Politics and Religion

Re: What evidence do you have that the case in Ferguson was
DA_Flex 1287 reads

Really?!  The absurdity of your questions astounds me.  An unarmed mas was shot who was at least 35 feet away from a police officer. That's all the evidence I need.  Get real

DA_Flex4346 reads

I have made several postings recently about the use of excessive force and the militarization of our police forces.  Swat teams are deployed with frightening frequency and most deployments are to simply issue search warrants, many of which are non-violent offenses.  Police responses to the Ferguson protests and the aftermath of the Boston marathon bombings are abhorrent and are a vivid indicator to what our police forces have become. I found and interesting blog that highlights the use of force,police shootings, in our nation compared to other westernized countries.  It even more vividly points out how freely our police accept lethal force as a common tool and it's willingness to use it against the citizenry.  Here is a snippet:

"American police have grown too comfortable with the routine use of lethal force. To reprise a few statistics I cited three months ago:

So the biggest government in the free world chooses not to keep statistics on how many people get shot by law enforcement. So be it. It does keep figures on "justifiable homicide", which it defines as "the killing of a felon by a law enforcement official in the line of duty". When is a police homicide not "justifiable"? Ah, well. At any rate, for 2012, the corpse count was 410.

By comparison, for the years 2012 and 2013 in England and Wales:

'No fatal police shootings.'"

The blog has several links to other statistics that illustrate that we have a severe problem with our policing in this country.  In Germany for instance, police will fire warning shots and the goal is to take out the suspect with the least amount of force possible. Accordingly to the blog, the Entire German police force fired 85 bullets, 49 of them were warning shots. Our polices, on the other hand shoot until the threat is eliminated and there is no such thing as a warning shot.

Why the significant difference? Why are we so accepting of use of deadly force by police in our society?  Why do prosecutors and juries routinely absolve police officers who abuse their authority and in some case bring back bad cops on to the police force?

I believe that we can only turn this tide if the following happens:

1. Demilitarize our police forces and end the DoD 1033 program. Our police does not have to have military grade equipment to accomplish their jobs.
2. End the Drug War. This was a war declared upon ourselves and was more responsible for the escalation of police violence against the citizenry more than any other social policy. This includes reform of civil forfeiture laws that allow police to seize property to fund their activities. Also elk any the incentives at the federal level that encourage local police to arrest citizens on minor drug offenses.
3. Restrict deployment of SWAT teams to only hostage and the most violent circumstances. SWAT teams should not be deployed to issue search warrants, raid barbershops or enforce administrative actions.
4. Create civilian review boards, external to police, that investigate every instance of excessive force and police shootings. These boards will have the authority to fire officers and force police departments to change policies.  Far too often, police, when investigating themselves, justify too many wrongful actions by their officers.  Who watches the watchers
5. Require all police to carry body cameras as well as equip all police vehicles with front and rear dash cams.
6. Eliminate the hero worship of police and raise the standards we use to hire police officers. I'm sure everyone has encountered police that should not be on the force. We have too many police that fail to excercise discretion and good judgement.

My two cents....but it's clear we have a problem

86H13LTP1086 reads

whatever you can get to keep your officers safe .  

Why was the Guard called in last night ? The tried the Andy from Mayberry approach and it didn't work .

-- Modified on 8/18/2014 9:17:43 AM

DA_Flex1009 reads

You are incorrect...the Ferguson Police Chief inflamed the situation by releasing the video store footage simultaneously with the release of the officer's name. Clearly an attempt to smear the victim and enrage a community already enraged by the death of an unarmed back man and one that has been over policed.

Posted By: 86H13LTP
whatever you can get to keep your officers safe .  
 Why was the Guard called in last night ? The tried the Andy from Mayberry approach and it didn't work .

