Politics and Religion

Re: Shouldn't we try to understand things that disturb us?
CSJ See my TER Reviews 1557 reads


even if those "associations" are illegal, and most importantly, put our children at risk to predators who think they are actually correct?? This isn't a victimless lifestyle choice.

I was watching law and order svu last night....I dont know why I watch this show...I swore I would never do it again years ago but I unfortunately broke my own vow recently. Its on netflix for istant download. Anyway thats not the reason for this post.
Maybe I live in a hole, maybe I dont get out much....but the episode I saw today was about a site called "our special love"...a site for congregation of pedophiles. I googled it out of curiosity and found another link in a discussion about the episode itself.
I found the link listed at the bottom of this post.
This site is IMO an abomination. I got into a private discussion about it with a NY hobbyist and he said...."TER is no different....it allows certain types to congregate and interact all the while knowing and perhaps to even plan things that some would deem immoral".... etc.
I feel one thing is so different from the other that there is no comparison. He said I was a hypocrite.
I certainly wont disclose names here but he knows who he is, he reads this board.....and I wanted others opinions on this very sensitive topic.

link to this sick, perverted "organization" of perverts edited out by mod

-- Modified on 6/1/2011 6:23:28 AM

Sick perverted link once again edited out by mod.

These sick fucks get no free advertizing on TER.

-- Modified on 6/1/2011 9:03:22 AM

and that's why the original link was edited out.

Now that the post has been moved here, the link can stand as virtually "anything goes" over here, as is should be I might add.

There are some sick, sick people out there, but I agree they should be able to all come together in one place, that way a singe grenade can take them all out. lol

Anyone who doesn't understand the difference between consenting adults, which is what we have here on TER, and a bunch of predatory perverts trying to legitimatize their sick and perverted actions, is just never going to get it, I doubt you will ever get through to him

the argument on the side of the hobbyist is:
"you can't have freedom for certain things on the net and not others when both fall under  "lude or illegal" in the technical sense. Everyone gets on their soap box and speaks out against someone elses demons. Many would love to see TER taken down and all its members thrown on a large pyre in hell. Suggesting to take down and speaking out against that other site, would be hypocritical as is you are standing in judgment of it"

Or did you just make the mistake of calling these sick, predartory fucks "hobbyists"?

The arguement that compares what "consenting adults" do with their own bodies, to what a bunch of sexual predators do to young innocents is no arguement at all. These people don't warrant debate, they warrant life long prison sentences.

A twelve year old boy is no more capable of consenting to a sexual relationship with a adult man that the eight year old girl who is raped in the park by a predator. Both are rape, in every legal and moral sense of the word.

and I really was not speaking in jest when I said putting them all in the same room so one grenade to take them all out at once. I wouldn't shed a tear if some outraged and grieving father killed every single one of them, and I would love to be on the jury at his trial. I guarantee you, I would not vote to convict under any circumstances, on the contrary I'd vote to give him a medal.

they are engaged in, she support the right to express, lest the hobbying community suffer similar censorship.

Free speech is important.

Its what allows sick fucks like Pri and WillyTheLeech to revel in Christians being eaten by lions. Who can comprehend what a sick twisted mind finds that amusing?...

a decent parrallel to the pedophiles I'd say...

Priapus531361 reads

your post bears out my initial impression of you : you're a fucking moron.

Btw, it's spelled "parallel".

Priapus531400 reads

you Bible thumping/hobbyist hypocrite--:)

Even the dumbest of the dumb know the difference between being a "Biblethumper" and finding humor in the practice of feeding human beings of whatever race or religion disgusting.

Only a pantshitting atheist like you and WillyTheParasite can't make that distinction.

This is what makes you a dumbass of the highest order.

But hey, Jesus still loves you! So you still got that...

Maybe if more Christians had become lion shit, the world would have been spared all the evil that Christians have done in the name of their God?  I am sure the indigenous people of both North and South America would have been fine with the idea. Not to mention the millions of other people killed over the last couple of thousand years in the name of Christ.

Why is it that people who are victims of religious persecution start becomes persecutors themselves that moment they are the ones in power? Our very own puritans are a great example, so great an example they coined a word to desribe it, ever think about where the word "puritanical" came from?

So no, I am not going to lose any sleep over a few of the people that grew into one of the biggest causes of death and misery the world has ever known were fed to the lion two thousand years ago. I have much more important things to worry about like whether or not some religious fanatic is going to cause the end of the world or blow up the plane I am flying on. So save the outrageuous indignation.

