Politics and Religion

Re: Wow still taking the bait
followme 421 reads

Hook, line and sinker.

It is really so funny how I can play you like a fiddle.

You're Welcom

According to OReilly:

I was in a situation one time, in a war zone in Argentina, in the Falklands, where my photographer got run down and then hit his head and was bleeding from the ear on the concrete. And the army was chasing us. I had to make a decision. And I dragged him off, you know, but at the same time, I’m looking around and trying to do my job, but I figure I had to get this guy out of there because that was more important.

We now know

1. He WAS NOT in a war zone when the incident happened. He was a thousand miles away in Buenos Aires covering protests against the Argentine government.
2. The Falkland War was already over when the incident in question happened.
3. He WAS NOT and WAS NEVER in the Falklands.
4. The Army was not “chasing us.” They were just trying to keep order.

        Fox has to suspend him, right? These are blatant lies.  This  far worse than Brian Williams.  But not tonight – the ratings should be humongous as everyone tunes in to hear Bill’s response.

        For the Board righties, who get most of their ideas from Fox News, it's a bad, bad, day

JackDunphy563 reads

Catch CNN last night? Frank Cesno took O'Reilly's back, saying this was NOTHING like Brian Williams and CNN showed footage of O'Reilly on NUMEROUS occasions over the years saying he was covering the Falkland Islands FROM Buenos Aires.  

O'Reilly come out, did numerous interviews immediately, and denied the story and allegations 100%.

Brian Williams you might ask? Still hiding. LOL

Things may change but it seems like you found a nothing burger. Had you taken all of Obama's lies more seriously, I'd have given this charge of yours more thought.

But since you don't care if someone lies, even the POTUS, I am curious what made you go frothing at the mouth on this one? Hmmmmmmm, counselor? LOL

You also skip over that he expressly said he was “in a war zone.”  The war was OVER when the incident happened. Even Frank Sesno, who was present in Buenos Aires at the same time, said that calling Buenos Aires a “war zone” was misleading.

"Sesno, who said he was also covering the Falkland Islands war from Argentina at the time, made it clear, “That wasn’t a war zone,” and suggested that to describe it as such is misleading."

 Nor was the army chasing him.

I hate to bust your heroes like Governor Perry and O'Reilly, but really you need some new heroes. But I will concede your point - OReilly didn't ALWAYS lie.

Jack, maybe doing public relations defense work is not the best field for you.  

Posted By: JackDunphy
Catch CNN last night? Frank Cesno took O'Reilly's back, saying this was NOTHING like Brian Williams and CNN showed footage of O'Reilly on NUMEROUS occasions over the years saying he was covering the Falkland Islands FROM Buenos Aires.  
 O'Reilly come out, did numerous interviews immediately, and denied the story and allegations 100%.  
 Brian Williams you might ask? Still hiding. LOL  
 Things may change but it seems like you found a nothing burger. Had you taken all of Obama's lies more seriously, I'd have given this charge of yours more thought.  
 But since you don't care if someone lies, even the POTUS, I am curious what made you go frothing at the mouth on this one? Hmmmmmmm, counselor? LOL

JackDunphy440 reads

Seeing you all worked up over a far left hit piece from an author who was fired from FOX News is quite amusing.  

It is even funnier still that Corn makes a semantical argument, not a factual one, but that wont dissuade you and your mouth dripping saliva. LOL

Now go look into that "keep your doctor" thing I was telling you about and take on that whopper your hero told about gay marriage per his own advisor, David Axelrod.

Lots there to keep you busy. LO

1) OReilly won’t defame David Corn on his show tonight like has in the interviews or mention “kill zone” again

         2) OReilly will have “media critic” Bernie Goldberg on who will say “Bill, you said nothing wrong or misleading. It’s the liberals who are the problem.”

        3) Megyn Kelly – who said that Brian Williams should come out and say “I totally screwed up the Iraq coverage” - will not make a similar comment about OReilly

You got to love “Fair and Balanced” cable TV

Posted By: Timbow

JackDunphy302 reads

Mari will take Hills side during the 2016 election run up and say she misspoke about coming under fire in Bosnia as she deplaned.  

She meant to say it was "sleet" hitting the aircraft, not bullets from an AK-47. LOL

...what he says to be the truth like you would with a news anchor like Brian Williams.