-- Modified on 8/18/2014 9:17:43 AM

86H13LTP1128 reads

it up every night just like everywhere else in America . They're worthless wastes of oxygen . Funny I don't remember the outrage when the white dude in Detroit was beat by a mob after he stopped to help the idiot kid hit hit with his truck because the stupid little hickory head was playing chicken with cars. Oh yes and I don't remember any riots when the 90 yo vet was murdered in Seattle by two more wastes of oxygen.  

You saw video and you saw the state of mind the punk was in . I guess you think he got in the car with his buddies and turned up the Carpenters and Ann Murray lit one of smokes he stole and calmed right down . I'm sure none of that aggression he showed in the video as directed at the cop minutes later .  

Another punk off the streets . Amen

The DP can only police "crime" that exists after the "crime" occurs.

Give me an example of what over policing is.

You can't use the death of (I don't even know his name) as an example because some people want the officer charged with murder. Murder is not policing legally.

DA_Flex899 reads

Again...you are clueless.  Over policing occurs when police put excessive focus on a particular segment of the community. Just look at New York city and their two most recent policies; Stop and Frisk and Broken Windows.

Stop and Frisk:

In 2010, New Yorkers were stopped by the police 601,285 times.
518,849 were totally innocent (86 percent).
315,083 were black (54 percent).
189,326 were Latino (33 percent).
54,810 were white (9 percent).
295,902 were aged 14-24 (49 percent).
In 2011, New Yorkers were stopped by the police 685,724 times.
605,328 were totally innocent (88 percent).
350,743 were black (53 percent).
223,740 were Latino (34 percent).
61,805 were white (9 percent).
341,581 were aged 14-24 (51 percent).
In 2012, New Yorkers were stopped by the police 532,911 times
473,644 were totally innocent (89 percent).
284,229 were black (55 percent).
165,140 were Latino (32 percent).
50,366 were white (10 percent).  

In Broken Windows theory....The thought is that by aggressively enforcing even the most minor infraction, this will lead to a decrease in major crimes.  Instead, in NY, it just builds upon the same transgressions that Stop and Frisk perpetuates; excessively focusing on the black and brown communities of the city.  This creates an environment where segments of the population feel targeted and harassed by the police.

In the case of Ferguson Police, I've attached a report on racial profiling complied by the Missouri Attorney General. It clearly indicates that the AA community is targeted by the police.

This my friend is called over policing.


Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
The DP can only police "crime" that exists after the "crime" occurs.  
 Give me an example of what over policing is.  
 You can't use the death of (I don't even know his name) as an example because some people want the officer charged with murder. Murder is not policing legally.

Those are stats of the actions taken by NYPD that were legal. I may not agree such actions should be legal. That is not the question I asked. I don't believe the tactics of deployed by NYPD are the same tactics deployed by Furgeson PD. Who I believe are no longer on the job currently

DA_Flex984 reads

Instead of providing you examples...thus requiring thought, I will break it down to simple words for you.  Over policing occurs when the police repetitively comes in contact with the public to enforce law in a non-discretionary basis resulting in feelings of harassment of the community.

In New York, Stop and Frisk was declared unconstitutional because in it's implementation, it disproportionally impacted black and brown communities.  It was not uncommon for the police to frisk the same person dozens of times. Since 2002, there have been over 5 million stops under this policy.  Even if this policy was implemented in a color blind way, this is far too many police interactions with the public.

In Ferguson in 2013, Police stopped Blacks 4,632 times; Whites 686 times.  Searched blacks 562 times whites 47 times, Arrested blacks 483 times whites 36.   All of this out of a population of slightly less than 16K.  Its clear who the police are stopping.  It maybe that the police are completely justified in their actions but the presence can create a atmosphere where the community may feel targeted.

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Those are stats of the actions taken by NYPD that were legal. I may not agree such actions should be legal. That is not the question I asked. I don't believe the tactics of deployed by NYPD are the same tactics deployed by Furgeson PD. Who I believe are no longer on the job currently.  

86H13LTP913 reads

If it was in their backyard they would would want that APC with a cop on top in full kit protecting them .

