Politics and Religion

Re: I'm glad you admitted.....
mrhuck 15 Reviews 32 reads

...Well H.C. to cut to the chase of course I see where you are going here, but you are ignoring where our system is right now, the private healthcare providers & insurance corporations are costing more per capita than any other advanced country in the world & America is not even in the top 10 as far as healthcare quality. Our Medicare system has come up with a fair payment system that still keeps healthcare providers profitable & prevents profiteering by unscrupulous insurance & care providers. By putting this system on a sliding % scale for users based upon income & age it could also be much more affordable & the insurance providers would still be able to sell supplemental policies. And next time you try to attack government programs try comparing the interstate highway system with the private highway toll authorities around the country. Privatization UR ass !!

He tells GOP Senators world is watching about what they are doing about healthcare!    Cannot be any more of a comedy in that one.

No, asshole, the world is laughing at you!    The world has not seen a clown like you disguised as the American President.     People in most of the advanced countries around the world have guaranteed health care from their Governments.     It is here that it is a "for profit business".

...Because it appears from my previous posts that almost nobody that posts on this board is ether interested or knowledgeable enough to comment on the current healthcare indecision going on in congress right now. So to repeat  myself from my earlier posts, why not at least talk about a Medicare program for our whole country.

HappyChanges21 reads

mention how to realistically fund a Medicare program for the whole country without decimating the middle class.

Also, your trust in government programs is misguided. It baffles me that people want additional, larger, government programs to depend on.

...Well Changes, the money is what this discussion is really about, first where is the money currently going ?  Next how much of that money is actually going toward helping Americans to be healthy ?  Next what kind of healthcare system can be devised to improve upon the monetary efficiency of the system we already have in place ?  Next how do we equitably cover this systems costs. These are the questions that I am requesting input on from the other posters on this board.

...Oh I forgot to mention about my own suggestion for a healthcare solution it's already here & it's called Medicare, the payment schedules for healthcare providers are already in place,& the % of coverage could be put on a sliding scale & the supplemental insurance coverage is far easier for the insurance companies to calculate because they no longer have to negotiate with healthcare providers on billing. Not to mention that by far most Americans over 65 are very satisfied with Medicare's coverage plan.

HappyChanges22 reads

that you have no idea how to fund your PIPE DREAM of the expansion of Medicare to the entire country. Neither do I.

There is no cut and dry solution to Healthcare. However, I believe that healthcare should be privatized as much as possible with little federal government involvement. There should be necessary government programs only.

I'm not against Medicare. Except the age should be raised a bit and the requirements to qualify should be stricter to allow only the elderly and folks in dire need to be eligible. Unfortunately, since the induction of Medicare, the eligibility requirements ran afoul. Enabling even more people dependants on government. Do you see where I'm going here?

The goal here is to minimize ALL government programs, which by nature, are inefficient, wasteful and inept.

...Well H.C. to cut to the chase of course I see where you are going here, but you are ignoring where our system is right now, the private healthcare providers & insurance corporations are costing more per capita than any other advanced country in the world & America is not even in the top 10 as far as healthcare quality. Our Medicare system has come up with a fair payment system that still keeps healthcare providers profitable & prevents profiteering by unscrupulous insurance & care providers. By putting this system on a sliding % scale for users based upon income & age it could also be much more affordable & the insurance providers would still be able to sell supplemental policies. And next time you try to attack government programs try comparing the interstate highway system with the private highway toll authorities around the country. Privatization UR ass !!

HappyChanges19 reads

Aside from the last sentence of your post and the gibberish that followed, you attempted to state your view in a reasonable manner so I'll respond accordingly.

I agree. I ignored the current status of the system right now in my previous post. It's impossible to replace the current dependency on government programs overnight. It may take decades. People like "free stuff". Protests (and riots) would take place all across the country if anybody dared eliminate government (tax payer) debt funded programs like Medicare. There needs to be a gradual removal of government programs (dependency) based off of sound realistic policies.

Back to the headline. So you are proposing introducing a government mandated sliding percent scale or "moving target" to medicare. Do tell? (Don't forget that people like free stuff).

...I did & either you have exceeded Websters capacity or you misspelled monopoly, regardless those laws don't apply to government regulation.

It's similar yet different than monopoly. If you want MEDICARE FOR ALL, assuming expansion of the CURRENT system, you have ONE BUYER and MULTIPLE SELLERS. You could correct that by migrating to the UK Universal Health Care of where the provider(s) and the supply chain are government controlled.

...Websters is enough for me & your point is invalid as far as Medicare is concerned, the system is here now for all Americans over 65 & it's working ! Made up words & commentary from a right wing regulation fearing organization like forbs are meaningless because they are so biased . And why would we need to place further controls on suppliers aren't contractual price offerings enough ? The bottom line is this system WORK'S throwing out made up words & capitalistic right wing web sites like forbs can't stop that.

...Well jack the insolvency you talk about is based on Medicare's current mandate, if a cost control system like Medicare is negotiated & voted into law the opportunity to correct what ever mistakes that create this insolvency could be addressed, none of the proposals that ether the house or senate have presented address that problem because our elected representatives feeding on the cash gifts of the health provider & insurance company lobbies & the lobby's objective is to privatize healthcare so providers & insurers can continue to steal the funds & make healthcare as unaffordable  as they do now. The true bottom line here is cost controls for our healthcare system &the best salvation for that is to take away the thieves ability to steal.