Sometimes O'Reilly slips and calls himself a "reporter" but then realizes the only thing he reports on is what he had for dinner last night and goes back to calling himself a "pundint" (that's how he pronounces it).

People don't expect the truth from O'Reilly, Limbaugh and Hannity - they are giving their opinions;  Brian Williams has to tell the truth when he's on the air to have credibility.

GaGambler612 reads

I will agree to a certain point that O'Reilly, Limbaugh, and Hannity, and their left wing counterparts are held to a lower standard than actual new reporters like that POS Williams who rivaled Al Gore for self serving exaggerations and outright lies.

That said, there still need to be at least some standards, and even the likes of political "pundints" should have some accountability to the truth. I have no idea about O'Reilly's guilt or innocence on this, and I have learned enough over the years NOT to simply take Mari's word for it, so "IF" he is proved to be a liar, IMO there should be some consequences, but I have to agree with BPS, it's not like he is a "real" reporter any more than I now believe that Mari is a "real" lawyer. lol

It is beyond obvious that the reason the fringe kooks went back 33 years to find something they could accuse O'Reilly of making up is to water down the well-known lies of the once central Left wing propagandist, Brian Williams. It's chump bait and you're the chump.

Posted By: marikod
According to OReilly:  
 I was in a situation one time, in a war zone in Argentina, in the Falklands, where my photographer got run down and then hit his head and was bleeding from the ear on the concrete. And the army was chasing us. I had to make a decision. And I dragged him off, you know, but at the same time, I’m looking around and trying to do my job, but I figure I had to get this guy out of there because that was more important.  
 We now know  
 1. He WAS NOT in a war zone when the incident happened. He was a thousand miles away in Buenos Aires covering protests against the Argentine government.  
 2. The Falkland War was already over when the incident in question happened.  
 3. He WAS NOT and WAS NEVER in the Falklands.  
 4. The Army was not “chasing us.” They were just trying to keep order.  
         Fox has to suspend him, right? These are blatant lies.  This  far worse than Brian Williams.  But not tonight – the ratings should be humongous as everyone tunes in to hear Bill’s response.  
         For the Board righties, who get most of their ideas from Fox News, it's a bad, bad, day.  

Timbow631 reads

Posted By: marikod
According to OReilly:  
 I was in a situation one time, in a war zone in Argentina, in the Falklands, where my photographer got run down and then hit his head and was bleeding from the ear on the concrete. And the army was chasing us. I had to make a decision. And I dragged him off, you know, but at the same time, I’m looking around and trying to do my job, but I figure I had to get this guy out of there because that was more important.  
 We now know  
 1. He WAS NOT in a war zone when the incident happened. He was a thousand miles away in Buenos Aires covering protests against the Argentine government.  
 2. The Falkland War was already over when the incident in question happened.  
 3. He WAS NOT and WAS NEVER in the Falklands.  
 4. The Army was not “chasing us.” They were just trying to keep order.  
         Fox has to suspend him, right? These are blatant lies.  This  far worse than Brian Williams.  But not tonight – the ratings should be humongous as everyone tunes in to hear Bill’s response.  
         For the Board righties, who get most of their ideas from Fox News, it's a bad, bad, day.  
-- Modified on 2/20/2015 8:26:22 AM

He does not report news, his show is a talk show.

bigguy30560 reads

Why are you even surprised their golden boy is a liar?

They have being doing this for the last decade or more.

Also I love how the right is trying to defend Bill I am a asshole. Lol

followme432 reads

puts girlie-boy corn in his place.

O'reilly proves himself to be telling the truth with documents.



You're welcome

JackDunphy461 reads

Address the media immediatley, do 5 or 6 interviews, answer the questions, address it on your show, produce the documents.

