Politics and Religion

Re: Well Jack, we haven't had much luck with the others, either...
liqq63 19 Reviews 240 reads

I've harbored this particular approach to getting some fresh faces into office for some time now.  I'm thinking that it may have merit, given the vast numbers of apolitical voting age citizens.  It's a simple plan, wherein one needs to know little about the issues or the candidates.  All one needs to know is who the current incumbent is for any office on the ballot.   Then vote for ANYBODY, absolutely anybody else but the incumbent.  That'd probably stir the pot a bit real quick.

The roots to this approach go back some 40 years to a work place, season long, NFL pool that I had joined.  Choose your weekly match up winners, and accumulate points based on correct picks as the season progressed.  My approach to the picks challenge was to flip a coin (nothing more) for the entire season.  Heads for home team, tails for visitor.  I was ahead right away, and continued to amass more winning points every single week.  As the season wore on I started making my picks in front of my co-workers because they didn't believe me when I told them I was flipping a coin.  I collected the substantial pot.

It's way past time for voters to remove heads from ass and support alternative candidates devoid of Democrat OR Republican ties.  Vote your conviction instead of for the lesser of two evils.


We are getting focked over in more ways than one by both sides.

Posted By: liqq63
It's way past time for voters to remove heads from ass and support alternative candidates devoid of Democrat OR Republican ties.  Vote your conviction instead of for the lesser of two evils.  

And just what "conviction" will you be voting for in 2016?

"And just what "conviction" will you be voting for in 2016?"

This one:  


-- Modified on 7/12/2015 3:30:26 PM

True dat.  But I have no regrets after the fact as to whom or for what I cast my ballot.  Methinks that if more voters entered the polling place with "conviction" that sooner or later we would see real change in Washington.  Tell me in all honesty.  Which one of the gazillion carpetbaggers currently declared as running for POTUS from either of the two major political parties gives a rat's ass about anything other than being in control, or in protecting the interests of their big bucks campaign contributors?

Look, your pie in the sky thinking is refreshing, if not ignorant.

I hear ya and I feel ya. Politics just corrupts the shit out of people. They have to suck somebody's dick at some point then voila! They are beholden to a special interest.

Keep voting LP if that what makes you happy. But that's all it will do and it won't change a damn thing.

Sorry to piss on your Wheaties but at least I won't tell you it's raining. It's pee. Just like squirt. LOL

"Politics just corrupts the shit out of people."  

That's hitting the nail on the head Jack, and I have absolutely no delusions, political cynic that I am, about it changing any time soon.  However, I'm not ready to give up the good fight yet.  If I can wake a voter or two or three up before my time is spent, I think I'll have made my contribution.

and a 1% chance of a change for the better beats continuing to vote for the same old known-bad party apparatchiks.

I find it hard to believe that anyone can continue to root (or vote) for Reps or Dems, given that we know neither is in any way motivated to represent us and our needs or to improve our lives as citizens. If you think either is going to suddenly change and do something in the best interests of the people... Good Luck With That. ;)

In my mind, any vote for something other than what already is - is just a good choice and not a bet at all.

I've harbored this particular approach to getting some fresh faces into office for some time now.  I'm thinking that it may have merit, given the vast numbers of apolitical voting age citizens.  It's a simple plan, wherein one needs to know little about the issues or the candidates.  All one needs to know is who the current incumbent is for any office on the ballot.   Then vote for ANYBODY, absolutely anybody else but the incumbent.  That'd probably stir the pot a bit real quick.

The roots to this approach go back some 40 years to a work place, season long, NFL pool that I had joined.  Choose your weekly match up winners, and accumulate points based on correct picks as the season progressed.  My approach to the picks challenge was to flip a coin (nothing more) for the entire season.  Heads for home team, tails for visitor.  I was ahead right away, and continued to amass more winning points every single week.  As the season wore on I started making my picks in front of my co-workers because they didn't believe me when I told them I was flipping a coin.  I collected the substantial pot.

GaGambler231 reads

but in practice, in the real world they are just too "out there" they are not realistic and they attract way more than their share of whack jobs. Sort of like the Tea Party without the bible thumpers.

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