Politics and Religion

Re: Well BrokeBackFredoJake you are grasping for straws
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You in your above post said “Did you read the part of Vindman's statement that the transcript was fiddled with? I wonder why they did that? “

You wonder why they did that, well you do not know they did that. You DON’T. Therefore YOU, BrokebackFredoJake, are a LIAR.

I was throwing it back at you by asking why he lied. And you took the bait Hook Line and Sinker, ran with it and made a fool of yourself.

As for his military combat record I did in another post state that he was courageous and heroic in combat, however, his action on the battle field years ago has absolutely nothing to do with his honesty and conduct in this issue also he is said to be a never Trumper, which would makes him suspect to dishonesty in this issue.

Watching you have a little hissy fix while grasping for straws is fun to watch.

You’re Welcome
2020 = GOP

EVERYTHING the whistleblower has said has been verified by all the other witnesses who've testified. The whatever his background, he has been proven RIGHT.

I simply posted a link to an article that claims to know who the whistleblower is and named him. I did not even  say or imply I believe it is correct or not.  

As for "EVERYTHING the whistleblower has said has been verified by all the other witnesses who've testified"
Yeah sure, if you believe the leaks from Adam-the lying scumbag- schiff who hates Trump more than he loves America.

My opinion is that the little scumbag schiff is trying to make a name for himself and make a run for senate and maybe president in 2024...he is not doing this for the sake of justice or the country he is doing this for own selfish reasons.  

You're Welcome
2020 = GOP

1) swallowpee is a dumbass.
2) swallowpee believes the whistleblower is a partisan liar.
3) swallowpee is an ancient, angry buffoon.
4) swallowpee is a hack.
5) swallowpee hates the truth
6) swallowpee is a lying guttersnipe and scupper trout.
7) All of the above.
2019 = Go Nats!
2020 = Biden!

You get bitch slapped and put in your place and you have another hissy fit….sad

Lame …..really lame, I suppose that is what is to be expected from a biden boy  

You’re Welcome
2020 = GOP

You seem especially cranky today. Did they cut your ration of gruel at the Happy Home?

are said to "speak for themselves."   If this gets to a trial in the Senate, OPINIONS of witnesses will be excluded as evidence if they contradict the available documentation, which in this case, is the transcript itself.   Once a witness that was one of the people who created the transcript authenticates it as "true and correct", how anyone else "interprets" it is irrelevant.  This is a meatless hamburger.  

Did you read the part of Vindman's statement that the transcript was fiddled with? I wonder why they did that? Obviously it's worse than even the public version is. Also, the "OPINIONS" of witnesses are their sworn testimony of what actually happened and are remarkably consistent, except for the lies of Trump's stooge Sondman

You know as in being played like a fiddle. Just because vindman’s statement says is was fiddled with does not mean it  was. I wonder why he is lying?

The sworn testimony of other witnesses is what is being selectively leaked by schiff  and out of context and very likely made up by schiff and we know schiff makes up stuff like his made up version of the call he read into the record. That was 100% lies.

  Apparently you have the meaning words lie and truth reversed, or do you know schiff is lying and you, BrokeBackFredoJake, just like schiff  hate Trump more that you love America  so much so that you, like a good little boy, accept it.


You're Welcome
2020 = GOP

Tell us how it is you KNOW Vindman is lying? You have now gone on record as saying a combat veteran who was wounded for this country is a liar. How do you KNOW this? The answer is, you DON'T. That means YOU are a LIAR and nothing more than vermin without honor.
How much does it suck to be a lying stooge? A henchman without integrity?  A running dog of Putin?

You in your above post said “Did you read the part of Vindman's statement that the transcript was fiddled with? I wonder why they did that? “

You wonder why they did that, well you do not know they did that. You DON’T. Therefore YOU, BrokebackFredoJake, are a LIAR.

I was throwing it back at you by asking why he lied. And you took the bait Hook Line and Sinker, ran with it and made a fool of yourself.

As for his military combat record I did in another post state that he was courageous and heroic in combat, however, his action on the battle field years ago has absolutely nothing to do with his honesty and conduct in this issue also he is said to be a never Trumper, which would makes him suspect to dishonesty in this issue.

Watching you have a little hissy fix while grasping for straws is fun to watch.

You’re Welcome
2020 = GOP

Can we please get someone to interpret his latest word salad? ROFL. But keep on declaring victory and patting yourself on the back. It's hilarious. Talk about a hissy fit. Please go unwad your panties, little girl.

are "fiddled" with so that they translate correctly to English.  Like I said, once the translators who wrote the transcript authenticate it,  NO opinion testimony is relevant.  I have watched many court proceedings were an attorney tries to introduce opinion testimony about what a document says.  The other attorney just objects and says the document speaks for itself.  The court ALWAYS sustains such an objection.  In other words, the jurors are expected to just read the document, and decide for themselves what it says or means, based only on what is contained within the four corners of the document.  Leaking opinion testimony is just more of Schiff's irrelevant circus.  

The "fiddling" Vindman described was NOT a translation issue. The omissions were things like Trump claiming there were recordings of  Biden discussing corruption.  I'd beg you to stop embarrassing yourself but know it's pointless.

is what the lying huckster gives us.  The GOP are not allowed to report on what transpired in the secret depos, so all we get is what Schiff wants to sensationalize for the media.  

By the way, here's the link to Biden claiming he got a quid pro quo from Ukraine with OUR tax dollars.

The transcript is one of the documents and it remains to be seen if it was complete or not. There is TESTIMONY from others that has NOTHING to do with the transcript or their interpretation of the transcript.  

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: In a legal proceeding, documents . . . .
are said to "speak for themselves."   If this gets to a trial in the Senate, OPINIONS of witnesses will be excluded as evidence if they contradict the available documentation, which in this case, is the transcript itself.   Once a witness that was one of the people who created the transcript authenticates it as "true and correct", how anyone else "interprets" it is irrelevant.  This is a meatless hamburger.  

I said very early on that this looks to have had "John Brennan's fingerprints all over it"  Whether it's true or not still remains to be seen, but it does appear I might have been onto something, and unlike our lying moocher, I make my predictions right here, not on some fantasy board that no one else has ever seen.

Here is the reaction I got to my speculation on the subject. Complete fucking idiocy from the left, not a single intelligent comment from the entire left side of the aisle.

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