Politics and Religion

Re: Unarmed?
Jensen36363 58 Reviews 421 reads

Well one was in a toy store -- not sure if it was the exact row they are sold in -- and the other was a boy in a play ground. If a cop is that afraid of the risks of putting on one of those badges they should be a different job.

BTW, isn't it legal for someone to have and carry such items? Shouldn't the cops have started from the presumption of innocence and maybe ask for their license? I would think so as in both cases no actual crime was really being reported -- just a report that someone was scared and probably not someone that has a clue what a real pistol or rifle looks like in someone's hands. (Consider the difference in weight between metal and plastic).

We, as a society, really need to stop rationalizing and justifying shooting by police simply because they say they got scared.

Shooting up Black Churches And the State of Racism in America

As this tragedy has unfolded, and we've had some time now to process what happened, I decided to take a look at Dylan Roof's manifesto. If you're someone who can't read something you don't already agree with, then it's not for you. If you have enough gray matter in your head to read something, and think about it critically, then it's worth reading.  

After Jared Lee Loughner shot Gabby Giffords, I read some of what he had written, and it was obvious that Loughner was just nuts. Probably a paranoid schizophrenic. In contrast, Dylann Roof actually sounds like he's a pretty bright kid, given his age.  

When reading what he wrote, it became clear to me that this tragedy probably wouldn't have happened if we didn't have a rather insane P.C. social justice warrior culture right now. Roof says that he was "awakened" by the Trayvon Martin case. Quick review: The police determined it was self-defense. A black lynch mob who know dick-all about the law used public pressure to prosecute Zimmerman anyway. A jury of his peers determined that it was self-defense. In other words, the police had it right the first time. Now Zimmerman was made involuntarily famous and people are shooting at him. Just because he acted in self-defense against a violent black male.  

Notice that there was a very different reaction in the white community when a black male, Jesse Matthew kidnapped and murdered a white college student Hannah Graham. There was no crowds of white people protesting anything. This demonstrates something.  

There are some logical fails in Roof's manifesto, (never mind the blatant racism), but one thing that rang true is that Roof said that "Black people view everything through a racial lens".  

Suppose I was a one of those crazies who think that I'm regularly getting abducted by aliens. Anything bad that happens to me, that I couldn't explain, I might blame on aliens. I tried to take out money from the ATM but the machine won't read my card? Aliens. I tried to buy a pack of beer, but got charged more than the price I remembered seeing on the shelf? Aliens. I ran into the pharmacy for 5 minutes and came out and found a ticket on my illegally parked car? Aliens.  

Black people are seeing racism where none exists. This is called confirmation bias.  

I think it's time that we start being honest about race in America. There are differences between the races. There's far greater differences in racial cultures. Race alone does not explain this, but despite the fact that black males make up only 6.5% of the US population, they account for 49% of all arrests for homicide.  

When you look at which race has the highest participation rate when it comes to collecting food stamps, you find that only 6.65% of Asians are on food stamps. Only 8.36% of whites are on food stamps. Only 9.49% of Hispanics are on food stamps. But a whopping 30.72% of blacks are on food stamps.

I live in a very racially diverse area. A few miles down the road from me, 6 teenagers got arrested. They got this idea that they would order a pizza to their next door neighbor who wasn't home, and rob the driver and steal all his pizzas. The police sent a K9 unit, and the dogs took the police next door where all the kids were presumably having a good time eating pizza they didn't pay for. Three guesses what race these teenagers were.

GaGambler530 reads

But the huge boatload of shit that Hillary just got tends to back up what you are saying.

What did Hillary say that was so bad?  

"All lives matter" instead of "Black" lives matter.

 and for that she was decried as a racist. Give me a fucking break

Many on the left do overcharge racism on an all too often basis. Of course racism exists, that is stipulated but,that doesn't mean it isn't applied in the wrong cases.

