Politics and Religion

Re: What is an "Index fund"?
randomvr301 3133 reads
1 / 49

In civilized countries, people talk, discuss, argue and settle disputes.    Also, people make mistakes while driving on highways.    Defensive driving lets you take care of it and move on.

Using a gun to shoot and kill the other person ?    You are in an uneducated, uncivilized third world country.    That is what the world is seeing this country slipping in to, slowly but surely

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 1184 reads
2 / 49

shooting happens as much as here. There are third world countries without an effective government where these sort of things happen but generalizing shooting as third world problem is a big mistake.

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 864 reads
3 / 49

to live where there is no violence. Move to a first world country then, whichever that is in your opinion...

-- Modified on 11/29/2014 11:18:22 AM

JohnyComeAlready 988 reads
4 / 49

1) Learn what "third world" actually means, use the term correctly.

2) Learn how to drive, sounds like you are off to a good start per this post.

3) The article you posted had nothing to do with your post.  

About the article you posted. Immature people should not be involved in romantic relationships

User1994 23 Reviews 1005 reads
5 / 49

Pick one. There's plenty to choose from.

Posted By: desigolfer
In civilized countries, people talk, discuss, argue and settle disputes.    Also, people make mistakes while driving on highways.    Defensive driving lets you take care of it and move on.  
 Using a gun to shoot and kill the other person ?    You are in an uneducated, uncivilized third world country.    That is what the world is seeing this country slipping in to, slowly but surely.  

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 722 reads
6 / 49

Do you know what third world country means? It is not what you think it means.

Why don’t you find out Curd brain

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 962 reads
7 / 49

Who think they need guns to protect them, their family and their property are not only uneducated and uncivilized, they are barbarians of the 21st century. Not lot difference between them and the barbarians beheading people in the Middle East.

613spades 5 Reviews 962 reads
8 / 49

I ve got a masters in structural engineering, served 4 yrs 2 in Iraq and believe firearms are a fundamental right, have been since 1776. Just because you don't want or need one you don't have the right to try and take my rights.  

Posted By: anonymousfun
Who think they need guns to protect them, their family and their property are not only uneducated and uncivilized, they are barbarians of the 21st century. Not lot difference between them and the barbarians beheading people in the Middle East.

randomvr301 868 reads
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anonymousfun 6 Reviews 894 reads
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you have real knowledge which comes only from big picture critical thinking. The question is whether owning a gun is fundamental right or not. The question is, does it need to be controlled for the good of the society.

You serving in Iraq means nothing to me because, I was totally against the war and only thing it accomplished death and mayhem which humanity will pay for next half a century. I do not believe war of choice has anything to do with protecting our country, rights or patriotism.  

You did what you were told to do and you did not have choice to do anything else.

I am sure, pea brains will come with guns blazing and I stand by what I said and what I believe. So, fire the fuck away.

GaGambler 858 reads
11 / 49

Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.

JohnyComeAlready 841 reads
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Posted By: anonymousfun
you have real knowledge which comes only from big picture critical thinking. The question is whether owning a gun is fundamental right or not. The question is, does it need to be controlled for the good of the society.  
 You serving in Iraq means nothing to me because, I was totally against the war and only thing it accomplished death and mayhem which humanity will pay for next half a century. I do not believe war of choice has anything to do with protecting our country, rights or patriotism.  
 You did what you were told to do and you did not have choice to do anything else.  
 I am sure, pea brains will come with guns blazing and I stand by what I said and what I believe. So, fire the fuck away.

followme 950 reads
13 / 49

He might enjoy it ....depending, of course, on how big the door knob is.....the bigger the better, no doubt.

Thank You  
2015 = 28

613spades 5 Reviews 1005 reads
14 / 49

Posted By: anonymousfun
you have real knowledge which comes only from big picture critical thinking. The question is whether owning a gun is fundamental right or not. The question is, does it need to be controlled for the good of the society.  
 You serving in Iraq means nothing to me because, I was totally against the war and only thing it accomplished death and mayhem which humanity will pay for next half a century. I do not believe war of choice has anything to do with protecting our country, rights or patriotism.  
 You did what you were told to do and you did not have choice to do anything else.  
 I am sure, pea brains will come with guns blazing and I stand by what I said and what I believe. So, fire the fuck away.

