Politics and Religion

Re: Pat Robertson, Jerry Fallwell (rip) James Dobson
quadseasonal 27 Reviews 2931 reads
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I hear so much about Republicans shoving Religion down peoples throat but yet I never see that personally..Next time one of you non worldly posters has someone knock on your  door trying to sell you Religion.....Ask them what Political Party they favor!!!!!!!... GET REAL

BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 3664 reads
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to try to get new members.  I guess some churches still do this, but mine has ceased to use this technique.  Partially for fear of "offending" the population.  But no one is offended enough to stop the incessant invasion of my privacy by telemarketers, folks in the airport terminals hawking credit cards or gimmiky toys (by the way, in this day and age of security, why must we have the folks hawking credit cards in airports?) or worse, all the junk mail asking for tons of donations?  where is the outrage at that?

As far as offended, I guess I am offended the the Jehovah's witnesses- so the cessation of my religion doing this is not a big concern to me, but it does make me wonder.... why are so many so offended by the religious beliefs of others - especially if those beliefs teach one to 1) Be honest, 2) live a good life and 3) not do harm to others?  Could someone help me here?  and yet, the radical Islamists... are protected and we must not "offend them?"  and what is it that their religion teaches?  that to kill the infidel is good and will be rewarded, that harming others with "eye for an eye" types of retribution are not just ok, but demanded by god? and that women are merely "furniture"

so... someone please help me understand how we got to this place in our sociopolitical history... cause I don't get it.

zinaval 7 Reviews 2983 reads
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...are religion salesmen on a massive scale.  What party do they support?  

The Christian Coalition, which has lent the name Christian to Republican activities, it's hard to argue with the multi-sales tactic here.  

You can't see something personally if your head is turned a different direction.  You've come up with another non-topic thread where we're supposed to tell you what you see personally.  Sheesh.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1597 reads
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I see liberals like you that are very confused and although you feel you are on the higher plateau than the likes of me because of your higher education I am truly amazed at your lack of reading comprehension..For the record I never post anything that you are supposed to tell me what "I: see..I told you what I see personally and its sad you don't comprehende  that because of your brain washing.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 2737 reads
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Maybe you didn't read my previous post..............  The Media is very misleading so I don't blame it on you... Although the Moral Majority did help win the last two Presidential elections the fact is the Moral Majority part of the Republican base is actually rather small in REAL numbers. I would tend to call them the Moral "Minority" but they get big press.. I know hundreds if not thousands of Republicans but I know NOT ONE Jerry Falwell or Pat Robertson type Republican..But then again I am just a non degree holding Cowboy.I do know lots of rich Republicans and Democrats that own big farms but none of them seem holier than though..

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 2268 reads
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Now I am thinking maybe you have never been to the South.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 1558 reads
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what? you thought they were on their knees in PRAYER?

When I was back there in Seminary school,
There was a person there who put forth the proposition,
That you can Petition the Lord, with PRAYER!

You CAN NOT Petition the Lord, with Prayer!

But the Republicans never saw a tent revival group they couldn't con. Praise the W and pass the corn on the cob.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 2176 reads
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Now that I see you were in Seminary school I understand why you are confused...

smithfredsmith 2105 reads
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both are planks of the Cristian coalition and the GOP. Both Quote scripture in there defence of there position. the deference is the CC Believe that this is ware god wants them to stand the GOP use the two like Clinton's bombing of Afghanistan it is just another excuse to rally the troops.

zinaval 7 Reviews 1764 reads
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Come off it. How could I be on a higher plateau about that?  ". . . because of your brainwashing?"  Now who's putting himself on a plateau there?  

I meant "see" in the broader terms of studying and being cognizant, as well as observing.  "So having your head pointed the right way" was a metaphor.

You're amazed at my lack of reading comprehension.  Here is what you wrote to start the thread:

"I hear so much about Republicans shoving Religion down peoples throat but yet I never see that personally..Next time one of you non worldly posters has someone knock on your  door trying to sell you Religion.....Ask them what Political Party they favor!!!!!!!... GET REAL"

The problem with that reasoning is the main evidence you give is: "...I never see that personally."

How am I supposed to argue with that?  Argue that there's something there that you don't see?  So I wrote "You can't see something personally if your head is turned a different direction."

I imply that there's overwhelming evidence there, you just have to look.  If you haven't seen it, I can't show it to you.  

Donner Party Animal 3256 reads
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Can you give me sanctuary?

I can't make it any more...

Jeremy Bender 2731 reads
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never have heard of the Anti-abortion movement. I assume that you are too clueless to have ever heard of Terry Schiavo either. Maybe your motto should be "Proud to be stupid?."

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 2095 reads
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I think you are brainwashed because you never seem to read into a post but merely read the words..Maybe I should be more specific..Anyway most of the Christians I know are Democrats and Republicans equal mix.... lol and also   the Catholics.. I live in Central Va and maybe its different other places.. I honestly have never met a Falwell type person but if I went to one of the revivals at the Stadium I am sure I would meet some there... My point I am trying to make that seems so vague to you is the fact that I mentioned...They did help win two elections for Bush but the Moral majority is truly a minority in the Republican Party...now some people like you might lump anyone that has a family and says a prayer at meal time a Moral majority member...???