An example would be when that db Republican interrupted Obamas SOTU speech,and said "you lie." Idiots like Bill Maher and many other Media liberal elites couldn't wait to call the guy a racist.

A "racist"? Really? Rude. Yes. Irresponsible? Yep. Embarrassing? You betcha. But racist? Ummmmmm...no.

Libs don't realize by over using the term they make it less effective when there is a real case of it.

bigguy30594 reads

When people are racists they can't handle the truth about themselves.
So the look for ways to blame the other side for their actions.


Posted By: JackDunphy
Many on the left do overcharge racism on an all too often basis. Of course racism exists, that is stipulated but,that doesn't mean it isn't applied in the wrong cases.  
 An example would be when that db Republican interrupted Obamas SOTU speech,and said "you lie." Idiots like Bill Maher and many other Media liberal elites couldn't wait to call the guy a racist.  
 A "racist"? Really? Rude. Yes. Irresponsible? Yep. Embarrassing? You betcha. But racist? Ummmmmm...no.  
 Libs don't realize by over using the term they make it less effective when there is a real case of it.

GaGambler430 reads

or the one  that insists that only "black lives matter"???

Can you imagine the uproar if someone were to come out and say only "white lives matter"???

Do you really want "equal rights" or do you want white people to kiss your ass for the next four hundred years in a futile hope to make up for the last four hundred?

bigguy30476 reads

How many white people in Texas for example walk around with guns and are not shot or feared by cops?
Then how many black people were shot by cops with no guns but because of cops so called fear they were killed?
So stop with your bullshit and it is a difference smart ass.

Posted By: GaGambler
or the one  that insists that only "black lives matter"???  
 Can you imagine the uproar if someone were to come out and say only "white lives matter"???  
 Do you really want "equal rights" or do you want white people to kiss your ass for the next four hundred years in a futile hope to make up for the last four hundred?

GaGambler652 reads

Too late, here it is,  

I guess here is yet another reason that it's great having slanted eyes, "My people" are the least likely to get shot by the cops, maybe it's because we are smart enough not to commit crimes in the first place? Just remember that when your next boss is named Chang or Wong.

-- Modified on 6/28/2015 2:06:39 AM

bigguy30587 reads

So of course more white people commit crimes.
They are the majority for now in this country.
The real question is why doesn't the  news media report that whites commits more crimes than black people or any other group?
It would mess up their black or brown people stereotypes that show every night.
What do they do when a white person kills or murder s people?
They look to see if that person is mentally ill first!
Also your people GaGambler (Asians) are to busy worshipping white people they don't have time to do anything else!

Posted By: GaGambler
Too late, here it is,  
 I guess here is yet another reason that it's great having slanted eyes, "My people" are the least likely to get shot by the cops, maybe it's because we are smart enough not to commit crimes in the first place? Just remember that when your next boss is named Chang or Wong.  

-- Modified on 6/28/2015 2:06:39 AM

GaGambler479 reads

but unlike black people who either want to do so by violence or by whining, Asian people quietly go about their business, have solid family units and each and every year get a little closer to owning EVERYTHING. lol

and guess what, by and large so do the Hispanics. If black people don't look out it will be the Hispanics oppressing you instead of white people. Just give them time. I think it's black people that should be worried about the flood of Hispanics not the white people, Hispanics in order to improve their lives are going to have to do just like the Asians in this country and crawl right over you black people in their rise from the bottom of the economy. Like it or not "somebody" has to be at the bottom. For one group to rise from the bottom another group has to take their place. That's the lesson that you should take from the Asians, they didn't whine about their lot in life, they did something about it. Smart black people do the same,  there are a lot of black doctors, lawyers, businessmen who didn't let a little adversity stop them from achieving success, Those are the black people that should be admired and emulated.

