Politics and Religion

Re: So we already knew that about your comments on here. eom
2465305 70 Reviews 182 reads

How soon before we hear....I am rubber and you are glue. whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you.

Seriously dude....grow up.

Oh yeah....LOL.
Posted By: bigguy30
Posted By: SoleSurvivor
Posted By: bigguy30
The next step is to stop proving, you are a racist yourself.    
   You are such a dumbass!
Posted By: earlweaver
whitey be bad! eom    
    ALL in support of dem/lib Jew haters and Islamists as the heads of the DNC    
    but bigrat30 is too stupid to see the irony    
    you can't make this shit up

JackDunphy2048 reads

The corrupt Donna Brazile tallying the final vote on DNC chair election today is hysterical enough, with her giving the CNN questions to Hills before the debates and screwing over Bernie, but then after she announces that Thomas Perez won the vote today, what does Perez do as his first act as DNC Chair?

He nominates anti-Semite Keith Ellison as Deputy Chair! The insane libs in the room LOVED it. NONE of them objected when given the chance.

Remember when Dems stood FOR the little guy and stood AGAINST bigotry and hatred?

Amazing how that has switched in the last few months.

What a sad, sad, day for the Democratic Party.

An anti-Semite. Let's see how factual you can be.

Since you won't believe a "righty" anyway, I'll have liberal Democrat, Alan Dershowitz explain it to your ignorant ass:

An example of him being anti-Semitic. So being in association with someone makes him anti-Semitic? No! A  prominent lawyer stAted someone told him he made an anti- Semitic statement? B.S.!  Stokely Carmichael an anti-Semite? Is that all you have? Perfect example of fake news and a smear campaign! Ignorance at it best!  

Posted By: JackDunphy
Since you won't believe a "righty" anyway, I'll have liberal Democrat, Alan Dershowitz explain it to your ignorant ass:

-- Modified on 2/25/2017 4:45:42 PM

...opposed Ellison.  He also conveniently forgot Bernie Sanders, a US Senator and a Jew, who supported Ellison.  Whose opinion carries more weight - Dershowitz's or Sanders'?


Evil Racist Dunce Queen HRC lost millions of Black supporters when she publicly idolized  
 Democrat Senator  Byrd, previously KKK Byrd, Grand Dragon Klan recruiter from White West Va.
The DNC should  expect to lose a million or more  of Jewish frequent flyers with Keith E. Hakim  
 as co pilot.
Your past will often carry into your political future whether you changed your message  or not.  



  I'll never forget my friends and associates laughing at me like I was out of my mind when I informed them in 2007, Obama would win the nomination and the Presidency, by winning the heart and votes from  millions  of Independents and Christians from the Right.  
  I had detailed reasons behind my belief.  
  Quite a few of my Black friends said there was no way America was ready to elect a Black guy.
   I can only hope Ellison stays in the lime light and his anti Israel history shines bright.  
                                Thank you for your time.

The issue at hand is Keith Ellison an anti- Semite? Not one fact has been presented.  The real issue is Anyone that votes against the continued fleecing of the American taxpayers by Israel is anti-Semitic. It's that simple. Allen D. made that clear in the weak ass example lying Jack used by stating Ellison voted against funding the Iron Dome, thus he is an anti-Semite. Total b.s.!

Posted By: quadseasonal
 Evil Racist Dunce Queen HRC lost millions of Black supporters when she publicly idolized  
  Democrat Senator  Byrd, previously KKK Byrd, Grand Dragon Klan recruiter from White West Va.  
 The DNC should  expect to lose a million or more  of Jewish frequent flyers with Keith E. Hakim  
  as co pilot.  
 Your past will often carry into your political future whether you changed your message  or not.  
   I'll never forget my friends and associates laughing at me like I was out of my mind when I informed them in 2007, Obama would win the nomination and the Presidency, by winning the heart and votes from  millions  of Independents and Christians from the Right.    
   I had detailed reasons behind my belief.    
   Quite a few of my Black friends said there was no way America was ready to elect a Black guy.  
    I can only hope Ellison stays in the lime light and his anti Israel history shines bright.  
                                 Thank you for your time.

Libs coming out in force to defend a well know anti-Semite and tossing their lib ideology to the side. So typical. They do it with race and now with anti-Semites.

Associating with Farra-CON and lying about not knowing he was anti-Semitic isn't proof enough for the hatred crowd. LOL

And people wonder why the DNC and Dens in general are so dysfunctional.

To cite one fact that shows Keith E. is an anti-Semite. You stated yourself "hmmm, that's a tough one." So you change the subject! What is up with some of you old ass white men who post dumb shit, yet have a hard time providing facts to support your statement. Notice, I said some old ass white men!! I'm sure you do not want to start with guilt by association. If that's the case, lying ass Trump is done!

bigguy30135 reads

Posted By: hound88
An example of him being anti-Semitic. So being in association with someone makes him anti-Semitic? No! A  prominent lawyer stAted someone told him he made an anti- Semitic statement? B.S.!  Stokely Carmichael an anti-Semite? Is that all you have? Perfect example of fake news and a smear campaign! Ignorance at it best!  

Posted By: JackDunphy
Since you won't believe a "righty" anyway, I'll have liberal Democrat, Alan Dershowitz explain it to your ignorant ass:
-- Modified on 2/25/2017 4:45:42 PM

-- Modified on 2/25/2017 11:45:37 PM

They don't spread hatred, racism and bigotry.

"DNC 2018...We Are Better Than the KKK!"

I love it! LOL

bigguy30196 reads

Posted By: JackDunphy
"DNC 2018...We Are Better Than the KKK!"  
 I love it! LOL

earlweaver218 reads

whitey be bad! eom

ALL in support of dem/lib Jew haters and Islamists as the heads of the DNC

but bigrat30 is too stupid to see the irony

you can't make this shit up

bigguy30267 reads

The next step is to stop proving, you are a racist yourself.
You are such a dumbass!

Posted By: earlweaver
whitey be bad! eom  
 ALL in support of dem/lib Jew haters and Islamists as the heads of the DNC  
 but bigrat30 is too stupid to see the irony  
 you can't make this shit up

Posted By: bigguy30
The next step is to stop proving, you are a racist yourself.  
 You are such a dumbass!
Posted By: earlweaver
whitey be bad! eom  
  ALL in support of dem/lib Jew haters and Islamists as the heads of the DNC  
  but bigrat30 is too stupid to see the irony  
  you can't make this shit up

bigguy30251 reads

Posted By: SoleSurvivor
Posted By: bigguy30
The next step is to stop proving, you are a racist yourself.  
  You are such a dumbass!
Posted By: earlweaver
whitey be bad! eom    
   ALL in support of dem/lib Jew haters and Islamists as the heads of the DNC    
   but bigrat30 is too stupid to see the irony    
   you can't make this shit up

How soon before we hear....I am rubber and you are glue. whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you.

Seriously dude....grow up.

Oh yeah....LOL.

Posted By: bigguy30
Posted By: SoleSurvivor
Posted By: bigguy30
The next step is to stop proving, you are a racist yourself.    
   You are such a dumbass!
Posted By: earlweaver
whitey be bad! eom    
    ALL in support of dem/lib Jew haters and Islamists as the heads of the DNC    
    but bigrat30 is too stupid to see the irony    
    you can't make this shit up

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