Politics and Religion

Re: If you don't believe HuffPo, how about FactCheck.org? The unedited...
DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 581 reads

Posted By: BigPapasan

 BTW, why do Republican groups with a hidden agenda deceive people with innocuous-sounding names like "Center for Medical Progress," "Club for Growth" and "Americans for Prosperity?"  

It's a form of False Cynicism and Hubris successfully employed by early Fascist governments, the idea being to accuse others of doing what they themseves are patently guilty of. In this case, the warmongers who feel no sense of impropriety sending thousands of young people to their deaths at a cost of billions and even trillions of dollars see no problem spending billions of taxpayer dollars to defend an unborn fetus who might one day be able to go kill and die for them.

Or am I just being cynical?

yes, the CMP's Planned Parenthood tapes were cooked! And, several state investigations have not found any wrongdoing. ;)

And PP's own handpicked "expert" report states:

"But the firm also wrote that it is impossible to characterize the extent to which the edits and cuts distort the meaning of the conversations depicted and that there was no “widespread evidence of substantive video manipulation.”

That's a long winded version of saying "we don't know if how they edited changes the meaning of the tapes."

They should be defunded Matt.  

I am sure you wouldn't want your tax money going to a Pro-Life group that is political, right

It stands to reason, a group who lies about who they are to PP, and to their own CMP donors, and the IRS would distort the truth about what they filmed, and chose not to film.  ;)

And its long been a valid method of sting operations to "lie" about who they are Matt.  

Come on bro, you should know that.  

How do you think 60 Minutes got much of their video all these years?  

And numerous other media outlets, yes including Fox, have done the same. Its all legit.

GaGambler645 reads

and that problem does NOT lie on the PP side of the table. These people have been trying to "get something" on PP for years. They remind me of the Ken Starr witch hunt that tried desperately to get "something" on Bill Clinton.

I can "kind" of see where defunding PP due to them being a quasi political organization because of their position on abortion, but if we are going to be fair, churches cross that line with regularity with their anti abortion crusades and their tax exempt status could fund a hundred organizations like PP.

I certainly hope the right doesn't make this the key issue in the race for POTUS, it's not an issue they are going to win on. Unless an outright socialist like Sanders is the nominee, if I get the feeling that the GOP will waste a win in 2016 fighting stupid battles like this one, I will almost certainly vote Dem next year.

GaGambler532 reads

Please notice I said "liked" not "like" I actually liked the way he called out McConnell earlier, but this is too much for me, and this is what will kill the GOP in 2016 if this is the direction they head in.

but it is due to them giving to Hillary and being so tightly aligned with Dems.  

They are clearly a political organization, that spends money on politicians to get what they want, be it funding, or good press, or good PR or whatever.

If they want to do all that fine, go ahead and have them raise all the funds they want from people who agree with them, who believe in their cause, who do so WILLINGLY, but tax money should NOT be going to political organizations and PP clearly is that

GaGambler717 reads

and $1.5 BILLION is a lot of taxpayer money to be squandered on "abstinence only" pseudo religious horseshit.

If Planned Parenthood is to be defunded, I think they should defund every penny of this kind of crap at the very same time.

I am too lazy to look this up, but I can't imagine that many of these programs are still active using your and my tax dollars to promulgate religious dogma that neither of us support. I am with BPS on this, defund them all and the quicker the better.

I think we're on the same page here GaG. I have no problem at all defunding any and all religious based organizations. Separation of Church and State and all that... but I am fairly certain I remember objecting to the line being blurred considerably during GWB's tenure.

I'd also like to see the US stop supporting the UN, and turn that compound into waterfront condos. But thats a pipe dream, I know

...(which righties despise when Obama does them) on January 29, 2001 establishing the Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives to give government money to thumper groups.  It's still around today under Obama.

GaGambler477 reads

I don't really care who gets the blame, I just think ALL of it should be defunded immediately.

and quite frankly, I don't mind at all if PP is the last to be defunded. At least PP does some good. Someone please tell me how these thumper groups do anything positive with the money given to them. The last I checked, preaching to teenagers that condoms won't protect them is hardly a "positive" thing.

...videos show that the Center for Medical Progress edited the undercover videos to make it seem like PP was only interested in profiting from the fetal tissue.

"...the full, unedited video...shows a Planned Parenthood executive repeatedly saying its clinics want to cover their costs, not make money, when donating fetal tissue from abortions for scientific research.
Four experts in the field of human tissue procurement told us the price range discussed in the video — $30 to $100 per patient — represents a reasonable fee. “There’s no way there’s a profit at that price,” said Sherilyn J. Sawyer, the director of Harvard University and Brigham and Women’s Hospital’s “biorepository.”


BTW, why do Republican groups with a hidden agenda deceive people with innocuous-sounding names like "Center for Medical Progress," "Club for Growth" and "Americans for Prosperity?

Posted By: BigPapasan

 BTW, why do Republican groups with a hidden agenda deceive people with innocuous-sounding names like "Center for Medical Progress," "Club for Growth" and "Americans for Prosperity?"  


It's a form of False Cynicism and Hubris successfully employed by early Fascist governments, the idea being to accuse others of doing what they themseves are patently guilty of. In this case, the warmongers who feel no sense of impropriety sending thousands of young people to their deaths at a cost of billions and even trillions of dollars see no problem spending billions of taxpayer dollars to defend an unborn fetus who might one day be able to go kill and die for them.

Or am I just being cynical?

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