BTW you asked for proof that white people get shot by the cops too, I provided just that PROOF, and from a black tabloid no less. You are welcome.

bigguy30467 reads

I just saw your response comment and laughing at you.
So when I look at my bank account and life.
Well let's just say not all black people have to worry about anything.
Also Hispanics are apart of my family heritage but I am a proud black man first.
How many Asians date outside their race smart guy.
Also look what happens when white people go to a Asian country.
It's like they are seeing Gods.
I know every time I turn around Asians are with a white man or woman more than any other race of people.
So I asked a guy I worked with why and he said one word status.
They want the image of achievement and feel white people equal success.
We laugh and talked about how fucked up some people are with that mind set.
This is why your response does not surprise me and I know it hit a nerve with you.

Posted By: GaGambler
but unlike black people who either want to do so by violence or by whining, Asian people quietly go about their business, have solid family units and each and every year get a little closer to owning EVERYTHING. lol  
 and guess what, by and large so do the Hispanics. If black people don't look out it will be the Hispanics oppressing you instead of white people. Just give them time. I think it's black people that should be worried about the flood of Hispanics not the white people, Hispanics in order to improve their lives are going to have to do just like the Asians in this country and crawl right over you black people in their rise from the bottom of the economy. Like it or not "somebody" has to be at the bottom. For one group to rise from the bottom another group has to take their place. That's the lesson that you should take from the Asians, they didn't whine about their lot in life, they did something about it. Smart black people do the same,  there are a lot of black doctors, lawyers, businessmen who didn't let a little adversity stop them from achieving success, Those are the black people that should be admired and emulated.  
 BTW you asked for proof that white people get shot by the cops too, I provided just that PROOF, and from a black tabloid no less. You are welcome.

GaGambler509 reads

Yet it's the Asians that "date outside their race"???

You are one seriously confused person., Or just not too bright I suppose.

bigguy30518 reads

Just look around you on the street, TV and movies.
When you see a Asian man or woman they are dating or married to a white person even more so than their own race.
This is not something I made up and other races of people do it too.
The difference is your culture has a obsession with the white culture where others do not!

Posted By: GaGambler
Yet it's the Asians that "date outside their race"???  
 You are one seriously confused person., Or just not too bright I suppose.

GaGambler578 reads

I hate to admit it, but Asians, from virtually all countries in Asia with the notable exception of Thailand are extremely racist and marrying either a black or white person brings deep shame to the family. If you doubt me, just Google the mixed kids the American servicemen have left behind in places like Korea and Vietnam. Even Hines Ward was an outcast until he became an NFL star that is.

You seem to talk so much, and know so little, no wonder you, Hadji and Daffy are such good buddies, but I suppose once you read Hadji's last review, you may want nothing to do with him as he now appears to be "playing for the other team" and by "other team" I don't mean the GOP. lmao

bigguy30574 reads

I can see this hit a nerve with you and everybody knows it true about Asians people.
Most Asian people also know it's the truth themselves.
So Koreans are known for their racist ways toward blacks and Vietnam is over fifty years old now.
You are only left with name calling now since you cannot dispute the truth with your people.
The old people think shame and the younger generation thinks status.

Posted By: GaGambler
I hate to admit it, but Asians, from virtually all countries in Asia with the notable exception of Thailand are extremely racist and marrying either a black or white person brings deep shame to the family. If you doubt me, just Google the mixed kids the American servicemen have left behind in places like Korea and Vietnam. Even Hines Ward was an outcast until he became an NFL star that is.  
 You seem to talk so much, and know so little, no wonder you, Hadji and Daffy are such good buddies, but I suppose once you read Hadji's last review, you may want nothing to do with him as he now appears to be "playing for the other team" and by "other team" I don't mean the GOP. lmao

GaGambler469 reads

How could the fact that Asians sometimes, or oftentimes marry  or date interracially possibly offend me. The fact that you are a "breed" yourself makes your statements even more ridiculous.

You flatter yourself, thinking that you have found a chink in this chinks armor. You couldn't hit a nerve of mine with a team of neurosurgeons. Lame, Lame, Lame.