Even if it were true (which it isn't) that "millions of other people killed over the last couple of thousand years in the name of Christ."  how does that justify taking delight over having humans fed to animals? Your hatred of religion is becoming psychotic.

I guess it's funny to stuff a few Germans thru a meatgrinder, afterall, look what "they" did in Europe.

Does the phrase "wholesale condemnation" register in your brain at all?

and yes it is true, literally millions of people have been killed and are still being killed in the name of Christ, I'll grant you that the Islamic terrorists are currently much worse than the Christians , ok much much worse, but that doesn't erase the past and present evils that have been committed in the "name of Christ"

If you want to bury your head in the sand and pretend it never happened, I guess you have that right, but the rest of us know better.

and your arguement about Germans is specious, now if you were talking about putting a few Nazis "before" they grew into the giant hate machine that they became, yes you'd have my vote.

of Christ? I think that's just bullshit people have been used to saying, and like any big lie, it gets taken at truth.

I'll give you dollars to donuts that when you look at economic motives vs "in the name of Christ" motives, your arguement falls apart. To argue that this is an exaggeration is not the same of denying anything of the sort ever happened. And even if it were to be true, it still does not support wholesale condemnation of ALL Christians and ALL religions. This is beyond stupid. That's why I single out only the pantshitting atheist for scorn. At least I'm smart enough to be able to discern.

Who's losing sleep? I'm not. I just think Pri and Willy are A-holes for delighting in the death of anyone, in the case Christians. We've seen this movie with Willy before so he's certifiable.

You missed the point about Germans. To say Christians did evil in the past, therefore we can delight in the death of any of them, is "parallel" to "Germans" did evil, so we can delight in the death of any of them.

A fair analogy for killing modern day Germans for the "sins" of their fathers, would like killing present day white people because their great great grandparents owned slaves.

Feeding Christians to the lions "before" the Christians ever had any power to inflict harm on anyone would be more analogous to killing a few Nazi Germans "before" they rose to power.  So it's you tha miss the point

As to atheists, I am not an atheist. I am an agnostic. I am not afraid to admit that I don't know what (or who if you must) created the life and the unisverse. I don't rule out the possibiltiy that some greater power, call it God if you must, "created" the universe as we know it. but to believe in made up fairy tales like Adam and Eve, and Christ dying for the sins of people yet unbord and everyother nonsensical fairy tale that you will read in every religious text of every religion I can think of is patently ridiculous.

what i'm driving at.  wholesale condemantion is simply idiotic. i don't give a fuck what people believe, i like you, have a low tolerance for people imposing their beliefs on me or using mockery. even when i agree in large part. my problem then, is with PUSHY, RUDE, PEOPLE. because of that i can have decent conversations with agnostics or even atheist. i find most decent people follow something as a "moral compass" than is not entirely explainable.

pri is just too big of pussy to see the poor taste in his humor...plus i think he's REALLY invested in worrying about what people think of him.

-- Modified on 6/1/2011 1:40:35 PM

Priapus532195 reads

he gets upset over "pushy", "rude" people on this board engaging in "mockery" & "poor taste humor"----wow---that's like being "upset over gambling in Casablanca"----LOL !

This is an unmoderated, politically incorrect P&R discussion board on on a hooker/john site.
Apparently, our neurotic "friend" can't handle that.

He also talks about a "moral compass" while initiating ad hominem attacks himself-----LOL !

Lastly, "N" your psychoanalysis of me is laughably stupid & inaccuarate-------kinda like lucy's "psychiatrist stand " in the "Peanuts" comic strip-------;)

Priapus532191 reads

actually, all the ridicule that's been lobbed your way was brought on by yourself. Actually, I have no problem if "religious hobbyists" keep their beliefs to themselves. But you, OTOH, violate those tenants ; you're judgmental, defensive & wear your "beliefs" on your sleeve; what a putz.

Btw, it's spelled "argument".

I made NO religious claims. To say nothing of not imposing any judgements on anyones behavior so your "arguement" is again stupid. Now you're overcompensating. Far as I can see, the only "scorn" is from you. Dolt.

I simply said you are an asshole for delighting in the depiction of people's death. It would be true whether the victims were Christians or atheist. You're just too dumb, and overly invested in hate, to see this simple fact.


