Politics and Religion

Re: If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.....teeth_smile
ROMMEL 54 Reviews 223 reads

I remember when they tried to use that spin and nobody bought it.  "You can keep your plan if I don't cancel your plan"?  Oh, ok, so that's what he meant.  LOL.  Obama is the worst president and lying freeloader in history.

Posted By: hwy2heaven
President Obama was right.   What the media did not report clearly was that the insurance policies had to be redone to include coverage for preventive screenings, mental health, no annual cap and other provisions.    When insurers canceled policies it was because they did not cover the requirements of the new law.    When new policies were issued, people went back to their doctors.  
 I had my policy canceled and reissued and still see the same doctor.

JakeFromStateFarm4441 reads

He's up to 100 and he's barely 50 days into his reign.

GaGambler233 reads

AT only two lies a day he wouldn't even make top ten on this board

-- Modified on 3/12/2017 6:07:26 PM

Still the lie of the milenium so far.  Those Huffpo articles do seem to cheer you up but Hillary lost and the DNC is over.  Poor Antfarm.

JakeFromStateFarm117 reads

I'll even stipulate that what Obama said was a lie.  But that puts him -- in 8 years -- WAY behind Pres. Cheeto, who has no clue what the truth is and doesn't care.
Also, you and your ilk need to retire that tired crap about "Hillary lost and the DNC is over."  We know that.  This is about the lying drivel that spews daily from the mouth of our current demented and incompetent leader.
He may have set a record today because, so far as I can tell, he didn't lie.
Presumably that's because Ivanka took his twitter feed away.

You'll stipulate that?  How generous.  You compare the lie of the century to a disagreement about audience size?  He sold Obamacare on that lie and look how well it worked out.  Yea, the DNC is over and you, and your ilk, are trying to out do each other with silly Trump hate posts.  That's all you've got.  What's that like Antfarm?

JakeFromStateFarm188 reads

You compare one Obama lie to one Trump lie that you've picked out of 100 Trump lies in only 50 days?
You really aren't worth talking to.
For god's sake go find some game.  Or a brain.
Or maybe bite down on that extra cyanide pill you saved for all these years.

You spend the day looking for Huffpo and Politico articles that make you feel better about Hillary's loss.  Now you're reconciling lie lists.  These are hard times for nit wit libs like you and the best part is that you have nothing to look forward to.  And contrary to your comment; you ARE worth talking to.  Your misery makes everyday seem like Christmas.  Later buddy.

JakeFromStateFarm127 reads

But keep on inventing what other people think to make your miserable life worth living. Just keep repeating this to yourself. Over and over and over....

You and dumb,ass30 send cool pictures.  He's a happy motherfucker too.  Keep crying my friend.

JakeFromStateFarm198 reads

Since you mentioned it, what ever happened to dumb.ass30?  On a T/O perhaps? LMAO!

followme224 reads

If fg was stabbed in the back, and we all know who would do that , or perhaps wondering the ghetto looking for his True Sweetheart. Or just passed out in the gutter clutching an empty can of colt45.

Lie of the century!   Papa Trumpanazee saying former President wiretapped his tower in NYC.   It is a con man spreading fake news!    

What next?   Oh this water in White House is so bad I cannot take a clean dump every morning.   Let congress investigate.

Really...Fake News? And you know this how, because CNN told you it was fake.  

Unfortunately it has already been proven that there were taps. Although Trump was probably not the target of the FISA warrant obtained by the FBI it is pretty damn clear that both Comey and Clapper are certified card carrying liars.

Did Obama actually tell them to do it? Well that is something that will probably NEVER be told but I am betting that he sure as hell KNEW about it so that makes him just as guilty.  

Posted By: hwy2heaven
Lie of the century!   Papa Trumpanazee saying former President wiretapped his tower in NYC.   It is a con man spreading fake news!      
 What next?   Oh this water in White House is so bad I cannot take a clean dump every morning.   Let congress investigate.

President Obama was right.   What the media did not report clearly was that the insurance policies had to be redone to include coverage for preventive screenings, mental health, no annual cap and other provisions.    When insurers canceled policies it was because they did not cover the requirements of the new law.    When new policies were issued, people went back to their doctors.