...why Andy of Mayberry has one and Deputy Barney Fife used it to run down Gomer and Floyd the barber.

86H13LTP913 reads

about Gomer it's you BPS . I bet your HS yearbook picture has your nickname " Gomer " under it.

Which may become a money pit for the municipality to maintain.

wants the already "dumbed-down" citizen 'IN CONSTANT FEAR'. A cursory look at history will reveal that ALL despotic oligarchies, monarchies, dictatorships and fascist regimes thrived using fully militarized civilian policing.  

  Isn't it nice to know that America has fallen victim to the most egregious and historically despicable dynamics known to governance.  

The Republic is dead; God bless the United States of Corporate/State Fascism.

This nation will be on the far end of the spectrum, as far as "militarized police" go.  

DAF, show me what our counterparts in Moscow have in comparison.

Posted By: DA_Flex
I have made several postings recently about the use of excessive force and the militarization of our police forces.  Swat teams are deployed with frightening frequency and most deployments are to simply issue search warrants, many of which are non-violent offenses.  Police responses to the Ferguson protests and the aftermath of the Boston marathon bombings are abhorrent and are a vivid indicator to what our police forces have become. I found and interesting blog that highlights the use of force,police shootings, in our nation compared to other westernized countries.  It even more vividly points out how freely our police accept lethal force as a common tool and it's willingness to use it against the citizenry.  Here is a snippet:  
 "American police have grown too comfortable with the routine use of lethal force. To reprise a few statistics I cited three months ago:  
 So the biggest government in the free world chooses not to keep statistics on how many people get shot by law enforcement. So be it. It does keep figures on "justifiable homicide", which it defines as "the killing of a felon by a law enforcement official in the line of duty". When is a police homicide not "justifiable"? Ah, well. At any rate, for 2012, the corpse count was 410.  
 By comparison, for the years 2012 and 2013 in England and Wales:  
 'No fatal police shootings.'"  
 The blog has several links to other statistics that illustrate that we have a severe problem with our policing in this country.  In Germany for instance, police will fire warning shots and the goal is to take out the suspect with the least amount of force possible. Accordingly to the blog, the Entire German police force fired 85 bullets, 49 of them were warning shots. Our polices, on the other hand shoot until the threat is eliminated and there is no such thing as a warning shot.  
 Why the significant difference? Why are we so accepting of use of deadly force by police in our society?  Why do prosecutors and juries routinely absolve police officers who abuse their authority and in some case bring back bad cops on to the police force?  
 I believe that we can only turn this tide if the following happens:  
 1. Demilitarize our police forces and end the DoD 1033 program. Our police does not have to have military grade equipment to accomplish their jobs.  
 2. End the Drug War. This was a war declared upon ourselves and was more responsible for the escalation of police violence against the citizenry more than any other social policy. This includes reform of civil forfeiture laws that allow police to seize property to fund their activities. Also elk any the incentives at the federal level that encourage local police to arrest citizens on minor drug offenses.  
 3. Restrict deployment of SWAT teams to only hostage and the most violent circumstances. SWAT teams should not be deployed to issue search warrants, raid barbershops or enforce administrative actions.  
 4. Create civilian review boards, external to police, that investigate every instance of excessive force and police shootings. These boards will have the authority to fire officers and force police departments to change policies.  Far too often, police, when investigating themselves, justify too many wrongful actions by their officers.  Who watches the watchers  
 5. Require all police to carry body cameras as well as equip all police vehicles with front and rear dash cams.  
 6. Eliminate the hero worship of police and raise the standards we use to hire police officers. I'm sure everyone has encountered police that should not be on the force. We have too many police that fail to excercise discretion and good judgement.  
 My two cents....but it's clear we have a problem.  

86H13LTP755 reads

It goes back to Columbine and the inept police on site . Since that day Blackwater/Xe/Academi has trained 100s of 1000s of police officers hence the military look. That money is what put the company on the map .