Timbow 889 reads
15 / 49

Posted By: anonymousfun
you have real knowledge which comes only from big picture critical thinking. The question is whether owning a gun is fundamental right or not. The question is, does it need to be controlled for the good of the society.  
 You serving in Iraq means nothing to me because, I was totally against the war and only thing it accomplished death and mayhem which humanity will pay for next half a century. I do not believe war of choice has anything to do with protecting our country, rights or patriotism.  
 You did what you were told to do and you did not have choice to do anything else.  
 I am sure, pea brains will come with guns blazing and I stand by what I said and what I believe. So, fire the fuck away.

USGrantlover 220 Reviews 944 reads
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AU just renounced global warming demands of o'bama. Pretty third world if you ask me.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 911 reads
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Aware being the operative word.

Comments as expected.

randomvr301 801 reads
18 / 49

Well I will be watching CNN in Melbourne and will contact you guys when you have the next mass shooting!    I will double up on my drink at the bar watching the dead bodies being removed!

randomvr301 888 reads
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Moving Melbourne, Australia in May 2015.   Will be watching CNN for the next mass shooting.

randomvr301 793 reads
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That is right, I have picked Melbourne, Australia.  May 2015.

Timbow 1020 reads
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RRO2610 51 Reviews 900 reads
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Taking away our 2nd Amendment would only reduce us to an ENSLAVED and despotically ruled "third world country".

Posted By: desigolfer
In civilized countries, people talk, discuss, argue and settle disputes.    Also, people make mistakes while driving on highways.    Defensive driving lets you take care of it and move on.  
 Using a gun to shoot and kill the other person ?    You are in an uneducated, uncivilized third world country.    That is what the world is seeing this country slipping in to, slowly but surely.  

followme 660 reads
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he only moving he is doing is to a different trailer park.  

In fact he is so full of shit I’m not sure his nationality is what he says it is.  

He is nothing but a fraud, a phony, and a liar.

Well that is the way I see it.

Thank You  
2015 = 2

randomvr301 894 reads
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Mass Shooting in W. Virginia!    Second Amendment activist shoots Government buildings in Austin TX.  Wanted to attack churches and anything and everything that moves!   LOL.


GaGambler 999 reads
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In your opinion, which country is doing an overall better job than us, and why?

If there is another country that we could model ourselves after, which country would that be, and once again, why?

randomvr301 877 reads
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Mass shooting roundup for you!   W. Virginia and Austin, TX.   In Austin the guy says he belongs to a white supremacist group a.k.a.  "USAISIS" and he shot Government buildings and wanted to hit churches and other public places.   He says he is "USA version of Boko Haram".

Are you guys having fun yet

GaGambler 946 reads
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You are only worth talking about, not to.

My question, that you ignored BTW, was directed at RRO, not you. Now go crawl back in your hole Hadji, along with bigfatgirl.

RRO2610 51 Reviews 924 reads
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Posted By: GaGambler
In your opinion, which country is doing an overall better job than us, and why?

If there is another country that we could model ourselves after, which country would that be, and once again, why?
They're all in the same debt based strangle hold as we. "WE" didn't need put the noose around our necks; our founding forefathers gave us the winning formula in the Constitution. "Nothing but gold or silver coin" we were to have a "standard", a GOLD standard.  

Now the US Government borrows paper money printed by several privately owned banks called the Federal Reserve, and they charge interest on that paper money that the government forces the citizen to pay via "Income Taxes" The paper money chronically deflates in value requiring twice as much to buy the same item as did last year. The government as well as the citizen borrows more to fill the deficit and the bank charges yet more interest on the newly loaned money.  

