Politics and Religion

Re: Isn't hate + stupidity a beautiful sight to behold!?!
CltLuvr 388 reads

Sure is! just ask Rev. Al.

GaGambler2019 reads

Just because I call out you race baiters for looking for racism under every rock, doesn't mean that there are not still a LOT of stupid, racist, white people in this country.

Here is one of the stupidest. lmao

Fuck, I am going to get this post right yet. Every time I edit the post it cuts off half my title line.

-- Modified on 1/20/2015 11:06:36 AM

bigguy30464 reads

Posted By: GaGambler
Just because I call out you race baiters for looking for racism under every rock, doesn't mean that there are not still a LOT of stupid, racist, white people in this country.  

Here is one of the stupidest. lmao

-- Modified on 1/20/2015 10:56:54 AM

... the poor child has no chance of ever having a normal life.

That's not stupid or racist, but it does have tragedy written all over it.

Really hope someone with courage will remove the child from its hateful environment.

Gag, please tell me this turned out to be just a hoax.

GaGambler591 reads

A friend of mine sent it to me with the comment that he lost it at the point where he saw the poor kid was named "Watermelon"

I didn't vett any of this, I just thought with all the race baiting threads of late, how much dumber could we get?

Perhaps I am wrong for believing  hoaxes should  be funny.  

Warning ....searching the photo will lead to Swastika goon sites.  
   There was a mix up, fortunately for the child, not the same mix up as the article claimed.  

 Their real names are Heath Campbell and Bethanie  Zito ,  Nazi losers


Posted By: DoctorGonzo
... the poor child has no chance of ever having a normal life.  
 That's not stupid or racist, but it does have tragedy written all over it.  
 Really hope someone with courage will remove the child from its hateful environment.  
 Gag, please tell me this turned out to be just a hoax.

Nothing a change in one's mindset and circle of friends can't change.

I'm not in tune with the neo Nazi mindset, most of the self proclaimed ones I knew growing up, there were only a few, were alcoholics. The story itself goes against what I would believe a supremacist's mind set would be, and that is artificial insemination. AI seems to go against the notion or pure anything.

...finally link a post to one of your statements made up out of whole cloth,  it turns out to be false, just like all your other posts.

And of course you didn't bother to vett (sic) it just as you never bother to back up your usual bloviations with links to prove what you say is true.  Why, you couldn't even bother to vet the word "vet."   ROFLMAO!

...it contains quotation marks. Everything after the first quotation mark gets cut off.

A former moderator doesn't know that?  Not surprising that TER dumped you.  Also not surprising that you pouted when you were booted and then announced you were leaving.  So why did you come back when you vowed not to?

...GaGoebbels in another one of his Big Lies.  It's a "very hard time" just because he proclaims it to be and his booze-soaked brain tells him it is.  Yet it's just one more thing in his life that isn't "hard."

JackDunphy390 reads

You really need to stalk the shit out of him and slam repeated dumbass post on top of repeated dumbass post in the same thread?

Didn't you JUST get back from suspension? Do you really think ad hominems, comparing him to a Nazi and enacting out some sort of twisted ass revenge to another poster helps you out with that issue?

WAY overdue to move on BP.

GaGambler515 reads

looks like one little baby needs a nap lmao

His obsession with me is a bit over the top, wouldn't you say?

I do find it ironic that the boards number one user of RAP spends so much time in time out, and if you think about it, who is the other biggest abuser of RAP? Tidwit, and he's on time out as well. I wonder if there is some kind of relation between being a total pain in Admin's ass, and spending an inordinate amount of time in time out?

Give the poor guy a break ...

  I'd talk to myself also, if I could never find a K doll to accept my money for her time.

GaGambler864 reads

I was lucky to have been vouched for years ago by a former moderator of the LA board who was also well known in that  community, without his help I too might have had a hard time every seeing a Kgirl in So Cal as well.

Maybe despite having been here for well over a decade BigNarc can't find anyone to vouch for him, and we all know how much he loves to claim sour grapes. Which I imagine is why he is obsessed with me. I can't help it if no one, not just me, but no one wanted him accepted into the moderator club. It wasn't just that we thought he would be a bad moderator (which we did. lol)  the main reason was that nobody liked him. I guess he is still butt hurt over that snub all these years later.

Just how do you know that?  Are you under the delusion that you're still a moderator on TER?  You must be confusing TER with a fuckboard that's as dried up as the dry holes you bore.  Or else you're listening to those pink elephants flying around your head.

Go ahead, tell us about the friends in high places you still have at TER.  Do they still let you fly on the corporate jet?  ROFL!

How sad - the college dropout still trying to be a Big Man On Campus, pretending to be in the know in order to recapture the "glory days" of being a moderator on a fuckboard.

GaGambler579 reads

Does this go back to childhood where as the "fat kid" you were always picked last to be on any team?

I am sorry we didn't pick you to join our team, the truth of the matter is, no one liked you enough to want you on our team. OK, actually no one liked you at all, but I wasn't go to go there. lol

As for RAP, more threads that you are getting your ass kicked on disappear than any others. Every time you get caught in a lie, poof that thread along with the evidence of your lie disappears. It's pretty easy to do the math. Even a dropout like me can do that simple math.

...that are pulled.  Do you keep a log of threads and tally up which ones are removed?  Is it covered in Cheetos dust in your mom's basement?

You just told marikod: "you keep 'stating' it as if it were a matter of fact and not opinion."


What a joke you are!!!  You invented that technique!!  Every post of yours states "facts" that you pull out of your butt.  For example - let's see your stats on removed threads.  Or see if you can recall just ONE from your booze-addled brain.

Now go back to excessive rotgut drinking and screwing $100. putas because that's all you can afford to do.  There's a good boy.

...very thin-skinned when they get the same treatment.  They scream "stalker" just like you're doing.

You don't know how long GaG has been "stalking" me and telling the Big Lies.  Why don't you advise HIM to move on???

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