Maybe this will give Brian Williams the courage to do the same? LOL

Not likely. His daughter, in an interview yesterday, has answered more questions about the scandal then he has. In fact, I have answered the same amount of questions in the media as Brian Williams has. LOL

No worries. I am sure Bri is just waiting for "The View" to call so he can answer all their hard questions. Just give him a few months so he can get ALL the lies straight. LOL

bigguy30655 reads

Posted By: JackDunphy
Address the media immediatley, do 5 or 6 interviews, answer the questions, address it on your show, produce the documents.  
 Maybe this will give Brian Williams the courage to do the same? LOL  
 Not likely. His daughter, in an interview yesterday, has answered more questions about the scandal then he has. In fact, I have answered the same amount of questions in the media as Brian Williams has. LOL  
 No worries. I am sure Bri is just waiting for "The View" to call so he can answer all their hard questions. Just give him a few months so he can get ALL the lies straight. LOL
-- Modified on 2/20/2015 7:34:01 PM

bigguy30541 reads

Posted By: followme
puts girlie-boy corn in his place.  
 O'reilly proves himself to be telling the truth with documents.  
 You're welcome
-- Modified on 2/20/2015 7:32:25 PM

followme422 reads

Hook, line and sinker.

It is really so funny how I can play you like a fiddle.

You're Welcom

bigguy30493 reads

So do you ever stop lying in your comments or to yourself?

Just remember you are a clown that keeps lying on here.

Also when you repeat other people comments no one takes anything you say seriously! Lol


Posted By: followme
Hook, line and sinker.  
 It is really so funny how I can play you like a fiddle.  
 You're Welcome  

If it wasn't clear to some as to who NOT to trust when it comes to terrible and biased reporting from the left, you now can clearly identify the list. Simply look at those that ran with this garbage, Huffpo, Slate, Salon, Mediamatters. Then look at who haven't touched it or waited until O’Reilly replied and then covered both.

What constitutes a war zone? O'Reilly is straining at gnats, and only some on the far right are buying. David Corn raised a series of question for O'Reilly, because of what he and others have said about his remarks and experiences regarding war zones seemed inconsistent. That's called investigative reporting. Part of the investigative reporting involved Corn giving O'Reilly the opportunity to address those inconsistencies, and even offered to postpone his story if O'Reilly needed more time before filing his report. O'Reilly did not respond, nor did anyone else, who David Corn address at FOX News. Of course he's under no compunction to do so, however if he really was interested in avoiding any misconceptions, regarding any issues the questions might bring up, he would have. And, he still hasn't address some of the other questions Corn posed to him, like other areas of combat such as El Salvador and Northern Ireland. No, he's quite satisfied with behaving like a thin-skinned narcissist, whaling about how he's being smeared, and a target of the far left media, and name calling.  Why, because it makes for good theater, and good theater makes for higher ratings!  However, pursuing ratings can get in the way of the truth. Just ask the staffers at the Tea Party News Network. I sincerely salute them, and hope they find new and rewarding jobs very soon.

JackDunphy390 reads

The Left saw Williams go down so they tried to get their scalp. No sense of fairness or balance by the HuffyPoo or any of the other ones you name. Waiting for all the facts just isnt their thing. LOL

Reminds me so much of Dan Rather, Fergsuon, Michael Moore, Duke Lacrosse, Trayvon, etc etc. Libs leaping to conclusions is nothing new.  

I'll give ABC and CBS and a few others some credit here. They realized who Corn is and new he was fired from Fox and appears on MSNBC often so they smartly held back, knowing full well this POS story could be tinged with personal animosity, jealousy and retribution.

Maybe at least that part of the Lib media is finally learning its lesson? Only time will tell

meaning of his use of the acronym ISIS, I find it comical that you apparently are willing to apply a different standard to Oreilly whose only defense to his literal words is that "war zone" is "shorthand" for phoning in his reports from the Buenos Aires Hilton.

I suggested he quit calling them ISIL if he thinks they don't fit the definition. Seems that some libs on MSNBC now agree  with me.

“If he think[sic] they are in no way Islamic (AS HE HAS STATED) then he should quit calling them ISIL.”  

  Pardon me for not recognizing that this was really a "suggestion."

Perhaps your memory was affected by a deep blow to your head, as OReilly claims happened to his cameraman.

        Oh wait, turns out that was a lie, as well as the other CBS reporters (we’re up to 7 now) point out that there is no record of a report that anyone was injured. Of course, I guess it is possible that the cameraman, after being heroically dragged back to the hotel by OReiily while bleeding from a deep gash to his forehead,  decided to pay his medical bills himself and never filed a workers comp claim.  

      They contacted the camera man but he refused to comment. H’mm- if it was true, why not say so?