Our founding forefathers knew the banking game all too well from what was going on across Europe at the time. They gave us a gold/silver standard, and in 100 years America became the greatest, most thriving economy on earth. The big banking families of Europe did not like this. They had sought to "own" the world for many centuries. A full-court press of corrupting and influencing Congressmen and Senators took place at the end of the 19th century, and by 1913 they had cajoled Woodrow Wilson and Capital Hill into the Federal Reserve Act. Suddenly 17% of the population was paying an "Income Tax". Then late in WWII our government in a stars and stripes, when johnny comes marching home act of jingoism and greed asked a few measly percent of a proletariat's hourly wage to help finance the SECOND "War to end all wars". BOOM! Wage withholding! And the Treasury liked it SO MUCH that they completely forgot that this "Emergency withholding" had a TWO YEAR moratorium caveat. Legions of lawyers and government minions were hired to obfuscate the language and the definition of the "Dollar". Before the Korean Conflict started we were already being brainwashed that "wages" were "income" and a paper Federal Reserve Note was a Dollar.  
Around 1971 Nixon the Dick took the gold backing off the "Federal Reserve Note" and a new 1971 Ford Mustang costing $2,000.00 inflated to $25,000.00 for its 2014 contemporary in only 43 years. All the while the consumer is paying Income Taxes on the extra $23,000.00 needed for its purchase.  

If you want a country to model ourselves after; perhaps the United States of America prior to 1900 would be a good goal

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 776 reads
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St. Croix 768 reads
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If we were are on the gold standard, how would the Fed fight a recession, or put the brakes on an overheating economy? Look at Greece. No, they're not on the gold standard, but if you look the Euro, and if you like the Euro concept, then I guess you'd love the gold standard. Remember 2008/9? What was happening to Greece, and to a lesser degree Portugal, Spain and Italy? Greece couldn't print money because they are a member of a fixed currency union. What the hell happened, besides the fact that Greece doesn't make anything of value, except olive oil (lol).  A gold standard would put the Fed in a similar predicament.  

In a capitalist system you are going to have booms, busts and recessions. In 2009 Obama and Congress passes a $900B stimulus plan. We printed money. Was it poorly managed...hell yes. Did we spend it on shit programs like "cash for clunkers"? We should have gotten a lot more bang for the $900B spent, but that's what you get with politicians, a certain level of incompetence and stupidity. Nevertheless, what would have been the result of no stimulus? Do you want the potential of 15, 20, or 25% unemployment? Why do you think FDR in 1933 got off the gold standard?  

There is no rational economist calling for a return to the gold standard.  
Posted By: RRO2610
Posted By: GaGambler
In your opinion, which country is doing an overall better job than us, and why?  
 If there is another country that we could model ourselves after, which country would that be, and once again, why?
 They're all in the same debt based strangle hold as we. "WE" didn't need put the noose around our necks; our founding forefathers gave us the winning formula in the Constitution. "Nothing but gold or silver coin" we were to have a "standard", a GOLD standard.  
 Now the US Government borrows paper money printed by several privately owned banks called the Federal Reserve, and they charge interest on that paper money that the government forces the citizen to pay via "Income Taxes" The paper money chronically deflates in value requiring twice as much to buy the same item as did last year. The government as well as the citizen borrows more to fill the deficit and the bank charges yet more interest on the newly loaned money.  
 Our founding forefathers knew the banking game all too well from what was going on across Europe at the time. They gave us a gold/silver standard, and in 100 years America became the greatest, most thriving economy on earth. The big banking families of Europe did not like this. They had sought to "own" the world for many centuries. A full-court press of corrupting and influencing Congressmen and Senators took place at the end of the 19th century, and by 1913 they had cajoled Woodrow Wilson and Capital Hill into the Federal Reserve Act. Suddenly 17% of the population was paying an "Income Tax". Then late in WWII our government in a stars and stripes, when johnny comes marching home act of jingoism and greed asked a few measly percent of a proletariat's hourly wage to help finance the SECOND "War to end all wars". BOOM! Wage withholding! And the Treasury liked it SO MUCH that they completely forgot that this "Emergency withholding" had a TWO YEAR moratorium caveat. Legions of lawyers and government minions were hired to obfuscate the language and the definition of the "Dollar". Before the Korean Conflict started we were already being brainwashed that "wages" were "income" and a paper Federal Reserve Note was a Dollar.  
 Around 1971 Nixon the Dick took the gold backing off the "Federal Reserve Note" and a new 1971 Ford Mustang costing $2,000.00 inflated to $25,000.00 for its 2014 contemporary in only 43 years. All the while the consumer is paying Income Taxes on the extra $23,000.00 needed for its purchase.  
 If you want a country to model ourselves after; perhaps the United States of America prior to 1900 would be a good goal.  