DA_Flex739 reads

John Oliver, from the Daily Show and Last Week Tonight, makes perfect sense of the situation in Ferguson.  It's quite maddening that a comedian, instead of our elected leaders, can clearly see what is happening and why.

Yourself, JO, and HBO are making light(and money) off the death of this young man.

Why aren't I making money of off his death??

When people gather is there always police in riot gear? It is no wonder some people feel their only choice is violence. It seems our black population is going to be the ones to fight for our rights guaranteed by the constitution

Only you can fight for your constitutional rights.

Posted By: Madison_Ohare
When people gather is there always police in riot gear? It is no wonder some people feel their only choice is violence. It seems our black population is going to be the ones to fight for our rights guaranteed by the constitution.    

my gracious God let me go all the way to jury trial and receive some justice, by my pro bono lawyer tearing apart the police on stand.   I remember the female DA, she was crying a lot that day over something personal and just looked like a complete idiot wasting tax-payers time and money.   Jury of my peers adjoured for a couple of minutes before coming back with NOT GUILTY.  

I never go back to that town again ever.  As a fact, I prefer to be home whre I cannot be harrassed.  I only vacation in towns that are tourists friendly and want you to come back.

DA_Flex810 reads

Just in case you have forgotten, the police practically locked down the community in Watertown, MA performing door to door searches looking for the bombing suspects.  The attached video is just a sampling of what innocents residents endured.  This is what we live in folks.  A world where overwhelming response is used to police.  Would you feel safe if the police showed up at your door with the force displayed?  Would you be brave enough to impose your 4th Amendment right against unreasonable search and seizure against a display of force like this

JackDunphy965 reads

over Obama spying on us, the press and doing nothing to stop the IRS from being used as a political weapon against the opposing party.

that is how tyranny works, keep us in fear and divided.  

Our right to privacy means a lot to me.  Obama is getting away with it because he is black.  Maybe when the next president is white, we can come together on all these trespasses and grievances to take our country back.

DA_Flex920 reads

This has nothing to do with the color of Obama's skin.  The intelligence abuses started under the Bush administration and have unfortunately been continued and in come cases expanded by this administration.  Unfortunately, the house/senate committees that are responsible for providing oversight of the programs are complicit with the intelligence community, save for Sens Udal and Wyden.  

If you think the next administration will behave differently, I have a bridge to sell in Jersey.  The only way to combat this is to elect congressman who will repeal the Patriot Act other laws that justify surveillance state.  Additionally, our citizens must decide that they are not going to allow civil rights to be impeded just because of a possible terrorist threat or crime. We too easily trade our rights away for security.


Posted By: Madison_Ohare
that is how tyranny works, keep us in fear and divided.  
 Our right to privacy means a lot to me.  Obama is getting away with it because he is black.  Maybe when the next president is white, we can come together on all these trespasses and grievances to take our country back.

nearly as much as they did when bush was potus.

he's their creation and they are carrying his water.

"Color" has a finite influence on this shit. White, black, brown, yellow, Democrat or Republican it does not matter. The fascist Corporate/State plutocracy that now OWNS our government thanks to "Citizens United" will not allow a candidate who believes in citizen's rights and the Constitution of the United States. The wholly egregious forced disenfranchisement and barring of Ralph Nader from the General Election and televised debates is proof that only "owned" candidates are allowed into the game.  

Posted By: NeedleDicktheBugFucker
nearly as much as they did when bush was potus.  
 he's their creation and they are carrying his water.

JackDunphy982 reads

down the back of white, liberal media elites re: criticism of  him, you are seriously out of touch with reality.  

White liberal guilt is alive and well thank you, and no better example of that than in our 4th estate.

In other words, you are "demanding" something that will "never" happen.

I would just go on living your life the way you already do. I would assume that's what you have been doing all along... and cut back on the pot, you don't want to start seeing things that are not actually there.