This report is from that left wing rag, CNN, by the way.

Still on the “dishonest reporting” train

to your high school or junior high English teacher and sincerely apologize to them for your not paying attention.

Plucking one sentence out of an entire thread that clearly was "suggestive" in its nature puts you squarely in line with the tactics of the extremely liberal media. Oh wait, that's exactly where you started out this thread so I guess I should not be surprised.

Timbow396 reads

I bet you will be watching O'Reilly Factor tomorrow night. :D
Quote :
Officials gave no arrest figures, but they appeared to number in the dozens. Several demonstrators were reported to have been injured, along with at least two reporters.

JackDunphy728 reads

That's nuts. The much more logical take is that he was injured and he is a liberal (as an overwhelming percentage are) and THATS why he shut his mouth, so no to bail out OReilly from a phony, left wing manufactured POS story. lol

And the fact that you are STILL frothing on this yet you keep with your "Obama didn't lie" nonsense even AFTER the Lib media said he did, really makes you look like a fool bro. Really.

“In addition, Engberg calls into question O’Reilly’s claim that he was "was out there pretty much by myself because the other CBS News correspondents were hiding in the hotel."
“If he said such thing it is an absolute lie,” Engberg writes.”

        This guy, who was actually present, also describes the Oreilly “war zone” as an “expense account zone.” LOL

     More “dishonest reporting” Ed? More left wing garbage? It's like the Perry indictment - just political, right?

Or….drum roll… the facts

I know you'll never learn this, but some of us have no need or desire to make up news and stories. The truth is just too powerful. It is so liberating not to have to push a narrative with truth being the obstacle. Sadly, you'll never understand, anyway, so wallow in your latest fail. Inevitably you'll dredge up your most recent victory to cheer you up: the ill-gotten re-election of your beloved Messiah.

Posted By: marikod
According to OReilly:  
 I was in a situation one time, in a war zone in Argentina, in the Falklands, where my photographer got run down and then hit his head and was bleeding from the ear on the concrete. And the army was chasing us. I had to make a decision. And I dragged him off, you know, but at the same time, I’m looking around and trying to do my job, but I figure I had to get this guy out of there because that was more important.  
 We now know  
 1. He WAS NOT in a war zone when the incident happened. He was a thousand miles away in Buenos Aires covering protests against the Argentine government.  
 2. The Falkland War was already over when the incident in question happened.  
 3. He WAS NOT and WAS NEVER in the Falklands.  
 4. The Army was not “chasing us.” They were just trying to keep order.  
         Fox has to suspend him, right? These are blatant lies.  This  far worse than Brian Williams.  But not tonight – the ratings should be humongous as everyone tunes in to hear Bill’s response.  
         For the Board righties, who get most of their ideas from Fox News, it's a bad, bad, day.  
-- Modified on 2/21/2015 8:49:46 PM

-- Modified on 2/21/2015 10:31:42 PM

'got nothin!'

Give it a rest! You're not convincing anyone of your intellectual or moral superiority!  ;)

GaGambler515 reads

but so far at least, OReilly seems to be the more credible of the parties.

JackDunphy486 reads

For you would have seen the then NBC bureau chief who was pesent take OReillys back in full. Says there were tanks in  Buenos Aires, and there was a "war in the streets" with numerous injuries. Local reporting claimed there were fatalities but it was a military dictatorship and a press blackout.

You would have seen Dan Rather say back in 1982 that TV crews were knocked to the ground, ahem, and the fact that the army "did battle" with its own people on the streets of Buenos Aires.

In addition to that, reporter James Nelson Goodsell wrote that the area in front of the Casa Rosado (i.e. The Argentine White House) was turned into a "battle zone" by the Argentine forces against its own people.

All were referring to the same account at the same location on the same night. No "expense account zone" like the lunatic Enberg described, if you saw the video.

Look Mari, you got duped by a far left, Fox hating website with a disgruntled ex-employee leading the charge. It was a political hit, not a factual one, and OReilly showed how you handle a smear; with facts and a bravado to stand up to bull shit charges that melted away with just a bit of scrutiny.