RRO2610 51 Reviews 806 reads
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You naturally are championing unfettered capitalism and debt economy because you and the finite privileged few are making a killing with it. But the current wealth disparity in the US is proof enough that the system innately SUCKS!
  3/4 of the ads on TV are now investment brokers, up-start colleges(all offering government backed loans), and predatory lenders. And whereas 30yrs ago one needed to go to Las Vegas to gamble; now there is a casino within 30 miles of everyone. Capitalism at root is a gamble, and as I have said to GaGambler on more than one occasion "not everyone is a 'gambler' by nature". I personally take offense at the TV ad showing a new father wearing a typical "Blue collar" shirt and holding infant twins finding solace "gambling" his hard earned money on the stock exchange. There is and will always be an investment class and a worker-bee class; but the "Investment class" should not be the ONLY one to enjoy wealth/security. A person who is innately a 'saver' rather than a 'gamer' should have the same chance at a happy life. But when the best return for a CD or savings account is 1.5% and the rate of inflation thanks to a debt based economy is 1.5% or more there is no impetus for the 'saver'.  

  I'll be the first to admit I'm no genius, professor or even student of macro or micro-economics, financing, etc; but when 95% of the populace is running as fast as it can on the treadmill(and commonly falling off) while 1% own and control most of everything there is a gaping, dangerous and insidious inequity in the economic system.

randomvr301 838 reads
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School shooting prevented in SLC, by a student who did not have a gun!    Are you having fun yet!

jrwayne 8 Reviews 660 reads
33 / 49

You got my vote! That is the most intelligent articulation of what's going on in this country I have read in a long time. May I borrow your talking points? The whole system has been rigged for a long time to encourage borrowing. My bank's savings accts. are bringing .05% when I asked last month just for laughs.

randomvr301 912 reads
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Outsourcing!    That is because an average American's IQ is 30 to 40 percentage lower than an average Korean, Chinese or an Indian.

St. Croix 933 reads
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Your 2nd to the last sentence in the 2nd paragraph says it all. You are a garden variety progressive. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but your utopia is probably the lily white Northern European Scandinavian countries. They do a fairly good job at creating an egalitarian society that you want, but I doubt that you can scale that model to a country our size that is not as homogeneous or educated like ours. Fair warning, none of them are on the gold standard, and they have a huge debt burden providing cradle to grave support.

You got a couple of choices. First you can actively support Elizabeth Warren and her ideas. Second, you can get smart about making, managing, and investing money. How smart do you have to be to skip the daily $5 Starbucks venti soy latte and investing it in an idiot proof low cost Index fund.  
Posted By: RRO2610
 You naturally are championing unfettered capitalism and debt economy because you and the finite privileged few are making a killing with it. But the current wealth disparity in the US is proof enough that the system innately SUCKS!  
   3/4 of the ads on TV are now investment brokers, up-start colleges(all offering government backed loans), and predatory lenders. And whereas 30yrs ago one needed to go to Las Vegas to gamble; now there is a casino within 30 miles of everyone. Capitalism at root is a gamble, and as I have said to GaGambler on more than one occasion "not everyone is a 'gambler' by nature". I personally take offense at the TV ad showing a new father wearing a typical "Blue collar" shirt and holding infant twins finding solace "gambling" his hard earned money on the stock exchange. There is and will always be an investment class and a worker-bee class; but the "Investment class" should not be the ONLY one to enjoy wealth/security. A person who is innately a 'saver' rather than a 'gamer' should have the same chance at a happy life. But when the best return for a CD or savings account is 1.5% and the rate of inflation thanks to a debt based economy is 1.5% or more there is no impetus for the 'saver'.  
   I'll be the first to admit I'm no genius, professor or even student of macro or micro-economics, financing, etc; but when 95% of the populace is running as fast as it can on the treadmill(and commonly falling off) while 1% own and control most of everything there is a gaping, dangerous and insidious inequity in the economic system.  