I had my policy canceled and reissued and still see the same doctor.

I remember when they tried to use that spin and nobody bought it.  "You can keep your plan if I don't cancel your plan"?  Oh, ok, so that's what he meant.  LOL.  Obama is the worst president and lying freeloader in history.

Posted By: hwy2heaven
President Obama was right.   What the media did not report clearly was that the insurance policies had to be redone to include coverage for preventive screenings, mental health, no annual cap and other provisions.    When insurers canceled policies it was because they did not cover the requirements of the new law.    When new policies were issued, people went back to their doctors.  
 I had my policy canceled and reissued and still see the same doctor.

Nothing compares with Obamas lies about his signature "accomplishment".  Oh, he meant to say "you can keep your plan if I don't make it go away"?  He couldn't say that so he lied.  You can twist your crazy self into a pretzel trying to defend it but Obama told the worst lie in history and he's the worst president in history.  And Hillary lost!  LOL

TwoMints217 reads

White House press secretary Sean Spicer falsely claimed the crowd on the National Mall was “largest audience to ever witness an inauguration.” (Jan. 21)

This isn't a lie. What is a FACT is it was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration. That includes ALL viewers. See Internet views.

Trump falsely claimed that the crowd for his swearing-in stretched down the National Mall to the Washington Monument and totaled more than 1 million people. (Jan. 21)

Define stretched. It's a HUGE stretch to call this a lie.

As Trump fondly recalled his Inauguration Day, he said it stopped raining “immediately” when he began his speech. A light rain continued to fall throughout the address. (Jan. 21)

Maybe it stopped briefly.  Who fucking cares.

During his speech at CIA headquarters, Trump claimed the media made up his feud with the agency. In fact, he started it by comparing the intelligence community to “Nazi Germany.” (Jan. 21)

This is an opinion.  

During his speech at CIA headquarters, Trump repeated the claim that he “didn’t want to go into Iraq.” He told Howard Stern in 2002 that he supported the Iraq War. (Jan. 21)

He vaguely said, I guess so...   Something I can't imagine anyone would remember saying so many years ago..

Kinda like no one can remember Obama at Columbia...




The list of Obama's lies, and they aren't "it stopped raining" type of lies, is nearly endless.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
He's up to 100 and he's barely 50 days into his reign.

But Trump has really inoculated himself with all these "lies" as I don't think the public gives a rats ass anymore.

Look, we knew whoever won in November was going to be the biggest liar we have seen in our lifetime in the WH. You wanna count the number of lies. Fine. It's the seriousness of the lies that bothers me much more.

His lies are mostly lies of exaggeration. Not giving him a pass Jake but that really is the way he speaks and isn't going to change.

If he "lies" about the inauguration crowd size, I don't give a fuck.

But if he lies about him colluding with the Russians, I will be among the first here calling for his impeachment.

Lawmakers are demanding Justice Department provide proof of former  President wiretapping the Papa Trumpanazee tower in NYC.    It will be interesting as there will be no proof, it never happened and it will be the biggest lie of the century from an asshole sitting in Oval office!

TwoMints269 reads

What will come of this is the regressive media will harp on this for the next week. Endlessly.  

That's about it.

What people care about is dealing with Terrorism, Illegal Immigration, Taxes and the Health Care mess Obama created.  The things that the federal government should deal with.

Posted By: hwy2heaven
Lawmakers are demanding Justice Department provide proof of former  President wiretapping the Papa Trumpanazee tower in NYC.    It will be interesting as there will be no proof, it never happened and it will be the biggest lie of the century from an asshole sitting in Oval office!

Sen. Tom Cotton has said "Trumpanazeecare" is Dead On Arrival in Senate.   Love it.    Expect Papa Trumpanazee to start tweeting to Sen. Tom Cotton at 3am while scratching his balls !   There is nothing in his head to scratch like most sane people do.

-- Modified on 3/12/2017 10:05:55 PM

The lie he spread around about President Obama not being born in US, he is a Kenyan Muslim born somewhere in Kenya, his fact finding team to Hawaii and then last year admitting that President Obama was born in US period!