Priapus531599 reads

I hate to seehow you handle stress in the real world. Perhaps an Evangelical discussion board
would suit your delicate sensibilities better.
Looks to me like you're too emotionally fragile to handle the "rough & tumble" of this board.

Psych. meds could also help you. Also, quit engaging in "Freudian projection" about your incontinence----

-- Modified on 6/1/2011 1:14:38 PM

Now you're acting juvenile. It fits your profile.

Don't look at any coins today.

Would'nt want you dumping your bowels in the cashier line at MickyD's.

...in one post you've said that someone deserves a spot in the "Idiots Hall of Fame". You called someone's ideas "stupid". You called someone a "Dolt". You called someone an "asshole". You called someone "dumb", and finally a "Pantshitter." And you finish this off with saying this same person is "overly invested in hate." Wow.

When will people realize that endless insults only shows the weakness of your own argument? For Pria to properly debate you, he'd have to open with the line, "I know you are, but what am I?"

yet I have no problem making my point as well.

Of course I doubt that I have ever been reduced to calling someone,not even you, a "pantshitter". I would hope I have better command of the English language to come up with a better insult. lol

I also believe Pri truly stepped over the line this time. Mrno is kind of a putz it appears by this thread, but to put him on a par with Madiba seems to be hitting below the belt. Even I admit that you are smarter than somebody like TrannyBoy, and I would never try to compare you to him, Maybe Pri is serious about competing for "biggest asshole on TER"? He may just have me beat with that one. rofl

BTW you are completely full of it where it comes to NAMBLA, there is simply no comparison where it comes to sexual predators of children and what consenting adults do behind closed doors. I will grant you that 18 is a rather arbitrary number to be considered an adult. There needs to be several degrees of seperation between the fifty year old guy that anally rapes a child (of either sex) of 8 and a twenty year old "man" that has sex with his 16 year old GF.

Members of NAMBLA are nowhere near anykind of gray area like a 20yr old having sex with his underage GF however, NAMBLA  is a group of sexual predators trying to defend the indefensible, but of course you are accustomed to defending the indefensible. Sometimes I think that's what you live for.

-- Modified on 6/1/2011 2:40:19 PM

...and I appreciate it GaG, lol. In no way could Pria ever take your biggest asshole title. You certainly are the king here. :)

I don't like what NAMBLA does, but they have the right to voluntary associate and work towards their vile and repugnant goals. However, I also think that the vast majority of pedophiles are not members of this organization.

Pedophiles are a rather extreme example, but human sexuality is incredibly complex, and if we as a society want to eliminate pedophilia, we're going to have to do something productive about it, instead of doing something reactionary about it.

"They have the right to voluntary associate and work towards...."

They should have no rights. And maybe most pedis  are not in this "elite" group of sickos.....but they are in the public eye and are basically saying that children are fair game and they can make their own choice as to whether they have sex with an adult.

Cara, if you don't believe that the people you despise should have any rights, then you don't believe ANYONE should have any rights.

Stalin and Hitler thought that people should have rights...at least the ones that agreed with them.

Something as basic and fundamental to our lives as liberty isn't something you gamble on with a slippery slope.

its not so much people I despise....its people who produce victims when they commit crime. At that point they should lose their rights.

"work toward their vile and repugnant goals."  Because their goals are the molestation of children.  It's illegal.  Does Al Queda have the right to work towards another bombing?  Do I have the right to plan and execute a robbery?  Or the rape of another person?  C'mon!

smoking pot is illegal too, are you saying that NORML doesn't have the right to exist then?

There is a difference between a crime and a political organization.

Comparing NORML to NAMBLA?  You have no moral  compass.

Gosh!  Can you spell "hypocrisy."  Still, I do not believe he is a liar.  Really.  He's often wrong but I see no evidence he knowingly puts up false info.  That's lying.

Posting someone else's lie as fact after having the lie proven is such makes the poster a liar. Willy has done that on more than one ocassion.

He also posts links with sensational headlines where the linked articles don't come close to supporting the inflammatory headlines that he tags them with. The list of Willy's intentional deceptions is endless, you are just turning a blind eye to it for some reason. Even Pri who defended him for years has reluctantly admitted that Willy is often fast and loose with the facts and that he does it inttentionally.

(remember the Segway inventor), finding out he is also a liar is anti-climactic.