Posted By: RRO2610
"Color" has a finite influence on this shit. White, black, brown, yellow, Democrat or Republican it does not matter. The fascist Corporate/State plutocracy that now OWNS our government thanks to "Citizens United" will not allow a candidate who believes in citizen's rights and the Constitution of the United States. The wholly egregious forced disenfranchisement and barring of Ralph Nader from the General Election and televised debates is proof that only "owned" candidates are allowed into the game.  
Posted By: NeedleDicktheBugFucker
nearly as much as they did when bush was potus.  
  he's their creation and they are carrying his water.

Get your drugs and their effects in proper order. Just because a racist, southern plantation owner wrongly convinced Congress into listing Cannabis as a narcotic in the 1930s despite multiple contrary expert medical opinions does not mean you should go through life equally as ill-informed and gullible.

Do you have any science to prove your theory?

Posted By: RRO2610
Get your drugs and their effects in proper order. Just because a racist, southern plantation owner wrongly convinced Congress into listing Cannabis as a narcotic in the 1930s despite multiple contrary expert medical opinions does not mean you should go through life equally as ill-informed and gullible.  

What THC can do to the human brain.  


Many neurological effects are ascribed to THC, but a major aspect appears to be rapid release and uptake of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine. From a cognitive standpoint, this “magnifies” any thought or sensation by engaging a larger population of neurons for any activity at hand, incidentally triggering the adrenalin release responsible for mild euphoria. A temporary norepinephrine deficit and reaction to the adrenalin then leads to a physical and mental drowsiness until normal levels are restored.


Is that why we have no Keystone pipieline?

No, we don't have a fascist state, we have crony-capitalism.

Posted By: RRO2610
"Color" has a finite influence on this shit. White, black, brown, yellow, Democrat or Republican it does not matter. The fascist Corporate/State plutocracy that now OWNS our government thanks to "Citizens United" will not allow a candidate who believes in citizen's rights and the Constitution of the United States. The wholly egregious forced disenfranchisement and barring of Ralph Nader from the General Election and televised debates is proof that only "owned" candidates are allowed into the game.  
Posted By: NeedleDicktheBugFucker
nearly as much as they did when bush was potus.  
  he's their creation and they are carrying his water.

He is trying to appeal to black voters, and wishes to change the draconian drug laws that allows police to abuse power.  Also, he is trying to change criminal background checks to exclude any drug violations so that blacks (majority convicted) will not be discriminated against with employment.  And I am sure Rand Paul has a lot to say about the Patriot Act that has gone too far.  Tea Party favorite or not, he makes sense for liberty and civil rights.

JackDunphy1200 reads

just a few months ago in a speech he delivered about the NSA and the erosion of our civil liberties. Its on the net. It was fascinating to see far lefty millenials in such agreement with a Tea Partier.  

America REALLY is hungry for a new type of leader.

fully armed and lethal response from the American citizenry for these abuses of our rights.  

  Our founding forefathers risked charges of treason and subsequent capital punishment by the Crown of England when they chose 'Independence' from England's imperialism and tyranny. The Corporate/State fascism that has spread like a cancer in these United States is no different than the abuses by the "Crown" before our hard won "Independence".

DA_Flex1288 reads

Really?!  The absurdity of your questions astounds me.  An unarmed mas was shot who was at least 35 feet away from a police officer. That's all the evidence I need.  Get real

Lack of residue. If there was a struggle over the gun and the dude turned and charged that changes things.

4 superficial wounds, dude keeps charging, cop keeps shooting.???

Btw, the crime stats of this city call it a high crime area. Seems it was UNDER policed if anything.

A real shitty place to try to safely live and raise a family.


Posted By: DA_Flex
Really?!  The absurdity of your questions astounds me.  An unarmed mas was shot who was at least 35 feet away from a police officer. That's all the evidence I need.  Get real!  

DA_Flex893 reads

Really?  A person that has been shot 4 times is going to continue to charge the person shooting them.  I don't think so, you have been watching too many movies my friend.