Can any lie beat this one?   This guy is a fucking racist pig wearing clothes made in China, tie made in Mexico, shoes made in Bangladesh and his shirt made in Vietnam and fooling idiots a.k.a Trumpanazees in to "make American great again".

They could not check on his boxers to see where it was made.  LOL.  May be in Russia.

And nothing can top Obamas bald face lies about the now disasterous Obamacare.  Obama is the worst president in history.  Unhinged, batshit crazy libs like you call everybody racist.  And nobody cares.  Hillary lost, you're suffering and I'm loving every minute of it.  Thanks Putin.

JakeFromStateFarm201 reads

The guy who started that one was fired.  But you Trumpanzees just gotta love it anyway.  Do you ever get tired sucking Donnie's dick?

Not true, nice try.  You and your girlfriend Taffy talk an awful lot about Trump's dick and balls.  Hopefully that will pass as you progress to a new, more intense, level of grief.  I'm here for you Antfarm.

Looks like he is telling that to Papa Trumpanazee!

Yeah buddy....reading all these posts on here that are Anti-Trump is fucking hilarious. They back either a racist money spending asshole or a crooked cunt that will eventually wind up in federal prison.  

And all they spew is....he lies.

Too funny.

Posted By: ROMMEL
And nothing can top Obamas bald face lies about the now disasterous Obamacare.  Obama is the worst president in history.  Unhinged, batshit crazy libs like you call everybody racist.  And nobody cares.  Hillary lost, you're suffering and I'm loving every minute of it.  Thanks Putin.

Mr.M.Johnson251 reads

everyone will have insurance - (NOT just fucking "access" IF you can afford it) - it'll cost less and it'll be better!"  

Seems like this'll turn out to be a fucking huge lie since P.Ryan is saying - already - that he's "not sure how many people will have insurance"


The "game" that Ryan is playing goes like this: "we'll make sure everyone will have access, and since we're not gonna subsidize low income earners, they won't be able to purchase insurance and we'll say 'the government' shouldn't/won't force them to buy insurance BECAUSE WE BELIEVE IN INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM."  Slick.....

Trump's wrong when he says "no one knew how difficult insurance is."

It's real simple Donald - lemme explain it to you:  IF we want all/most people to have insurance so that they don't get healthcare strictly at the emergency room, then we gotta subsidize low earners.  It's really that fucking simple!  If we don't subsidize them, they can't afford insurance and we're back to where we were before ObamaCare

I wonder if Donald will have a serious sit down w/P.Ryan and tell him that "you're breaking my fucking campaign promise Paul - I promised that EVERYONE will have insurance, NOT just fucking access."

This'll be fun to see what Trump does/says - assuming this bill actually "ain't dead on arrival."

That's why it is in committee...so they can work TOGETHER to make it work.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm

JakeFromStateFarm183 reads

Ryan and his crew want Republicans to pass it as is.  But the way it is now, it will never pass the Senate.

GaGambler155 reads

but as Trump himself said, it wouldn't be good for the country. ACA needs replacing and it needs it badly. The GOP in the House are going to have to force themselves to tweak this bill into something that will pass the Senate or they may just miss their chance.  

I consider tax reform and repeal/replace ObamaCare about equal in priority, but if the GOP can't get out of their own way, it's possible that neither get done this year which would be a pity.

This so reminds me of when Ocare was going through. R's made such a big deal out of pro-life Dems holding up passage to get the language they wanted and R's were saying "it won't pass...it won't pass!"


It will be messy...it will get loud...the Dems will blow the R "fracture" out of proportion and the R's will compromise and both laws will pass.

This is all just posturing at this point. The first phase of the first draft isn't worth all this doom and gloom talk.

This is just the way politics works. We just forget sometimes.

True but then if it did you Dems would be blowing a gasket when I tell you how PERFECT Trump really is.  

you definitely could not handle that.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
Ryan and his crew want Republicans to pass it as is.  But the way it is now, it will never pass the Senate.

JakeFromStateFarm148 reads

He's a perfect horse's ass. Then again, so is fg.

Earl slayed him.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
He's a perfect horse's ass. Then again, so is fg.