I had forgotten all about that one, until you reminded me of course.

actually no....thats not what I am saying. Thats is what the back channel person said to ME. I disagreed. Please read the entire post (s)

uhmmmmm....LOl i walk away for an hour an come back to people who are reading half a post.
I was quoting what a hobbyist told me...if you read the first post you would understand that. My opinion is that its VERY sick and should not be on the web at all....their opinion is what followed in " " quotes""

You could have much clearer if you stated that your quote was from the "hobbyist in question" not just the "hobbyist arguement" which could easily be construed to be an arguement support by all hobbyists.

I did give you the BOD on that statement, and I am relieved to know I was correct. You really need to be less ambiguous when talking about a  subject as sesitive as child molestation.

Priapus53967 reads

why post a link to such a vile organization ?
Just asking for trouble.

She or administration should pull the link.

Priapus531642 reads

-- Modified on 6/1/2011 9:08:15 AM

Children.  I shouldn't have to say more, but probably do.

When you are an adult you can make decisions better.  Not perfectly. Lord knows, I've done dumb things since I was 18.  But still better.

The damage is less. You are responisible (more or less, but more than a kid).

In my biz, I have seen pedophiles.  There is a huge difference.

I am not saying adults are "without sin," or that this hobby is "good."  But we are adults.

It's not even a blimp on my radar, especially when I know that the person calling me that is doing so to justify his or her behavior. Bottom-line! There is no justification, in my book, for pedophilia, especially given how damaging it is for the child who is victimized by such a perpetrator.

First, let me say that you don't hurt children, period.

Secondly, we, as a society have quite a number of double standards when it comes to pedophilia. Screwing around with a 16 year old is as illegal as screwing around with an 8 year old, yet if you're a capitalist corporation like Disney, you can promote the sexuality of Miley Cyrus.

The reality is that adulthood is a progression. It's a transformation that begins in your early teens and ends in your early 20's. Setting the day of your 18th birthday seems quite arbitrary to me. And making rules around sexuality and that date seems to have it's basis in religious doctrine.  

What strikes me is that no other animal in nature adheres to such rules. Neither did human beings until the last 100 years or so. Biologically, human beings are capable of reproduction far younger than 18. I would think our own biology should play a bigger role in the development of such rules than religious tenants which have no basis in reality.

If pedophiles are seeking help by consoling each other as a group, then this would indicate that they aren't getting help elsewhere. I'm sure many, if not most, carry the burden of having sexual desires that they have no control over, while also knowing that those desires are morally reprehensible. They need therapy, and the state offers prison time and castration. It wasn't that long ago that homosexuals (if found out) would often get locked up in sanitariums.  

Avoiding the problem, instead of solving the problem, isn't a solution. It's only going to make it worse.

its interesting that you should use the homosexual defense...thats what they tried to use in the court case on the show. It was blown out of the water.
Anything crime involving children or anything weaker then you are ....ie beings who have no choice....should be not allowed a place on the web. But thats just how I feel. Apparently its hypocritical according to some people........

I use the "homosexual defense" just as a way to show that human sexuality is very complex, very political, and religion weighs in on the topic as well, all without much expertise brought to bear to examine the situation.

A radical feminist might suggest that virtually all sexual relations involve one stronger individual abusing a weaker one. That there is no choice involved, just a lot of manipulation.

I agree that the expliotation of children shouldn't be put on the web. But it's one thing to regulate child porn, it's quite another to regulate voluntary associations of certain groups of people.

I don't think having a contrary view is hypocritical, but it would be lazy not to challenge your beliefs, even if you find it uncomfortable. Not accusing anyone of anything, just passing along a thought.


even if those "associations" are illegal, and most importantly, put our children at risk to predators who think they are actually correct?? This isn't a victimless lifestyle choice.

...there is a difference between a crime and a meeting of would-be criminals. It is not impossible to be a member of NAMBLA, and also have never committed the crime of pedophilia.

Especially when it comes to pedophilia and NAMBLA.

"First, let me say that you don't hurt children, period."

First, let me say, given what you've said throughout your post, it's difficult for me to imagine you have children!

"Secondly, we, as a society have quite a number of double standards when it comes to pedophilia. Screwing around with a 16 year old is as illegal as screwing around with an 8 year old, yet if you're a capitalist corporation like Disney, you can promote the sexuality of Miley Cyrus."

Yes, we do, but this realization is not going to help in understanding a pedophile, nor change his/her behavior.

"The reality is that adulthood is a progression. It's a transformation that begins in your early teens and ends in your early 20's. Setting the day of your 18th birthday seems quite arbitrary to me. And making rules around sexuality and that date seems to have it's basis in religious doctrine."