Posted By: NeedleDicktheBugFucker
Lack of residue. If there was a struggle over the gun and the dude turned and charged that changes things.  
 4 superficial wounds, dude keeps charging, cop keeps shooting.???  
 Btw, the crime stats of this city call it a high crime area. Seems it was UNDER policed if anything.  
 A real shitty place to try to safely live and raise a family.  
Posted By: DA_Flex
Really?!  The absurdity of your questions astounds me.  An unarmed mas was shot who was at least 35 feet away from a police officer. That's all the evidence I need.  Get real!  

JackDunphy1090 reads

The number of times a person has been shot is MUCH LESS relevant than WHERE on the body those bullets hit. Think about it. Would you rather be shot 4 times on the foot or once in the head?

Many criminals have come after the police after being shot multiple times. This is nothing new in criminality. This teen was shot 4 times in the right arm. Not exactly devastating blows. The head and eye shots were the ones that put him down most likely.

This was a VERY big man i.e. a VERY big target. My guess is the officer shot off center on purpose so to NOT fatally wound him and the teen kept coming, and if you listen to that tape, an off camera resident says the teen was going towards the officer.

Virtually all of the evidence to date suggests a justifiable shooting. Still tons of info to come out so things may change.  

And you still havent answered where you got the 35 feet from. Can you show us your source

2 graze wounds to the arm, 2 to the same  arm.  

6'4 290 charging lbs.  

you think 4 wounds to the arm drop a 290 lb'er?

i keep shootin'

JackDunphy1114 reads

And that would be ALL the evidence you need?  

What the perp was saying, doing, where he was walking, how fast was he walking/running at the cop, if he was threatening him, if the cop shot a few times as a warning, if the cop shot him on the arm to slow him down but that didn't work, the eyewitness testimony, autopsy, ballistics, foresnics, etc? NONE of that would matter to you?

You are a vehement cop hater with no regard for the facts and that is sad that that you don't care about justice, only politics.  

Although the facts look worse today for the teen than yesterday, I still have an open mind about the shooting and who was at fault. My gut tells me this was justifiable but I am willing to admit it if I am wrong.

All you need to know was the "distance". Sheez...

DA_Flex1042 reads

Cop hater?  Not at all.  I simply choose to hold them accountable for their actions.  Police have to authority to take you to jail and in some cases, shoot to kill.  I want all police to enforce the law with the minimal amount of force necessary.  They are to apprehend suspects, not beat them down or issue justice on the spot. I won't give them a free pass because they are frightened for their lives, they are supposed to be trained to act appropriately under duress.  And when a police office shoots and unarmed suspect, they better have a damn good reason for doing it.


Posted By: JackDunphy
And that would be ALL the evidence you need?  
 What the perp was saying, doing, where he was walking, how fast was he walking/running at the cop, if he was threatening him, if the cop shot a few times as a warning, if the cop shot him on the arm to slow him down but that didn't work, the eyewitness testimony, autopsy, ballistics, foresnics, etc? NONE of that would matter to you?  
 You are a vehement cop hater with no regard for the facts and that is sad that that you don't care about justice, only politics.  
 Although the facts look worse today for the teen than yesterday, I still have an open mind about the shooting and who was at fault. My gut tells me this was justifiable but I am willing to admit it if I am wrong.  
 All you need to know was the "distance". Sheez...

JackDunphy1018 reads

Only cop haters do that. Stop listening to Sharpton and listen to all the facts, something Sharpton is always short of it seems.

You weren't there and neither was I. I assume police are innocent until proven guilty. You haven't even heard from the officer in question and you are condemning him.

And where did you get 35 feet from?????

86H13LTP1212 reads

the same exact people riot and loot when their sports team wins a championship. What a joke !!!  

35 feet , under duress , just been punched in the head and now being charged at again by the same 6'5 280 lbs - sweetheart of person -- and the cop got six hits . Good shooting officer .

-- Modified on 8/18/2014 12:24:34 PM

86H13LTP1059 reads

is corrupt Holder even involved ?  