You remind me of Xfean AKA TrannyBoy, so named because he preferred trannies over women with actual vaginas, he used to try to insult me by calling me GayGambler, I am still trying to figure out which one of you is dumber.

bigguy30501 reads

I wonder why it upsets you so much smart ass??
Also the other person you are talking about I don't know him or could careless.
Just remember I am the same guy who stands by my other comment.
I only mess with real females born that way and even took heat from your own personal buddy.

We are talking about your people or okay half of your people.
The more you come back talking shows this is really getting to you.
So keep throwing out insults it's shows you cannot take the heat!


Posted By: GaGambler
How could the fact that Asians sometimes, or oftentimes marry  or date interracially possibly offend me. The fact that you are a "breed" yourself makes your statements even more ridiculous.  
 You flatter yourself, thinking that you have found a chink in this chinks armor. You couldn't hit a nerve of mine with a team of neurosurgeons. Lame, Lame, Lame.  
 You remind me of Xfean AKA TrannyBoy, so named because he preferred trannies over women with actual vaginas, he used to try to insult me by calling me GayGambler, I am still trying to figure out which one of you is dumber.

GaGambler462 reads

and it wasn't simply because you only like women, the overwhelming majority of men only like women, that's why we call it "normal" you were just one of the few being a complete bigot about the subject, something that seems to carry over to race with you as well. Just like your hero Obama, a racist and a bigot. lmao

Actually the only reason I am even talking to you, something I almost never do, is to see if there is really someone on this board that is as big a liar as Daffy, and you may just be that person.

bigguy30387 reads

So when people come from diverse families of color.
Then being racist is for people like Jack that only see whiteness.
You are a fraud and cannot see the  real facts about your people.
So now you want to bring in the President who has a diverse family background himself?
What a clown and maybe you should question yourself why the truth hurt so much?
The reason why is you are mixed yourself.

Posted By: GaGambler
and it wasn't simply because you only like women, the overwhelming majority of men only like women, that's why we call it "normal" you were just one of the few being a complete bigot about the subject, something that seems to carry over to race with you as well. Just like your hero Obama, a racist and a bigot. lmao  
 Actually the only reason I am even talking to you, something I almost never do, is to see if there is really someone on this board that is as big a liar as Daffy, and you may just be that person.

That's the way it is suppose to be... "All lives matter".

I do believe in that. I know they are trying to stop some of the crap they go through, but flashing "Black lives matter" is offensive. It's like putting up a "we mean more than other races" sign. I know it wasn't meant as such (for most of the protesters) but it does have that feel to it. I see no reason why they can't have signs saying "All lives matter" or "Black lives matter too".

Only nut jobs would call Hillary racist for pointing out that we all matter.

Posted By: GaGambler
But the huge boatload of shit that Hillary just got tends to back up what you are saying.  
 What did Hillary say that was so bad?  
 "All lives matter" instead of "Black" lives matter.  
  and for that she was decried as a racist. Give me a fucking break.  

I think the mistake that often happens is that one black person view point (one of those "media black leaders") or small group of black people view points is heard and it seems to be automatically taken as representing the entire popluation of black people in the usa. It does not help things that when something involving race happens they get the same people on tv new shows over and over again with little to no context of the situation.  

You mention two cases: Trayvon Martin Case and Jesse Matthew Case

What does one have to do with the other. The only common thing with the cases is you have is two black men invovled, but they are different cases all together. I think someone people like to point to race just to have simple answers to problems.
What is black racial cutlure because I would like to know, as a black person, if I fit into your nice racial black box. At the end of the day the actions of individuals are pulled together to boil down to just race as the common factor, when the situation is more complex than that. It is like a kid, at age 6,  being taught that 2+2=5 and you point to his race as the problem of why he got the answer wrong without even thinking that the kid was taught wrong answer to begin with and no one told him that he was wrong for 10 years.  

If Hiliary Clinton is getting blow back for saying all lives matter and not saying some dumb slogan of black lives matter, then I would question the people that are going after Clinton with asking them what is wrong with saying all lives matter rather than a slogan that can be taken as putting an importance of black lives over others.