The entitlements have needed reform for decades Huck. People are living MUCH longer then when SS & MD were enacted and thus using so many more benefits then were originally factored in.  

Do you think this will get better or worse over time as technology keeps people alive even longer then today?

Do you think the elderly want to pay more per month? No. Do you think they want rationed care? Um, no. And guess what Huck? Elderly people vote and vote in droves.

The fixes necessary are politically untenable so each POTUS just passes the buck to the next and voila! Nothing happens and the crises get all that much more difficult to fix.

Look at Vermont, Colorado and CA who all have looked into a single payer road. All have stopped as the costs are astronomical.

...I guess I should take my own advice on engaging in discussion with someone who has no solutions to propose only criticisms & pessimism that nothing works, Jack it appears you have ignored everything I posted about cost controls & fresh legislation & chosen instead to tell us why the current Medicare system is doomed to failure, for just the reason of wining the argument, typical attorney behavior, who cares about a solution just let me win.

I HAVE given what I believe to be solutions and have done so numerous times. I didn't just SAY we are doomed, as I listed states that tried to do what YOU want them to and they couldn't make it world financially.  

Two of the states were far lefty states so they had extra added incentive to make them work. You dont think they used "cost controls & fresh legislation?"  

We need massive entitlement reform Huck and we are not going to get it. That isn't just pessimism talking, it is watching how the DC establishment has handled problems for decades; by kicking them down the road.

If you want to bury your head in the sand and act like there isn't a gigantic problem with funding and unfunded liabilities, then feel free to do so. Just don't ask me to play along with your utopian view.

...Again this horrible liar has engaged the TAR BABY I need to follow my own advice.

Mattradd is a liberal's liberal. He just picked out one random article from many when you google MONOPSOLY,  and it happened to be from Forbes. Actually the content of the article is non-biased and mirrors what you read in any basic econ book.  

mrhuck, I believe you wanted a dialogue. Didn't you say that you "want to at least talk about a Medicare program for the whole country". I'm guessing you really don't want a dialogue, especially when there are really big non-existent words being used. Your mind is already made up.  

You should have done better on your SAT/ACT tests. If you did, you would known what monopsoly means. You're just another narrow minded putz.

-- Modified on 7/31/2017 11:38:46 AM

...well St. Croix  my graduation predated SAT/ACT tests & this putz feels ok with calling any word not found in my 2012 version of Websters new world dictionary made up especially when the word is thrown out by some right wing asshole that just wants to complicate a discussion that he has nothing ells to contribute to. So unless you have an idea that may help to figure out how to move forward on Americas healthcare for the future please STFU.

Stupid, Old and a Putz is no way to go through life. It's close enough to Fat, Drunk and Stupid. REMEMBER 1976 POPS? ITS WHEN ANIMAL HOUSE WAS RELEASED. CAN YOU READ THIS? DO I NEED TO MAKE THE LETTERS BIGGER POPS?

The SAT was first administered in 1926. If your graduation predated the SAT test, at a minimum that makes you, well older than shit. Too old in fact to have an intelligent 21st century discussion. How about you just sit in your rocker, watch a little Wheel of Fortune, learn a new word, and stop trying to have a discussion on how you really want to spend other people's money on a program destined to go bankrupt.  

-- Modified on 7/31/2017 3:15:50 PM

...Well St. asshole the only correct words you described about me is old,I graduated near the top the top of my class in 1978 and was offered a management position more than a month before graduating by a construction company to build a large office complex. I started working part time & paying payroll & S.S. taxes while I was still in junior high school, Iv'e more than earned the right to ask questions about Americans future healthcare plans. Than some stupid asshole wants to divert a healthcare discussion with some stupid word that doesn't apply in any way the subject, You have demonstrated your best POS trolling behavior to the rest of the readers of this entire series of posts, now aren't you proud.

HappyChanges46 reads

I'm always amazed by self absorbed baby boomers who want everyone else to pay there way (including future generations). The "Entitled Generation".

pot/kettle60 reads

All that most of the idiots on this board ever want to do is A) blast out their same opinion OVER and OVER and OVER again or B) Insult the the others who don't share their opinion or C) blast others who won't blast people who disagree with them.  Yes, all three of these tendencies clearly resonate with the board's most prolific poster (Laffy) but at least one of them describes the habits of nearly every poster on this often useless "discussion" board.

...you called someone "fucking stupid" and "clueless?"  Was that a different "pot/kettle?"  It had to be because you only engage in "discussion."  You would never insult or blast anyone, right?


... my goodness, the arrogance temerity and hubris you display in this post of yours is appalling, even for you.

Lighten up BP... you only demean yourself.

WomanLvr34 reads

If we cold only follow the money!  There will never be an "honest," "factual" discussion about a healthcare system that adequately serves all of the American people, while protecting business owners and ensuring the insurance companies, doctors/hospitals, and pharma companies all thrive.

Each of these "businesses" want a bigger piece of the pie and will not compromise.  To protect themselves, they donate tons of $$$$ to lobbyists who make sure congressional reps do their bidding and protect the status quo.

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