Politics and Religion

Re: That was the best of my recollection, so I did a search.
impposter 49 Reviews 34 reads

I was thinking of the small black bag OJ was seen emptying into a garbage can at the LA airport:
"Skip Junis says he saw Simpson at Los Angeles International Airport just hours after the murders doing something unusual with a travel bag. “It haunts you that I may have seen him you know discard crucial evidence,” he admitted to IE. “I called the defense and prosecution, if they had only known they could have searched the waste land.” Investigators believed Simpson’s bag may have contained the bloody clothes and murder weapon which were never found. Junis said: “It was a little zipper bag and he just zipped it a little bit from the bottom, and just enough to get his hand in the bag, and he was pulling items out and putting them in the trash can.”

Posted By: inicky46
Re: That was the best of my recollection, so I did a search.
This article, if it's accurate answers some of the questions but not all, assuming you believe the knife was in the bag.

I brought this up because I figured it might be a chance for us to not be so vitriolic around here for once. I was wondering what you guys remember from that time when the murders happened. I was in high school at the time. It was the first time I remembered that the media went utterly batshit over their sensationalism. Somehow during the course of that event, journalists went from being professionals to something else. It’s gotten steadily worse ever sense.  

I was a big fan of the Naked Gun movies. I wasn’t a football fan, but I remember a time when OJ Simpson was pretty universally liked. I grew to not have any sympathy for an obvious murderer, but his death fills me with a sadness that a guy could go from so well liked to so despised. I wish he had made some attempt to atone for his actions.  

The amazing thing is that the whole ordeal changed how we talk about domestic violence in the country. Things were never the same, and laws were put in place that put men at great jeopardy if a woman was willing to try to frame him. With that being said, it’s a good thing that there was a greater awareness of domestic violence and for women not to wait to get help if it happens.  

I later learned that Brown and Simpson had a pretty dysfunctional relationship. While no one deserves to be murdered, there are many cases where a homicide victim did things that contributed to their deaths. Brown reportedly often angered Simpson on purpose with her sleeping with other men. Apparently she got a kick out of making him jealous.  

The most crazy thing is how race was intentionally used by the defense team to make the case less about the facts of what happened and more about playing with people’s emotions to get a not guilty verdict. This was utterly repugnant in my view, which is quite sad because Johnny Cochran had a very long history was being a honorable defense attorney who helped many clients in need.  

I sometimes think of the OJ Simpson case and 9/11 as being two key moments that signaled the end of American greatness. That we went from being a great country before these things happened to country that was a shell of it’s former self.

Progressive Marc Lamont Hill says OJ murdered two whites and it was good he got away with it to avenge racism.

("hilt - guilt." A play on the "fit - acquit" rhyme.)  
I also believed much of the publicly available evidence and that OJ was guilty of murder. He was acquitted at trial more due to theatrics than facts, IMO. (IMO, there were ways to try to get around the prosecution's "glove" fiasco.) OJ was found liable in the CIVIL trial and was on the hook for $30M to Nicole's family. Criminal vs Civil comes up in the news quite a bit.
Remaining Qs that I have:  
Did OJ leave behind an admission of guilt to be released by his lawyer, post mortem?
Will Rosey Grier (football player become actor - pastor), still alive at 92 yo, tell the story of OJ's jailhouse "confession" (to Rosey as a confidential PASTOR) to be released post-mortem? Rosey could not be compelled to testify about any part of his conversation with OJ that was considered to be protected by his status as a pastor. How about NOW, Rosey?
It was alleged the OJ's ~10 yo daughter Sydney observed the murders from her bedroom window but was not forced to be interviewed or to testify. Will she make a statement anytime soon?  
OJ flew to some other city prior to his arrest and was observed disposing of a black bag of unknown "stuff" in an LA airport garbage can. It was speculated to be the bloody knife and other evidence. I would have sent sniffer dogs and other resources to the landfill / disposal sites to look for the evidence.

Posted By: willywonka4u

I brought this up because I figured it might be a chance for us to not be so vitriolic around here for once. I was wondering what you guys remember from that time when the murders happened. I was in high school at the time. It was the first time I remembered that the media went utterly batshit over their sensationalism. Somehow during the course of that event, journalists went from being professionals to something else. It’s gotten steadily worse ever sense.  

 I was a big fan of the Naked Gun movies. I wasn’t a football fan, but I remember a time when OJ Simpson was pretty universally liked. I grew to not have any sympathy for an obvious murderer, but his death fills me with a sadness that a guy could go from so well liked to so despised. I wish he had made some attempt to atone for his actions.  

 The amazing thing is that the whole ordeal changed how we talk about domestic violence in the country. Things were never the same, and laws were put in place that put men at great jeopardy if a woman was willing to try to frame him. With that being said, it’s a good thing that there was a greater awareness of domestic violence and for women not to wait to get help if it happens.  

 I later learned that Brown and Simpson had a pretty dysfunctional relationship. While no one deserves to be murdered, there are many cases where a homicide victim did things that contributed to their deaths. Brown reportedly often angered Simpson on purpose with her sleeping with other men. Apparently she got a kick out of making him jealous.  

 The most crazy thing is how race was intentionally used by the defense team to make the case less about the facts of what happened and more about playing with people’s emotions to get a not guilty verdict. This was utterly repugnant in my view, which is quite sad because Johnny Cochran had a very long history was being a honorable defense attorney who helped many clients in need.  

 I sometimes think of the OJ Simpson case and 9/11 as being two key moments that signaled the end of American greatness. That we went from being a great country before these things happened to country that was a shell of it’s former self.

He gave it to lawyer Robert Kardashian so it was protected by attorney/client privilege. Robert has been roasting in hell for years while his daughters became billionairesses.  I wonder if any of them know what happened to it? But bag or no bag, the guy was guilty as sin.

followme21 reads

The bag would come under attorney client privilege.



Not 100% sure but, back then, I think I read it was thought that bobby k disposed of the bag but don't think  that was never proven.

This article, if it's accurate answers some of the questions but not all, assuming you believe the knife was in the bag.

I was thinking of the small black bag OJ was seen emptying into a garbage can at the LA airport:
"Skip Junis says he saw Simpson at Los Angeles International Airport just hours after the murders doing something unusual with a travel bag. “It haunts you that I may have seen him you know discard crucial evidence,” he admitted to IE. “I called the defense and prosecution, if they had only known they could have searched the waste land.” Investigators believed Simpson’s bag may have contained the bloody clothes and murder weapon which were never found. Junis said: “It was a little zipper bag and he just zipped it a little bit from the bottom, and just enough to get his hand in the bag, and he was pulling items out and putting them in the trash can.”

Posted By: inicky46
Re: That was the best of my recollection, so I did a search.
This article, if it's accurate answers some of the questions but not all, assuming you believe the knife was in the bag.

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