
35 / 49

Projecting again, as usual while adding in some ageism. Your grandparents would be so proud of you. Meanwhile, your lord and master aka criminal defendant curses audibly while witness after witness testifies to his criminally....and that's who you admire and adore.  

followme 25 reads
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He effectively admits that he has stolen my lines and sayings.


inicky46 61 Reviews 31 reads
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No. He is a congenital liar. A true sociopath. Lying comes as naturally to him as breathing.

LostSon 43 Reviews 33 reads
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Posted By: jazzman121847
Re: Follow me, the fascist  
The MAGA movement is an extremist, anti-democracy, fascist, cult of personality that will destroy the country and take away freedoms. So yes, the MAGA movement is a horrible malignancy and must be soundly rejected by the voters.
Please explain where The Make America Great Again Movement is Anti Democracy? Id ask for all of it but lets go one at a time shall we?

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 23 reads
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The MAGA Republican cult does not believe in or support a true, egalitarian democracy. They demonstrate that by extreme gerrymandering of congressional and state districts, by enacting voter suppression laws to make it more difficult for certain citizens to vote, by voter nullification in refusing to accept the results of elections they lose, and in 2020 attempting to overturn a presidential election and illegally remain in power.

inicky46 61 Reviews 27 reads
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Gerrymandering is not the exclusive province of Republicans. The Dems to it, too.

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 29 reads
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That's true. Dems have too. However, in my opinion, republicans have weaponize gerrymandering to extremes never seen before. Some red states have even ignored court rulings regarding their unconstitutional redistricting maps.

inicky46 61 Reviews 29 reads
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followme 22 reads
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The ultimate political hack.

You make the squad look moderate.

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 31 reads
44 / 49

And you make the House Freedom Caucus aka the Sedition Caucus sound reasonable.

followme 23 reads
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you take what I say slightly rephrase it and post it.
Just like your felching partner ickypus you really do love to humiliate yourself.  
At jizzy the pinko we laugh
Let’s go Brandon
2024 = GOP

followme 28 reads
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use of the word lie in all its forms you have rendered  

The word lie in all its forms meaningless.

inicky46 61 Reviews 17 reads
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You have lied about so many things continually that you have made LIE your icon.
This issue is simply that you and your righty sisterhood keep lying and I keep calling you out. And you HATE it.
Too fucking bad.

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 28 reads
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Because what you "say" is total projection.  If you had any self awareness you'd recognize that about yourself.  Clueless as usual.

inicky46 61 Reviews 25 reads
49 / 49

SwallowMeat's fixation on fetching is chronic and severe. Who do you think he swaps sperm with? Looooooser???

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