RRO2610 51 Reviews 901 reads
37 / 49

Posted By: desigolfer
Outsourcing!    That is because an average American's IQ is 30 to 40 percentage lower than an average Korean, Chinese or an Indian.
“You cannot fight a war with an educated populace”
   (Fmr US Secretary of State Dean Rusk)

  The powerful and super rich dynasties plan 50 to 100 years or more in advance, and have so for eons. Those with wealth and influence in our nation started a systematic dumbing-down of the general populace over 50 years ago. A One World "Globalist" government cannot do so if part of the world is really really rich and the other parts are poor. Since it is easier to get poor than rich the United States(and some of the UK's) standard of living needed to be demonstrably lessened. From the mind numbing, ADD producing programming of Network TV to "everyone is a winner at ******** Public School" the last several generations of Americans have been actively made dullards. The very rich send their children to 'private schools' with the best teachers as well as an alumni of other "very rich" children and their families in which to 'network'.

 Our military hardware prowess is now manned exclusively by a Public Schooled pool of overwhelmed, under educated volunteers that had nowhere else to go but their parent's basement or a card board box under the 4th street bridge. The "best and the brightest" are thus saved so that they could hedge-fund, outsource, junk-bond and toxic-asset the nation into a state of chronic and exponentially multiplying debt

RRO2610 51 Reviews 704 reads
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Would it pay to invest more than $25/week? What about a lump sum? I may be "progressive" but that does not make me closed minded or un-teachable.  

BTW; I never go to Starbucks or any other trendy, sissyfied, overpriced bullshit bistros

GaGambler 914 reads
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Maybe you could explain to him how going back to a "gold backed dollar' and eliminating the federal reserve would mean that we would no longer have any "monetary policy" what so ever. Which would mean that when countries such as China dump their currency in order to gain advantage in trade, we would no longer have ANY weapons left to fight with.

You did such a great job with index funds, I am sure you can explain this simple concept to RRO in terms that he can understand.

St. Croix 1021 reads
40 / 49

An Index fund basically tracks the performance of a market benchmark. You can find Index funds that track the S&P, DOW, NASDAQ, Small Cap companies, all the way to specific industries like energy, consumer staples, real estate, etc. There are thousands of them. Vanguard, Fidelity, Schwab and others have the these "passive" Index funds, plus the management fees are very inexpensive, i.e. 0.10 or 0.20 on an annualized basis. These passive funds consistently out perform the so-called "active" manage funds, i.e. mutual funds, plus the mutual funds management fees average about 1% on an annualized basis.  

Don't do a lump sum. Dollar cost average, which means add a little each month. If the Index funds goes down in value, and it will, you buy more at a lower price, hence the dollar cost average.

I know you get a bit emotional on various topics, but when it comes to investing, don't get emotional. Realize that if you buy an Index fund, there is a 99% chance that Starbucks and Halliburton will be in your portfolio.  
Posted By: RRO2610
Would it pay to invest more than $25/week? What about a lump sum? I may be "progressive" but that does not make me closed minded or un-teachable.  
 BTW; I never go to Starbucks or any other trendy, sissyfied, overpriced bullshit bistros.    

St. Croix 811 reads
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and the gold standard is the last thing Progressives would want. I'm confused why he is even addressing it. To me, the European economic model, specifically the Scandinavian countries is a captivating model for Progressives, but they don't realize it can't work in the U.S.  

Have you seen the movie 'The Giver', which came out this year? It's about sameness in a society. Everything is gray. There is a line uttered by Meryl Streep which is pretty telling. She says "when people have the freedom to choose they choose wrong". Think about privatizing a portion of Social Security, or school vouchers, or even Obamacare. Choice is sometimes not option in a progressive society. Society is not capable of making the right choices.

I wonder if the liberals/progressives see the value of shale oil now that the price of gasoline is under $3, or that Venezuela, Iran, Nigeria, Russia, and other despotic regimes are totally fucked, at least for now. Maybe they should kiss a wildcatter's ass (lmao)
Posted By: GaGambler
Maybe you could explain to him how going back to a "gold backed dollar' and eliminating the federal reserve would mean that we would no longer have any "monetary policy" what so ever. Which would mean that when countries such as China dump their currency in order to gain advantage in trade, we would no longer have ANY weapons left to fight with.

You did such a great job with index funds, I am sure you can explain this simple concept to RRO in terms that he can understand.

RRO2610 51 Reviews 651 reads
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RRO2610 51 Reviews 841 reads
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Posted By: St. Croix

The gold standard is the last thing Progressives would want.