Mr.M.Johnson269 reads

Per CBO 24 million people will lose insurance and the federal gov't will save $347 billion because there won't be subsidies.

I'm anxiously awaiting Trump's reaction:

A) "fake numbers"
B) "I told ya I would reduce costs"
C) "I never meant that insurance would be cheaper and cover everyone - don't listen to what I say - 'cause it's usually a lie - listen to what I mean"

Interestingly, a lot of the uneducated low-information people who voted for Trump now have ObamaCare.  

Note to Trump Supoporters from Donald:  FUCK YOU! - Thanks for your vote!

The income from people who did not get health insurance and paid the fine + tax increases on millionaires and billionaires was used by ACA to support coverage of people with pre-existing conditions and to pump funds in to Medicare to keep the deductibles low and subsidize RX prices for seniors who end up in donut hole.

Now with the individual mandate and taxes gone, the only way they can afford it is thru higher premiums, higher deductibles and higher copays under Trumpanazee Care/

So to you all Trumpanazee righties here who hated ACA, you have not seen anything yet.

Neither have you....nothing has been passed yet and when it finally is then everyone wins.  

but then again whatever Trump rolls out will be scrutinized by Pelosi and then she will grab the strings and make Schumer talk by sticking her hand up his tight ass.

Posted By: hwy2heaven
The income from people who did not get health insurance and paid the fine + tax increases on millionaires and billionaires was used by ACA to support coverage of people with pre-existing conditions and to pump funds in to Medicare to keep the deductibles low and subsidize RX prices for seniors who end up in donut hole.  
 Now with the individual mandate and taxes gone, the only way they can afford it is thru higher premiums, higher deductibles and higher copays under Trumpanazee Care/  
 So to you all Trumpanazee righties here who hated ACA, you have not seen anything yet.

Why are you and your fake news sources compelled to make additional stuff up, change quotes and remove context in order to put your thumb on the scale?

Try this as an example. I know this picture has no animations or cute little remarks, but you really should examine it. It's got technical content but I'm sure you can handle it.

The picture of the Trump crowd in your link was NOT taken during the inauguration. It was taken well before Trump was speaking, probably 2 or 3 hours before. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you never even examined the photo I posted. Because if you had and STILL assume your present posture it would mean you are COMPLETELY brainwashed; and I think you are too intelligent for that to be the case.

BTW the link to the source of my Trump picture is right there for you as well. You can clearly see Trump speaking and then pan over to ALL those people that are missing in your picture.

My point here is NOT who had the biggest crowd. Obama in 2009 clearly did by far, maybe unclear about 2013. My OP was that the media is COMPELLED to lie even when they don't have to.

Mr.M.Johnson184 reads

Do you know how to read Ed?

  But the side-by-side images of Friday's ceremony alongside the 2009 inauguration of President Barack Obama show a significantly smaller crowd on the National Mall for Trump than for Obama. There is empty ground exposed in the Trump photos. The same spots were almost entirely covered eight years ago, when estimates at the time suggested 1.8 million people attended the inauguration. The images above do not capture people who might have viewed from the west side of the Washington monument. And there are some differences. The grass on the mall is covered in white plastic for Trump's inauguration, but not for Obama's.

YOU responded to MY post. I originally stated and I quote:

"There are so many Trump lies and falsehoods to choose from. . .Why are you and your fake news sources compelled to make additional stuff up, change quotes and remove context in order to put your thumb on the scale?"

The question before you and me is NOT whether Trump or his surrogates lied. I already conceded they did. I conceded this twice, in each of my my posts in this thread.  

The point I made is quite clear. Instead of just proving Trump lied, the media feels compelled to exaggerate and lie themselves. You posted a picture proving the media's lie. The media could not simply tell the truth. They were compelled to shrink Trump's crowd.

I'll give you another chance to EXAMINE the picture from CNN posting from Gigapixel. The MEDIA'S picture shows much empty area that CLEARLY WAS NOT EMPTY during the peak of the inauguration. Much of that empty white tarp was actually filled with people during the speech. The MEDIA'S side by side picture is FAKE on the Trump side.

-- Modified on 3/14/2017 7:05:35 PM

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