Politics and Religion

Re: My opinion is, that BLS
mattradd 40 Reviews 2619 reads
1 / 28

under the law, and opportunities available to us all, here's something to contemplate.   ;)

JohnyComeAlready 596 reads
3 / 28

I myself have never subscribed to the notion. That I had equal protection under the law, certainly since America operates under the system of Capitalism.

Only moronic liberals would believe otherwise, as the system has to remind them of this fact daily.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 662 reads
4 / 28

The entire country is run by special interest group.

How much more fucked up can it get?

JohnyComeAlready 604 reads
6 / 28

The article offered proof that capital will always reign in a court of law.

Example: Corporate lawyers finding ways to work around environmental laws.
Posted By: bigguy30
This is not about liberals but every American feeling the same as Johny!  
WTF are you going on about?

bigguy30 682 reads
7 / 28

So yes it's two different stories but both stories have something in common.

The laws are supposed to be the same for everybody but are handed out according to status and connections.

Some believe this is fair and others don't believe it.

Just look at who is well connected and those people who are not well connected.

The law should not be about who has the most connections to the SCOTUS or money.

We all should have the same playing field when it comes to law not just a very few!

I guess those who missed that point are fine with this system.


Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
The article offered proof that capital will always reign in a court of law.  
 Example: Corporate lawyers finding ways to work around environmental laws.  
Posted By: bigguy30
This is not about liberals but every American feeling the same as Johny!  
 WTF are you going on about?

-- Modified on 12/8/2014 9:37:42 PM

-- Modified on 12/8/2014 11:43:54 PM

JohnyComeAlready 606 reads
8 / 28

No it's not fair... No there is nothing that can be done to change those facts...

Unless you take someone to court.  

I don't see that working out well, unless you have ample capital to squader.
Posted By: bigguy30
So yes it's two different stories but both stories have something in common.  
 The laws are supposed to be the same for everybody but are handed out according to status and connections.  
 Some believe this is fair and others don't believe it.  
 Just look at who is well connected and those people who are not well connected.  
 The law should not be about who has the most connections to the SCOTUS or money.  
 We all should have the same playing field when it comes to law not just a very few!  
 I guess those who missed that point are fine with this system.  
Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
The article offered proof that capital will always reign in a court of law.  
  Example: Corporate lawyers finding ways to work around environmental laws.  
Posted By: bigguy30
This is not about liberals but every American feeling the same as Johny!    
  WTF are you going on about?
 -- Modified on 12/8/2014 9:37:42 PM

-- Modified on 12/8/2014 11:43:54 PM

User1994 23 Reviews 598 reads
9 / 28

But don't worry, comrades. They are guaranteed not to sway the four commies.

Posted By: mattradd
under the law, and opportunities available to us all, here's something to contemplate.   ;)

mattradd 40 Reviews 653 reads
10 / 28

Between your charges, Pinhead's frivolously calling people, here, traitors and Gunny's alluding to what he would like to have happen to our president, I'm thinking it's time to put you clowns on ignore!   ;)

GaGambler 645 reads
11 / 28

Lets see, We have fatgirl, Hadji, Fungy, just way too many to list them all. To tell the truth, even you look downright reasonable and intelligent compared to your teammates.

bigguy30 773 reads
12 / 28

When the GOP supporters cry about the constitution.

I will now point to the Bush White House CIA report from today.

This is further proof the GOP are lying frauds!
Posted By: GaGambler
Lets see, We have fatgirl, Hadji, Fungy, just way too many to list them all. To tell the truth, even you look downright reasonable and intelligent compared to your teammates.
-- Modified on 12/9/2014 4:56:27 PM

mattradd 40 Reviews 614 reads
13 / 28

I just think it shows a lack of [personal character to be accusing others of being traitors or commies, if their opinion doesn't match the accusers right-wing view point.

P.S. Since you were a mod before, could you enlighten me on why I can't put needledick on ignore.

-- Modified on 12/9/2014 5:38:00 PM

followme 593 reads
14 / 28

ith many accusations and a lot of things supposedly done by the CIA but they offer NO proof.

They never interviewed many of the people supposedly involved  

Putting forth this report will endanger the lives of many, many people.

Military bases and embassies have been put on high alert.

There is no doubt that the dems are pissed they lost the senate and are fucking things up on the way out.  

You’re Welcome
2016 = GOP WH, Senate and Hous

JohnyComeAlready 678 reads
15 / 28

However, I can refrain from reading his posts. Why can't you?

Posted By: mattradd
I just think it shows a lack of [personal character to be accusing others of being traitors or commies, if their opinion doesn't match the accusers right-wing view point.  
 P.S. Since you were a mod before, could you enlighten me on why I can't put needledick on ignore.