Blah, blah, blah.

The issue is not about age, but consent. And, how much power does a child have to not consent when the person s/he is being approached by is their coach, choir director, priest, teacher, scout leader, etc.? That would be little to none!

"What strikes me is that no other animal in nature adheres to such rules. Neither did human beings until the last 100 years or so. Biologically, human beings are capable of reproduction far younger than 18. I would think our own biology should play a bigger role in the development of such rules than religious tenants which have no basis in reality."

Cute! Use that reasoning with a parent who's child has been perpetrated, and the only biology argument that will be recognized is the cessation of life; that of the perp's. There is a very good reason why nature is not the rule in this matter, and that's because parents have extremely violent viseral emotions about having adults, usually whom they've entrusted their children to, sexually violating them, whether or not the child felt they were consenting or not. It's as plain and simple as that!

"If pedophiles are seeking help by consoling each other as a group, then this would indicate that they aren't getting help elsewhere. I'm sure many, if not most, carry the burden of having sexual desires that they have no control over, while also knowing that those desires are morally reprehensible."

Are you a betting man? You'll lose a lot of money if you bet on that assumption. Like you said: "Shouldn't we try to understand things that disturb us?" You certainly need to develop a broader and deeper understanding of pedophilia, and NAMBLA. Not only are NAMBLA members unrepentant in their behavior, their organization is for actively promoting it.

"They need therapy, and the state offers prison time and castration. It wasn't that long ago that homosexuals (if found out) would often get locked up in sanitariums."

Then they can seek therapy just like anyone else, but they seldom do, because they feel justified doing what they are doing. It's common knowledge that pedophiles typically do not seek treatment, and when they are force to by the state, they seldom abstain from their behavior unless forced to do so by being incarcerated.

"Avoiding the problem, instead of solving the problem, isn't a solution. It's only going to make it worse."

And, where was your solution?  

-- Modified on 6/1/2011 11:17:07 AM

mattradd said it all.

Another point is that I have spoken with someone who used to provide therapy for them and she stopped and proceeded to help the victims instead. Aside from the subject disturbing her, it was her opinion that they could not be helped. She had said in a study where they somehow disabled their "sexuality" (I don't remember the details bc this was some years ago) they proceeded to use different method to hurt the children. Its not about sex per say . Its about some sort of power trip. A compulsion that they cant help.
I have been accused of being very liberal...EXCEPT with this.
If there is no rehab, and the jails and institutions are overrun....then what is to be done?
Death is the most humane solution.

...but being emotional about it doesn't tend to lead to clear thinking.

No, I don't have kids, and I have my doubts that I would engage in this hobby if I did. But that's just me.

NAMBLA has been a boogieman for a long time, and I think it's deserved, but the organization is so weak and despised, that they're meaningless. They pose no threat of accomplishing their goal of the legalization or decriminization of pedophilia.

I think the sexualizing minors, in my Miley Cyrus example, serves to show that the acceptance of one thing on an individual level can lead to the acceptance of other things. We have beauty pagents for 5 year olds for fuck's sake. When we live in a society that accepts this, and when "barely legal" is a porn industry catch phrase, then we are living in a society that promotes pedophilia. These things are connected when it comes to popular attitudes within our society.

I agree that a child has little if any ability to consent to anything from an adult who would exploit them, but is there no difference between a 19 year old who's in a relationship with a 17 year old, and a 40 year old predator who targets a 12 year old?

I once read a news story about such a case, where a 19 year old will spend the rest of his life on a sexual predator list for having sex with a 17 year old who is now his wife and the mother of his children. Since such lists are public, someone attempted to kill this guy. I see no social benefit for keeping this guy on a sexual predator list, and I find such lists dangerously too close to what the Nazis did the the Jews in the early 30's. Slopes can be slippery.

A parent has every right to protect their child, and should do so. Regardless, people are rather open about using manipulation to engage in sexual activity. We wouldn't have businesses to get drunk in, if that wasn't the case. The reasons why one thing is moral, and the other is not is curious.  

Matt, I have worked with enough disturbed people in my day to know that even sociopaths, while being clinicly incapable of feeling guilt, certainly can feel shame. Pedophiles generally aren't sociopaths, but they are mentally disturbed. Much of our problems in our society (look at the War on Drugs, for example) is the result of treating medical issues as a criminal matter. Not only is this a colossal waste of money, it avoids addressing the problem in the first place.  