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1793 reads
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Anti abortion movement is not gaining any ground and plenty of Republicans have had abortions ...Abortion is not the defining issue of Republicans except the Moral Minority...
 So what about Terri Schiavo?? He parents wanted her on life suport and her husband said she didn't want to be on life support.. The Courts got involved and the Moral Minority and the Far Left got involved..The Media blew  family sorrow into a media circus for the far left and far right to watch the sponsors commercials ..Anyone who stayed glued to the Schiavo story certainly needs a better life.. Actually "I am too Proud to be Stupid"

Ben Dover 2613 reads
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...but I stayed in the youth-bus and used a 14yo girl from our group as a piece of "furniture", lmao!

BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 2493 reads
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and trying to figure out what to do about the woodie I would get early in the AM and I would have to stand up!!!  kinda gave a new meaning to the hymn "stand up, stand up for Jesus...."!!!

yup, dem youthful early morning woodies... nothing like em!!!

BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 1970 reads
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but not all Christians (of all varieties - and there are many more of those that evangelical) are GOP.... many happen to be Dems.... but most of those are either Episcopals... or shudder... Methodists... or... and here is the real shudder... RC's   Just ask Ted Kennedy... that good Irish Catholic...

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 2189 reads
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Yes it was specifically directed about the Evangelicals, not the entire world of the Christian religion.
Why... (wait for it!) some of my Best Friends are Christians.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 1936 reads
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Apology accepted. I did attend Rabbinical school, could technically pass myself off as a Rabbi, and (unfortunately) know far more about what's really going on than I ever wanted to.

Enlightenment does have its burdens.

HOWEVER... as DPA noted, my reference was a lyric from a piece of music by The Doors entitled "Soft Parade".

Nonetheless, the message holds true.

You can NOT petition the Lord with Prayer.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 1852 reads
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Can you really sit there with a straight face and claim the entire Terry Schiavo epiosode was media created? When Jeb Bush, George Bush, Senator Frist and the entire slobbering band of drooling GOP panderers went APE-SHIT trying to write a constitutional amendment for a single person?
If that wasn't pandering to the Family Values Christian Evangelical anti-abortion liveinthe10thcenturylikeabunchofidiots crowd, I would hate to experience what your idea of pandering is.
And since you claim to be hampered by a lack of education...

Pandering: To cater to the lower tastes and desires of others or exploit their weaknesses:

Most often used in relation to pimps and politicians.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 2165 reads
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The Schiavo thing had been going on for years before the Media circus..I am not a mind reader like a lot of you guys so I am not sure who they were pandering to..I realize the law is the law and according to the law in Florida the husband makes the live with or die without help.. I didn't see it as a political issue at first but a issue between husnabd and in laws..Sure after it gained National Exposure all sides turned it into a political issue instead of a personal family issue..I will give my two cents though and it has nothing to do with religion..If I was King I would have allowed the parents to take over Schiavo's care.. Thats what the parents wanted and if Schiavo was truly brain dead she wouldn't know either way..I did just read about a dude in Poland that woke up out of a twenty year coma.. The Drs, had also said he would die and his brain was fried.. He woke up talking after twenty years...Actually Doc I don't feel hampered by a lack of a higher education degree as I can read and comprehend what I read far better than most mortals with Masters degrees.Plus I never had to go through the lefty brainwashing that exists at most major universities...Oh and Doc I believe the leftys were also pandering to their crowd over Schiavo.. Or does pandering only count when its not your side??

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 2224 reads
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Oh hell of course it does quad... do I look like a hypocritical Republican to you? Pandering works both ways, and of course the right and left were all pimping themselves for exposure.
I grant you the point it would have never gone anywhere had not one of the media circus ringleaders made it a national issue. But who was it exactly that created the circus? I remember it being a combination of the Christian Coalition and their broadcasting networks combinedwith then-Florida Governor Jeb Bush getting involved in a completely inappropriate manner.
But then , I do not claim certainty, I didn't start following the story until after Fox stated pimping it. Ironic that... I first heard of the Schiavo incident from Fox News.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 4961 reads
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Like I said  one of the reasons I don't listen to talk show  Beck on the radio is he is boring..I think he talked about Schiavo a year maybe two before the Mainstream hit it.. You can spout off all you want about the right but you did make one true statement. "The right and left were pimping themselves" .....{ but not the majority from either party} ... Doc I am glad you listen to Fox news .. I actually hardly ever listened to Fox News  once the internet came out as I tend to like to read the news ..now that I have fiber optics I do listen to Fox news online occasionally as they have some interesting links IMO.. Heck I dropped my cable when Al Gore got the internet started..

Donner Party Animal 2519 reads
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assuming He/She/It actually exists.

It's my belief that the miserable, spiteful, malignant, sadistic bastard that is the deity justs laughs at us all the way to...eternity?  And He/she/it laughs hardest at those who believe most fervantly.

You'd be no wosre of petitioning rubble from a landslide.  Or any other inert and inatimate object of your choice.

Good luck to those who do.

Sophomoric Humorist 3340 reads
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Apppropos my interest in short-term memory loss, and another opportunity to amuse CiaraPhx if she anders over to this forum :  you can, figuratively speaking, be born again, every day, like Guy Pearce in "Memento" or Drew Barrymore in "50 First Dates."

Though in the latter case, being around Adam Sandler for an 11-week shooting schedule, I think the destruction of short term memory would indeed be a blessing.

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