-- Modified on 12/9/2014 5:38:00 PM

bigguy30 633 reads
16 / 28

When you don't follow the constitution this is what happens to this country.

The actions by the Bush WhiteHouse and CIA put people lives in danger.

So you saying this report offered no proof is just stupid.

You can make up as many things as you want but the GOP WhiteHouse lied and were exposed today!

Posted By: followme
 With many accusations and a lot of things supposedly done by the CIA but they offer NO proof.  
 They never interviewed many of the people supposedly involved    
 Putting forth this report will endanger the lives of many, many people.  
 Military bases and embassies have been put on high alert.  
 There is no doubt that the dems are pissed they lost the senate and are fucking things up on the way out.  
 You’re Welcome  
 2016 = GOP WH, Senate and House  
-- Modified on 12/9/2014 7:28:49 PM

JackDunphy 511 reads
17 / 28

Totally political with an 8-7 vote strictly along party lines. And I wonder why it was released today? Hmmm....what else happened today? Oh yeah, our favorite Ocare idiot Gruber was getting grilled on Capitol Hill.

You gotta give these Dems credit. When they put our service men and woman lives in jeopardy around the world today at least they managed to put Ocare as the No. 2 story. Bully for them. Sheez...

GaGambler 613 reads
18 / 28

As for ND, or anyone else for that matter, why do you need a tab to ignore someone. I ignore 98% of what fatgirl says without the benefit of an "ignore function" Since I use TER Classic, I don't even have an ignore function. Is is really so hard to ignore someone without help?

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 726 reads
19 / 28

"I am talking about our own C73, the angry black man..."


I replied and gave the reasons why I thought he was of Indian descent:


What did you do?  You STFU and ran away.  You weren't even man enough to admit you were wrong.

Then your new righty BFF 86H13LTP was the first to call him "Hadji."  You thought that was the funniest thing you ever heard.  You said:

"Hadji???!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha"


Then you started calling him "Hadji" ad nauseam to try to cover up the fact you said he was black.  Didn't work, did it?

Your righty buddy 86H also called Obama a "smoke" which another way of calling a Black man the N word.  Did you get a laugh out of that too?  Is calling an Indian "Hadji" any different than calling a Black man "smoke?"


BTW, since you obviously don't know, American soldiers refer to all Afghani civilians and enemy combatants in a derogatory way as "Hadji."


Now tell us again how you're not racist because you're half-Asian and were subjected to racial taunts.  Or maybe: "Some of my best friends (Curly) are Indian."

bigguy30 654 reads
20 / 28

You try to sound like a know it all and tough. LOL

Just stop with the weak ass arguments and all of the BS you say on here.

When a person like you attacks others and then can't the heat themselves.

The little credibility you might have is gone.

I know maybe the fact your GOP supporter lies can't get pass some on this broad.

So be a man and if you can't take the heat then move on ladyboy!
Posted By: GaGambler
As for ND, or anyone else for that matter, why do you need a tab to ignore someone. I ignore 98% of what fatgirl says without the benefit of an "ignore function" Since I use TER Classic, I don't even have an ignore function. Is is really so hard to ignore someone without help?

-- Modified on 12/10/2014 3:24:00 AM

bigguy30 775 reads
21 / 28
GaGambler 586 reads
22 / 28
mattradd 40 Reviews 674 reads
23 / 28

Yes, I can choose to not read his posts, which I typically do, but I'd like to not have to read his subject lines which is nearly impossible to do if one is perusing a thread.

GaGambler 700 reads
24 / 28

I use TER Classic which does not have an ignore feature in the first place. So I have NEVER put a poster on ignore, although I did block liorr from sending me PM a few years back, but that's not what you are asking.

So you are definitely asking the wrong person where it comes to using any feature that came with "NEW TER".

GaGambler 614 reads
25 / 28

I think he must be fuming that he got the boot for 3 months, and I manage to stay within the rules and not only have never lost my posting privileges, but have only spent a few short months being moderated.

My opinion of him is well known. I don't have to respond to him for him to know that, and I am much too smart to rise to the bait in a manner that would get me moderated.

Besides, he has been singing the same tired tune for over a decade. Nothing new to see here. At least the new trolls are "new" Stupid? yes, but at least not the same tired bullshit for years.

followme 699 reads
26 / 28

is trying to set you up/bait you then ....stab you in the back.

Thank you  
2014 = 59 = 13 in a row

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 669 reads
27 / 28

You're the one who reads the posts. Don't lie, there are threads where you respond to me.

Why are you whining to them?

BTW, besides being a baby, you're  a huge hypocrite too. If you were truly concerned about character and personal attacks you would have said something to Flounder about his 300 posts per month calling people liars and Republiscum, or any of the other personal attacks, but you did'nt say shit. Now you're whining about me. Pfft

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