Politics and Religion

Re: Why must everything be partisan?
Timbow 2092 reads

Halfrican ,is Obama more black then white :)

RightwingUnderground6122 reads

that his primary political opposition should die makes me think this tactic is now an acceptable political plan. Maybe the Republicans should consider taking up this strategy as well.

I realize there are fringe groups and people on both sides that deal in such vile concepts, but only on the left do you see them percolate to the Presidential dais. And THEN be received with such profound acceptance.

Obama and Sykes joked at the expense of everyone, but I do not blame Obama for laughing at Limbaugh, who not only was a poor loser by wanting him to fail but throughout the campaigned called a Halfrican and still not one Republican has yet to denounce him except Powell.
It was all shit and giggles, why aren't you laughing.

and thus by extension America. Who is more important in your mind Rush or America?
Why should we show empathy for someone who has mo empathy for anyone else?  Like when he said, there no reccession, I'm making 40 million!

You can only ask Obama or Sykes what is in their heart but as far as mean spirted statements, those who live by the sword die by the sword.

RightwingUnderground1410 reads

Even if you think it's over the top for Limbaugh to say he hopes Obama's liberalism fails to destroy the country. (Which is what he actually said if you pay attention to the context), wishing personal death or destruction shouldn't be accepted at any level. Obama accepted it.

It's not tit for tat. It's not payback. If a prominent Republican accepted a similar remark about Obama's death he'd be finished.

he even joked about Hillary doing him harm.  But you assume that Obama thoughts were death to Rush...until you posted I did not think death.  My uncle kidneys failed, he is on dialysis.  So Rush with a bad kidney can live and spew his hate as usual and count his 40 million.

RightwingUnderground2182 reads

Don't tell me you got tired of focusing on the issue and so you shift the light onto the comedian.

I don't "assume" anything. Sykes told a very inappropriate joke and BHO thought is was funny. Real brilliant man.

Sorry about your uncle, but most people on long term dialysis don't have total end stage renal failure. End stage renal disease is the 8th leading cause of death.

Timbow2093 reads

Halfrican ,is Obama more black then white :)

He was raised by his white grandparents for the most part and lived in Hawaii, where there were hardly any blacks. If you ever been to Hawaii, whites are not very popular, so I sure his family was very insular

Over the years, Rush Limbaugh has called Democratic presidents communists, terrorists, socialists, and at least another 5,546 names each one worse than the last....And he has blamed them (Democrats) for everything except fixing the 1919 world series.....He still thinks the Clintons murdered Vince Foster, & he even made fun of then 13 yr. old Chelsea Clinton on his short-lived TV show in 1995...To most rational humans, the presidents' children are off limits...

And now, when someone pokes fun at the Grand Poobar himself, Boss Limbaugh, liberals are mean-spirited, blah blah....

Throw in Glen Beck, Michael "banned from Britan" Savage, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, etc., conservative pundits are experts on mean-spirited name calling & hate speech...

GaGambler1520 reads

It's not acceptable when coming from the POTUS. Can you imagine the outrage if Bush had laughed at a joke impying physical harm to Dan Rather?

The POTUS is supposed to be above that kind of thing. There is a double standard where it comes to the mean spiritness of libs. They are by far the more venomnous, but they still try to claim the high ground.

Aside from that, I really don't give a rat's ass. It was a joke, a mean spirited one, but a joke none the less.

"where it comes to the mean spiritness of libs. They are by far the more venomnous, but they still try to claim the high ground".

Now, Bill Maher's recent OP-ED in the LA Times was certainly scathing & he pulled no punches on his dislike of the GOP, & sure, Janeane Garofalo has REALLY come out swinging on some recent interviews, but OVERALL in the mean spiritness catagory, liberals don't hold a candle to what the right says about President Obama, former President Bill Clinton, Hollywood crowd, atheists, gays, etc...

Didn't Don Imus BLAST Bill & Hillary Clinton at one of these dinners years ago....It may have not been the WH correspondents dinner, but it was some function where he absolutely tore into the Clintons'.....

was an extremely poor choice for the role at last night's dinner.  Her remarks were inappropriate and should never have been said in front of the President of the United States.

I thought President Obama did a very nice job.  And I am sure that we was thoroughly embarrassed by Wanda's remarks.

The WHCA needs to do a better job of choosing its entertainers if they wish to keep this great tradition going.

And if Bill Maher or Garafolo ever show up, the President (whoever he or she is) better tastefully decline the invitation.

I agree ...A Frieking joke..Adults that can't take jokes need to re live their childhood and figure out why they became so defensive..

oalexander1900 reads

Did Sykes say she hopes Limbaugh dies?  I thought she said she hopes his kidney fails...  It doesn't necessarily mean he'd die, you know.  He's a very wealthy man.

Since the context of the event involved humor, hence no one was expecting anything the speakers had to say as being serious, it would be a lllooooooooonnnng stretch to say that Obama wished Limbaugh would die of kidney failure, because he laughed at what Sykes said. Lighten up!

RightwingUnderground1419 reads

I never criticized the comedian, but that’s where some of you focus, LOL. Others focus of the fact that BHO did not agree that Limbaugh actually die. Oh yea, kidney failure is oh so much better than actually dieing. You even claim that nobody ever really DIES from kidney failure, (BTW, 8th leading cause of death for you real brainiacs), sigh.

You BHO defenders are vastly more hypocritical than you’ve ever blamed any Republican of being. You can’t come up with anything close to this where even a semi prominent national Republican politician played along and giggled about the demise of someone like this (If they did I bet they either resigned or apologized the next day). If the tables were turned and Bush had even smirked in similar agreement none of you can deny the excoriation he would have received. Pitiful. Yes, it was a joke, but I expect my President to be better than that. I’m truly sorry you guys don’t.

Timbow1598 reads

His chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, Obama observed, always has a hard time on Mother's Day. "He's not used to saying the word 'day' after 'mother,'" Obama said." .
Yea I guess this is called ghetto humor along with Wanda Sykes talking about she hopes Rush's kidneys fail . Obama is ,a Chicago thug like Bill Clinton called him,and he showed his true colors  :)

the Rahm joke was one of the better ones written for him. Considering that RE curses like a MF, would you call him ghetto? And practically every comedian uses that word in its entirety --- are Robin Williams, Billy Crystal, Bill Maher, Dennis Miller, George Carlin, etc. ghetto?

Hell, is GaGambler ghetto?

Give it a rest.

Wanda Sykes was out of line. The Prez laughed at her joke. I lose respect for him (not that I much respect for him to begin with) not because it was a joke wishing ill health on someone, but because Wanda Sykes is not funny. And her constant come back to bombing is "Oh, you'll be telling that one tomorrow." Now they won't. No point in repeating an unfunny joke. Laughing at her is like laughing at Will Ferrel -- it actually shows a *lack* of humor if you find them funny.

Timbow1079 reads

It is ghetoo when Sykes tells it :) And  wonder how Obama will explain it to his daughters if they ask him :)

"laughingly accept" is a bit much. he laughed at a joke that happened to be sort  of funny. give it a rest.

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