Politics and Religion

Re: post from X
LostSon 43 Reviews 25 reads

Posted By: jazzman121847
Re: post from X
So "he at least could get the job done and done well", huh? Like what? Tax cuts for the rich and for corporations while increasing the national debt by $8 trillion.  Check. A Muslim travel ban. Check. Separate mitgrant children from their parents at the border and put those children in cages. Check. His disastrous handling of COVID. Check. Criminally trying to overturn the 2020 election and illegally hold on to power. Check. A White House known for chaos, crisis, confusion, corruption, and criminal activity. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check.
Let’s go over you PMS-NBC talking points, shall we? The tax breaks only benefited the wealthy? So that personal deduction increase guess you were some how not affected by that? Or did your CPA just suck? Married deductions went way up as did child tax credit. The inheritance Tax threshold went WAY up! That was helpful to many multi generational Farmers who were able to hang onto their family farms.

Muslim travel ban? You mean the extension of the ban that Obama had put in place?

Separating children and putting them in cages? Started under Obama who built the cages and the practice was stopped under Trump.

Disastrous handling of Covid huh? Oh please tell us how you would’ve done it differently? Can’t wait for this bit of Monday morning quarterbacking.

Criminally trying to overturn the 2020 election? You get a “motherfucker please” for that.

Trump delivered us a raging economy, the end of ISIS then got us out of Syria. Kept Putin from invading Ukraine. It took a world wide pandemic a summer of rioting and election rigging to defeat him.

Proof is in the pudding pass performance indicates future performance three great years under Trump and four horrible ones under Biden but you want four more under Biden (for a very short time) till he either slips on a banana peel or gets 25th amendmented out and cackles takes over you’re gonna love that! 😬🤨😲

...pictures of the three buses outside of Wayne County Airport in Detroit.  In his post with the photos, Rep. Matt Maddock said, "Happening right now.  Three buses just loaded up with illegal invaders at Detroit Metro.  Anyone have any idea where they're headed with their police escort?"

However, a spokesperson with the Wayne County Airport Authority sent a statement to CBS News Detroit, saying, "The four men's basketball teams competing in the NCAA Tournament's Sweet 16 at Little Caesars Arena arrived at DTW Wednesday evening.  The buses seen in a photograph circulating online were transporting the basketball teams and their respective staffs."

Why are righties crazy racists?


Looks like Matt’s got some egg on his face.

Righty Rep. Matt Maddock did not have to vet his source... HE WAS THE SOURCE.  HE saw the "illegal invaders."
HE photographed the "illegal invaders" and HE posted the photos of the "illegal invaders."
Now go wipe that egg off your face.

It’s not clear from CBS’s report whether the pics were taken by Matt or sent to him by a constituent.  If you’ve got confirmation that Matt was at the airport at the same time the basketball teams were, and took the pictures himself, feel free to update your OP below.

You say it’s not clear from CBS’s report whether the pics were taken by Matt or sent to him by a constituent.  If you’ve got confirmation that Matt was NOT at the airport at the same time the basketball teams were, and took the pictures himself, feel free to update your post above. .

Realizing his post is debunked, he asks me to prove a negative, when the onus to reply is on him.

You were the first to claim he was NOT the source so it's up to YOU to prove it.  But since you're a righty weasel:

"Michigan state Sen. Mallory McMorrow wrote on social media that Maddock’s post is 'dangerous.'

'A sitting State Representative sees a group of busses at the airport and immediately yells ‘illegal invaders’ which is a pretty rude (and also, frankly, dangerous) way to greet the Gonzaga Men’s Basketball Team arriving for March Madness,' McMorrow wrote."

The real point is that righties are bat shit crazy!

BigP claims that the GOP Representative was at the airport, but the CBS story he linked to doesn’t say the representative was at the airport or that he took the photo of the busses in question.

I invited him to post proof of his claim when he found it.

If you’ve got confirmation that Matt was at the airport at the same time the basketball teams were, and took the pictures himself, feel free to update your OP below.
He initially balked, but after pointing out he was just stepping in his own shit again, he did grudgingly come around, searched the internet and found the info that backed up his initial claim. It took a while, but maybe that’s all we can expect from a cut rate paralegal…

...without questioning it because it was "Good Enough For P&R Standards."  HUH?!  What The Fuck are "P&R Standards?"  Something CKS175 pulled out of his ass!  It means he was too lazy to find a link himself or verify/disprove my link.
"P&R Standards" - ROFLMAO!!  What an idiot!!!

It’s pointed out that BigPapaTard’s follow up attempt to provide evidence was weak, but still meets P&R standards. A little tongue in cheek comment is apparently too much for him, or he’s apparently too stupid to recognize humor. Then again, both could be true.

...without questioning it because it was "Good Enough For P&R Standards."  HUH?!  What The Fuck are "P&R Standards?"  Something CKS175 pulled out of his ass!  
Tongue in cheek or not, there are P&R Standards that BigP rarely meets. He should be happy he was given credit for posting something that reached the standard (using a VERY generous measure of that standard).

If he doesn’t understand the P&R Standard for posts, all I can do is refer him to Justice Potter Stewart’s concurrence in Jacobellis v Ohio,

I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description ["P&R Standards"], and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it, and the BigPapasan post involved in this thread is not that.

And all over the country, every day of the week.

Why is he so wildly in favor of open borders?

Because way too many people when it comes to politics use emotions instead of facts and reality to form an opinion as to what is right or wrong when it comes to way too many things. It is a knee jerk reaction and people become very polarized on a topic even if they know nothing about it. They also look to our government to be a guide for us as to what is right or wrong, good for us or bad for us, according to what is illegal or legal. There is always going to be a faction of our society that even when faced with multiple facts showing the truth on a subject they are still going to believe otherwise. We also have people that are completely unable to look at a person as a individual person, just like we all are. There is a quick stereotypical response to put them into a group to determine if you consider the person "ok" and good or "not ok" and bad. We are all guilty of it, it only differs if we can step back and impartially analyze with facts instead of just utilizing our emotions to make decisions.

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