A few posts on Facebook or few voices at a public gathering doesn't represent all, or even a majority of blacks, no more than what the Pope or Pat Robertson says represents what all or a majority of Christians believe. For a country founded on religious tolerance, it's interesting that it's so difficult for some to be racially or culturally tolerant. I saw the difference, growing up, moving between the Midwest and Southern California, then to the South. Until there is true racial and cultural tolerance, and equal education and opportunity for all, there's little to be said about the reasons for the state we're in. I had a very well know, in his community, white man say, just a couple of weeks ago, that blacks were treated better under slavery than what they are treated today. Now, I don't know how many blacks he polled to come up with that idea. Nor, how many blacks, whites, anyone of color would volunteer to become a slave, and live under the conditions dictated by one person, and having pretty much zero legal recourse. This gentleman lives in one slice of a white bread community, which sandwiches a very poor black community. Both of the white bread slices are two of the richest per capita in the state and country, and the have the very best public, and private schools. There is the saying about giving people a fish feeds them for a day, while teaching people to fish feeds them for a life time. One thing you are reminded of when knowing the goings on in these three communities, and their educational systems is, a fisherman seldom shares where he got  his catch, and what bait or lure he used. There is very little evidence that these two white bread communities have any desire to teach the children in the black community how to fish, for then these children would be competing for the same colleges, universities, medical schools, and law schools as their children.

Racial culture is the culture that is commonly embraced, through custom and tradition, by various races in various societies.  

Consider the differences between Asians and blacks.  

Asian mothers tend to drive their children hard. Often too hard. But the results are impressive. It was only 70 years ago that Japanese were held in concentration camps in the USA. The Chinese were practically enslaved building the transcontinental rail road. Despite this, you don't see Asians living in ghettos and looting liquor stores, now do you?  

An Asian immigrant can come to this country, and not even have the advantage of speaking the language, but within one generation, their children are attending the top universities in the country. Asians are doing so well, that they're beating whites.

How did this happen? Were Asians preference over other races when it comes to Affirmative Action? Do we prosecute discrimination against Asians more fiercely then we do for other races? Nope.  

The reason for the success of Asians in this country has to do with their culture. Asian moms drive their children hard and force them to succeed. Asians also have different customary values, as in one of the worst things in their culture is to disgrace your family and your ancestors.  

Now ask yourself, do the majority of black mothers drive their children to succeed? Do blacks ever concern themselves with disgracing their family or their ancestors? Do blacks commit suicide because they have shamed their family?  

What culture do blacks embrace? A friend of mine, who's a real estate agent, sold a house a while back and the tenet said that she had a free cable hooked up in every room in the house. Guess which race the tenet was. A few months back I heard a car blasting hip hop in a grocery store parking lot. The car was a '75 Gran Torino, spray painted gold with spinning hubcaps. Guess which race the driver was. If you google "looted store" what race do you think did the looting?

Is it just me, or is there a pattern here. Could it be blacks have a culture in which they embrace and even *celebrate* criminal behavior?  

Am I saying that I think that Neil DeGrasse Tyson is going to loot a liquor store because he's black? No. But I am saying that when you see people looting a liquor store you'd be a fool not to think that the people doing the looting are any race *but* black.  

After all, where are all the Asian hood rats? When was the last time you saw an Indian thug? Have you ever considered that maybe one of the reasons why we have blacks living in ghettos is because it's taboo to blame them for their poor life choices, and they cry racism to try to excuse their shitty/criminal behavior?  

Does this mean that all blacks are criminals? No. But blacks are three times more likely to be arrested in a given year than whites. Is this because the cops are racist? Sure, some are. But it's mostly because no other demographic in this country commits crimes which the frequency that blacks do.

determined that when he found TROUBLE his gun would win any argument. He found a very young BLACK man in a hoodie and followed him for no good reason other than fulfilling his fantasy of finding TROUBLE. His "self defense" was because florida has a stupid law that defines self defense more or less as whipping out a gun when you find yourself some trouble.

