Politics and Religion

Re: It funny how cavalier you are when it's a Republican being slandered
Tusayan 1486 reads

I don't care if it's a Democrat or Republican, I'm talking about the law.  Palin has no case against the Enquirer unless she can prove:

1. story was false
2. that the publication was negligent in the reporting of the story
3. that she was personally damaged in some way
4. since Palin is a public figure she must also prove actual malice, that the Enquirer knew that the story was false and published it anyway.

If you can prove all of those points, then you can say that Palin was slandered (actually this would be a libel case).  If you can't prove them then you have no basis to make such claims about the media treatment of poor little Sarah.  If she can't handle the scrutiny of the big time then go back to Alaska.

Everytime I hear some kind of slander about Sarah Palin from the left wing screamers I look it up to see if its true and inevitably I find something else I didn't know about her and its usually good .. I also looked up Obama when I hear the right wind screamers making slander against him and I find the untruth in those statements also. For example I know he is not a closet Muslim waiting to take over the U.S. Whats happened is the left has gone a bit too far in their desperate attempt to discredit Sarah Palin.. When I hear that Sarah is Governor of a rinky dinky state like Alaska I look up Alaska and see what kind of infrastructure they have ..and accidentally find she has a 80% approval rating from the citizens of that almost uninhabited place.. Higher than any Governor in the U.S.A.. Shows you how dumb those bunch of cracker redneck hillbilly unwed mothers inhabiting that hell hole there are .. Looks like only 20% of them have any sense. That would be the ones that don't approve of Sarah for the slow comprehension crowd ,in case any of the 80% of dumb Alaskans are reading this. It didn't take long to find out she has five children ..Whats up with that ..Doesn't she know the Chinese are setting a example with the one child policy..Whats she trying to do, overpopulate her own rinky dinky State?? Then I find out she has a DS baby and she still wants to work .. The left was sure to tell me that a womans place is in the home once she has a child with a challenge.. Then I find out her own daughter which she preached to her, not to have sex until marriage ,went out and whored herself, and got knocked up by one of those dumb Alaskans .. Curiosity got the best of me and I wondered ,how many unwed mothers in Southside Chicago where Obama was community organizer.. I haven't had time to do all the research needed to be accurate but the tentative figures I have found are somewhere between 65 %and 75 % .. Sounds like Obama and Palin should be on the same ticket since they both seem to support all those unwed mothers pumping babies out like clockwork..
Now I find out that Olberman and Matthews have been removed from their headline spot..Wonder why?? Olberman led me to do much of my own research on Palin..
I don't take polls seriously but I have noticed a quick rise with McCain and a quick drop with Obama which leads me to believe something is happening..
I don't blame Obama for any of this as I do think he is quite the outstanding Gentleman .. I am only wondering if he requested that Matthews and Olberman "got to go" as too many people are trying to rescue a damsel in distress.. Don't say I didn't tell you this would happen because its all recorded History..Note to Alaskans..Not that Obama requested they be removed ,but the fact the Left Wing Media slander on Sarah Palin would backfire on Obamas campaign.

Tusayan1116 reads

Don't worry about Palin. She's a public figure and virtualy impossible to slander.

Timbow1471 reads

Tell that to the National Enqirer if they lie about  her . Public figure are not they will be held accountable :)

-- Modified on 9/8/2008 8:19:59 AM

GaGambler8188 reads

You didn't find it quite so amusing when it was happening to your guy.

Tusayan1487 reads

I don't care if it's a Democrat or Republican, I'm talking about the law.  Palin has no case against the Enquirer unless she can prove:

1. story was false
2. that the publication was negligent in the reporting of the story
3. that she was personally damaged in some way
4. since Palin is a public figure she must also prove actual malice, that the Enquirer knew that the story was false and published it anyway.

If you can prove all of those points, then you can say that Palin was slandered (actually this would be a libel case).  If you can't prove them then you have no basis to make such claims about the media treatment of poor little Sarah.  If she can't handle the scrutiny of the big time then go back to Alaska.

The Democrats are probably also racist toward SP for intermarrying a native Eskimo.  I would not be surprised to find out that the whole Democratic party is politist.  They sure seem to be a lot of politism coming from them.  Its like they are prejudice of Republicans.  Sexist, racist, politist and agist in the case of McCain - though I'm sure they can find a problem with Palin's younger age too.  

Biden is just right.  He's their porridge!

Olberman should go back to doing sports.  Politics is way too sophisticated for his feeble mind.

I'm glad Olberman was transferred off.  As an editorialist, I tend to agree with him.  But, he was the wrong person for the role of a non-partisan reporter of events.  He serves a nice purpose as a counter-weight to the entire Fox "news" and editorial team, but he was too biased to properly do his job during the conventions.

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