Politics and Religion

Re: I think I just figured something out...
NCJimbo 3101 reads
1 / 18

For your entertainment pleasure this Friday evening, the folks at NewsBusters want to introduce you to "The Obama Bumper Sticker Removal Kit."

Did you buy into Hope and Change a few years ago only to now feel embarrassed by what's adorning your wheels?

If so, the folks at AmericanTees.com have a fabulous solution that's not only effective, but also darned funny.

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2010/07/16/introducing-obama-bumper-sticker-removal-kit#ixzz0ttEiROwb

Andrew_Rice_Clay 908 reads
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people still have those pitiful bumper stickers on their cars.
The reality is that they SHOULD be embarrassed and ashamed of themselves.

mookie58 18 Reviews 1386 reads
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Snowman39 712 reads
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I'm not sure if anyone who voted for Obama would be intelligent enough to work a piece of machinery as complex as a scraper....

GaGambler 609 reads
6 / 18

You used the word "work" and Obama voter in the same sentence.

SinsOfTheFlesh See my TER Reviews 1670 reads
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Love the disclaimer "Satisfaction is NOT guaranteed because, well, you've already proven that you don't make very good decisions"

LOL good one

Timbow 769 reads
8 / 18

Good catch and the video was well done :)

Makwa 18 Reviews 1350 reads
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We don't have the reach that the GOP knuckle-draggers have!

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 944 reads
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...the reason why there aren't any funny conservative comedians is because conservatives don't have a sense of humor.

...now this is funny.

mookie58 18 Reviews 866 reads
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The fact that your post is in such poor taste and just plain wrong on several levels indicates what a miserable human being you are.
Sleep tight a-hole.

Snowman39 1948 reads
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Thanks for proving my point Obama voter.

You better go pick up your government welfare check now...

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 820 reads
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to spew your venom and elsewhere.  The people on this board have too much taste and class to put up with your shit.

GaGambler 1761 reads
14 / 18

He expects that fucking check to be delivered. How dare you ask him to waste his valuable time picking it up!!! rofl

Snowman, you obviously have not been properly indoctrinated. lmao

NCJimbo 715 reads
16 / 18

...even Kathy Griffin would not go that low.

-- Modified on 7/18/2010 6:23:15 AM

NCJimbo 748 reads
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Priapus53 1259 reads
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