Politics and Religion

Re: Yeah that's good....
followme 637 reads

The fact that you replied and the text of your reply is irrefutable proof that I am getting to you and playing you like a fiddle.  

Now go ahead and put your dishonest, distorted, and misguided spin on it and have the last word as I know you will.

Since you have so much time on your hands because you  do not work and are a worthless leech on society  don’t forget do a search to tell us all how many times I’ve used that and the other lines too.

Or perhaps you will delete your post, as you often do when you are getting your ass kicked, so all the replies are deleted like a sissy-ass coward.

You’re Welcome
For God and Country
2014 = GOP Senate and House

Also if you think anything you say/post bother me in the least you are dumber than I thought you to be.

BTW the reason I keep repeating things is that you are no doubt too stupid you know you are stupid and being played …now run along little boy

followme2906 reads

Just keep fucking-up.


a liberal anti-gun ass hole caugt and indicted on gun corruption charges  
ya just cannot trust those libs.  

2014 = GOP Senate and House

followme614 reads

Somethimes I have a company lap top and I never go to hobby sites or do anything hobby related or the like on that computer

...laptop for TER.  ROFLMAO!  How does it feel to owe your soul to the company store?

BTW you old geezer, ever heard of an iPad or a cellphone?

-- Modified on 4/6/2014 2:03:15 AM

followme593 reads

Blah Blah blah.....  


You're Welcome
For God and Country
2014 = GOP Senate and House

...unimaginative loser.  Now post your only OTHER response - how you're in my head, playing me like a fiddle, pulling my strings, etc.  Go ahead, you know you can't think of anything else, you addlepated drone.

-- Modified on 4/6/2014 1:00:48 PM

followme638 reads

The fact that you replied and the text of your reply is irrefutable proof that I am getting to you and playing you like a fiddle.  

Now go ahead and put your dishonest, distorted, and misguided spin on it and have the last word as I know you will.

Since you have so much time on your hands because you  do not work and are a worthless leech on society  don’t forget do a search to tell us all how many times I’ve used that and the other lines too.

Or perhaps you will delete your post, as you often do when you are getting your ass kicked, so all the replies are deleted like a sissy-ass coward.

You’re Welcome
For God and Country
2014 = GOP Senate and House

Also if you think anything you say/post bother me in the least you are dumber than I thought you to be.

BTW the reason I keep repeating things is that you are no doubt too stupid you know you are stupid and being played …now run along little boy

salonpas730 reads

You are really Naive if you think it's only Democrat politicians that have the market cornered with respect to corruption. Republican politicians have their own fair share of corruption too.  

Former Connecticut Gov. John Rowland (R), "who served time in a federal prison for a corruption scandal but managed to piece together a new life as a radio talk show host, is finding himself again in the cross hairs of federal investigators," the AP reports.

"A former GOP congressional candidate and her husband pleaded guilty in federal court this week in an alleged scheme to set up a phony contract to hide the consulting role Rowland played in her campaign. The seriousness of Rowland's situation sunk in Thursday when he announced on air he was resigning from the radio station to 'take care of some personal issues.'"

The Hartford Courant suggests Rowland made the decision to quit after receiving an email while on air

followme597 reads

How many people were shot and killed with that phony contract?

Yep they both do, however there is no doubt the Dems are, overall, more egregious, and harmful to the country, in every way.

You're Welcome
2014 = GOP Senate and House

salonpas624 reads

When you’re talking about corrupt American politicians, there are a lot to choose from, but the be-all, end-all has to be Richard Milhous Nixon

followme584 reads

Methyl Salycilate again, obama  his administration and band of criminals are by far more corrupt  than Nixon ever was.

You’re Welcome
2014 = GOP Senate and Hous

War the corrupt Democrats started. If a Democrat was President our POWs would still be Hanoi and Jane Fonda would be helping their captors.