Matt, let me ask you a question. Have you ever sought therapy for sleeping with prostitutes? If not, is it because you feel justified in what you're doing? Or is it because you just like having sex with prostitutes? I'm not saying that pedophilia and prostitution are moral equivolents, but people are often incapable of asking for help, especially when they don't understand when something is wrong with them.  

The solution is a medical one. I don't see any other way to actually PREVENT pedophilia.

willys quote:

""let me ask you a question. Have you ever sought therapy for sleeping with prostitutes? If not, is it because you feel justified in what you're doing? Or is it because you just like having sex with prostitutes?I'm not saying that pedophilia and prostitution are moral equivolents, but people are often incapable of asking for help, especially when they don't understand when something is wrong with them.   The solution is a medical one. I don't see any other way to actually PREVENT pedophilia.""

Having sex with  grown woman who chooses to have sex with you is not a affliction. Its a biological NATURAL response that every healthy male is born with.
Having the need to do anything with a child denotes a HUGE flaw within a person and that flaw will infect others lives.
Paying for sex is a contract between two consenting adults.
Harboring feelings for children should not be seen as a legitimate choice and having a site like that on the net legitimizes it. This isnt an equal rights argument. Its a discussion about some sick people trying to get the public to accept them.  Should we also accept rapists, murderers and terrorists?
There is a reason even in prisons that child molesters are a target for violence....they are freaks to even the freaks.
This people associated with website that is mentioned above are not asking for help...they are trying to say WE need help so we can understand they are right and we are not....dont you see that??

pedophilia is not a medical condition nor is there a medical solution for them. Its been proven they cant be rehabbed.

...it is perfectly normal for a grown man to have sex with a consenting grown woman. However, if you ask your average American, paying a woman to sleep with you would be viewed as deviant and criminal, if not exploitative. I'm not accusing anyone of anything here, I engage in this activity just like everyone else. But that is how this hobby is viewed by the public.

"Harboring feelings for children should not be seen as a legitimate choice and having a site like that on the net legitimizes it. This isnt an equal rights argument. Its a discussion about some sick people trying to get the public to accept them.  Should we also accept rapists, murderers and terrorists?"

There is a difference between acceptance and understanding what is wrong with these very ill people.

"This people associated with website that is mentioned above are not asking for help...they are trying to say WE need help so we can understand they are right and we are not....dont you see that??"

Cara, it is a rare person who can look in the mirror and say, "I'm a monster." Murder is not immoral to a murderer. Terror is not immoral to a terrorist. There is no objective reality. Our perception of reality is based upon individuals, all of whom have slightly different quirks. Why wouldn't a child molester wish that his crime was not punishable under the law? That wish does not change the fact that these people are disturbed.

"pedophilia is not a medical condition nor is there a medical solution for them. Its been proven they cant be rehabbed."

So, are you saying that pedophillia is normal? Psychological problems and mental illnesses are medical problems. Someone is no more at fault for having a mental illness than they are for having heart disease. Possibly less so, since there isn't a social stigma associated with treating any organ in your body other than your brain.

Pedophiles can and do get rehabbed. Cognitive therapy has cured an endless number of destructive behaviors, and the treatment has only just begun to show its potential.

dumba_boy1481 reads

which would work better to "solve the problem"...

a 9mm 147gr. JHP
a .45 230gr. SWC

to the head of a pedophile!

First of all, I have no problem with a link to these creeps being posted.  It's better to at least have a chance to learn about people like these than to remain ignorant.  I haven't used the link yet so I don't know if this is a group of people who know they're ill and are seeking self-help, or just a cover for NAMLBA-type stuff.  The latter are beneath contempt.
As for the argument, I don't think there is one.  Anybody who compares an activity between consenting adults and one in which children are, by definition, exploited is trying to justify the un-justifiable.  There's really nothing more to say.  Too bad about the confusion re Cara's post of the "hobbyist's" quote.  I understood she was presenting the guy's POV, with which she disagreed but can see there's room for confusion.  That's the nature of these short posts we dash off here.

hello sailor. You come in here naked without asbestos shorts?
The links weren't the issue anyway. And apparently werent necessary....I am probably the only one on this board that had no clue this website or group existed. I am really shocked they allow this at all anywhere. I know some of you think I am being a hypocrite but damn....carving out a place in society or on our web for these people is scary stuff to me.
Them comparing it to homosexuality as if its a true option is beyond scary.
I am going back to watching buffy the vampire slayer.

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