Why did the Governor have to deploy the Guard last night ?  You know , those MILITARY guys !

plan on letting them used it in a reasonable amount of time. They've gotten all this new high-powered gear, and they can only be satisfied with practicing with it so long, before they are itching to use it we a real live situation. If no legitimate situation shows up soon, they will find any excuse to use it.

1. Search and rescue-I loved my time in service as a helicopter rescue crewman, however the constant drills got old very quickly. But, a least we got to go for a helicopter ride each time, and eventually we'd find opportunities to exercise our skills.  Imagine all that drilling and never getting in the helicopter. You wouldn't have a crew for very long.

2. High powered rifle-If you've fired one at a target, you soon get the itch to see what it will do to an object. Then the itch to see what it does to a living object, as in hunting, may surface. Some people, take the next step.

3. Lessons from the Dojo-When you learn a new technique, you practice it until you feels you are proficient in it, with someone that is usually taking a little bit off their attack. Eventually, each person is different so it takes longer or shorter for some than others, you want to see if it works in real life. Then you start frequenting bars and night-clubs where you know there is always someone 'looking for a fight."

Human nature.  

What we need to determine is how much we expect to be protected, and from whom. Problem is, there doesn't seem to be a very clear consensus on that.

Posted By: mattradd
 What we need to determine is how much we expect to be protected, and from whom. Problem is, there doesn't seem to be a very clear consensus on that.
 Hence the constant bombardment of fear mongering and calls for Cold Wars, Wars on Drugs, and Wars on Terrorism. Get enough people cowering in their homes from manufactured threats and you can essentially  OWN THEIR LIVES!

'Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there isn't someone out there to get you.' There are plenty of perps out there who want to take away what we have, and as a country, we do have our enemies. It's just a matter of what is the most effective way to deal with them, while losing as few freedoms as possible.

Posted By: RRO2610
Posted By: mattradd
  What we need to determine is how much we expect to be protected, and from whom. Problem is, there doesn't seem to be a very clear consensus on that.
  Hence the constant bombardment of fear mongering and calls for Cold Wars, Wars on Drugs, and Wars on Terrorism. Get enough people cowering in their homes from manufactured threats and you can essentially  OWN THEIR LIVES!

Any decent DOJO will train his students to avoid fights. The biggest man will walk away from an unnecessary physical fight  with  unspoken  confidence he could annihilate an unarmed man.
  Most people with superb training in martial arts will avoid causing serious  harm to their attacker.  
  Only a punk/thug or a drunk  would look for a fight when they learn hand to hand combat..
 The most highly trained fighters have nothing to prove on the streets, they rarely become involved in bar, beach , night club, or street fights .  

Posted By: mattradd
    Lessons from the Dojo-When you learn a new technique, you practice it until you feels you are proficient in it, with someone that is usually taking a little bit off their attack. Eventually, each person is different so it takes longer or shorter for some than others, you want to see if it works in real life. Then you start frequenting bars and night-clubs where you know there is always someone 'looking for a fight."  
 Human nature.  
 What we need to determine is how much we expect to be protected, and from whom. Problem is, there doesn't seem to be a very clear consensus on that.

Any decent instructor, not Dojo, teaches his students that the best defense is to avoid conflict. I was couching my remarks previously to "the itch," which I failed to do so here. But, that's my contention. That it's human nature to exercise the limits of one's proficiencies or skills. To cross over that line of thuggery is an itch to avoid scratching. To me, the line is when one starts a fight, then severely injuries his opponent. If you give someone what he's looking for,a fight, and you use the least amount of effort and damage in stopping him, that's not thuggery, in my view. But, as you learn in any dojo, there's always someone who can walk through the door who can clean your clock, so it's best to be wise, humble and have a learners mind.

86H13LTP845 reads

Somebody needed to pump six into this one too.

Must have been upset because his momma actually bought food with her stamps instead of trading them for some crack they share together

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