He balanced the budget. Started the EPA,FRA, and OSHA agencies that protects our environment, and worker safety. He also started the Office of Management and Budget, to bring accountability of expenditures within the Federal government.  

President Nixon was instrumental in designing and implementing the Pell grant and other college scholarship programs so that kids like me could go to college. Nixon even had a bill and a plan to bring universal health care that Senator Kennedy and democratic controlled senate and congress refused to pass.  

People had jobs under his administration while at the same time millions of service members were being discharged from the military. That was a huge accomplishment. President Nixon was a brilliant economist and foreign policy expert. He went to China and the Soviet Union and worked towards peace. He should have received the Nobel Peace Prize but Obama has one. For what?

What has Obama done?  

As far as your allegations of corruption. What did Nixon do, that was so bad?



-- Modified on 4/6/2014 4:20:05 AM

GaGambler750 reads


Aside from that, I really don't think that Nixon was any more or less ethical than other Presidents before or since.

I would suspect when all the dust settles and with the benefit of hindsight the Obama Administration will be revealed to be every bit as corrupt as the one run by NIxon, and that ObamaCare will go down as one of the worst pieces of legislation EVER to have been enacted, AND that Obama's lies will prove to have been a thousand times worse than any told by GWB.

JackDunphy692 reads

People who resign because certain impeachment and removal from office loomed, and that are pardoned by a President of his own party are generally good, decent, law abiding citizens.  

Or was he just "misunderstood"? Or was it a vast Left wing conspiracy to get him ousted?

You might want to exit the train now b/c next stop is Trollville

If Roberts court was in control, they would have influenced and invalidated the impeachment proceedings.

exit the conversation when insults, innuendo begin.

 My perspective of President Nixon is that of a man, who remained true to the highest duty and honor of his office; that of Commander-in-chief of the United States Armed Forces. The number one job of the Presidency is leading and taking care of the men and women who have chosen to defend the Constitution with their blood. Everything else is secondary to me and my opinion is respectfully, an intensely personal one I do not expect you or anyone else to understand. That's ok.

President Nixon promised the Vietnam war would end with peace and honor and he delivered. Yes, it was messy, were all people pleased- of course not. A war is easy to become involved in, but the unintended consequences of what victory or an exit strategy should be are never easy.

American prisoners of war were being held and tortured in Vietnam camps. It would have been very easy for President Nixon, to have abandoned them and blamed the previous administration for their incompetence in the execution of the war. He never did.

Instead, he got them home. And he also began the process and strategy so that future Americans would not have to die in battlefields with China or Soviet Union. Yep that's enough for me.

-- Modified on 4/6/2014 10:46:48 AM

JackDunphy738 reads

Maybe you are a Vietnam vet or had a loved one there? If that's the case, I can see where you are coming from, but I am not emotionally invested in the man as you may be.

Yes, he had many good presidential qualities as you state, but his presidency is marred, and rightfully so, by Watergate.

But the fact remains, he embarrassed himself, the Republican party, his family and the country. His actions led to Gerald Ford becoming president who clearly was overmatched by the job, which then led to Jimmy Carter, perhaps the worst president in history.

The damage he caused from his actions set the country back by a decade and created enormous distrust in goverment that will last forever. Sadly, that is his legacy.

Things I liked about President Carter. However my assessment of a President is very simple, how did he perform as commander in chief?  

No I am not a Vietnam veteran, but I know a few, and I am grateful beyond words how they have helped me in life and my career. They are my heroes.

..........legacy… but more importantly… what he did to tarnish his office and this country.  

Nixon's admirers want to reverse history’s negative judgment and ignore a darker side of his legacy, for starters he helped shape the behavior of the modern GOP, bequeathing a win-at-all-cost ethos that still resonates, from the crypto-racism of his Southern Strategy to his dirty election tactics in both 1968 and 1972.