Just because he was found not guilty, doesn't mean he's not, nor does it mean he's not guilty of provoking a confrontation, and then killing someone as a result. He knows, as most people do, he could have prevented it. Many police officers are tormented by having to shoot someone, when they had little other recourse. He had plenty of recour, and he knows it. I wouldn't be surprised that he, sooner or later, does something that makes him a target of the justice he truly knows he deserves.

Zimmerman lost sight of Martin for quite some time, long enough time for Martin to go back to his fathers residence or flee the neighborhood.

The evidence suggests Martin doubled back and confronted Zimmerman, not the other way around as you seem to imply.

Please don't tell us what Zimmerman "knows" as you weren't present.  

Not sure what you would do if someone was pounding your head into the sidewalk. His attorneys used classic self defense to get him off as they should have.

When you confront someone and assault them like Martin did, sometimes you have to pay the consequences. Had Martin lived, he would have been brought up on charges.

Any other reading of the evidence in that case is either dishonest or politically motivated.

and was all evidence available to be presented, presented? And, remember OJ?   ;)

They were there and they saw all the evidence and came to clearly what was their only choice. History is not judging that case and that decison any differently then when it happened, as opposed to the Simpson case where you now have a majority of AA's who think OJ was guilty.

Sorry Matt, the two aren't even remotely comparable.

No, the jury was not there when the event occurred. By the way. How does one pull a gun and shoot someone when they are having someone on top, bashing their head against the concrete? And, possibility that Martin did so in self-defense because Zimmeran pulled a gun on him? Yes, there is key evidence missing, and it comes from a key witness, who is now dead! In this way both cases are indeed comparable.  ;)

Sure, anything is possible, but in court it matters what is provable.

The evidence was overwhelming in backing Zimmerman's version of events.

How many people have been freed due to DNA evidence, that wasn't taken or available at the time of arrest and trial? Those juries, no doubt did the same.  ;)

bigguy30496 reads

So all of your well the facts of the case bullshit is garbage.
Just look at how many times this animal has been arrested after his lawyers lied to get him off.
Also the 911 operator told him to stay in his car and he did not listen.
He had no choice killing a teenager right?
The wrong guy was killed that night and the thug is still on the loose to commit more crimes!
Jack just take your hood off and open your eyes for once.

Posted By: JackDunphy
Zimmerman lost sight of Martin for quite some time, long enough time for Martin to go back to his fathers residence or flee the neighborhood.  
 The evidence suggests Martin doubled back and confronted Zimmerman, not the other way around as you seem to imply.  
 Please don't tell us what Zimmerman "knows" as you weren't present.  
 Not sure what you would do if someone was pounding your head into the sidewalk. His attorneys used classic self defense to get him off as they should have.  
 When you confront someone and assault them like Martin did, sometimes you have to pay the consequences. Had Martin lived, he would have been brought up on charges.  
 Any other reading of the evidence in that case is either dishonest or politically motivated.

Florida, like every other state in the union, has "classic" self defense and that is what Zimmerman's attorney used for his defense.

No "stupid law" involved at all.

And the "very young black man" thing is dishonest as well, as Martin was 6 feet and 170 pounds. He would have looked like a full grown adult to anyone being fair about this case, especially due to the fact he was wearing a hoodie.

bigguy30392 reads

Posted By: JackDunphy
Florida, like every other state in the union, has "classic" self defense and that is what Zimmerman's attorney used for his defense.  
 No "stupid law" involved at all.  
 And the "very young black man" thing is dishonest as well, as Martin was 6 feet and 170 pounds. He would have looked like a full grown adult to anyone being fair about this case, especially due to the fact he was wearing a hoodie.

with any luck he will get himself murdered in the near future. He's a violent punk with a huge irrepressible chip on his shoulder.

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