 I wonder if the liberals/progressives see the value of shale oil now that the price of gasoline is under $3, or that Venezuela, Iran, Nigeria, Russia, and other despotic regimes are totally fucked, at least for now. Maybe they should kiss a wildcatter's ass (lmao)
 I also have an orthodox belief in the 2nd Amendment and full rights to open carry which totally contradicts "Progressive" ideology.  

 Being a life long petrol-head with both a diesel Golf and a 165hp Hyperbike to feed I'm happy/grateful to see fuel prices dropping. But Big Oil has colluded with the automobile industry in the past and artificially lowered prices so as to take the impetus away from E-vehicle development.(IE: the Saturn EV-1) A lot of progress has been made by both Tesla Motors and several entrepreneurial E-motorcycle manufacturers in the last couple years. It would be a shame to see these very worthy technological efforts and business investments behind them whither and not pay off for their investors simply to keep the motoring "market" lulled into complacency

GaGambler 898 reads
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This is one I can actually agree with. The public, especially the American public has a very short memory. The moment we have cheap energy all funding and demand for energy efficiency goes right out the window.

It is obviously beneficial to both the oil and auto industries to keep their customers addicted to their respective, but related products.

Now if I could only explain to you in terms that you could wrap your arms around how and why the Federal Reserve is a necessary evil and how dismantling it would be disastrous to our economy, leaving us virtually defenseless to the currency manipulations of other countries.

GaGambler 875 reads
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but I am on record advocating many things that are arguably against my own self interest, like continuing to allow fracking by "big oil" in shale fields and advocating more drilling on public lands which are completely against my own self interest.

Truth be told, a POTUS like Obama is precisely what's in my best interest. If we had a POTUS who had encouraged our own energy development instead of doing everything to stifle it, we might have $50 oil by now. and that DEFINITELY would not be good for me. lol

That said I agree that the time to improve and perfect these new sources of energy is BEFORE a crisis, not during one. but we both now the American consumer is fickle and has a very short memory, I bet you gas guzzling SUV sales are about to go through the rood again, and pretty soon we will have $100 oil along with $4 gas all over again.

As the saying goes "don't blame the player, blame the game" I don't cause these things to happen, but can you really blame me if I position myself to profit off of them when they happen anyhow?

RRO2610 51 Reviews 824 reads
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Simply for reasons of I know NOTHING about international finance and currency manipulations of other countries, and that I respect your opinion I'll give it to you that the "Federal Reserve is a necessary evil"

 It's pretty sad about the memory span of the average American. I'm seeing a lot of Tesla S even in the Inland empire of So California.  "Lightening Motorcycle" just made available a gorgeous looking E-Superbike that has 200+ horsepower and 165 lbs/ft of torque from 0 to a Bonneville proven record of 215mph. And last year it won Pikes Peak overall! (paved course). 150 mile range if got with the BIG battery. Price still prohibitive to most. $50K.
It would be nice if petroleum's price could continue to drop and yet still be a strong impetus for such automotive and motorsport technology. The need for it is just a crisis away. And there are more than enough devotees of suck, squeeze, bang, blow technology to keep oil well in the black(pardon the pun) for a long time.  
Posted By: GaGambler
This is one I can actually agree with. The public, especially the American public has a very short memory. The moment we have cheap energy all funding and demand for energy efficiency goes right out the window.

It is obviously beneficial to both the oil and auto industries to keep their customers addicted to their respective, but related products.

Now if I could only explain to you in terms that you could wrap your arms around how and why the Federal Reserve is a necessary evil and how dismantling it would be disastrous to our economy, leaving us virtually defenseless to the currency manipulations of other countries.

randomvr301 701 reads
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Are you having fun yet!   So, what next?    See priests giving sermon wearing an AK47?

randomvr301 814 reads
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Nothing hit my ass but this poor pastor got hit by bullets flying from a gun!   Are you having fun yet?     What next in your country?    Priests giving sermon wearing AK47 and 400 round magazines!

historyBuff411 868 reads
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Yes Europe; Italy or Germany
U.S. is the Roman Empire reincarnated and has lost all wars since 1950.
The arrogance planning to defeat Mr. Isis.
They are only Isis #1.

Please I beg, I beseech you live for another 150 years to see the empire on the ash heap of history.

Fact: Every country on earth is or was a part of former destroyed empire, we're next just live another 150 yrs.


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