There is a direct lineage from the thinly veiled racism directed toward President Barack Obama today and Nixon’s coded appeals to unreconstructed white segregationists in the South four-plus decades ago – and between Republican efforts at election rigging now and Nixon’s gaming the system through the sabotage of President Lyndon Johnson’s Vietnam peace talks in 1968 and the Watergate chicanery in 1972.

Simply put, some of the ugliest tactics of the modern Republican Party can be traced to Richard Nixon. Indeed, he could be viewed as providing the DNA for today’s GOP operatives who make quasi-racist appeals to white Southerners and who seek to suppress the votes of blacks and other minorities.

And arguably, the granddaddy of all electoral dirty tricks occurred in 1968 when Nixon’s presidential campaign went behind President Johnson’s back and got the South Vietnamese government to boycott Paris peace talks just as Johnson was on the verge of bringing the bloody Vietnam War to an end.

The evidence of this maneuver is now overwhelming, both from U.S. Archives and from personal accounts of South Vietnamese and GOP participants. Still, it remains one of those thoroughly unpleasant chapters of U.S. history that even Nixon’s critics in the mainstream media hesitate to mention.

JackDunphy647 reads

Please stop with this "thinly veiled" and "quasi-racist" crap. Did blacks vote against and disparage McCain, Bush, Romney, etc b/c they were racist? I am sure some did.

And do you have any clue as how black conservatives are villified by the Left in this country? You don't think THAT'S racist? Because liberals think all blacks have to think the same way, right Honda?

And do you remember who Obama called "the most influential male" in his adult life? That's right. A vehement racist, anti-American, anti-Semetic "preacher."

The same man who said although he didn't have all the facts, yet he knew the Cambridge police acted "stupidly" when a white police officer arrested a black man.

Liberals welcomed with open arms KKK Klegel Senator Byrd, correct?  

I am sure you are just as upset at Obama's and liberals racist ties. lo

those are the deplorable words uttered by Democratic governor George Wallace. It was Democratic governor Faber who blocked the entrance to nine African American school children in little Arkansas in 1956. The Eisenhower-Nixon administration had to send the 101st army airborne division to protect the children and uphold the us Supreme Court decision. It was the democrats who refused to pass anti-lynching laws. President Wilson was a standing member of the klu klux klan, and called the movie Birth of Nation a masterpiece and true.

It was Democratic president Andrew Jackson who defied the US Supreme Court and forced the Cherokee nation on the trail of tears.

My point, my point is racism, has a long tragic sad history in this country that no one man can take all the blame for. I doubt there is one single politician other than general George Washington, perhaps, perhaps, in the history of this country who is beyond reproach and criticism. What politicians do, they appease to the lowest stature of the human condition, our materialistic self-interest, and for that,  they all have some form of corruption. It is the nature of their business.

President Nixon was no better, and I will not argue to the veracity of your outlandish claims. For one I don't know, and second it does not matter to me. The most important criteria in a President is: how did he perform as a Commander-in-chief of the United States Armed Forces. In that regard, President Nixon succeeded in Vietnam and bought our boys home. That's good enough for me.

Make all the excuses you want for that miserable commander-in-chief President Johnson, his self-important defense secretary robert McNamara, and that worthless Secretary of State dean Rusk. They were horrible at their jobs and you want to blame Nixon for their incompetence

Pimpathy685 reads

Despite my position on voting. The Nixon era was just that, an era. The majority of voters were not alive during the Nixon administration's reign. The GOP may be a wash, but that has nothing to do with American political history.