Timbow415 reads

Posted By: JackDunphy
For you would have seen the then NBC bureau chief who was pesent take OReillys back in full. Says there were tanks in  Buenos Aires, and there was a "war in the streets" with numerous injuries. Local reporting claimed there were fatalities but it was a military dictatorship and a press blackout.  
 You would have seen Dan Rather say back in 1982 that TV crews were knocked to the ground, ahem, and the fact that the army "did battle" with its own people on the streets of Buenos Aires.  
 In addition to that, reporter James Nelson Goodsell wrote that the area in front of the Casa Rosado (i.e. The Argentine White House) was turned into a "battle zone" by the Argentine forces against its own people.  
 All were referring to the same account at the same location on the same night. No "expense account zone" like the lunatic Enberg described, if you saw the video.  
 Look Mari, you got duped by a far left, Fox hating website with a disgruntled ex-employee leading the charge. It was a political hit, not a factual one, and OReilly showed how you handle a smear; with facts and a bravado to stand up to bull shit charges that melted away with just a bit of scrutiny.

I quoted precisely what OReilly said on the air on April 17, 2013 and listed four statements that were untrue. OReilly has  effectively ADMITTED  that these statements were untrue- he ADMITTED he was not and never was in the Falklands, he has admitted that he was not in the Falklands “war zone,” he has effectively admitted that the Falklands War was over when he made his statements, and he has effectively admitted that the army was not “chasing” him and his cameraman.

         Whether the injury to the cameraman was true or false is still unknown but the circumstantial evidence I listed in my post to Ed would lead any reasonable person to conclude this was a lie as well.

      I was not "duped" by Corn. I picked only the statements that were undisputedly false. I didn’t address whether I believed the many other lies alleged by Corn was indeed lies and I conceded your point that OReilly did not ALWAYS lie about reporting from the “war zone.”

       Now if Corn transcribed the broadcast incorrectly, or if OReilly later in the SAME BROADCAST clarified his earlier erroneous statements, I will give him a pass – but you haven’t made either argument, have you?

       The Duke-Carolina game was a “war” Jack but that doesn’t mean the reporters were reporting from a war zone. To even attempt to justify civil unrest as a “war” is downright pathetic, almost as pathetic as his threat today toward a New York Times Reporter.

       If you want to try and defend a public liar, that is your business but next time pick someone who hasn’t already admitted that he did not tell the truth

so, out of your post, which I quote here "I was in a situation one time, in a war zone in Argentina, in the Falklands, where my photographer got run down and then hit his head and was bleeding from the ear on the concrete. And the army was chasing us. I had to make a decision. And I dragged him off, you know, but at the same time, I’m looking around and trying to do my job, but I figure I had to get this guy out of there because that was more important."

it's the two words "war zone" that you dispute.
Fine, it was not a zone in which a war was occurring, but there were troops cracking down on protesters who were there due to the war.

By the CBS report, some camera crews were knocked down.  I have not seen any proof that he did not assist his camera man.

I'm not really an O'Reilly fan, but I do not see this as blatant as the Brian Williams fiasco

JackDunphy553 reads

It is NO more valid of an argument today than when Corn published it.

Tanks were rolling down the streets. There were casualties. You want to differentiate between "battle zone" like the Christian Science Monitor said of it at the time and "war zone" or what Corn said in addition "combat zone." Knock yourself out!

This is getting virtually ZERO play outside of the far left media and for good reason. This is a bullshit story from day one. He NEVER said he was ON the Falklands Islands.  

Politico, among many other sources, have said that what he said was legit shorthand as he has told the literal truth about this issue time and time and time again as opposed to Brian Williams who embellished more and more with each passing year.

And it was YOU with his hair on fire about Enbergs statements which now are clearly untrue from the video. This was no fking "expense account" zone. What an ass for that guy to say that as he was clearly NOT there for him to say something so stupid or he just fabricated it.  

Dan Rather backed up Oreillys claim about the camera crew being knocked over as you can see on the tape.  

Corn also lied when he claimed O'Reilly pounded Williams for lying. The OPPOSITE was true. He told others NOT to jump on Williams! Corn has ZERO credibility with this story.

This was a hit piece by an a fired Fox employee, nothing more. The majors didn't go near this POS, for good reason. It was all about semantical games and revenge.

This story has fallen apart with NBC bureau chief vindicating O'Reilly.


If nothing else, it seems he never learned to play well with others!  ;)

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