Posted By: HONDA
..........legacy… but more importantly… what he did to tarnish his office and this country.  
 Nixon's admirers want to reverse history’s negative judgment and ignore a darker side of his legacy, for starters he helped shape the behavior of the modern GOP, bequeathing a win-at-all-cost ethos that still resonates, from the crypto-racism of his Southern Strategy to his dirty election tactics in both 1968 and 1972.  
 There is a direct lineage from the thinly veiled racism directed toward President Barack Obama today and Nixon’s coded appeals to unreconstructed white segregationists in the South four-plus decades ago – and between Republican efforts at election rigging now and Nixon’s gaming the system through the sabotage of President Lyndon Johnson’s Vietnam peace talks in 1968 and the Watergate chicanery in 1972.  
 Simply put, some of the ugliest tactics of the modern Republican Party can be traced to Richard Nixon. Indeed, he could be viewed as providing the DNA for today’s GOP operatives who make quasi-racist appeals to white Southerners and who seek to suppress the votes of blacks and other minorities.  
 And arguably, the granddaddy of all electoral dirty tricks occurred in 1968 when Nixon’s presidential campaign went behind President Johnson’s back and got the South Vietnamese government to boycott Paris peace talks just as Johnson was on the verge of bringing the bloody Vietnam War to an end.  
 The evidence of this maneuver is now overwhelming, both from U.S. Archives and from personal accounts of South Vietnamese and GOP participants. Still, it remains one of those thoroughly unpleasant chapters of U.S. history that even Nixon’s critics in the mainstream media hesitate to mention.

by conspiring to cover –up the Watergate conspiracy. The grand jury named him an unindicted co-conspirator bc the prosecutor did not believe a sitting president could be indicted.

       Had Mr. Nixon not been pardoned, he could have been charged with
a. wire fraud;
b. conspiracy to commit perjury insofar as he told his subordinates to lie;
c.  money laundering arising from this handling of the slush fund;
d violation of federal wiretapping laws.

         Not sure whether they ever connected him to the commission of the Watergate burglary – but if this was traceable to some order he gave a subordinate, then conspiracy to commit burglary would be on the table.

       We didn’t have RICO in those days but if we had I would have added a RICO count to the indictment, insofar as Mr. Nixon operated the presidency through a pattern o racketeering activity.

        In addition, of course he was impeached for obstruction of justice, abuse of power, criminal cover-up and several violations of the Constitution.

      The civil violations- the number of times he violated the constitutional rights of others? Whew- that would take a book to cover.

        Tricky Dick – like Oedipus, he was a gifted man who accomplished much – but he broke the law many times in doing so

Laws.  Money laundering. He used funds from one campaign to finance another campaign. It's  all manufactured nonsense. Perjury he never was under oath. Did he lie, about the extent of his involvement. Yes, but so what.

So now, we have the NSA, tapping into people's conversations and that is all legal? And now political campaigns and corporations can spend as much money without disclosure on candidates as they want, whenever they want and how they want.

That is the big crime, Nixon did not disclose all his funds. Again so,what.

People love to make allegations but have no proof.

and 48 convictions, and that is just for Watergate. I'd say that record is out of reach.

What is the count at the moment for the Obama administration? Um 1? 2? Or Zero.LOL.

Lois Lerner did something and Mr. Holder has been cited for contempt, but they are the only ones I can think of

GaGambler633 reads

I noticed you glossed right over the part where I said "when all the dust settles and with the benefit of hindsight"

Keep in mind that Obama came from one of the "major conferences" in the world of political corruption, while Nixon didn't even come from a mid major. Maybe that's why he's done a better job of not getting caught? Plus he owes Hillary big time for falling on her sword over Benghazi. It's not the crime that led to all those indictments, it's the cover up. I think Obama skated by the narrowest of margins. Keep in mind the press was all over Watergate, while they did their best to sweep Benghazigate under the rug.

Let's pick this conversation up in a few years and see how kindly Obama is remembered.

Pimpathy732 reads

That Watergate happened over forty years ago. Benghazi, and Libya both took place less than five years ago. For the majority of future voters, Obama, will be alive(much like Carter) during every election cycle.

Now if there were some way to remind these future voters, of this every cycle.

at spewing unsubstantiated shit than GaG the shit head.

too many people are getting goodies for big a=daddy in washington to give 2 shits about obama's abuse of power. IRS targeting, EPA abuse, OSHa,  

The fucking guy is USING government against anyone who dissents.  

Nixon's transgression were against other players, ie the Dems.

Obama is using the government itself against its citizens.

Election Integrity Activists: Obamacare 'Biggest Voter Registration Fraud Scheme in History'

Conservatives point to the Obamacare website exploiting a strange loophole in the National Voting Rights Act to question whether the President's signature healthcare law had a political motive, as well.

Several election integrity activists have alleged that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), or Obamacare, does not appear to have been an effort to conduct healthcare reform to fix what was described in 2009 and 2010 as a broken healthcare system.  

The law passed Congress with just Democratic Party support. Instead of being an honest attempt to fix America’s healthcare woes, “I think [it] is the biggest voter registration fraud scheme in the history of the world,” said Gregg Phillips, the founder of the election integrity group Voters Trust, in an interview with Breitbart News Wednesday morning.

Phillips and Catherine Engelbrecht of True The Vote, another election integrity group, cite as proof what left-wing organizations are saying about how they plan to use Obamacare. Demos, a left-wing organization funded by liberal billionaire George Soros, published a report earlier this year titled: “Building a Healthy Democracy: Registering 68 Million People to Vote Through Health Benefit Exchanges.”

On page six of the report, author Lisa Danetz argues that Obamacare “will enroll 68 million individuals.”

“The ACA [Affordable Care Act] requires subsidized health insurance to be made available to low-income Americans, through a single application process, administered and operated in each state by an entity called a ‘Health Benefit Exchange,’” Danetz writes. “Governments must establish this application process by October 2013.”

Danetz is describing healthcare.gov, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) website that has thus far faced enormous problems, forcing HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to testify before Congress on Wednesday about the program’s ongoing failings.  

Engelbrecht and Phillips believe that all of those promises about healthcare were never meant to be true. They believe one of the underlying intents is to collect personal data and voter registration information and share it with the federal government, which would in turn share it with left-wing groups—in Obamacare they are called “Navigators”—to conduct what is essentially a taxpayer-funded Get-Out-The-Vote operation for the Democratic Party

“Obama Care will go down as one of the worst pieces of legislation EVER to have been enacted, AND that Obama's lies will prove to have been a thousand times worse than any told by GWB”

What bone headed observation from shit head.

7.1 million enrollment against 7 million projection which shit heads like you predicted will never be achieved.  

In three years it will go down as brilliant piece of legislation and will reduce deficit as predicted.

JackDunphy690 reads

The law is already 4 years old! It needs to be around for SEVEN years now for it to be a "brilliant piece of legislation"?  

What don't you just give yourself more breathing room and say 20 years? Or 50? Libs have to keep moving the goal posts b/c it is such a disaster.

"Wait till we draw up the bill, then the people will love it." That wasn't true so the liberal b.s. turned to:

"Well, the people don't know what's in the law, and once they find out, people will love it". That was b.s. so the spinmeisters THEN said:

"Once we pass the law, the people will love it." So the law was passed and the people still didn't like it. Then we got:

"Oh well, you can't expect people to like something until the law actually goes into effect." Then the law went into effect and the people STILL don't like it.

So now YOU'RE telling us, just hang in there ANOTHER THREE YEARS and the people will love it?  

It is such a piece of shit that the majority of UNINSURED, the very people it was designed to help, dissaprove of the law

followme615 reads

Most dems up for re-election in 2014 are running from obamacare and do not want obama to campaign for them.

You’re Welcome
2014 = GOP Senate and Hous

and then reading the a report on ACA published by the Non-partican Congressional Budget Office. You might actually learn something instead spewing garbage spun by right wing idiots.

JackDunphy675 reads

By 2024, according to CBO, 31 million will STILL be uninsured.  

And like I said, polling of even the UNINSURED disapprove of O-care and premiums are set to skyrocket next year.  

It's a total disaster of a piece of shit legislation that scared Dems up for office can't run away fast enough from.

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